How to cite:
Ansar, Warni Tune Sumar, Feliya Tanaiyo. (2022). The Relationship
of Transformational Leadership Behavior of School Principles and
Teacher Achievement Motivation with Learning Quality. Journal
Eduvest. Vol 2(5): 977-986
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 5, May, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
, Warni Tune Sumar
, Feliya Tanaiyo
State University of Gorontalo, Indonesia
April, 26
May, 14
May, 16
This study aims to determine: the relationship between the
principal's transformational leadership behavior and the
quality of learning in SMPNs in Kota Selatan Subdistrict,
Gorontalo City, the relationship between teacher achievement
motivation and learning quality in SMPNs in Kota Selatan
Subdistrict, Gorontalo City, the relationship between
principals' transformational leadership behavior and teacher
achievement motivation with the quality of learning at SMPN
in Kota Selatan District, Gorontalo City. The sample calculation
is 10% of the population of 174 so the sample used in this study
is 64 employees. This study uses a quantitative correlation type
approach. The results: 1) In testing the significance of the
correlation coefficient, it turns out that the value of tcount is
greater than t-list (t-count > t-list = 2.729 > 1.999) or the price
of t-count is outside the acceptance of H0. So it can be
concluded that the correlation above is really significant. 2) In
testing the significance of the correlation coefficient, it turns
out that the price of tcount is greater than tList (tcount > tList
= 5.587 < 1.999) or the price of t-count is outside acceptance.
3) Principal transformational leadership behavior and teacher
achievement motivation have a close relationship with
learning quality. Seen from the results of the test significance
test that the calculated F value is 15.7678. Thus, the hypothesis
which states that there is a relationship between the principal's
Ansar, Warni Tune Sumar, Feliya Tanaiyo
The Relationship of Transformational Leadership Behavior of School Principles and
Teacher Achievement Motivation with Learning Quality 978
transformational leadership behavior and the teacher's
achievement motivation with the quality of learning is
Leadership Behavior, Transformational, Achievement
Motivation, Learning Quality
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Education is a conscious, planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning
process so that students can actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual
strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed for
themselves, society, nation and state. (Law on National Education System No. 20 of 2003).
In order to achieve this goal, the government has set 8 educational standards as stated in
Law Number 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards. Therefore, education
personnel have an important role in creating the quality of learning (Apriana et al., 2019).
Quality of education is the ability of schools to manage schools operationally and
efficiently on components related to schools, so as to produce added value to these
components according to applicable norms or standards (Kemendikbud, 2014:7). Quality
of learning is achieved if the input, process, output, teachers, facilities and infrastructure,
and costs have met the National Education Standards (SNP). Suharsimi Arikunto explains
that the most important thing in the context of learning is the teacher and how the learning
practices are implemented. The position of the teacher in the world of education is very
central and strategic to achieve educational targets (Irmayani, Wardiah, & Kristiawan,
2018). Therefore, in the future, teachers will be increasingly required to make
improvements and also increase and adjust their competence mastery (Kosholap et al.,
2021). Education in the future requires professional teachers with a high level of knowledge
and skills.
Professional teachers will be able to carry out their duties professionally so as to
produce quality and marketable output in accordance with the need of user education
(Adedeji, 2018). Becoming a professional education staff will not be taken for granted
without efforts to improve, develop, and foster teacher human resources (HR) (Sutherland,
2018). One of the processes of improving human resources is by developing
professionalism through the leadership of the principal (Wahyudin, Winara, & Permana,
2021). This is because the principal has a very close relationship with various aspects of
life in schools such as school discipline, the school's cultural climate, the decline in student
misbehavior, and the achievement motivation of teachers and students (Wandasari,
Kristiawan, & Arafat, 2019). As the leader of an educational institution, the principal is an
educational leader who is directly related to the implementation of educational programs
in schools. (Khalifa, 2020). states that the achievement of educational goals is highly
dependent on the leadership skills and wisdom of the principal who is one of the
educational leaders. This is because the principal is a professional official in the school
organization who is in charge of managing all organizational resources and collaborating
with teachers in educating students to achieve educational goals (Romlah & Latief, 2021).
