How to cite:
Dewi Andriani. (2022). Reward System Analysis on Employee
Performance Improvement. Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(6): 1.102-1.107
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 6, June, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Dewi Andriani
Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo, Indonesia
May, 26
June, 13
June, 17
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of giving
rewards that are not evenly distributed. The purpose of this
study is to analyze the importance of the reward system in
improving employee performance. This research uses a
qualitative method with a literature review approach. The
results of this study indicate that one form of reward is the
provision of incentives. Incentives will enhance employee
motivation in an effort to achieve the goal of improving
performance. Motivation is an indicator that affects
performance because it is an important driver that causes
people to work is the need that must be met. Thus, through a
reward system in the form of incentives, it can generate
employee work motivation, where motivation is the main
factor in improving employee performance so as to increase
employee productivity and welfare.
Rewards, Performance, Employees
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Starting in the 1990s, a new paradigm emerged, commonly known as the New Public
Management/NPM (Akbar, 2015). The emergence of this paradigm is the result of sharp
criticism directed at public sector organizations, which are often ineffective, ineffective,
always losing money, poor quality, and poor innovation and creativity. NPM focuses on
performance-oriented rather than policy-oriented public sector management. As a country
that also wants to improve, Indonesia is trying to implement the NPM paradigm, although
it is pessimistic about its ability to implement it (Simbolon, 2016). In Indonesia itself, the
implementation of performance management in public sector organizations has actually
Dewi Andriani
Reward System Analysis on Employee Performance Improvement 1.103
started since the issuance of Presidential Decree Number 7 of 1999 concerning
Performance Accountability of Government Agencies (Pamungkas, 2012).
Human resource management is a field of management that specializes in the study
of relationships and roles in organizations (Yusuf & Al Arif, 2015). This is because human
resource management regulates the workforce in an organization to achieve organizational
goals and employee job satisfaction. Human resource management can also produce good
performance in the company through assessment, and provide remuneration to each
member of the organization according to work ability (Daya, 1996)
Rewards is a set of policy systems developed by organizations to reward employees
for their business value, skills, abilities and accountability to the organization. Rewards can
be in the form of providing incentives to employees (Ria, 2018)
According to (Rachmawati, 2021), incentives are: "a form of performance-related
payment that acts as profit sharing for employees". Meanwhile, according to (Iqram, 2019),
incentives are compensation plans that link compensation with productivity. Motivation
will increase employee motivation, strive to achieve the goals that have been set, employee
job satisfaction, increase employee productivity, maintain employee loyalty and stability,
improve employee discipline, create a good working atmosphere and relationship, increase
employee creativity and engagement, and increase benefits and improve employee
Performance is the result of work done by employees. According to Mangkunegara,
performance is the result of the quality and quantity of work achieved by an employee
while carrying out the tasks assigned to the employee (Fachrezi & Khair, 2020)
(Nurusshobakh, 2017) showed in a study that offering incentives affects employee
performance. Talking about a performance, of course, cannot be separated from the
productivity of HR (human resources). However, currently the reward system through
incentives is only applied in a few companies. Based on the context of the problem that has
been described, the authors believe it is important to focus on the factors that affect
employee performance.
The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The
type of data used in this research is qualitative data, which is divided into primary data and
secondary data. Sources of data obtained through library research techniques that refer to
resources available online and offline, such as: scientific journals, books, and news from
trusted sources. These sources are gathered from discussions and links from one message
to another. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews and
research. Analyze data and draw conclusions.
A. Rewards
1. Understanding Rewards
According to Handoko (2011: 55), the award is a form of appreciation for efforts to
obtain professional workers in accordance with the requirements of the position, and a
balanced coaching is needed, namely efforts to plan, organize, use and maintain the
workforce. in order to carry out tasks effectively and efficiently (Mora et al., 2019).
2. Function and Purpose of Reward
According to (Anwar, 2021), some of the bonus functions are as follows:
a. Get more motivated and push yourself to make it happen.
b. Give a sign to a stronger man.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 6, June 2022
c. Universal.
In accordance with the purpose of giving gifts, the purposes of giving gifts are as
follows (Prambudi, 2021):
a. Attracting (stimulating) someone to want to join the company.
b. Retain existing employees to continue working with the company.
c. Provide more encouragement to retain employees. To achieve the desired
company goals, the reward function must be carried out before the deviation occurs, so that
it is more preventive in nature than the reward action that occurs after the deviation.
Therefore, the purpose of giving rewards is to keep the results of implementing activities
in accordance with the original plan, and actually implementing the rules and instructions
that have been set, because a good reward will create a reward goal.
