Eduvest � Journal of
Universal Studies Volume 4, Number
12, December, 2024 p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727 |
Rayhan Suryo Kusumo1*, Damora
Rhakasywi2, Fahrudin3 Universitas Pembangunan
Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia123 |
study aims to analyze the exergy
efficiency and irreversibility of the Kamojang Unit 2 Geothermal Power Plant (GPP) in
Indonesia using an exergy analysis method. The results reveal that the
turbine exhibits the highest exergy
loss of 11,512 kW with an exergy
efficiency of 82.78%. The
condenser records the second-largest exergy loss of
9,875 kW, while the inter condenser and after condenser
show the lowest exergy efficiencies at 22.6% and 38.55%, respectively. The overall system exergy efficiency is 65.3%, producing 63,261 kW of electricity from an input
exergy of 96,764 kW. Optimization was conducted by varying the turbine
inlet pressure from 4.5 to 6.5 bar, with the optimal pressure determined to be 4.5 bar, resulting in the highest exergy efficiency and the lowest irreversibility.
This research provides valuable insights for enhancing geothermal power plant efficiency
through thermodynamic
parameter optimization. |
exergy, geothermal power plant, irreversibility, optimization |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International |
����������� The
world's increasing energy needs amid the limitations of fossil resources and
their environmental impact encourage the search for sustainable and
environmentally friendly alternative energy sources. Renewable energy such as
geothermal offers great potential to meet the ever-increasing energy needs
while contributing to climate change mitigation. Sustainability of energy
supply is one of the advantages of geothermal energy compared to other
renewable energy sources (Piipponen et al., 2022; Rink et al., 2022). In addition, the
amount of unwanted gases produced
in these power plants is very
small (Dashti & Gholami Korzani, 2021).
����������� Indonesia
has the second largest geothermal potential in the world, which is around 40% of
the global geothermal potential (Pambudi & Ulfa, 2024). This is due to
its location in the Ring of Fire, part of a series of volcanoes and seismic
activity. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
(EMR), Indonesia's total geothermal energy potential is estimated to reach 23.7
GW. The government targets geothermal development for the next decade
(2020-2030) to reach 8,007.7 MW. This means that, with the current capacity of
2,130.7 MW, around 177 geothermal development projects are still needed to reach a total of 5,877 MW by 2030 (Susilo, 2023).
����������� One
way to help this is the development of geothermal power plants through
production optimization, because when compared to other thermal power plants
such as coal, oil, nuclear and natural gas, geothermal power plants tend to
have low efficiency. This can be achieved through the use of allergy analysis,
which uses the 2nd law of thermodynamics to investigate irverability processes
through the measurement of changes in energy quality. Allergy analysis can not
only determine the size, location and cause of irreversibility in the
generation system, but also determine the efficiency of the
components of the generation system (Biasi et al., 2019).
����������� Energy
analysis and power plant allergy have been widely carried out by several
researchers. Elwardany et al. conducted an energy analysis and eczygosity
efficiency at a Gas and Steam Power Plant in Assiut, Egypt in 2023 (Elwardany et al., 2023). The study
revealed that the overall energy efficiency was 34.6% and the echerence
efficiency was 33.5%, emphasizing the need to optimize the combustion process
and HRSG efficiency to improve performance and sustainability. Meanwhile,
Qurrohman et al. conducted an energy and allergy analysis at the Dieng PLTP in
2021. The results show that the largest allergic loss is found
in turbines of 50 Mw (Qurrahman et al., 2021).
����������� In
the production process, optimization techniques are required to achieve optimal
electricity production. In the production process, thermodynamic variables such
as temperature and pressure contribute to the optimization process. To improve
the energy efficiency of geothermal power plants, researchers have optimized in
this regard. Aloanis et al. conducted an analysis of the exterioration and
optimization of the power generation by varying the separator pressure at the
Lahendong PLTP Unit 2 (Aloanis et al., 2021). The optimum
separator pressure is at 10.4025 bar with a power of 13,025.4804 kW. Meanwhile,
Rudiyanto et al. optimized a single flash cycle geothermal power plant in Dieng (Rudiyanto et al., 2021)v. By varying the
pressure entering the turbine, the optimal pressure is at 5.5 bar.
