How to cite:
Meita Selina Istiqomah, Indi Djastuti. (2022). Study of Green Human
Resource Management Implementation on Employees of PT. Telkom
Indonesia Tbk. Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(6): 1.153-1.163
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 6, June, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Meita Selina Istiqomah
, Indi Djastuti
Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University,
Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business,
Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Email: meitaselina9[email protected] ;
May, 26
June, 13
June, 17
The occurrence of global warming and climate change has
caused a commotion around the world, applying the principle
of going green is not something that only has to be done in the
personal environment but must be done anywhere including in
the work environment. Currently, the company provides many
opportunities for employees to implement go green behavior.
From customizing the office lighting system to the type of
office equipment they will choose and use, at least there are
many things they can do to make the office environment more
environmentally friendly. The idea of introducing a go green
initiative into the workplace can seem a little difficult at first.
While it can be difficult trying to figure out where to start,
there are actually many ways that companies can be more
environmentally friendly in the office environment without
major cost implications with long term benefits for both the
company and employees. The application of environmentally
friendly behavior in human resource management is also
called Green Human Resources Management (GHRM). This
study examines a state-owned enterprise (BUMN) engaged in
the information and communication technology (ICT) service
industry, namely PT Telkom Indonesia TBK. This research
focuses on the types of GHRM practices implemented in the
company environment, the factors that encourage companies
to implement GHRM practices, employee understanding of
these practices between generations such as baby boomers,
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gen x, and gen y, efforts and socialization of the company so
that GHRM practices continue. The results found in this study
that there have been several GHRM practices that have been
carried out but for the understanding of the term GHRM it is
not understood by the baby boomers generation. Employees in
this generation are more familiar with the term go green.
Green Human Resource Management, Baby Boomers, Gen
X, Gen Y
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Environmental issues are now increasingly being felt by us, such as global warming,
acid rain, air pollution, climate change, waste disposal, ozone layer depletion, water
pollution, climate change and many more that affect every human, animal, and other living
creature on this earth. Over the past few decades, the exploitation of the planet and
environmental degradation has increased at an alarming rate. Human behavior depends on
the extent to which they care for and preserve the environment. In this 21st century, many
public sectors are showing great interest in taking action on environmental issues around
the world, be it politics, the general public, government or business. They form groups to
deal with environmental issues to achieve a world that is more just, prosperous, and
respectful of the environment (Kakaki, 2013). This is done because human activities leave
traces on the earth and some of the activity they do may be harmful to the environment and
ultimately to mankind itself. No wonder the media is flooded with news and discussions
about environmental issues globally. Given the current situation, apart from economic
problems, organizations must also find ways to deal with reducing their ecological footprint
(Ottelin et al., 2018). This phenomenon can increase awareness in an effort to protect the
earth and the environment from the threat of damage. One of the concepts related to
conservation efforts, which is often known as reforestation or go green.
The idea of introducing a go green initiative into the workplace can seem a little
difficult at first. While it can be difficult trying to figure out where to start, there are actually
many ways that companies can be more environmentally friendly in the office environment
without major cost implications with long term benefits for both the company and
employees. Implementing a few simple changes for a more sustainable green workplace
can be very effective in reducing a business' impact on environmental pollution. The Green
Office includes a model that can be used to build a suitable environmental management
system for the company that allows to reduce the carbon footprint of the workplace and use
natural resources in a sustainable manner. In the industrial world, the concept of going
green began to be known in the 1980s due to various factors such as the environmental
crisis, increasing consumer pressure, organizational demands, and environmental functions
(Heiskanen, 2002). Expanding on this statement, the application of environmentally
friendly behavior in human resource management is also called Green Human Resources
Management (GHRM).
