How to cite:
Radian Syam. (2022). The Role of Political Parties in Communication
at the Central and Regional Levels. Journal of Eduvest. Vol 2(5): 829-
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 5, May, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Radian Syam
Trisakti University, Indonesia
April, 26
May, 14
May, 16
Parties politics are one of the most important components of
a country's political system. This article aims to generate the
birth of political power through the political process in
empowered institution state and through political
communication from the middle to the grassroots. The
research method used in this research is a descriptive
qualitative method. The data types used in this research are
qualitative data, which are divided into primary data and
secondary data. Data sources obtained through library
research techniques (library research) are related to
resources available online and offline, such as: Scientific
journals, books, and news from reliable sources. The findings
of this study conclude that the role of political forces in the
political system is crucial in the process of legislation and
communication through which the party's vision and mission
are realized. Political institutions that formally have
legislative power are staffed by those empowered to do so,
or are reflected in the power structure of state institutions
through formal political power, such as the President, the
Council of People's Representatives, and other state
institutions and political infrastructure. Political power, such
as political parties, community leaders, community
organizations, NGOs, professional associations, etc.
Political Parties, Communication, Central Government,
Regional Government
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Radian Syam
The Role of Political Parties in Communication at the Central and Regional Levels 830
Democracy in Indonesia has been 18 years old since 1998, and in its development it
has gone through various processes full of the dynamism of democratic life (Mietzner,
2020b). After the presidency of Suharto, general elections to elect DPR-RI, Provincial
DPRD and Regent/Municipal DPRD members were held 3 times with 4 different presidents
(Aminuddin, 2019). The unified country of the Republic of Indonesia has passed various
things in the process of democratization, including the 1945 Constitutional Amendment,
freedom of the press, separation of the army and the people, freedom of speech, etc (Barton,
Yilmaz, & Morieson, 2021).
Since the reform and opening up, one of the fundamental changes in my country's
national administration has been the emergence of many political parties, as a form of
freedom of speech, association and assembly, which is one of the main characteristics of a
country with a democratic system, sovereignty and freedom. the human rights of its
citizens. The increase in the number of political parties participating in elections in
Indonesia's democratic process is a logical consequence of the consistent application of
democratic systems, but on the other hand, a large number of political parties does not
automatically make the implementation of quality democratic systems better, it tends to
make things worse (Mietzner, 2020a).
Political parties, which are supposed to bring popular votes to the ruling government,
have turned their functions into political tools with the aim of enriching the people within,
or being used by some to hold public office (Dalton, 2013). Whereas (modern) societies
see politics more as a process of self-realization and realize its interests in the form of
public politics (Yurkiv & Krasnova, 2021).
There is no denying that all parties will try to gain as much support as possible to
win the general election so that they can influence the direction of national policy
(Matanock & Staniland, 2018). It really depends on what method the parties will use to
gain the sympathy and popular support of the people in the next parliamentary term in 2019,
whether to continue using the old model of practice or use the new one with consequences.
There will be a very tough battle.
The decline in voter turnout from the 1999 general election to the 2014 general
election attests to society's a priori perceptions of political parties. After the Reformation,
turnout in the 1999 election was 92.6 percent, compared with 7.3 percent for the Golputs.
In the 2004 election, turnout dropped to 84.1 percent and abstentions rose to 15.9 percent.
In the first round of the presidential election, the voter participation rate reached 78.2%,
and the number of non-voters reached 21.8%. In the second round, the voter participation
rate reached 76.6%, with 23.4 abstentions percentage.
In the 2009 general election, turnout fell to just 70.9 percent and abstentions rose by
29.1 percent. In the 2009 presidential election, the voter turnout reached 71.7%, and the
abstention rate reached 28.3%. Meanwhile, turnout in the 2014 general election rose to
75.11 percent, but fell to 69.58 percent in the presidential and vice-presidential elections.
Not without reason, because until today, the party's work has not had real results that have
a positive impact on people's lives, especially after the federal election. Therefore, concrete
steps must be taken from today until the next stage of parliamentary elections in 2019.