����������� Another
research conducted by Rudiyanto et al. in different locations, in Kamojang Unit
4, Indonesia, by conducting an allergic analysis and optimizing the pressure of
the well head and turbine. The optimal wellhead pressure is at 11.98 bar and
10.023 bar at the turbine with an
overall efficiency of 51.22% (Rudiyanto et al., 2023). In the same
area, in Kamojang, precisely in Unit 3, Wicaksono et al. optimized the vacuum
pressure of the main condenser using an allergy analysis. The optimum vacuum
pressure is at 0.1 bar with an ecclesiastical efficiency of 57.42% and an output power
of 54,738 kW (Wicaksono et al., 2020).
����������� With
this background, this study aims to analyze the allergy and irreversibility of
the Kamojang Unit 2 Geothermal Power Plant in Indonesia. In this study, the
efficiency and magnitude as well as the location of irreversibility in the
overall system are determined. The results obtained are used to optimize the
system, which can improve the efficiency of the excision. Actual data is
collected during plant operation. This data is then used in mathematical models
and simulations, which are carried out using Engineering Equation Solver (EES).
Kamojang Geothermal Power Plant
����������� Kamojang
is one of the geothermal power plants located in Ds. Laksana, Kec. Ibun,
Bandung Regency, West Java which is + 17 km Northwest of Garut or + 42 km
Southeast of Bandung, and is located at an altitude of 1640 to 1750 m above sea
level. The Kamojang Unit 2 Geothermal Power Plant is managed by PT. PLN
Indonesia Power UBP Kamojang which is engaged in electric power generation and
power plant operation and maintenance services. The Kamojang Unit 2 geothermal
power plant operated in early 1987 with an installed capacity of 55 MW.
����������� In
Figure 1. showing a schematic diagram of the Kamojang Geothermal Power Plant.
To prevent steam fluctuations, which directly affect electricity production,
the generating unit is equipped with Steam Receiver Headers (SRH). The SRH is
connected to a vent valve system, which discharges excess steam that enters the
plant. The steam then enters the separator, which uses centrifugal force to
remove debris and other substances from the vapor. This function is different from
the single flash technology used to separate
brine from steam.
1. Diagram Scheme of PLTP Kamojang
����������� After
that, the steam goes to the demister to make sure the steam is dry. Then the
moisture content will be discharged into the flash tank and the steam will
proceed to the system. The steam is then divided into main steam stream and
auxiliary steam. The main steam flows to the turbine through the Left-Hand (LH)
pipe and the Right-Hand (RH) pipe. Each of these pipes is equipped with a Main
Stop Valve (MSV) that functions as a safety valve in the event of a problematic
or shut-off unit and a regulating valve that controls the rate of steam flow to
maintain the speed of the turbine. This turbine produces steam at an inlet
pressure of 5.8 bar abs and an outlet pressure of 0.12 bar abs on average for
all three units. The turbine is coupled with a generator and the speed is set
to 3,000 rpm for synchronization purposes to the frequency of the Java-Bali
interconnection network 50 Hz. The generator produces 11.8 kV and 3,000 A;
Through a step-up transformer, this voltage will be raised to a grid voltage of
150 kV.
����������� The
exhaust steam is condensed inside the condenser with cooling water from the
cooling tower. The condenser has a pressure that is regulated in vacuum
conditions due to the Gas Removing System (GRS), cooling water temperature and
flow rate. The condensate in the condenser hot well will be pumped by the Main
Cooling Water Pump (MCWP) to the cooling tower. The condensate that has been
cooled inside the cooling tower flows back by gravity and vacuum pressure to
the condenser as cooling water.
����������� In
the case of unit termination, the cooling tower gets its water supply from a
river water pump that stores water temporarily in the storage lake. A portion
of the cooling water from the cooling tower flows into the reinjection tank
which in time will be sent to the reinjection well by the reinjection pump.
Since 2008, PT. PLN Indonesia Power no longer uses the reinjection pump
mechanism because the pressure can be replaced by gravity
System Description
In Figure 2. There are 20
states that indicate the flow of steam from the plant. State 1 is the vapor
containing water (2 phases) from the SRH towards the separator. State 2 is a
separate steam generated from the separator to the demister with a decrease in
the moisture content in the vapor. States 3 and 4 (i.e. dry steam from the
waterless demister) will enter the steam turbine. State 5 is the steam produced
from the expansion of the turbine towards the condenser, which is converted
into a liquid phase. State 6 is condensed water in the condenser towards the
MCWP. State 7 water pumped by MCWP to the cooling tower to lower the
temperature. State 8 is the result of cooling in the cooling tower that flows
to the condenser and primary pump. In state 9, that is, the cooling water flows
into the condenser. State 10 is the non-condensable gas (NCG) towards the 1st
ejector which will pump condensation through the main condenser. States 11 and
12 are the parts of the vapor that come from the demister going into the 1st
ejector and 2nd ejector. In state 13 it is a mixture of steam and NCG enters
the inter condenser. State 14 is the result of condensation in the inter
condenser flowing into the condenser.
