How to cite:
James Thoengsal, Miswar Tumpu. (2022). Ideal Factor Analysis of
Implementation Management Due to Waste Material of Building
Construction Materials on Contractor Projects In Indonesia. Journal
Eduvest. Vol 2(6): 1.081-1.088
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 6, June, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
James Thoengsal
, Miswar Tumpu
Assistant Professor Department Civil Engineering, University of
TechnologySulawesi, Indonesia
Assistant Professor Disaster Management Graduate School Hasanuddin
University, Indonesia
Email:, tumpumis[email protected]
May, 26
June, 8
June, 11
The implementation of building construction projects cannot
be separated from the problem of wasting costs, which is one
of the contributing factors due to the emergence of residual
materials during the construction process. The purpose of this
study is to identify and analyze the ideal indicators in the
application of construction material waste management in an
effort to reduce the impact of cost inefficiency due to the of
waste material so far, which in this study is viewed from the
point of view of the parties involved in the building project. The
results obtained from this study are that the ideal factor for
implementing the ideal construction material waste
management. Where at the planning/design stage, the most
priority variable category is the Selection of Low Waste
Materials, then at the procurement stage, namely the
Estimation and Ordering of Material Volume and at the
construction stage, namely the category Management
Commitment category variables. The direction of research
development is in the form of developing the concept of an
ideal building construction material waste management
model that can be applied by the construction operator, in this
case addressed to the contractor, planning consultant and
material supplier in an effort to reduce the impact of
James Thoengsal, Miswar Tumpu
Ideal Factor Analysis of Implementation Management Due to Waste Material of
Building Construction Materials on Contractor Projects In Indonesia 1.082
inefficiency in material costs during the construction process in
Management, waste, materials, building, Contractor
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The process of increasing construction development activities in Indonesia,
especially in the City of Indonesia, is increasing from year to year, of course, it requires a
lot of resources in the form of money, labor, equipment, methods and, most importantly,
material resources. Seeing the reality of the problems in building projects in the field,
namely the management of waste material management that is not optimal by each
stakeholder which in the end often results in residual material if traced throughout the life
cycle of a building and its impact on environmental, cost and social aspects. The State of
Indonesia is a developing country in recent years, especially in the City of Indonesia which
is located in the eastern part of Indonesia, so that in carrying out economic, trade, business
and government activities it is necessary to provide supporting facilities and infrastructure
such as the construction of buildings. The current construction of the building leads to the
development of vertical and horizontal wide spans, this is due to the need for human
activities that continue to increase so that it requires a lot of building facilities. The increase
in building construction in Indonesia, especially in big cities such as Indonesia, is
increasing from year to year. The reality so far is that most of the implementation of
construction material waste management at the planning stage to implementation is still
low and not optimal, especially for private contractors compared to contractors [5,8].).
Previous studies have generally focused more on the identification phase of construction
material waste, but there are still very few research references in Indonesia that examine
the potential for implementing building material waste management in reducing the impact
of cost inefficiency during construction. The existence of data sources from previous
studies that show the impact of cost inefficiency due to the emergence of residual materials
during the building construction process due to the lack of application of waste
management. The proportion of material costs is around 40-60% of the total project cost
[10,12]. Where the proportion of overuncost contributions due to the emergence of residual
materials during the construction of buildings ranges from 3 to 135) %. The purpose of this
research is to identify the ideal material waste management concept in an effort to reduce
the cost inefficiency of building construction projects [1,3].
Management of waste material management is the responsibility of each
construction operator, starting from planners, implementers, suppliers, supervisors and
building owners. Poor management certainly has an effect on the generation of material
waste. The occurrence of construction material waste can be caused by one or a
combination of several sources and causes. Distinguish sources of construction material
waste into six categories: design-planning; procurement of materials; material handling;
implementation; residuals; others. The results of the research [3,7,8] in the Netherlands,
concluded the sources and causes of construction material waste based on the categories of
causes of waste material that have been made [7], construction waste management
encompasses the collection, transportation, storage, treatment, recovery and disposal of
waste and is defined as a comprehensive, integrated, and rational systems approach to
achieving and maintaining environmental quality and supporting sustainable development
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 6, June 2022
The European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET) [2,6]
defines waste management as 'a strategic document designed to achieve the objectives of
waste management and waste prevention and recovery' in addition to health and
environmental impacts. Some significant effects on stakeholders and the project life cycle
in generating construction material waste according to the European Commission Join
Research Center Institute of Environment and Sustainability. Impact of Residual
Construction Materials The impact of the resulting waste material has an effect on several
aspects. From several literature studies, 3 (three) categories of waste material impacts have
been identified, including environmental, social and cost aspects [1]. Several references to
factors that cause a negative impact on the cost aspect of the results of construction material
Positive Potential Implementation of Construction Material Waste Management The
implementation of construction material waste management has become a standard that
must be applied by every stakeholder in an effort to reduce the impact. The potential
application of construction material waste management will have a significant positive
impact if it is carried out simultaneously and sustainably, especially in the type of building
project. The positive potential in implementation will certainly have an effect on
environmental, social and cost aspects. Several references to factors that have the potential
to be positive in reducing the impact on the cost spec. Construction Material Waste
Management Lifecycle Management The design and planning phases of planning provide
the best opportunity to prevent the generation of construction material waste [4,11], as
shown in the opportunity curve to minimize the impact of construction waste generation.