Mampra in (Obaid, 2015) defines GHRM as the use of HR policies to promote
sustainable use of resources in companies and promote environmental preservation by
further enhancing employee morale and satisfaction. Meanwhile, (Opatha & Arulrajah,
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 6, June 2022
2014) argue that GHRM is a side of HR that can change employee behavior to care about
the environment and can help achieve organizational environmental goals which ultimately
make a significant contribution to environmental sustainability. (Renwick, 2018) mention
that human resource management plays an important role in GHRM policies and practices
in organizations through recruitment, selection, training, development, performance
appraisal, rewards, compensation management, and policies, as well as in communicating
values and company, culture. Budhwar and Sparrow (in (Benevene & Buonomo, 2020) say
that environmentally friendly human resource management is emerging as a new field and
competitiveness. Green Human Resources Management is an activity to integrate the
company's environmental management into human resource management. A more detailed
definition of GHRM is described by (Jabbour, 2011) namely as 'greening' of the functional
dimensions of human resource management such as job description and analysis,
recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisal and rewards. Then, (Jabbour et al.,
2010) redefines GHRM as the level of greening of human resource management practices
in terms of the functional and competitive dimensions of HR. (Opatha & Arulrajah, 2014)
view GHRM as all activities involved in the development, implementation, and continuous
maintenance of a system that aims to make the organization's employees 'green'. This is the
side of HR that is concerned with turning employees into caring for the environment to
achieve the organization's environmental goals and ultimately make a significant
contribution to environmental sustainability.
The research was conducted using qualitative methods. This study tries to
investigate the practice of Green Human Resources Management, where the main focus is
the implementation of practices for all employees based on age in the Human Resources
unit and other units such as Legal, Finance, Business Development, and others. Another
focus of this research is to find out how their strategies are to improve implementation and
manage their work environment for better management. Thus, this research is a qualitative
research with the choice of a case study approach, because it wants to be directly involved
in the activities that are being carried out by these employees.
The population in this study are employees who work at PT Telkom Indonesia
Tbk in the Central Java region. There are special criteria for the selected participants,
namely employees of the baby boomer generation aged between 57-60 years, gen-x from
41-56 years old, and gen-y aged 21-40 years. By selecting this age category, it aims to
compare the understanding of employees with the implementation of Green Human
Resources Management. This study also involved employees in other areas as a comparison
of the effectiveness of GHRM Practices. In this study, the sample taken was 10 people in
accordance with research conducted by (Creswell & Creswell, 2017) using a case study
approach which stated that the sample size was between 8 and 12 people. The sample
selection is related to phenomena that occur in the participants' work environment based
on the age categories that have been grouped by this study.
Data analysis method is a method used by researchers to convert research data
into information with the aim that the data can be easily understood by readers and
questions that become research problems can be answered. The data analysis method that
will be used in this research is qualitative data analysis method. According to Miles and
Hubberman (in (Rijali, 2019)), the analysis consists of three streams of activities that occur
simultaneously consisting of data reduction, data presentation, drawing and verification of
conclusions. Data reduction is defined as a selection process by focusing on simplification,
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abstraction and transformation of raw data that emerges from written documents in the
field. Data reduction occurs continuously during qualitative research. Data reduction is part
of the analysis. Data reduction is a form of analysis that functions to filter, classify, direct,
eliminate unnecessary data and organize data in such a way that final conclusions can be
drawn and verified. In the process of presenting or collecting data, researchers will collect
various types of data that are felt to be able to answer various questions or problems that
exist in the study. The last process is verification and drawing conclusions. Verification in
this study aims for information emerging from other data to be verified for its truth, validity
and suitability. This is done so that conclusions can be drawn from the results of data
reduction which refers to the formulation of the problem, the objectives in the research, and
the validity of the data that has been collected.