In the context of the school environment, a principal also needs to have transformational
leadership as a process in which leaders and followers can raise each other's levels of
morality and motivation to a higher level (Bakti & Hartono, 2022). In this case, employees
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 5, May 2022
feel trust, admiration, and respect for their leaders so that they are motivated to do more
than what is expected of them (Ribeiro, Yücel, & Gomes, 2018). Transformational
leadership can be demonstrated by anyone in the organization and in any position.
Based on the results of initial observations that school principals in developing
school quality have not met expectations, so efforts must be made to improve the quality
of schools, including through training and improving the quality of teachers, procurement
of books and learning tools, improvement of educational infrastructure, One of the things
that causes school achievement and the quality of graduates to decline is the leadership of
school principals who are less successful, and teacher achievement motivation has not been
maximized due to a lack of willingness and sincerity in teacher performance, so there are
still teachers who are not disciplined in carrying out their duties. because the quality of
learning in every school is very important for children, in the school itself the quality of
education still has to be improved again with the new curriculum. Because the quality of
an educational institution that runs without adhering to the goal will be difficult to achieve
what is expected (Kubaev, 2020). To improve the quality of learning, schools must always
adhere to the goal so that they are able to produce quality and highly competitive outputs.
If this can be realized, efforts to improve the quality of human resources through education
can become a reality that illustrates the enormous contribution of education. In this case, it
requires efforts from education stakeholders so that improving the quality of education
through quality and quality education and learning processes is in accordance with
educational expectations (Asif, Awan, Khan, & Ahmad, 2013).
This research was conducted in SMPN in Kota Selatan District, Gorontalo City. The
determination of the research location is based on several reasons that the object is in
accordance with the research objectives and the taking of the research location is expected
to facilitate data collection, can minimize the use of time and costs required (Olii & Abdul,
This study uses a quantitative correlational approach, because this study seeks to find
out how big the relationship between Principal Transformational Leadership Behavior and
Teacher Achievement Motivation is with the Quality of Learning in SMPN in Kota Selatan
District, Gorontalo City. The population of teachers in this study amounted to 174 teachers.
The sampling technique in this study used a random sample (Random Sampling) using the
formula from Taro Yamane and Slovin. Based on the calculation of a sample of 10% of the
population, the sample used in this study was 64 employees who represented the population
in researching the Relationship between Principal Transformational Leadership Behavior
and Teacher Achievement Motivation with Learning Quality in Junior High Schools in
Kota Selatan District, Gorontalo City.
1. Learning Quality (Y)
The quality of learning is a system which is a combination of the process and learning
outcomes achieved by students to achieve the goals of educational quality standards(Miller,
2016). The frequency distribution is presented in the following table: Learning Quality
Data was collected through a questionnaire spread over 25 statement items, obtained from
Ansar, Warni Tune Sumar, Feliya Tanaiyo
The Relationship of Transformational Leadership Behavior of School Principles and
Teacher Achievement Motivation with Learning Quality 980
30 teachers (respondents) as the research sample. Based on the data scores, the
distribution of data is then presented which includes: (a) data range, (b) class length, (c)
interval class, and (d) frequency distribution. It is obtained that the range (R) = 30, the
interval class (K) = 7, and the length of the interval class (P) = 5
Interval class 85-89 with a frequency of 22 people while the lowest is the interval
class 70-74 and 100-104 with 1 person. This can be illustrated in the following figure:
Figure 4.1 Graph of Learning Quality Frequency Distribution (Y)
2. Principal Transformational Leadership Behavior (X1)
Transformational leadership is the ability of a leader to coordinate, direct, and
influence other people or followers to achieve organizational goals in order to achieve
meaningful goals in accordance with predetermined achievement targets.
