How to cite:
Agustinus Tanggu Daga, Dinn Wahyudin, Rudi Susilana. (2022).
Implementation of Teacher's Pedagogic Competence in the 2013
Curriculum Learning Process in Elementary School. Journal Eduvest.
Vol 2(5): 900-909
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 5, May, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Agustinus Tanggu Daga
, Dinn Wahyudin
, Rudi Susilana
Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Weetebula,
Pendidikan Indonesia,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
April, 26
May, 14
May, 16
One of the components that support and determine the
success of implementing the 2013 curriculum in elementary
schools is the role and competence of teachers. The problem
that is often encountered in schools is the understanding and
awareness of teachers about the role and competence in
implementing the 2001 curriculum. This study aims to explain
the learning process of the 2013 curriculum in elementary
schools, the role of teacher competence in the implementation
of learning in elementary schools. This study uses the library
method as a research method. Content analysis was used to
analyze the research data. The results of this study indicate
that (1) the characteristics of the learning process in the 2013
curriculum are integrated thematic learning activities,
applying learning steps (introduction, core, closing) according
to the 2013 curriculum format, integrating scientific
approaches, applying authentic assessment and character
education; (2) the role of teacher pedagogic competence in
2013 curriculum learning is to implement integrated thematic
learning, apply a scientific approach, utilize media and
learning resources, utilize information and communication
technology, integrate 21st century skills in the learning
process, carry out character education, and carry out authentic
Agustinus Tanggu Daga, Dinn Wahyudin, Rudi Susilana
Implementation of Teacher's Pedagogic Competence in the 2013 Curriculum Learning
Process in Elementary School 901
2013 Curriculum, Pedagogic Competence, Learning,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Basically, the teacher has an important position and role in learning activities.
Teachers understand the educational curriculum, design learning, determine strategies and
learning media, process learning materials, and carry out learning assessments. For this
reason, teachers need to be supported by the ability to carry out the learning process. The
ability of teachers to carry out the learning process affects the success of the
implementation of the learning process and student learning outcomes (Niravita, Wahanisa,
Suhadi, Anitasari, & Wedhatami, 2021). Teacher competence is very important and needed
in schools to both carry out the learning process and help students achieve maximum
learning outcomes. Teachers must meet the qualifications and master the pedagogical and
professional competencies to carry out the learning process. Teacher competence contains
a combination of knowledge, skills, values that are manifested in carrying out their duties.
The higher the quality of teacher competence, the higher the quality of the implementation
of the learning process is expected.
Various elementary school studies provide an overview of the success of teachers in
carrying out the learning process. For example, the success of teachers in carrying out the
learning process in class with students is supported and influenced by teacher competence
(Juniati & Widiana, 2017). The ability of teachers to apply inquiry learning can improve
science learning outcomes for fourth grade elementary school students. The ability of
teachers to apply think-talk-write and reciprocal demonstration learning models in
increasing student activity in the learning process and student learning outcomes (Suwarni,
Kurniasih, & Rostikawati, 2018). The ability of teachers to apply the picture and picture
learning model in integrated thematic learning can improve student learning outcomes. The
ability of teachers to design and apply problem-based learning models can improve the
activities and learning outcomes of fifth graders in elementary schools (Putinella, 2017).
The teacher's ability to apply the inquiry method to integrative thematic learning can
improve the critical thinking skills of fourth grade elementary school students
(Lastriningsih, 2017). The ability of teachers to use interactive multimedia learning media
can improve student learning outcomes up to 16% and increase expressing opinions,
activeness, attention, and concluding students in the learning process (Mureiningsih, 2014).
The ability of teachers to use audio-visual learning media can improve social studies
learning outcomes for elementary school students.
However, reality does not always match the reality found in elementary school.
Teachers face the challenge of improving their quality and the quality of the learning
process. Some of the problems of teacher pedagogic competence in elementary schools are
that they highlight subjects more than integrated thematic learning, teachers do not apply
learning methods and models to improve analytical and synthetic thinking skills (Adittia,
2017). Teachers are more likely to apply the lecture method in learning, even teachers
prioritize aspects of knowledge and do not explore aspects of attitudes and skills in
learning. Less skilled teachers design lesson plans with a scientific approach (Syafitri &
Nuryono, 2020). Less skilled teachers apply authentic assessment in learning evaluation.