3. Reward Indicator
According to (Darwis, n.d.) the main indicators of the reward system consist of the
following elements:
a. Incentive
In this case, incentives are a very important component of employee rewards,
including additional financial compensation in the form of bonuses and stock awards (stock
options or stock grants). Rewards for high performance can be given in the form of
incentives or issuance of shares to employees.
b. Well-being
Benefits can be measured by value. The organization offers various employee benefit
programs as incentives for work performance, such as: benefits, including employment
benefits, structural benefits, health benefits, children's education benefits, family benefits,
and old-age benefits. Official vehicles, private drivers, official residences and other work
facilities. Spiritual benefits such as entertainment, holidays, worship packages, etc.
c. Career development
Career development is the prospect of future performance. Career development is
important for employees who perform satisfactorily, so that employees are more valuable
and able to provide better performance in the future. Career development gives excellent
employees the opportunity to learn and improve their knowledge, skills and expertise.
d. Psychological rewards
Psychological rewards are critical to employee value, although they are difficult to
measure. Good psychology can generate motivation and affect employee performance, and
psychological rewards include giving trust, recognition, and praise.
B. Performance
1. Understanding Performance
There are various definitions according to experts related to employee performance.
(Oktaviani & Darmo, 2017) defines performance as the result of work carried out by
individuals or groups, such as work standards, goals set by normative guidelines over a
certain period of time, standard operating procedures, standards, and defined functions. Or
apply or apply to companies. Meanwhile, (Wibowo, 2013) argues that performance is a
real behavior shown by everyone, and is a work achievement produced by employees
according to their role in the company.
Therefore, performance can be said to measure a series of work results contributed
by an employee, comparing the effort and time expended with the results achieved by the
goals previously set by the company leadership.
Reward System Analysis on Employee Performance Improvement 1.105
2. Performance Indicators
According to Bangun (2012:233) an employee's performance appraisal, his work
standards must be clearly measured and understood through:
a. Number of jobs
The amount of work produced by an individual or group as a standard of work. Every
job has different requirements and therefore requires employees to fulfill these
requirements with the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities.
b. Quality of work
Every employee in a company must meet certain requirements to produce work of
the quality required for a particular job. Every job has certain quality standards that
employees must conform to. If the employee is able to do his job in accordance with the
quality requirements demanded by the job, then his performance is good.
c. Punctuality
Certain types of work must be completed on time because they depend on other jobs.
Thus, if one part of the work is not completed on time, it will hamper the work of the other
part, thus affecting the quantity and quality profession.
d. Presence
Certain types of work require employees to work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.
Employee performance depends on the level of employee attendance.
e. Cooperation ability
For some types of work, two or more employees may be required to make
adjustments, thus requiring cooperation between employees.
3. Factors Affecting Performance
According to Handoko (2001: 193), the factors that affect performance are:
a. Motivation
An important driver that drives people to work is a need that must be met. These
needs are related to human nature to get the best results at work.
b. Job satisfaction
Job satisfaction reflects how a person feels about his job. This can be seen from the
positive attitude that employees have towards their work and everything they face in the
work environment.
c. Stress level
Stress is a state of tension that affects emotions, thought processes, and the current
situation. Excessive stress can interfere with job performance by threatening a person's
ability to deal with the environment.
d. Working conditions
The operating conditions that can affect performance are the workplace, ventilation
and lighting of the workplace.
C. The relationship of giving rewards to employee performance
According to Mahmudi (2012: 187) the main indicator of the reward system. One
form of reward is the provision of incentives. Incentives are a very important reward
component for employees in this case including additional financial compensation in the
form of bonuses and the provision of shares (stock options or stock grants). Rewards for
high performance can be given in the form of incentives or giving shares to employees.
Incentives will increase employee motivation in an effort to achieve the goals that
have been set, employee job satisfaction, increase employee productivity, maintain
employee loyalty and stability, increase employee discipline, create a good working
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 6, June 2022
atmosphere and relationship, increase employee creativity and participation, improve
welfare employees, enhancing the employee's sense of responsibility towards their duties.
Motivation is an indicator that affects performance because it is an important driver
that causes people to work is the need that must be met. These needs are related to human
nature to get the best results in their work.
Thus, through a reward system in the form of incentives, it can generate employee
work motivation, where motivation is the main factor in improving employee performance
so as to increase employee productivity and welfare.
This research conclude that one form of reward is the provision of incentives.
Incentives will enhance employee motivation in an effort to achieve the goal of improving
performance. Motivation is an indicator that affects performance because it is an important
driver that causes people to work is the need that must be met. Thus, through a reward
system in the form of incentives, it can generate employee work motivation, where
motivation is the main factor in improving employee performance so as to increase
employee productivity and welfare.
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