The principal's transformational leadership behavior data was collected through a
questionnaire distributed in 25 statements obtained from 30 teachers (respondents) as the
research sample.
Based on the data scores, the distribution of data is then presented which includes
(a) data range, (b) class length, (c) interval class, and (d) frequency distribution. The
obtained range (R) = 30, class interval (K) = 7, and length of class interval (P) = 5.
Furthermore, it is presented in the frequency distribution table of Principal
Transformational Leadership Behavior data.
The largest frequency is in the interval class 110-114 with a frequency of 16 people
while the lowest is the interval class 90-94 with 1 person. This can be illustrated in the
following figure:
70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-99 100-104
Kelas Interval
Mutu Pembelajaran (Y)
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 5, May 2022
Figure 4.2 Graph of Principal Transformational Leadership Frequency Distribution
3. Teacher Achievement Motivation (X2)
Teacher achievement motivation is an encouragement that comes from within a
teacher to excel and be willing to take responsibility, dare to take calculated risks for
individual performance that can improve the quality of learning.
Teacher achievement motivation data was collected through a questionnaire spread
over 23 statements obtained from 30 teachers (respondents) as the research sample.
Based on the data scores, the distribution of data is then presented which includes
(a) data range, (b) class length, (c) interval class, and (d) frequency distribution. The
obtained range (R) = 35, class interval (K) = 7, and length of class interval (P) = 5.
Furthermore, it is presented in the frequency distribution table for achievement motivation
data. The largest frequency is in the 80-84 interval class with a frequency of 16 people
while the lowest is the 60-64 interval class with 2 people. This can be illustrated in the
following figure:
Figure 4.3 Graph of the Frequency Distribution of Teacher Achievement Motivation (X2)
60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-95
Kelas Interval
Motivasi Berprestasi Guru (X2)
Ansar, Warni Tune Sumar, Feliya Tanaiyo
The Relationship of Transformational Leadership Behavior of School Principles and
Teacher Achievement Motivation with Learning Quality 982
1) Relationship between Principal Transformational Leadership Behavior and
Learning Quality (X1 to Y)
The results of the above analysis show that the value of the r-count correlation
coefficient for the principal's transformational leadership behavior variable is 0.327, while
the r-table value at the 5% significance level and the degree of freedom n-2=64-2=62 is
0.254. if these two values are compared, the r-count value is still greater than the r-table
value (0.327 < 0.254). In testing the significance of the correlation coefficient, it turns out
that the value of tcount is greater than t-list (t-count > t-list = 2.729 > 1.999) or the price of
t-count is outside the acceptance of H0. So it can be concluded that the correlation above
is really significant. Thus the hypothesis which says that there is a relationship between the
principal's transformational leadership and the quality of learning is accepted.
So it can be concluded that at the 95% confidence level, it can be concluded that
there is a significant relationship between the principal's transformational leadership
behavior and the quality of learning. The following is an overview of the acceptance and
rejection curves of the research alternative hypotheses:
Based on the results of the analysis of the coefficients on the count and the table
above shows the magnitude of the correlation coefficient, which is 0.327 or in other words,
the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable is 11%. So it
can be said that the principal's transformational leadership variable has a relationship with
the learning quality variable.
2). Relationship between Teacher Achievement Motivation and Learning Quality (X2 with
The results of the above analysis show that the value of the r-count correlation
coefficient for the teacher's achievement motivation variable is 0.579, while the r-table
value at the 5% significance level and the degree of freedom n-2=64-2=62 is 0.254. if these
two values are compared, the r-count value is still greater than the r-table value (0.579 >
0.254). In the test of the significance of the correlation coefficient, it turns out that the price
of tcount is greater than t-list (tcount > t-list = 5.587 < 1.999) or the price of t-count is
outside the acceptance of H0. So it can be concluded that the correlation above is really
significant. Thus the hypothesis which says that there is a relationship between teacher
achievement motivation and learning quality is accepted.