Opportunities still exist during the procurement, construction, operational and end-use
stages but the greatest impacts are generally made during the early planning stages. The
level of potential reduction of construction material waste has been investigated by Innes
[9], who suggested that 33% of all material waste on construction sites is due to failure to
implement measures [2, 5,9].
Types of research conducted in the form of survey research with a descriptive
method by conducting a study by making a study of the identification of variables from the
ideal/effective model concept so that it can be used in predicting the effect of waste
management management in an effort to reduce the impact of cost inefficiency due to the
emergence of residual material during the process of building construction in Indonesia.
Respondents in this study were contractors as main contractors, planning
consultants/supervisors, sub-contractors, several material suppliers involved in the building
construction process and several academics/associations who are experts in the field of
construction waste.
Time the research was carried out for 3 (three) months after this research was
approved to be carried out) and then the research location was planned to be carried out on
several ongoing building projects and buildings that have been completed and those that
are in progress which in this case is carried out by the contractor and research case studies
were conducted in an Indonesian city.
Data types and sources the types and sources of data used in this study consisted of
primary data and secondary data with the following explanation primary data In this study,
it was obtained in the field through questionnaires, observations, documentation and
interviews with parties who understand the topic under study, including planning
consultants, implementing contractors, material suppliers and academics/associations, as
James Thoengsal, Miswar Tumpu
Ideal Factor Analysis of Implementation Management Due to Waste Material of
Building Construction Materials on Contractor Projects In Indonesia 1.084
well as observation data obtained from periodic independent observations on all project
locations that have been determined during the research survey. Secondary data In this
study, it was obtained through the results of library research in the form of journals,
reference books, journals, internet sites and other supporting documents that were accurate
and relevant to the study material [5,9,11].
Population and sample the type of population in this study is purposive / saturated
population or in other words the number of population is limited consisting of contractors
as main contractors, sub contractors, planning consultants and supervisors as well as several
material suppliers involved in the project. The research sample is architects and engineers
from the planning consultant, implementing supervision, both project managers, quantity
surveyors and quality surveyors at contracting companies who understand the problem
being researched at the project study location that has been determined and several
academics/associations who are experts in the field of construction waste. The sample was
selected using a purposive sampling technique, namely the selection of a sample that was
tailored to the needs. The sample technique used is the Slovin method with the following
……………………………… (1)
N: Number of samples
e: 95% precision level sig= 0.05 1.5.
Research Measure Variables The concept of the research model consists of
measuring variables consisting of 20 categorical variables and 133 sub-categories of
measuring variables. Where the main variables consist of the Design Phase consisting of:
Design Process, Modern Design Concepts, Design Standards, Material Selection, Design
Feasibility, Consultant Competence, Procurement Phase consists of: Budget, Purchase of
Materials and Contracts and Construction Phase consists of: Application of reused
materials, Fabrication Materials, Worker Competence, Management, Supervision, Policy,
Storage, Methods, Field Handling and Shipping Handling. Meanwhile, the cost impact
variable consists of construction financial costs and construction material waste
management implementation cost.
Population and Sample From the results of the sample recapitulation in Figure 1. it
is shown that the type of population in this study is purposive / saturated population or in
other words the population is limited consisting of contractors as main contractors, sub-
contractors, planning consultants and supervisors, several material suppliers who involved
in the project as well as several academics/associations who are experts in the field of
construction waste. From the results of the analysis, the minimum number of samples
allowed is ~ 95 samples.
1 Ne
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 6, June 2022
Figure 1. Proportion of the number of samples of research respondents
So that based on the type of population that is limited, the number of samples in this
study was taken in total based on the number of research in the field which amounted to
125 samples of respondents. Where in detail can be described as follows, where the total
proportion of contractors is 67%, sub-contractors 16%, consultants 7%, material suppliers
6% and academics 4%:
Analysis of Implementation Level Design Phase From the results of the initial data
processing of the questionnaire results, it was found that the level of participation of
respondents' opinions on the priority/importance level of the implementation of the sub-
variables showed a fairly optimistic level where the average rage ranged from 4.2 to 4.8.
Where the lowest level is 1 = with a scale of very unimportant to apply, a scale of 2 = not
important, a scale of 3 = not too important, a scale of 4 = important and a scale of 5 = very
Figure 2. Level of Implementation of Category Variables Planning Stage
From the results of data processing in Figure 2. it is obtained that the level of
implementation level on the variables. The research category in the Design Phase includes
the Low Waste Material Selection Category which has an implementation level that is quite
James Thoengsal, Miswar Tumpu
Ideal Factor Analysis of Implementation Management Due to Waste Material of
Building Construction Materials on Contractor Projects In Indonesia 1.086
important to be applied with a level of 4.83 in reducing the impact of cost inefficiency. due
to the emergence of residual building construction materials, then Planner Competence
with level 4.72, Pre-Design with level 4.64, Design & Regulatory Standards with level
4.61, Design Planning with level 4.58 and Sustainable Design Concepts with level 4, 29.
