Yhusita Tyas Margaretha, Agustina Tyas Asri Hardini
Cooperative learning models of learning effectiveness tai and stad type in
improving student's critical thinking 206
that includes Mathematics, Languages, Natural Sciences, Skills, and Local Content.
Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 Chapter III Article
7 Paragraph 3 following the attachment to Permendiknas No. 22 of 2006 concerning the
content standard for basic education units according to the curriculum structure of the
education unit, five subjects must be taught, one of which is the content of science
subjects. The content of science learning needs to be applied in elementary schools
because education is a science that plays an important role in advancing human thinking
that leads to inquiry and action so that it is hoped that it can help students to gain a deeper
understanding of the natural surroundings.
According to (Sari, 2019) science is a branch of knowledge that originates from a
natural phenomenon. Meanwhile, according to (MANU, 2020) Science is defined as a
collection of knowledge about objects of natural phenomena obtained from the results of
thoughts carried out by experimenting using scientific methods. Therefore, the science
curriculum refers to the study of natural phenomena, so the approach used must be
appropriate and oriented towards students so that they can learn creatively and
Based on the two definitions above, it can be concluded that science is a science
related to examining the collection of knowledge about objects of natural phenomena. In
the concept, not only the mastery of a collection of knowledge in the form of facts,
concepts, and principles which are the basis for the discovery process. Science education
is expected to be a vehicle for learning for students in learning natural materials around
themselves and themselves (Nurdyansyah, 2018).
This is an important role for teachers in carrying out their duties as educators in
determining and providing what students learn to enrich their learning experiences. As
agents of renewal, teachers are required to be active and creative (Sulfemi, 2019). In
carrying out their duties, the teacher needs to use the right learning model to make it
easier for students to understand the material presented (Nurdyansyah & Fahyuni, 2016).
In this case, the teacher only acts as a facilitator so that students play an active, creative
role so that they can train students' minds to think critically in developing self-potential
(Fristadi & Bharata, 2015).
One of the components that influence the success of a learning process is the
learning model used in each learning activity with the relevant model as the teaching
material used. According to (Rahman, 2018) the learning model is a design of teacher
learning activities for students that refers to interactions with elements related to learning,
namely teachers, students, learning media as teaching materials, and material as the
subject. According to (Parasamya, Wahyuni, & Hamid, 2017) interesting learning and
triggers students to interact well can be done through the application of relevant learning
models, with relevant models focusing students on the material being taught. For this
reason, in determining a learning model that is relevant and able to attract student's
attention, the ability of competent teachers is needed so that students can increase their
level of critical thinking and increase their learning creativity in depth (Pianda, 2018).
Therefore, first, two types of cooperative learning models are explained, namely
the type of TAI (Team Assisted Individualization) and STAD (Student Teams
Achievement Divisions) as learning models. According to Slavin (1984) in (Setiawan &
Prihatnani, 2020), TAI is a pedagogical learning program that links the learning process
with individual student differences at the academic level.
The application of the TAI type cooperative learning model "Team Assisted
Individualization" is a learning model solution to improve students' critical thinking skills
which affect their learning outcomes (Hardiyanti, 2018). This learning model is student-
centered (Student-Centered) in shaping learning activities k heterogeneous study groups,