So it can be concluded that at the 95% confidence level, it can be concluded that there is a
significant relationship between teacher achievement motivation and learning quality.
3). Relationship between Transformational Leadership Behavior and Achievement
Motivation (X1 to X2)
The results of the above analysis show that the value of the r-count correlation
coefficient for the principal transformational leadership behavior variable and teacher
achievement motivation is 0.447 while the r-table value at the 5% significance level and
the degree of freedom n-2=64-2=62 is 0.254. If these two values are compared, the r-count
value is greater than the r-table value (0.447 > 0.254). In testing the significance of the
correlation coefficient, it turns out that the value of tcount is greater than t-list (t-count > t-
list = 3.935> 1.999) or the price of t-count has been outside the acceptance of H0.
So it can be concluded that the correlation above is really significant. Thus the hypothesis
which says that there is a relationship between principals' transdormational leadership and
teacher achievement motivation is accepted.
So it can be concluded that at the 95% confidence level there is a significant
relationship between the principal's transformational leadership and teacher achievement
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 5, May 2022
1. Relationship between Principal Transformational Leadership Behavior and
Quality of Learning in SMPNs in South City District, Gorontalo City
According to Danim (2008: 54) suggests that transformational leadership is the
ability of a leader to work with and/or through other people to optimally transform
organizational resources in order to achieve meaningful goals in accordance with
predetermined achievement targets.
This means that the principal's transformational leadership is the principal's way of
utilizing existing resources in the school in achieving the goals that have been set. The
results of this study indicate that the value of the r-count correlation coefficient for the
principal transformational leadership variable is 0.327, while the r-table value at the 5%
significance level and the degrees of freedom n-2=64-2=62 is 0.254. if these two values
are compared, the r-count value is greater than the r-table value (0.327 > 0.254). In testing
the significance of the correlation coefficient, it turns out that the price of tcount is greater
than t-list (tcount > t-list = 2.729 > 1.999) or the price of t-count has been outside the
acceptance of H0. So it can be concluded that the correlation above is really significant.
Thus the hypothesis which says that there is a relationship between the principal's
transformational leadership behavior and the quality of learning is accepted. So it can be
concluded that at the 95% confidence level there is a significant relationship between the
school's coconut transformational leadership behavior and the quality of learning. Based
on the calculation results show that transformational leadership has a positive relationship
with the quality of learning that is equal to 0.10725, in other words the relationship between
transformational leadership of school principals and learning quality is 11%. So it can be
said that the principal's transformational leadership has a relationship with the quality of
These findings indicate that the transformational leadership of principals at SMPNs
in the South City District of Gorontalo City has a relationship or relationship with the
quality of learning. So there needs to be improvements and improvements made by school
principals in the South City District of Gorontalo City in carrying out their leadership, so
that they can have an impact on the quality of existing learning. Where if a school principal
can carry out his leadership well, it can directly have a significant influence on teacher
performance so that it can provide an increase in the quality of learning.
2. The Relationship between Teacher Achievement Motivation and Learning Quality
at SMPNs in South City District, Gorontalo City
According to Santrok (2003:474) Achievement motivation is the desire to get
something done to achieve a standard of success, and to make an effort to achieve success.
This means that the teacher's achievement motivation is the desire of a teacher in
carrying out his duties in achieving the goals of the school, namely an effective and efficient
learning process. Where if a teacher has high achievement motivation, his performance will
increase and will have a good impact on the quality of learning in schools.
The results of this study indicate that the value of the r-count correlation coefficient
for the teacher achievement motivation variable is 0.579 while the r-table value at the 5%
significance level and the degree of freedom n-2 = 64-2 = 62 is 0.254. if these two values
are compared, the r-count value is greater than the r-table value (0.579> 0.254). In testing
the significance of the correlation coefficient, it turns out that the value of tcount is greater
than t-list (tcount > t-list = 5.587 > 1.999) or the price of t-count has been outside the
acceptance of H0. So it can be concluded that the correlation above is really significant.