2. Kamojang PLTP Unit 2 Scheme
State 15 is the result of
the cooling process in the cooling tower, which flows into the inter-condenser
to help the condensation process. State 16 is the remains of non-condensable
gases resulting from condensation in the main condenser and inter condenser
that will be sucked in by the 2nd ejector. State 17 is a mixture of steam and
NCG enters the after condenser. State 18 is the result of condensation in the
after condenser flows into the condenser, while state 19 cools the water from
the cooling tower to the after condenser.�
State 20 is a portion of the vapor that cannot be condensed in a
condenser discharged into the atmosphere through a cooling tower.
Allergy Analysis
Allergy analysis
is a method that can reveal both the quality and amount of heat loss as well as
the location of energy degradation (measuring and identifying
the causes of energy degradation)
(Moran et al., 2010).
To perform an
allergy analysis on a system, it is important to understand the equilibrium of
the exterior, which indicates that the change in the eczema in the system
during the process is equal to the total amount of eczema sent through the
system boundary and the eczema destroyed due to the irreversibility of the system
(Bejan, 2016).
After that, to calculate
the value of the exergiation loss of each component
using the following equation:
Then to evaluate
the performance of power plant components using an allergy analysis, the
formula based on the efficiency of the allergy is expressed in equation (4). It
can be applied across systems or component efficiencies.
Where is the total inlet ecrosity from the components of the geothermal
power plant system and E ̇_out is the total ecstasy that comes out.
As for the calculation of the overall allergy efficiency, it can be
obtained by the equation:
where is the total excess that enters the plant and is the production
power by the plant.
Allergy to
Based on the analysis of the allergy, the magnitude of the allergy loss
or irveriability of the separator can be determined by the difference between
the incoming and outgoing allergies, namely:
Separator ecrology efficiency
is the comparison of the
steam exfaction exiting the separator with the fluid ecraction entering the
Allergy to Demister
There are two main paths for steam output, namely the main steam that
is flowed to the turbine, and the auxiliary steam that acts as a drive for the
ejector. The balance of allergy in demister can be determined by the equation:
Steam dryness
at the outlet is a
measurement of the performance of the demister, so it can be stated that the
main function of the demister is to maximize the amount of dry steam coming out
of the outlet.
Allergy to
Assuming the process in the turbine is adiabatic and the change in
kinetic energy and potential energy is ignored. The maximum possible work will
be produced if the turbine operates in an adiabatic and reversible manner, i.e.
on isentropics. The efficiency of an isentropic turbine, η_t, is the ratio
of actual work to isentropic work,
which is as follows (DiPippo, 2012):
So that the
turbine power produced is as follows:
equation of the balance of allergy in the turbine process is:
So the losses are
as follows:
goal of this process is to convert as much steam as possible into the turbine
into electrical energy. Turbine eczema efficiency is the ratio of the gross
power output (electrical energy produced) to the steam eczema used to produce
the work (the difference between the steam ecclesiastical inlet and the steam
ecclesiastical effervescent at the outlet). Then the efficiency of turbine
allergy will be provided by:
Allergy in Condenser
ectopic balance of the process in a condenser can be determined by the
The main function of the condenser is to maximize the exection of the exhaust steam and condense the steam into
condensate by using cooling water. So that the efficiency of the exhalation is
the ratio of the exhalation obtained by the cooling water to the excise lost by
the exhaust steam.
Allergies in the Inter Condenser and After Condenser
����������� The equilibrium of the exterioration is expressed in the equation below:
inter condenser input allergy is the sum of the mixture of the motive
vapor and NCG (13) and the cooling water (15). The ectopic output is the amount
of condensate excise that will be flowed back into the condenser (14) and the
NCG vapor mixture that will be extracted by the 2nd ejector (16).