I. Respondent Profile
This research was conducted at a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) which is engaged
in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) services and
telecommunications networks in Indonesia, namely PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk. This
research was conducted in one of Telkom's operational areas in the province of Central
Java. Based on the results of interviews conducted at the company, there are respondent
profile data as follows:
Interview activities have been successfully carried out in accordance with the
procedures, targets and objectives of the respondents correctly. The names of the
respondents in this study have been secretly disguised by the researchers in order to
maintain the good name of the respondents themselves. Respondents have the right to be
kept confidential (right to privacy), so the names of respondents in this study were
disguised in confidentiality. The meaning of confidentiality is to maintain the
confidentiality of all information obtained from research respondents. Several groups of
data are displayed in the required research results, the data written is in the form of data
that supports the research findings so that the confidentiality of all data and information
collected is guaranteed by the researcher. In qualitative research, hiding the identity and
information of respondents is the responsibility of the researcher that must be obeyed
(Surmiak, 2018). (Creswell, 2014) also emphasize that the identity of respondents must be
kept confidential to protect all stages of research, from site selection and recruitment to
data collection, analysis, and publication.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 6, June 2022
1.1. Implementation of GHRM Practices by PT. Telkom Indonesia
Based on the results of interviews, respondents said that PT Telkom was aware of
the issue of global warming and was known to have promoted the Go Green Action
program since 2019 which was included in one of the national culture agendas. From
August to September 2021 uni Human Capital promoted the Plastic Waste Diet program
which lasted for a month. According to respondents, the results of this program are
considered quite effective, although at the beginning of the program it was difficult to get
used to not carrying plastic bags or using disposable plastic cutlery. In addition to the
programs mentioned above, there are several programs that are also run at PT Telkom
Indonesia. The researcher summarizes the answers from the respondents, namely:
Calendar of Culture Activation (COCA) program in the form of Leader Talk Value,
Movement, Employee Volunteer Program (EVP), HackIdea, Running The
Innovation Incubation, Culture Innovation, Culture Initiative, Culture Story, and
Culture & Employee (Ones & Dilchert, 2012)
Environmental and community innovation competition in the form of an external
program, namely Let's Make Real (ABN).
Telkom Go Paperless, for example using online service notes and double-sided
Cycling to the office (Bike To Work).
Office Building Energy Efficiency (Resource Efficiency).
Some of the examples above are Go Green Action programs that are running at Telkom
Indonesia in the Central Java region. Although not everything is going as stated in the
Circular No. ED.130/PS000/SDM-20/2008 concerning Efficiency Measures in the
Framework of Savings in PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia's environment, respondents said
these programs are quite effective. Programs that cannot be implemented are due to non-
technical factors from each employee such as the lack of sufficient number of organic
human resources, routines, and work priorities.
The GHRM initiative helps companies find alternative ways to cut costs without
losing their best people. Employees can help the company to stay sustainable mainly
through initiatives such as awareness building among employees and conducting training.
Therefore, the support of GHRM practices that result in environmentally friendly
organizations remains an area of emphasis for the success of the program. The following
are GHRM practices implemented within PT Telkom Indonesia:
1) Green Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment is the process of selecting prospective new employees according to
their duties and responsibilities. The term green recruitment was coined by Dr. John
Sullivan (in (Gupta & Gupta, 2013)), he cites “If you want to appear superior in recruiting,
green recruiting is the solution. It's time for companies to do this because a lot of
organizations haven't done it yet.” PT Telkom Indonesia uses electronic media and social
media to advertise job vacancies while in opening the recruitment process, PT Telkom
Indonesia does not accept printed out files, all use online recruitment portals. At this stage,
Telkom uses the concept of paper-free recruitment and carries out all stages of online
recruitment since the Covid-19 pandemic. Weaknesses in the green recruitment stage,
Telkom has not fully emphasized the selection of candidates who are sensitive to
environmental issues. The results of the interview show that the respondents, both those
who work in the human capital union and other universities, said that in order to know and
provide education on environmental issues, the company emphasizes employee awareness
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when they are accepted as employees which will later be channeled through training and
CSR programs.
2) Green Training
Green training is one approach to provide education so that employees are more
aware of the importance of this Go Green Action program running. In the practice of green
training, Telkom conducts webinars for its employees and also holds campaigns in the
office environment as well as promoting it through social media such as Instagram.