This article aims to generate the birth of political power through the political process
of empowered state institutions, and through political communication from the middle to
the grassroots.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 5, May 2022
The method research used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method. The
data types used in this study are qualitative data, which are divided into primary data and
secondary data (Schuurman, 2020). Data sources obtained through library research
techniques (library research) are related to resources available online and offline, such as:
Scientific journals, books, and news from reliable sources (Kurniasih et al., 2018). These
sources are gathered based on discussions and linked from one piece of information to
another (Resende et al., 2019). The data collection techniques used in this study were
observation, interview and research. Analyze the data and draw conclusions (Moser &
Korstjens, 2018).
I. Political Parties in a Political System
In modern political systems, political parties have almost certainly become an
integral part of any political system, whether democratic or authoritarian (Levitsky, 2018).
Sigmund Neumann defined a political party as an explicit organization of political actors
active in society who focused their attention on the control of government power and
competed with several other groups representing different viewpoints (Scarrow, 2014).
People who support the people. Political parties are therefore great intermediaries, linking
social forces and ideologies to official government institutions and linking them to political
action within the wider political community (Chazan, 2019).
In a constitutional system that preserves democracy, the position and role of political
parties is obviously very important, as they serve as a very strategic link between
government processes and citizens (a political party is one that seeks to achieve common
goals and exercise political power through acquisitions among its members). Therefore, it
is often said that political parties are the determinants of democracy (Linde & Peters, 2020).
As Schattscheider (1942) put it, "Parties create democracy". Therefore, in any democratic
political system, the party is a very important pillar to strengthen the degree of
institutionalization. In fact, Shatzhead also said: "Modern democracy is unthinkable
without political parties".
A political party can refer to a political organization that follows a specific ideology
or is established with a specific purpose. In another language, a political party can refer to
an organized group whose members share the same direction, values, and ideals. The
organization's goal is to gain political power and hold political office in a constitutional
manner to implement its policies.
According to Jimly Asshiddiqie, a political party can be defined as "...a form of
institutionalization as a free expression of ideas, thoughts, opinions and beliefs in a
democratic society..." The facilitator of national decision-making - linking citizens with
The process of linking state institutions…” to “…playing a role in the dynamic process of
fighting for the values and interests of the voters they represent…” Political parties are the
media that engage in the life of the nation through wider community efforts Decision-
making process.
A good party system determines the operation of the national administrative system
and is based on a system of mutual checks and balances. On the other hand, whether the
functions of state institutions can play an effective role in the sense of the principle of
constitutional checks and balances also largely determines the development quality of a
country's party system and democratic mechanism. Of course, all of this is closely related
to the development of free-spirited traditions and cultural dynamics in social life. In turn,
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intellectual traditions or freedom of thought influence the growth and development of
principles of freedom of association and assembly in the dynamics of life in democratic
Of course, political parties are just an institutionalized form of free expression of
ideas, thoughts, opinions, and beliefs in a democratic society. In addition to political parties,
other forms of expression such as freedom of the press, freedom of assembly or freedom
of association are also expressed through non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
community-based organizations (Ormas) and other non-party organizations. NGO). ) There
are a lot more.
As far as state activities are concerned, the role of political parties as media and
carriers is undoubtedly very prominent. Apart from other factors such as press freedom and
the role of an enlightened middle class, the role of political parties is arguably crucial to
the dynamics of state activity. However, political parties play a very important role in the
dynamic process of fighting for the values and interests of the voters they represent in order
to shape policy in state activities. Political parties act as intermediaries in the state decision-
making process, linking citizens to state institutions.
II. Functions of Political Parties
In general, political scientists usually describe the existence of 4 (four) functions of
political parties. According to Miriam Budiardjo, the four functions of political parties are
1. Political communication;
2. Political socialization;
3. Political recruitment (political recruitment); and
4. Conflict management.
As a means of political communication, political parties are tasked with channeling
the aspirations of different people and suppressing dissent in the community. Political
parties serve as a forum to bundle together the wishes of like-minded community members
(interest aggregation) in order to express them in a more structured or ordered way (interest
expression). Furthermore, political parties articulate these aspirations in policy proposals
submitted to the government to make them public policy. Political parties, on the other
hand, are tasked with supporting the dissemination of government policies and facilitating
the constant flow of information between the government and the public.
As a means of political socialization, political parties will try to portray themselves
as public interest fighters in order to gain broad public support. Political parties therefore
need to educate and develop the mindset of their members (and the wider community) to
make them aware of their responsibilities as citizens. This process is called political
socialization and can take the form of lectures, management courses, seminars, etc.