Meanwhile, the input ecrosity of the after condenser is the sum of the
mixture of motive vapor and NCG (17) and cooling water (19). The ectopic output
is the amount of condensate that will be flowed back into the condenser (18)
and the NCG that will be discharged into the atmosphere through the cooling
tower (20).
efficiency of the inter-after condenser ectopic is equal to the ratio of
ectopic obtained by the cooling water to the ectopic loss of NCG.
Allergy Analysis
The calculation of
the exclusivity value in PLTP is carried out for each component and state
defined in figure 2. The data used comes from the logsheet of PT. PLN Indonesia
Power UBP Kamojang Unit 2, which includes data on pressure, temperature, and
mass flow rate in each state, with a generation capacity of 55 MW. The
environment of the Kamojang Unit 2 PLTP is considered to be a very large simple
compressible system modeled as a thermal reservoir with constant temperature
("T" _"0") and pressure ("P" _"0").
Table 1. Operational
Data of Each State
Stream |
P |
T |
h |
s |
Exexhibition |
From |
to |
bar |
℃ |
kg/s |
kJ/kg |
kJ/kg. K |
Kw |
0 |
Environment |
0,85 |
18 |
75,62 |
0,267 |
96764 |
1 |
Steam Header |
Separator |
6,5 |
166,24 |
2770 |
6,756 |
95537 |
95537 |
2 |
Separator |
Demister |
6 |
164,09 |
2769 |
6,786 |
94764 |
94764 |
3 |
Demister |
Turbines and Ejectors |
5,7 |
162 |
2766 |
6,799 |
92395 |
92395 |
4 |
Demister |
Turbine |
5,7 |
162 |
2766 |
6,799 |
25531 |
25531 |
5 |
Turbine |
Condenser |
0,129 |
55,67 |
2283 |
7,104 |
22904 |
22904 |
6 |
Kondensor |
0,129 |
51,25 |
213 |
0,715 |
24356 |
24356 |
7 |
Cooling Tower |
2,9 |
51,3 |
215 |
0,720 |
3715 |
3715 |
8 |
Cooling Tower |
Condenser and Primary Pump |
1 |
30,8 |
129,2 |
0,447 |
3529 |
3529 |
9 |
Cooling Tower |
Kondensor |
1 |
30,8 |
129,2 |
0,447 |
56,95 |
56,95 |
10 |
Kondensor |
1st Ejector |
0,129 |
30 |
2593 |
8,06 |
1431 |
1431 |
11 |
Demister |
1st Ejector |
5,65 |
156,56 |
2754 |
6,779 |
1280 |
1280 |
12 |
Demister |
2nd Ejector |
5,7 |
157,47 |
2755 |
6,771 |
1494 |
1494 |
13 |
1st Ejector |
Inter Condenser |
3,81 |
141,9 |
2736 |
6,912 |
821,4 |
821,4 |
14 |
Inter Condenser |
Kondensor |
0,382 |
54,83 |
313 |
1,013 |
2875 |
2875 |
15 |
Primary Pump |
Inter Condenser |
2,9 |
30,181 |
556,5 |
1,66 |
26,82 |
26,82 |
16 |
Inter Condenser |
2nd Ejector |
0,382 |
48,4 |
2634 |
7,685 |
1289 |
1289 |
17 |
2nd Ejector |
After Condenser |
4,837 |
150,59 |
2747 |
6,832 |
1340 |
1340 |
18 |
After Condenser |
Kondensor |
0,754 |
48,33 |
385 |
1,215 |
2875 |
2875 |
19 |
Primary Pump |
After Condenser |
2,9 |
30,181 |
556,5 |
1,66 |
2875 |
25,29 |
20 |
After Condenser |
Cooling Tower |
0,754 |
58,28 |
2663 |
7,454 |
7,454 |
95537 |
Table 1 displays the resulting
data from the summary of
parameters and the calculation of the rate of allergy of each state or state.
These parameters include mass flow rate, pressure, temperature, enthalpy,
entropy, and ectopic rate in each state using equation 1. The environmental
conditions (0) are a temperature of 18�C and an air pressure of 0.85 bar at an
altitude of 850 meters above sea level and enthalpy and entropy values of 75.62
kJ/kg and 0.267 kJ/kg�C, respectively.
Based on the
results of the calculation of table 1, the enthalpy, entropy, and rate of
exhalpy values are used for the analysis of exhalpy loss or irreversibility and
exhalation efficiency in each component. The results of the calculation of
allergy loss and efficiency of allergy can be summarized in table 2.
Table 2.