Thus the hypothesis which says that there is a relationship between teacher achievement
motivation and learning quality is accepted. So it can be concluded that at the 95%
confidence level there is no significant relationship between teacher achievement
Ansar, Warni Tune Sumar, Feliya Tanaiyo
The Relationship of Transformational Leadership Behavior of School Principles and
Teacher Achievement Motivation with Learning Quality 984
motivation and learning quality. Based on the calculation results show that the achievement
motivation of teachers has a very close relationship with the quality of learning that is equal
to 0.34, in other words the relationship between teacher achievement motivation and
learning quality is 34%. So it can be said that the teacher's achievement motivation has a
relationship with the quality of learning.
The results of these findings indicate that the achievement motivation of teachers at
SMPN in the South City District of Gorontalo City based on the test results has a
relationship or relationship with the quality of learning. So it is necessary to increase
teacher achievement motivation as a whole at SMPN Kota Selatan in order to improve the
learning process carried out in order to realize the quality of the graduation of existing
students. Teachers should have motivation in order to improve their performance in
teaching, because if a teacher has motivation, he will increase his competence, knowledge
and expertise.
3. Relationship between Principal Transformational Leadership Behavior and
Teacher Achievement Motivation with Learning Quality at SMPNs in South City
District, Gorontalo City
According to Suhadi, et al. (2014:48), the quality of learning is a combination of the
process and learning outcomes achieved by students with the support of educators and other
education personnel. Learning is said to be of quality if all elements including students,
educators, and education staff are able to show their best performance in carrying out their
duties and responsibilities.
The quality of learning referred to in this study is the quality of learning in SMPN in
the South City District of Gorontalo City. The achievement of the quality of learning can
be used as the basis for the performance of principals and teachers at SMPN in the South
City District of Gorontalo City. Because basically the purpose of the learning process is the
achievement of the quality of learning. Based on the initial observations made by the
researcher that the factors related to the quality of learning are the principal's
transformational leadership and the teacher's achievement motivation. Where is the
leadership of the principal who directs and motivates his employees, namely the teachers
to be able to improve their performance in supporting the achievement of learning quality.
Teachers play an important role in supporting the quality of learning, where teachers as
educators must be able to provide lessons that are easily understood and understood by
students as a whole.
Based on the results of the analysis of simultaneous correlation calculations, it was
found that the calculated r value was 0.5838, or in other words, the relationship between
the independent variable and the dependent variable was 58.38%, so it can be said that the
transformational leadership variable of the principal and the teacher's achievement
motivation has a close relationship. with the quality of learning.
Then it can be seen from the test significance test results that the calculated F value
is 15.7678. Meanwhile, the F table value in this test is obtained from the formula df1 = k-
1 and df2 = n-k and the results are df1 = 2 and df2 = 61. So the Ftable value is 3.15. If the
two rho values are compared, the Fcount value is greater than the Ftable value (15.7678 >
3.15). Thus, the hypothesis which states that there is a relationship between the principal's
transformational leadership and teacher achievement motivation with learning quality is
These findings indicate that the principal's transformational leadership behavior and
teacher achievement motivation simultaneously have a positive and significant relationship
with the quality of learning in junior high schools throughout the South City District of
Gorontalo City.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 5, May 2022
Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded
that each variable is as follows: There is a positive relationship between the principal's
transformational leadership behavior and the quality of learning in SMPNs throughout the
South City District of Gorontalo City. From the results of testing the principal's
transformational leadership variable, the criteria are very good. There is a positive
relationship between the teacher's achievement motivation and the quality of learning in
SMPN in the South City District of Gorontalo City. From the results of testing the teacher's
achievement motivation variable, the criteria are very good. There is a jointly positive
relationship between the principal's transformational leadership behavior and the teacher's
achievement motivation with the quality of learning at SMPNs throughout the South City
District of Gorontalo City. From the results of testing the learning quality variables are in
very good criteria.
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