Dewi Andriani
Reward System Analysis on Employee Performance Improvement 1.103
started since the issuance of Presidential Decree Number 7 of 1999 concerning
Performance Accountability of Government Agencies (Pamungkas, 2012).
Human resource management is a field of management that specializes in the study
of relationships and roles in organizations (Yusuf & Al Arif, 2015). This is because human
resource management regulates the workforce in an organization to achieve organizational
goals and employee job satisfaction. Human resource management can also produce good
performance in the company through assessment, and provide remuneration to each
member of the organization according to work ability (Daya, 1996)
Rewards is a set of policy systems developed by organizations to reward employees
for their business value, skills, abilities and accountability to the organization. Rewards can
be in the form of providing incentives to employees (Ria, 2018)
According to (Rachmawati, 2021), incentives are: "a form of performance-related
payment that acts as profit sharing for employees". Meanwhile, according to (Iqram, 2019),
incentives are compensation plans that link compensation with productivity. Motivation
will increase employee motivation, strive to achieve the goals that have been set, employee
job satisfaction, increase employee productivity, maintain employee loyalty and stability,
improve employee discipline, create a good working atmosphere and relationship, increase
employee creativity and engagement, and increase benefits and improve employee
Performance is the result of work done by employees. According to Mangkunegara,
performance is the result of the quality and quantity of work achieved by an employee
while carrying out the tasks assigned to the employee (Fachrezi & Khair, 2020)
(Nurusshobakh, 2017) showed in a study that offering incentives affects employee
performance. Talking about a performance, of course, cannot be separated from the
productivity of HR (human resources). However, currently the reward system through
incentives is only applied in a few companies. Based on the context of the problem that has
been described, the authors believe it is important to focus on the factors that affect
employee performance.
The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The
type of data used in this research is qualitative data, which is divided into primary data and
secondary data. Sources of data obtained through library research techniques that refer to
resources available online and offline, such as: scientific journals, books, and news from
trusted sources. These sources are gathered from discussions and links from one message
to another. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews and
research. Analyze data and draw conclusions.
A. Rewards
1. Understanding Rewards
According to Handoko (2011: 55), the award is a form of appreciation for efforts to
obtain professional workers in accordance with the requirements of the position, and a
balanced coaching is needed, namely efforts to plan, organize, use and maintain the
workforce. in order to carry out tasks effectively and efficiently (Mora et al., 2019).
2. Function and Purpose of Reward
According to (Anwar, 2021), some of the bonus functions are as follows:
a. Get more motivated and push yourself to make it happen.
b. Give a sign to a stronger man.