Calculation of Allergy Loss and Allergy Efficiency of Each Component
Component |
Inlet Allergy Rate (kW) |
Excess Rate (kW) |
Eksergi Castle (kW) |
Efficiency (%) |
Separator |
96764 |
95537 |
1227 |
98,73 |
Demister |
95537 |
94764 |
772,8 |
99,19 |
Turbine |
92239 |
80883 |
11512 |
82,78 |
Condenser |
31221,4 |
22960,95 |
9875 |
70,45 |
Inter Condenser |
4369 |
848,22 |
5765 |
22,6 |
After Condenser |
5677 |
1365,29 |
4351 |
38,55 |
In Table 2, it can
be seen that the largest value of allergic loss is found in the turbine, which
is 11,512 kW with an ecclesiastical efficiency of 82.78%, with an exfoliation
rate of 92,239 kW and an ecclesiastical rate of 80,883 kW from the reverse
turbine, where the power generated by the turbine ("W"
_"gross") is 55,352 kW or 55.35 MW. The presence of silica in steam
increases the irreversibility of the turbine, which reduces the efficiency of
the turbine and reduces the capacity of the generator to generate electricity (Sundari et al., 2022). The condenser
experienced the second largest eskergi loss after the turbine, which was 9,875
kW. The condenser itself is divided into 3 components, namely the condenser
itself or the main condenser, inter condenser, and after condenser. The inter
condenser and after condenser are the components that have the smallest
exeration efficiency compared to the other components, namely 22.6% for the
inter condenser and 38.55% for the after condenser.
Energy Conversion Process
The energy
conversion process at the Kamojang Unit 2 PLTP is shown through the T-s diagram
in figure 3. Point 1 explains that steam enters the turbine at a pressure of
5.77 bar and at a temperature of 162 �C. Steam expansion occurs in the
turbine to produce work and the pressure drops to 0.129 bar at the turbine
outlet (point 2). The process from point 1 to point 2 also saw an increase in
entropy from 2766 kJ/kg.�C to 2283 kJ/kg.�C. The process from point 2 to 3
shows the process of vapor condensation, which is to change the fluid from the vapor
phase to the liquid phase,
which occurs in the condenser.
Figure 3. Diagram T-s
Diagram Grassman
Figure 4. is a
grassman diagram that provides a detailed description of the flow of aggression
in the Kamojang Unit 2 PLTP. The number of eczerates available and entering the
system is 96,764 kW. Not all available allergies can be converted into
electrical energy due to the irreversibility of each component. The value of
the efficiency of the entire system is 65.3% and as much as 63,261 kW can be
converted into electricity.
Figure 4. Grassman
Diagram of the Eruption Flow of
PLTP Kamojang Unit 2
Allergy Optimization of PLTP Kamojang Unit
Optimization is
carried out with the intention of increasing the efficiency of the entire
allergy. Optimization efforts on turbines need to be carried out as components
with the greatest allergic loss or irreversibility. Optimization is carried out
by varying the pressure entering the turbine, which is 4.5-6.5 bar based on the
design data.
It can be seen in
figure 5. It is a graph of the relationship between turbine inlet pressure and
overall irreversibility and ectopic efficiency. The results showed that at a
pressure of 4.5 bar it resulted in the highest efficiency of the exergation and
the lowest irreversibility. The graph also shows that the higher the pressure
that enters the turbine, the
greater the efficiency of the
excursion decreases and the irreversibility
5. Graph of the Effect of Turbine Inlet Pressure on Excess Efficiency and
����������� This study analyzed the exergy efficiency
and irreversibility of the Kamojang
Unit 2 Geothermal Power Plant
(GPP) in Indonesia using an
exergy analysis approach. The results show that the
turbine is the component with
the highest exergy loss, amounting
to 11,512 kW, with an exergy efficiency
of 82.78%. The condenser
has the second-largest exergy loss at
9,875 kW. The inter condenser
and after condenser have the lowest exergy
efficiencies among all components, at 22.6% and 38.55%, respectively. The overall system exergy efficiency
is 65.3%, with 63,261 kW of electricity generated from a total input exergy of
96,764 kW. Optimization was
performed by varying the turbine
inlet pressure between 4.5 and 6.5 bar. The results indicate that a turbine inlet pressure of 4.5 bar achieved the highest exergy
efficiency and the lowest irreversibility.
This research significantly contributes to improving the
operational efficiency of geothermal power
plants by optimizing thermodynamic parameters.
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