Organizing training activities to instill environmentally friendly values and culture,
building an environmentally friendly work culture. Organizing routine training activities
related to environmentally friendly competencies. Respondents from the human capital unit
explained that to carry out green training practices, Telkom appointed several employees
from each unit as culture agents or agents of change. Culture agents are employees of PT
Telkom Indonesia who are given the responsibility to socialize and encourage their
colleagues to change the company culture, therefore culture agents are expected to be able
to understand Telkom's culture action program and be able to adapt to cultural changes to
support the company's vision and mission, as well as obtain information new issues related
to business development and corporate culture (Darmawan & Fadjarajani, 2016)
3) Green CSR
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not a new concept, in recent years the
focus of CSR has shifted not only to labor issues but has even penetrated into environmental
care which is one of the main focuses. According to (Lyon & Maxwell, 2020) more and
more companies are going green and implementing certification standards. This initiative
is then published through the corporate social report. PT Telkom Indonesia published a
sustainability report from 2013 to 2020. In the content of the 2013 Sustainability Report,
Telkom has developed and implemented a strategy to develop marginalized communities
as a form of social responsibility, the purpose of this strategy is to provide 'enlightenment
to the community' by support the prosperity of the community through the implementation
of the three main pillars of CSR activities that are in line with the triple bottom line”
principle, namely:
- Digital Environment
Development, provision and management of telecommunications infrastructure and
various Information and Communication Technology (ICT) facilities to support and
connect all community activities, including environmental conservation activities.
- Digital Society
Support community empowerment through education about the optimal use of ICT
to facilitate people's daily life activities.
- Digital Economy
Development of ICT facilities in various public services used by the community, as
well as support for micro and medium enterprises, especially in the creative industry sector,
related to optimizing the use of ICT.
In this study, the points that will be discussed are the first points related to
environmental conservation, especially in the operational area of Central Java. The
following are some CSR activities for the Central Java Regional Telkom:
- Go Green Smile, which is an activity that expresses Telkom's commitment to
environmental conservation by planting trees or reforestation on the banks of the
Bengawan Solo river (Sustainability Report, 2013).
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 6, June 2022
- Planting 10,000 trees on the slopes of Mount Lawu, Central Java together with the
Central Java Community and Government (Sustainability Report, 2015).
- The #DaurBikinMakmur campaign in Tuksongo Village, Magelang Regency and
Telkom received an Honorable Mention Award in the category of Creating Shared
Value for the Waste to Gold program (Mistriani et al., 2021)
1.2. Factors Encouraging PT. Telkom Indonesia Implements GHRM Practices
GHRM is an HR practice and policy designed in such a way as to promote the
sustainable use of resources in business to make the company look environmentally
friendly and promote sustainability practices to maintain a healthier environment by
increasing employee awareness and commitment to sustainability issues (Ahmad, 2015).
GHRM initiatives can be an important factor in a company's forward thinking.
Environmentally friendly HR initiatives help companies find alternative ways to cut costs
without losing talent, important resources, etc. (Goyal et al., 2014). To realize this practice,
factors are needed that can encourage this activity. The author has summarized several
respondents' answers regarding the factors that encourage GHRM to be implemented,
Application of technology in the field of HR.
Awareness of the need to protect the environment.
Build a good reputation for the company.
Can save energy.
Increase product sales.
Adequate number of human resources.
Based on the factors mentioned above, it can be concluded that the practice of GHRM
can provide a boost to the company and employees both for the company's image and the
sustainability of the company. Creating corporate sustainability is a big goal that requires
everyone involved. Becoming a company that supports going green is a smart business
strategy that brings many rewards, from higher revenue to market share. Promoting that
companies care about the environment using online forums, social media, and websites
will benefit the company's image.
