Petrus Dori
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multicultural) but in an interactive, dialogical, reciprocal and intercultural climate with diversity.
Theology in the latter perspective means encouraging and continuing to promote an
intercultural hermeneutic that allows Christians to be critical of themselves, their own religion,
culture and their point of view. In this sense we recognize the process of inculturation into (ad intra)
in a critical way. Its aim is to help believers to enter into themselves and their own culture with a
critical and humble view that they are not alone and their culture is not the only one on earth. This
confrontation is necessary so that they are able to come out of themselves (ad extra) to grow in
respect, appreciate others, interact with them for the common good. At this stage, when the local
cultural values embedded in oneself interact with evangelical values and are purified by them, what
is known as intercultural exchange is realized.
In order to arrive at acceptance, dialogue and friendly coexistence, reflection on humanity as
imago Dei is not secondary but primary to theology. The treatment of God is the same practiced for
humanity, the image of God himself. The same thing is to accept and love the history of life, culture
and diversity around humans as if loving and treating humans kindly themselves. The creative and
critical process of inculturation as well as a conscious, integrative and transformative intercultural
dialogue gives birth to new creativity for faith and the development of local cultures.
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