Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 6, June 2022
accordance with the global standard ISO 8217 and creating market awareness about the
readiness of the bunker business in Indonesia (Guo, 2017). In choosing the best segments
and designing strategies for profitably serving chosen segments, this research uses a
customer-driven marketing strategy (Ifediora, Igwe, & Ukpere, 2015). The proposed
segmenting, targeting, and positioning are as follows:
1. Segmentation: Ocean-going vessels who are doing activity in Indonesian territory:
container, Bulk Carrier, Cargo, Tanker, and Cruise ships.
2. Target: Ocean-going vessels who are doing activities (cargo load/unload, transfer)
in the port of Jakarta, Surabaya, Balikpapan, Merak, and anchorage of Taboneo,
Muara Berau, and Nipa and they need fuel for the bunker.
3. Differentiation: Country that has a wide coverage area of product supply point
4. Positioning: New alternative of competitive bunker hub in the Asia Pacific
Based on the interview findings and observation of the current competitiveness of
the ocean-going bunker business in Indonesia, the researcher proposes a marketing mix as
1. Product: Provide the customer with a regular test of the LSFO product with ISO
parameter that meets ISO 9217 parameters, even though the government does not
regulate it. Indonesia.
2. Price: Reduce the vat (value-added tax) component in the fuel price negotiate
transportation costs with mobile bunker agents, particularly in the Balikpapan area,
at 20% off the current rate.
3. Place: Relocate the LSFO supply point by removing LSFO products from Ambon,
Makassar, and Panjang and creating availability in Nipa / Batam, Tanjung Gerem,
Taboneo, and Muara Berau.
4. Promotion: Apply a marketing communication mix that focuses on increasing
ocean-going market awareness about the competitiveness of doing bunkers in
Indonesia and collaborating with global traders for broader market penetration.
5. People: Develop salesperson and operational team capabilities regarding bunker
business and operations according to global standards
6. Process: Improve the speed and accuracy, by upgrading the pumping rate of the
barge and applying mass flow meters as measurement tools to avoid the quantity
7. Physical evidence: Improve the reliability of supporting infrastructure for ocean-
going bunker services such as floating storage facilities, pumping rates, and
Based on the discussion in the previous chapters, the following are the conclusions
to answer the research questions.
1. Indonesia’s current competitive advantage in facing the competition in the ocean-
going bunker market in the Asia-Pacific region:
a. The level of competition in the ocean-going bunker business in the Asia
Pacific market is relatively high.
b. Indonesia’s competitive advantage is the existence of a product supply point
with broad coverage.
c. The 7P marketing mix parameters that are not yet competitive with other