Furthermore, political socialization can also be interpreted as an attempt (Asshiddiqie,
2006) to socialize the ideas, visions and strategic strategies of political parties to voters and
provide feedback in the form of wider community support.
As a means of political recruitment, the role of political parties is to find and invite
talented individuals to participate in politics as members of the party (political recruitment).
This is an attempt to expand political participation. In addition, political recruitment
targeting the younger generation has the potential to be a means of preparing for a renewal
of leadership within the party. As a means of conflict resolution, the task of political parties
is to resolve, through democratic dynamics, conflicts that arise in society that lead to
competition and division.
In terms of Yves Meng and Andrew Knapp, the functions of political parties include
the following functions:
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Volume 2 Number 5, May 2022
1. Mobilization and integration;
2. Means of forming influence on voting patterns;
3. Political recruitment facilities; and
4. Means of elaborating policy options.
According to Jimly Asshiddiqie, the four functions are equally related to one another.
As a means of political communication, the party plays a very important role in articulating
the interests (interest articulation) or political interests that exist or are sometimes hidden
in society. These various interests are best absorbed by political parties into the ideas,
visions, and policies of the political parties concerned. After that, the ideas and policies or
policy aspirations are advocated so that they can be expected to influence or even become
material for official state policies.
As for Law no. 2 of 2008 article 11 paragraph 1 states that the function of political
parties is as a means of:
a) To politically educate members and the wider community to become citizens of
Indonesia about their rights and obligations in society, state and national life.
b) Create an atmosphere conducive to Indonesian national unity and integrity for the
benefit of the people.
c) Record, collect and guide the political aspirations of the people in formulating and
determining national policies.
d) Political participation of Indonesian citizens and
e) Political recruitment in the process of filling political positions through democratic
mechanisms that respect gender equality and justice.
In terms of political communication, political parties also play an important role in
political socialization. The party's chosen ideas, vision and strategic guidelines are shared
with voters to gather feedback that is supported by the wider community. In connection
with this political socialization, the party also plays a very important role in political
education. Political parties, becoming intermediate structures, play a role in anchoring
national ideals in the collective consciousness of citizens. For example, political parties can
play an important role in raising awareness of the rule of law. Of course, the importance of
the role of political parties in this regard should not be interpreted as the sole responsibility
of political parties to advance the constitution.
People from all walks of life, even dignitaries in public office, especially heads of
government, shoulder the same responsibility. However, what I want to stress here is that
the role of political parties in the framework of political education and political
socialization is very important.
The third function of political parties is a means of political recruitment. Party
building should be a legitimate way to select leading cadres at all levels. Some of these
cadres are directly elected by the people, while others are indirectly elected through the
House of Representatives or other indirect means. Of course, not all political recruiting
positions can be filled by political parties.
Civil servants and other professional offices in non-political fields (political offices)
must not be linked to party functions. Political parties may only be involved in filling
political positions and therefore need to go through a political process to appoint their
officers (political appointments). To avoid confusion, it is necessary to properly understand
the difference between positions of a political nature and positions of a technical,
administrative and professional nature.
There is only one political position within the ministry, the minister. On the other
hand, an assistant minister is a civil servant in the department he heads and is subject to the
laws and regulations applicable in the field of employment. There is a distinction between
a state office and a public service office. Civil servants who hold government positions are
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called civil servants. For simplicity, civil servants should be referred to as civil servants.
Public office or civil service positions, especially civil servants, are divided into two
categories: structural positions and functional positions. Each of these positions has a very
clear hierarchy in terms of career progression.
III. Political Parties in Indonesia
In Indonesia, political parties were born as part of freedom of association, freedom
of assembly, and freedom of thought and expression, all human rights recognized and
guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution. The existence of political parties is also linked to the
desire to create a strong national life in the state. An independent, united, sovereign, just,
prosperous, democratic and unified Republic of Indonesia.
The democratic principles of safeguarding the sovereignty, aspirations, openness,
justice, accountability and non-discriminatory treatment of the people of the unified
country of the Republic of Indonesia must be realized in the party system as a means of
public political participation to develop democratic life and uphold responsible freedom .