1.3. Employee Understanding of PT. Telkom Indonesia Against GHRM Practices in
Three Generations of Employees (Gen Y, Gen X, and Baby Boomers)
Currently, many companies have shown their concern and awareness in reducing
their environmental footprint in their operational activities. An organizational environment
sustainability is defined as an organization that operates in such a way that the needs of
current employees, decision makers and stakeholders are met without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Mesmer-Magnus et al., 2012). More
and more organizations are realizing that interventions towards this goal need to consider
organizational members to achieve environmental sustainability ((Ones & Dilchert, 2012).
A survey from the Society for Human Resource Management (2011) showed that nearly
two-thirds of the organizations studied were involved in some type of environmental
sustainability initiative and about half had a formal policy addressing workplace
sustainability. When creating green jobs and changing existing job performance, these
changes also require employees in all occupations to exhibit behaviors that contribute to
the organization's triple bottom line environmental performance must be firmly embedded
into individual and organizational behavior to achieve sustainable business success
(Tripodi et al., 2019)
(Twenge et al., 2012) argue that employee green behavior (EGB) can be part of any
job performance dimension and may or may not be required, depending on the nature of
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Study of Green Human Resource Management Implementation on Employees of PT.
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the job. Of course, there are differences in the EGB of each individual employee. One of
the factors that can differentiate is age. There is a stereotype that indicates that older
individuals are less concerned about the environment than younger ones (Irvine, 2012).
Another stereotype states that older workers are often perceived as workers who are
inflexible, unwilling to adopt new habits, and unable to learn new skills (DiPaola et al.,
2004). This age-related stereotype is a major concern of many organizations that an aging
workforce will adversely affect the organization's environmental sustainability goals.
Based on the interview excerpt above, it can be concluded that employees of the
baby boomers generation do not know about GHRM practices but they understand the term
go green. This is due to the relatively new concept of GHRM, the educational background
of employees, and the history of employees in previous units. Whereas in generation X,
employees tend to understand GHRM practices through various scopes such as family, go
green programs from the office, and surfing the internet. In addition, for Generation Y
employees, employees know about GHRM practices through training and the living
environment before working at Telkom. The level of awareness of Telkom employees of
various ages is quite high, although some do not know the term GHRM. The effect of
training and seminar results is significant on employee awareness. Training and seminars
help improve the skills, abilities and knowledge of employees to deal with environmental
issues. In addition, training and seminars shape employee thinking and lead to quality
1.4. Socialization and Efforts of PT. Telkom Indonesia Against GHRM Practices
Socialization is defined as the process by which an individual acquires the
knowledge and social skills necessary to take on organizational roles (van der Watt, 2019).
According to (Kibar et al., 2014) socialization is the process by which individuals learn and
internalize cultural norms, codes, and values. From the definition mentioned, it is important
for companies to provide socialization to all employees to make their job transitions so that
they can reduce stress and be more successful, this will result in adjustments especially for
new employees so that they can learn faster, reduce employee turnover and better
performance (Batistic, 2015). The result of outreach results in cost savings for the company
by reducing the investment required in outreach. To complete the socialization activities,
efforts are needed so that the company's programs can run smoothly. According to the
KBBI, effort is an effort to achieve a goal, solve problems, find solutions, and so on.
(Sardjono et al., 2017) in the KBBI is an attempt to convey something or a goal. (Massin,
2017) assumes that effort is an activity that is directed at a goal. So it can be concluded that
the organization's efforts to achieve larger goals such as environmental sustainability are
also a source of strategic advantage. Therefore, GHRM as part of an organizational
sustainability initiative, requires the ability and motivation of employees (Jackson et al.,
With the increasing awareness of employees on global warming, industrial waste,
use of plastics, air pollution, and smog has given the idea to companies to engage in
sustainable corporate social responsibility by using organizational functions such as
GHRM. The company's HR unit must encourage and promote sustainable practices and
increase employee awareness by providing socialization and efforts to keep GHRM
practices running and achieving goals. The following is the socialization and efforts made
by PT Telkom Indonesia to maintain an environmentally friendly office environment taken
from respondent interviews:
- Provide sharing forums and discussions about caring for the environment every month.