Many teachers have not mastered ICT tools so that they are not optimal in using ICT in the
learning process (Caswita & Noer, 2020). The difficulties of elementary school teachers in
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 5, May 2022
carrying out authentic assessments are how to design project assessments, performance
assessments, journals, written assessments (Dewi, 2017). In fact, there are still many
teachers in elementary schools who do not understand the concept and use of ICT and the
internet as learning media because they do not have these facilities (Khayroiyah &
Nasution, 2018).
These problems indicate a phenomenon in schools that teachers lack competence and
the importance of pedagogic competence to carry out the learning process. This lack of
teacher pedagogic competence has an impact on both the quality of the learning process
and the quality of students, because the quality of teachers greatly influences the quality of
learning. Nevertheless, the researcher believes that the ability of teachers to both make
lesson plans and implement and evaluate learning is very influential and determines the
quality of the learning process and the achievement of student learning outcomes. Various
problems that exist arise because of the shortcomings and obstacles experienced by teachers
when implementing their competencies. Researchers also believe that if teachers are
increasingly aware of and understand their competencies and understand the needs of
students, the teacher will be motivated to improve the quality of himself and his pedagogy.
This awareness and understanding is absolutely owned by the teacher as a component that
affects the authority and competence of the teacher (Janawi, 2019). Therefore, improving
the quality of pedagogic competence is an urgent need for both teachers and elementary
schools as educational institutions. This study aims to analyze the pedagogic competence
of teachers implementing the 2013 curriculum learning process in elementary schools to
assist teachers in understanding and implementing their competencies appropriately.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe (1) the characteristics of learning in the
2013 curriculum, (2) the role of the teacher's pedagogical competence in the
implementation of 2013 curriculum learning. the purpose of implementing the 2013
This research is using descriptive qualitative approach with library method.
According to Moelong in (Subandi, 2011) descriptive qualitative approach in research
produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from data sources or
observable behavior. Library research is a study that is used to collect information and data
with the help of various materials in the library such as books, journals, documents,
research reports (Widyawati, 2020). The research steps include topic selection, information
exploration, determining research focus, collecting data sources, preparing data
presentation, and compiling reports (Imah & Purwoko, 2018). While the data analysis
technique is content analysis which includes data abstraction and data interpretation.
Researchers do data abstraction by (1) coding process, namely the process of giving a
definition of what or what the data is being studied by the researcher, (2) creating themes
or categories, namely research developing more detailed coding results. Then the
researcher interprets the data by analyzing the data from the abstraction. Researchers
construct ideas from various existing themes and then link the interpretation results with
previous literature (Afiyanti & Rachmawati, 2014).
Agustinus Tanggu Daga, Dinn Wahyudin, Rudi Susilana
Implementation of Teacher's Pedagogic Competence in the 2013 Curriculum Learning
Process in Elementary School 903
Teacher competence in the implementation of learning is part of the pedagogic
competence of elementary school teachers. In the Regulation of the Minister of National
Education number 16 of 2007 it is stated that the pedagogic competence of teachers
includes (1) Mastering student characteristics from physical, moral, social, cultural,
emotional, and intellectual aspects. (2) mastering learning theory and educational
principles of learning. (3) develop curriculum. (4) carry out educational learning. (5)
Utilizing information and communication technology in learning. (6) develop students'
potential. (7) communicate effectively, empathically, and politely with students. However,
in the latest literature it is explained that the pedagogic competencies of primary school
teachers in Indonesia include implementing integrated thematic learning, applying a
scientific approach in the learning process, designing and using media and learning
resources, integrating the use of ICT, applying 21st century skills as higher-order thinking
skills, and applying authentic assessment.
1. Carry out integrated thematic learning
Characteristics of learning activities in the 2013 curriculum in elementary schools is
the implementation of integrated thematic learning. In general, the learning steps include
introduction, core, and closing (Permendikbud number 22 of 2016). For example, teachers
at SD Negeri 13/I Muara Bulian showed that teachers carry out the learning process with a
sequence of preliminary activities, core activities, and closing activities (Yanti, Kuntarto,
& Kurniawan, 2020). Elementary school teachers carry out learning centered on a particular
theme as a combination of several subjects (Drake & Burns, 2004). Integrated thematic
learning activities follow integrated learning models (Fogarty, 1991) such as connected
models, nested models, sequenced models, webbed models, thread pairs mode (threaded
model), integration model (integrated model) immersed model (immersed model), network
model (networked model). Figure 1 shows an integrated thematic model of various subjects
in elementary school.
In the 2013 curriculum learning books in elementary schools, themes consisting of
several subjects have been designed. For example, theme 3 in grade I is My Activities”
(Nurhasanah & Assagaf, 2017). This theme consists of several sub-themes, namely
morning activities, afternoon activities, afternoon activities, and evening activities.