The results of the analysis also provide a fairly logical perspective on the part of planning
practitioners/consultants at the planning stage where with good planner/consultant
competence it can be the main reference in producing optimal and accurate planning
designs in the implementation process later so as to avoid (Preventive) the emergence of
wastage of costs/cost inefficiencies resulting from the emergence of residual materials
during the building construction process.
Analysis of the Implementation Level of the Procurement Phase From the results of
the initial data processing of the questionnaire results, it was found that the level of
participation of respondents' opinions on the priority/importance level of the
implementation of the sub-variables showed a fairly optimistic level where the average rage
ranged from 4.2 to 4.8. Where the lowest level is 1 = with a scale of very unimportant to
apply, a scale of 2 = not important, a scale of 3 = not too important, a scale of 4 = important
and a scale of 5 = very important. From the results of data processing in Figure 3. it is
obtained that the level of implementation level on the variable.
Figure 3. Level of Category Variable Implementation Procurement Stage
The research category in the Procurement Phase includes the Estimation and
Ordering of Material Volume categories which have an implementation level that is quite
important to be applied with a level of 4.79 in reducing the impact of deficiency. costs due
to the emergence of residual building construction materials, then Supplier Selection with
a level of 4.74, Contract Planning with a level of 4.64, and Budget Planning with a level of
3.9. This shows that in the actual field, the aspects of calculating the volume and ordering
materials at the procurement stage have a significant influence on the emergence of residual
materials in the field during the construction period. Therefore, the construction operator,
in this case specifically the implementing contractor, must pay more attention to the aspect
of calculating the volume of the planned work accurately in order to avoid and reduce the
impact of the emergence of residual materials during construction.
Analysis of Implementation Level Implementation Phase (Construction Phase) From
the results of the initial data processing of the questionnaire results, it was found that the
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 6, June 2022
level of participation of respondents' opinions on the priority/importance level of the
implementation of the sub-variables showed a fairly optimistic level where the average rage
ranged from 4.2 to 4.8. Where the lowest level is 1 = with a scale of very unimportant to
apply, a scale of 2 = not important, a scale of 3 = not too important, a scale of 4 = important
and a scale of 5 = very important. From the results of data processing in Figure 4. it is
obtained that the level of implementation priority level is the highest variable in the
research category in the Construction Phase, namely the Management Commitment
Category with level 4.8 in reducing the impact of cost deficiency due to the emergence of
residual building construction materials, then Work Methods and Material Handling in the
Field (On Site Handling) with level 4.76, Material Storage Handling (Storage Handling)
with level 4.74, Delivery Handling with level 4.64, Regulations with level 4, 66,
Supervision with a level of 4.65, Worker Competence with a level of 4.5, Material Reuse
with a level of 4.48 and Application of Fabricated Materials with a level of 4.27. This is
empirically proven in the field where it shows that the implementation of a comprehensive
waste management implementation begins with a management commitment by the
construction operator, especially the contractor, this is because the consistency of
management commitment by the implementer is believed to have been able to reduce the
impact of cost inefficiency due to the emergence of waste material. at the construction stage
and can be a good synergy in other management strategies at the construction stage.
Figure 4. Level of Category Variable Implementation Implementation Stage
The results of the data analysis test were also carried out using a validity test using
SPSS-22 software, where the r-count level > r-Product Pearson Moment was > 0.176 with
N=125 and the reliability test results were at a level > 0.7 (Cronbach's Aplha). From the
results of the data analysis above, it can be concluded that the data variables from the results
of the research questionnaire can be used for the next research process to determine the
relationship in the model concept to the impact of the cost of building construction
materials. The results of the analysis also resulted in a reduction in the number of sub-
variables from 133 sub-variables to 113 sub-variables through the process of testing the
validity and feasibility tests of research variables.
James Thoengsal, Miswar Tumpu
Ideal Factor Analysis of Implementation Management Due to Waste Material of
Building Construction Materials on Contractor Projects In Indonesia 1.088
The results obtained from this study are that the ideal/effective factor for
implementing the ideal construction material waste management is 113 sub-variables from
the initial total of 133 sub-variable factors. Where in the planning/design stage the most
priority variable category is obtained, namely the Selection of Low Waste Materials with
a level of 4.83, then at the procurement stage, namely the Estimation and Ordering of
Material Volume with a level of 4.79 and at the construction stage, namely the Management
Commitment variable category. in the Field with level 4.8. The direction of the
development of this research is expected to be in the form of developing the concept of an
ideal building construction material waste management model that can be applied by the
construction operator in this case addressed to the implementer/contractor, planning
consultant and material supplier in an effort to reduce the impact of inefficiency in material
costs during the process. building construction in Indonesia.
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