Act No. 2 of 2008 on Political Parties Act No. 2 of 2011, which amended the Political
Parties Act No. 2 of 2008, defines a political party as “an organization of a national
character, established voluntarily by a group of Indonesian citizens according to the
common will and ideals, for the purpose of and defend the political interests of members,
society, nation and state, and maintain the integrity of the united state of the Republic of
Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.”
The general objectives of political parties set out in Law No. 2 of 2008 on Political
Parties include:
1. To realize the national aspirations of the Indonesian people mentioned in the
preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945;
2. To maintain and maintain the integrity of the unified state of the Republic of
3. To develop a democratic life based on Pancasila by safeguarding the sovereignty
of the people of the unified country of the Republic of Indonesia; and
4. To achieve prosperity for all Indonesians.
On the other hand, the specific objectives of Political Parties are:
1. Increase the political participation of members and the public in organizing
political and national activities;
2. Striving for the ideals of the party in social, national and national life; and
3. Building a moral and political culture in the life of society, nation and country.
The function of political parties is a means of:
1. To politically educate members and the wider community to become Indonesian
citizens about their rights and obligations in social, ethnic and national life;
2. To create an atmosphere conducive to Indonesian national unity and integrity for
the benefit of the people;
3. To record, collect and disseminate the political demands of the people to
formulate and decide national policies;
4. Political participation of Indonesian citizens; and
5. Political recruitment in the recruitment process Filling political positions
through democratic mechanisms, taking into account gender equality and justice.
In carrying out their duties and functions, political parties are provided with rights
and obligations. Therefore, political parties have the right to:
1. Accept equal, equal and fair treatment from the state;
2. Independently organize and manage the budget of the Organization;
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3. Obtain the copyright of the name, symbol and graphic logo of the political party
in accordance with laws and regulations;
4. Participate in the general election and elect members of the People's
Representative Committee and Regional People's Representative Committee,
chairman, vice-chairman, regional director and deputy regional director
according to law;
5. In accordance with laws and regulations, establish factions at the level of the
People's Consultative Conference, the People's Representative Conference, the
Provincial Local People's Representative Committee, and the Regent/City Local
People's Representative Committee;
6. Proposing candidates for people's representatives and provincial people's
representatives in accordance with the law;
7. To propose temporary changes to its membership in the House of
Representatives and the national representative body in accordance with
statutory provisions;
8. In accordance with laws and regulations, propose the dismissal of its members
from the House of Representatives and Regional Councils;
9. Propose the matching of candidates for President, Vice President, Governor and
Lieutenant Governor, Regent Lieutenant Governor, Mayor and Deputy Mayor
in accordance with the law;
10. Create and own affiliates of political parties; and obtain financial support from
the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget/State Revenue and Expenditure
Budget as required by law.
The obligations of political parties are:
1. The exercise of Pancasila, the implementation of the Constitution and
regulations of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945;
2. To maintain and maintain the integrity of the unified state of the Republic of
3. Participate in national development;
4. Uphold the rule of law, democracy and human rights;
5. To educate citizens and guide the political aspirations of their members;
6. A successful general election;
7. To register and maintain the order of member information;
8. Keep accounts, keep the list of donors and the amount of donations received,
and disclose them to the public;
9. After the National Financial Revenue and Expenditure Support Fund and the
local financial revenue and expenditure budget are audited by the National Audit
Office, the financial revenue and expenditure accounting statements shall be
regularly submitted to the government every year;
10. Maintain a general campaign finance account; and
11. Public party platform.
Seeing and referring to the functions and roles of political parties, the author provides
ideas for political parties, namely:
IV. Party Internal Structure
As one of the democratic forces, the political party has a middle and lower level
structure and has the tools to manage the internal structure of the political party, which can
affect the country and the country's life system. Of course, given that political parties have
the characteristics of political power, the structural teams of political parties must have a
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The Role of Political Parties in Communication at the Central and Regional Levels 836
deep understanding of the responsibilities and functions of political parties at the level of
their respective administrative structures in order to realize the vision and mission of each
political party. political party. reunion.