Furthermore, the sub-theme “morning activities” is carried out in 6 learning activities and
consists of subjects such as Indonesian Language, Pancasila and Citizenship Education
(PPKn), Mathematics, Cultural Arts and Crafts (SBdP). Learning 1 involves Indonesian
subjects, PPKn, SBdP. Each subject contains basic competencies that must be achieved by
students. In lesson 1 the teacher discussed the theme "Morning activities". A study shows
that integrated thematic learning has been carried out by the teacher by combining the basic
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 5, May 2022
competencies of the subject and the teacher uses the teacher's book as a reference in
learning and is carried out in accordance with the lesson plans that have been made by the
teacher (N. A. Sari et al., 2018).
The implementation of integrated thematic learning in elementary schools is carried
out effectively to achieve basic competencies and learning objectives. In line with this
(Lumpkin, 2020) says that an effective learning process requires five steps, namely (1) the
teacher reviews the content of the arranged learning material, (2) the teacher communicates
information clearly and specifically to convince students how and why listening will benefit
them significantly. personally, (3) the teacher guides class interaction by utilizing various
learning approaches interspersed with interesting learning activities, (4) the teacher
strengthens learning through learning assessments, students use the new knowledge and
skills learned. Teacher competence in carrying out the learning process in planned steps
will lead to an effective learning process because effective learning aligns the components
of learning objectives, learning activities and learning assessments (Ramna & Akhilesh,
2. Applying a scientific approach
Teachers must understand the concepts and principles of applying the scientific
approach in the curriculum before it is applied in the learning process. Basically, the
scientific approach has been designed in learning planning, then implemented through
observing, asking questions, gathering information or trying, associating, and
communicating. In questioning activities the teacher helps students read, listen, listen, see
to develop creativity, curiosity, and the ability to formulate questions to form critical
thoughts that are necessary for intelligent living and lifelong learning. In trying activities,
the teacher helps students carry out experiments, read sources other than textbooks,
observes objects/events/activities, and interviews with resource persons. In associating
activities the teacher helps students process information that has been collected both from
the results of collecting/experimental activities as well as the results of observing activities
and information gathering activities. In communicating activities the teacher helps students
convey the results of observations, conclusions based on the results of the analysis orally,
in writing, or other media (Budiyanto, Waluyo, & Mokhtar, 2016). All these scientific
activities must appear in the learning process because the scientific approach applies steps
or methods to produce reliable or reliable knowledge (A. E. Dewi & Mukminan, 2016).
In addition, in applying the scientific approach the teacher can use learning methods
and models. The methods recommended in the 2013 curriculum are inquiry/discovery
learning methods, problem-based methods, project-based methods (Permendikbud Number
22 of 2016 concerning Standards for Primary and Secondary Education Processes, n.d.).
Teachers can also take advantage of various learning models to facilitate active, innovative,
creative, effective and fun learning (Harahap, 2017) (Fatmah et al., 2018).
3. Utilize media and learning resources
The implementation of the learning process requires media and learning resources
for both teachers and students. Teachers must integrate and use media and learning
resources appropriately. Learning media is seen as a tool or vehicle to convey or
communicate learning messages to students. Teachers use learning media to convey lesson
content, stimulate students' thoughts, feelings, attention and abilities so that they can
encourage the teaching and learning process (Portanata, Lisa, & Awang, 2017). Attractive
learning media will be effective to make it easier to show knowledge, provide complete
appeal, touch all student modalities (Rejeki, Adnan, & Siregar, 2020). While learning
resources are very important for a teacher. Learning resources include anything that can be
used to assist teachers in learning, teaching and displaying their competencies (Nur, 2012).
Agustinus Tanggu Daga, Dinn Wahyudin, Rudi Susilana
Implementation of Teacher's Pedagogic Competence in the 2013 Curriculum Learning
Process in Elementary School 905
Teachers must be able to take advantage of various learning resources that come
from the student environment. Learning resources can be grouped into reading material and
non-reading material. Reading materials consist of textbooks, student worksheets,
encyclopedias, reference books, internet, magazines, clippings. While non-reading material
includes pictures or photos, illustrations, films, filmstrips, recordings, graphics, treasures,
posters, bulletin boards, museums, the natural environment, and community resources
(Ikhsan, Sulaiman, & Ruslan, 2017). The use of learning media such as environmental
media as a learning resource can actually improve the learning outcomes of elementary
school students (R. F. Sari et al., 2020). Environmental media provide enthusiasm and focus
for students to pay attention to the teacher's explanation and be able to work on the
questions given by the teacher. A study at SD Negeri 2 Tataaran Menado showed that the
ability of teachers to design and use interactive media in learning mathematics can make
students more enthusiastic and enthusiastic in learning. Students are easier to absorb or
understand learning materials and obtain maximum learning outcomes (Sumilat, 2018).