PT Telkom always holds a Digismart Sharing Session agenda and invites speakers from
outside to add insight to employees. In addition, by holding this routine every month,
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 6, June 2022
the company can promote consistent and repeatable practices that employees can easily
- PT Telkom appoints employees in each unit to become culture agents who have the
passion to continuously improve work culture in the office by holding workshops,
movements, Digismart, and way of working activities that are interactive, collaborative,
sustainable, and have a positive impact.
- Holding social project competitions that have an impact on the fostered villages
developed by Telkom which are located in various regions in Indonesia. In 2021, the
Telkom Group will hold an ABN (Let's Make it Real) competition which is intended
for all companies and education sectors that are members of Telkom. This competition
is held in the form of a team which is divided into several categories, one of which is
the category of environmental conservation. If the team wins, they will get funding to
the location of the assisted village program.
- PT Telkom continues to promote the paperless office or the concept of a paperless office
and replace it by making applications.
- In addition, Telkom also applies the 3R principle (Recycle, Reuse, Reduce) in the
management and use of water recycling, promotion of healthy culture, and "Earth Hour"
activities in accordance with the concept promoted by the World Wild Fund (WWF).
Within the company, the Human Capital unit, which is responsible for being a culture
agent, distributes campaign posters and stickers to remind employees to always save
electricity and use plastic.
This research on GHRM practices yielded several findings. The application of
GHRM practices is not a new activity in the office environment, because employees
especially those working in the HR unit understand the issue of global warming and the
concept of going green even though they do not understand the term Green Human
Resource Management. From the research that has been done, it can be concluded that there
are several GHRM practices, namely green recruitment and selection, green training, and
green CSR. In addition, many of the company's operational activities have emphasized
green concepts such as paperless, plastic diets, relying on technology and applications for
operational activities, saving energy, and others. The practice of GHRM is not a new
concept even though some employees are still not used to implementing it in the company
environment, therefore PT Telkom Indonesia held several programs, one of which is the
“Plastic Diet” for a period of 2 months with the aim that employees can adapt to living free
from plastic waste. In this study, it is known several factors that encourage GHRM practices
such as the application of technology in the HR field, awareness of the employees
themselves, to build a good reputation for the company, to save energy, to increase product
sales, and an adequate number of human resources.
Of the respondents studied in this study, they have their own understanding and
perception of GHRM practices. Not all employees, especially in the HR unit, know the
term GHRM, but they know the concept of going green as well as employees in the baby
boomers generation. In Generation X employees, they tend to know about GHRM practices
from environmental conservation programs, web browsing, and from outside the office
environment. Meanwhile, Generation Y employees, they tend to be familiar with GHRM
practices through the previous company environment, training, seminars, and have been
successfully applied in daily life. Problems such as lack of knowledge about GHRM
practices and their implementation lead to changing new habits of employees in the office
to be more environmentally friendly.
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PT Telkom Indonesia has several efforts to keep GHRM practices running. First,
every month the company always holds an agenda of seminars and discussion forums, one
of which is the theme of going green to always motivate employees to care more about
their environment. Second, the company appointed several employees as culture agents or
change agents who were given the responsibility to socialize cultural changes in the
company. Third, PT Telkom Indonesia activates the paperless office by creating
applications such as official notes and online reports. Fourth, PT Telkom Indonesia uses
3R principles in the management and use of water recycling, promotion of healthy culture,
and "Earth Hour" activities in accordance with the concept promoted by the World Wild
Fund (WWF). Fifth, PT Telkom Indonesia held a social project competition in its target
villages which was divided into several categories, one of which was environmental
conservation. Thus, the implementation of GHRM practices has been applied effectively
to the company because PT Telkom Indonesia has good work facilities and adequate quality
of human resources.
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