Hamdana, Danardana Murwani, Imam Mukhlis
Entrepreneurial Orientation and Internationalization of SME’s: A Scoping Review 947
Nowadays, one of the most hotly debated topics in internationalization research is
entrepreneurial orientation. The major components of entrepreneurial orientation include
risk-taking, innovativeness, and proactiveness, all of which are important causal elements
in successful internationalization. Incorporating the concept of knowledge into discussions
about entrepreneurial orientation and internationalization appears to be a natural fit based
on theoretical concepts; nevertheless, empirical research has mostly ignored this topic.
Understanding the fundamental principles and characteristics of firm managers'
entrepreneurial attitude can be a huge help for SMEs looking to chart a clear path to
international enterprise. Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) had a significant impact on the
development of the organizational capabilities required for internationalization, according
to a study of SMEs.
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Ngoma, Mohammed, Ernest, Abaho, Nangoli, Sudi, & Christopher, Kusemererwa. (2017).
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