This means that utilizing learning media will help teachers deliver learning materials,
facilitate learning, and help students to more easily understand learning materials,
especially the concepts of the material being studied (T. H. S. Dewi et al., 2018). The
problem faced by teachers is the lack of learning media facilities both quantitatively and
variations of learning media. Or it often happens that the teacher uses media that are not
suitable for the learning material so that learning becomes less interesting. So that the
learning media used can help teachers and students, the selection of learning media needs
to accommodate the principles of selecting learning media such as the media selected must
be in accordance with the learning objectives, according to the characteristics of students,
consider the characteristics of the media, time and cost, and the availability of learning
media (Falahudin, 2014).
2. Utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Elementary school teachers as the main actors of education must take advantage of
the content of information technology in the learning process (Caswita, 2020). Mastering
ICT has become a demand for a teacher's competence today to support the implementation
of tasks. Teachers must be ready to continue learning ICT to meet the demands of these
competencies. Teachers must adapt continuously by increasing competence in mastering
ICT (Astini, 2019). For example, teachers can take advantage of home learning websites,
teacher rooms and other online learning resources so that the learning process is more
interesting. The ability of teachers to utilize ICT is believed to be one of the strategies to
overcome learning problems. Elementary school teachers use ICT as a source and
innovative learning media (S. Z. Dewi & Hilman, 2019). The limitations of using ICT in
learning can be overcome with ICT training, as implemented (Khayroiyah & Nasution,
2018) in several elementary schools in Medan Petisah District where teachers attend
training on the use of ICT and the internet as learning media to improve teacher
The use of ICT in the implementation of learning is very beneficial for the
achievement of learning objectives. In this context, there are four functions of ICT for
teachers, namely helping administrative work, packaging teaching materials (Multimedia),
assisting the learning management process, and as technical support to increase knowledge
in order to realize self-running creation (Badje et al., 2017). Adar these goals can be
achieved, the teacher must have the ability to master ICT in the learning process. Therefore,
the competencies that must be mastered by teachers in mastering ICT are operating
personal computers and their peripherals (supporting devices); perform object-oriented
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 5, May 2022
computer programming; processing data with a personal computer; processing worksheets
and graphics with a personal computer; and make interactive presentations that meet the
rules of visual and interpersonal communication (Wijayanti & Prabowo, 2011).
One of the problems of elementary school teachers is the lack of knowledge and
mastery of ICT in the learning process. There are schools that have ICT facilities but cannot
be used by teachers. One of the reasons for this is the lack of training on ICT, teachers are
not trying to increase ICT capacity (Yusrizal & Nurhaidah, 2017) so that teachers use
conventional media even though ICT facilities are quite adequate. On the other hand,
schools that already have ICT facilities and teachers use ICT in the learning process will
benefit from achieving learning objectives. For example, a study in elementary schools
showed that teachers easily create and prepare ICT-based learning plans, can carry out
online distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, input and process learning
assessment results quickly and smoothly (Arifin et al., 2022).
3. Integrating 21st century skills in the learning process
The implementation of the 2013 curriculum aims to develop various 21st century
skills as high-level thinking skills for elementary school students. The 21st century skills
developed in elementary schools are critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and
creativity (Widodo, Indraswati, & Sobri, 2019). For example, in the 2013 curriculum book
for class V, theme 1 is about “Moving Organs of Animals and Humans” in sub-theme 2
about humans and the environment.” The competencies developed are critical, creative
and innovative thinking skills, communicative and collaborative. This sub-theme is
discussed in 6 learning activities. The competencies developed in learning 1 are critical,
communicative and collaborative thinking. The competencies developed in learning 2 are
creative and innovative. The competence developed in learning 3 is critical thinking. The
competencies developed in learning 4 are critical, creative and innovative thinking. The
competencies developed in learning 5 are critical and communicative thinking. The
competencies developed in learning 6 are critical, communicative and collaborative
thinking (Maryanto, 2017).
4. Carry out character education
One of the salient features of the 2013 primary school curriculum is the emphasis on
character education. Character education carried out in elementary schools emphasizes the
cultivation of religious values, honest, tolerant, disciplined, hard working, creative,
independent, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love for the homeland, respect for
achievement, communicative, love peace, love to read , cares for the environment, cares
about socially, and is responsible based on Pancasila (Permendikbud Number 20 of 2018
concerning Strengthening Character Education in Education Units) Formal, n.d.). The
implementation of character education is carried out in an integrated manner in intra-
curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities (Presidential Regulation Number 87
of 2017 concerning Strengthening Character Education, n.d.). Teachers carry out character
education in intra-curricular activities through strengthening relevant learning materials
and learning methods. Character education in co-curricular activities is carried out by
enriching and deepening intra-curricular activities. Character education in extracurricular
activities is carried out by developing various potentials, talents, interests, abilities in
activities such as scientific work, sports and art exercises, religious activities according to
students' abilities.
A study on character values developed on the sub-theme "humans and the
environment" in the 2013 grade V curriculum book states (1) character values in learning
activity 1 are unyielding, cooperative, respectful; (2) character values in learning activity 2
Agustinus Tanggu Daga, Dinn Wahyudin, Rudi Susilana
Implementation of Teacher's Pedagogic Competence in the 2013 Curriculum Learning
Process in Elementary School 907
are frugal living, never give up, and cooperation; (3) character values in learning 3 are
tolerance and cooperation, creativity, communication; (4) character values in learning 4 are
creative, cooperative, respecting others, tolerance; (5) character values in learning 5 are
careful, happy, brave and creative, diligent, cooperative; (6) character values in learning 6
are tolerance, cooperation, religious, communication (Widodo et al., 2019). Apart from
being implemented through intracurricular, cocurricular, and extracurricular activities, it
turns out that character education can also be implemented through example and
habituation (Hendriana & Jacobus, 2016). The role and behavior of the teacher is very
important and will be a measure of exemplary for students. Teachers familiarize themselves
with carrying out character values in carrying out tasks at school as well as being an
example for students.
5. Carry out authentic assessment
Another characteristic of the 2013 curriculum is authentic assessment to evaluate
student learning processes and outcomes. The assessment techniques used by elementary
school teachers are observation, peer assessment, assessment for attitude assessment;
written, oral and assignment test techniques for the knowledge aspect; and assessment of
performance, projects, products and portfolios for skills assessment (Fadliyah, 2021).
These techniques are used in various ways according to the needs and characteristics of
students. Teachers carry out authentic assessments in evaluating learning. A study reveals
that attitude assessment uses observation techniques, knowledge competency assessment
with written and oral tests, and skills competency assessment uses performance and product
assessments (Setiyowati, 2017). The assessment instrument used is a teacher-made
Before carrying out an authentic assessment, the teacher needs to prepare an
assessment instrument and set minimum completeness criteria (KKM). KKM as a criterion
for learning completeness is determined by the school by referring to the competency
standards of graduates. KKM is the basis for determining student completeness, remedial
or enrichment activities that will be carried out by students (Setiawati, Asmira, Ariyana,
Bestary, & Pudjuastuti, 2019). So the application of authentic assessment really supports
the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in elementary schools to improve the quality of
the learning process and student learning outcomes, even being able to improve the 21st
century skills of elementary school students such as critical thinking, collaboration,
communication, and creativity (Marhaeni & Artini, 2015).
The teacher's readiness to carry out this research determines the implementation and
success of teachers in implementing authentic assessment. A study in elementary schools
showed that 48% of teachers understand authentic assessment and are ready to apply it, but
there are 36% of teachers who do not understand, and 16% of teachers who do not
understand authentic assessment so that they are not ready to apply it (Rosidah, Pramulia,
& Susiloningsih, 2021). Teachers who lack or do not understand the authentic assessment
then continue to apply the forms and techniques of assessment that are commonly applied,
where the assessment emphasizes aspects of student knowledge.
Based on the explanation above, the researchers conclude (1) the characteristics of
the 2013 curriculum learning process in elementary schools are integrated thematic
learning activities that integrate scientific approaches, authentic assessment and character
education; (2) the role of teacher pedagogic competence in learning includes implementing
integrated thematic learning, applying a scientific approach, utilizing media and learning
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 5, May 2022
resources, integrating and implementing 21st century skills both in the learning process and
in learning assessment, implementing character education, carrying out authentic
assessments, and utilizing ICT. Utilization of learning media to facilitate and expedite the
learning process. Utilization of ICT to create an interactive and fun learning climate, and
carry out authentic assessments to determine student learning outcomes.
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