In the context of implementing democracy, political parties are the most mature
channels for the expression and convergence of political interests in the modern political
system. The importance of political parties becomes even more apparent when it comes to
the public interest that the government (executive body) and parliament (legislative body)
need to hear. The importance of the existence of political parties in the democratic process,
especially indirect democracy, is mainly due to the expansion of geographical space and
the increase of the population of a country's territory, so in this case it is impossible for
people to express their wishes directly to judge. Simply put, based on the above description,
the task of political parties is to be the "bridge" between the people and the government,
enabling parties to compete in executive, legislative, judicial, general and independent
elections to keep pace with the news media. Build a high-quality civilized political life.
The challenge of civilization and the quality of political life is to seek parties with
different roles and functions to reduce (or even solve) the different problems that exist in
modern society. Thus, parties build civilizations that can resolve differences through
constructive dialogue that could lead to the escalation of destructive conflict.
The role of political parties can be simply explained as representing ideas, ie. H.
Representing the interests of citizens, compromising competing opinions/demands, and
compromising peaceful and legitimate political succession and leadership.
In the context of political parties as "bridges" between the people and the government
(rulers), political parties must, through their structural ranks, become an active part of the
social and political life of a particular community unit. Different levels of administration.
As one of the democratic systems that play an important role in the democratic
process, political parties need to be able to position themselves actively and creatively to
fulfill their functions and responsibilities as representatives of ideas. Political parties and
other democratic institutions, such as the executive, legislative, judicial and press, must
consistently carry out their mandates and functions before federal elections (first elections)
and during federal elections (by-elections).
The task of political parties is to get as many votes as possible before the general
election to win a large number of seats in all levels of the legislature, starting with the
Democratic Republic, the Democratic Republic Province and the Democratic Republic
Regency/City. At the same time, after the general election and before the implementation
of the next period, the Ideal Party still needs to carry out activities aimed at the
organizational goals and prepare for the next parliamentary election.
The activities of the above political parties must be carried out by:
1. The entire structural hierarchy of political parties that won legislative and/or
presidential elections (and coalitions of parties that support them); and
2. All structural parties that have lost parliamentary and presidential elections and
are thus in opposition.
For a winning party, the entire structural ranks of the party become the main
proponents of the executive function (government) created by the party, in other words, the
monitor and facilitator of the execution of government plans, which in turn are carried out
by party officials implement.
At the same time, the political party structure at different levels of the opposing
political parties has also become a balancing institution, or even an interest group, to
monitor the performance of the government (administration) in a certain period of time.
Contradictions exist not only in the legislature, but also in the context of the exercise of
executive power.
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Volume 2 Number 5, May 2022
As an essential element of democratic life, the opposition is the task of parties with
different tendencies and views than the victors. As a duty, the opposition must be loyal and
active in policing and, where possible, be the main proponent of government programs
when the program or public policy actually works or should be supported.
Political parties actually have a very broad function and should influence the socio-
political life of a democratic country. A party with membership/voting power can influence
government policy (government in the executive sense, which is a function in Rosso's triple
politics) and even legislative policy through its internal party cadres, as long as they do so.
Whether it is the interests of all the people, or the interests of the people.
Daniel S. Lev believes that the most important thing in the legal process is the
concept and structure of power or political power, that is, the law is more or less always a
political tool, the status of the law in a country depends on the political balance, the
definition of power, The development of political ideology. , economy, society, etc.
Although the above-mentioned legal procedures cannot be equated with the intention
of law formation, in practice the process and dynamics of law formation often experience
the same thing, namely the mainstream social concept and political power structure, which
largely determine the formation of law. the formation of law. Form a legal product.
Therefore, to understand the relationship between a country's politics and law, it is
necessary to examine not only its legal system itself, but also its cultural background,
economy, socio-political power, the state of the state system and its social conditions
From this fact, it can be seen that there is legal space for the political process to enter
and form legal products through the political system. In this context, in the process of
implementing legal norms as a political product, two key words need to be further
investigated, namely, the influence of power on the law, including the words "process" and
"system". This influence is becoming increasingly evident in the legislative products of
political institutions, which are heavily influenced by the political power that dominates
the political establishment. Turning to this issue, Miriam Budiarjo argues that political
power is defined as the ability to influence the formation and consequences of public policy
(government), which depends on the holder of the power.
In the process of shaping laws and regulations through the political system, the role
of political forces in the political system is crucial. Political institutions with official
legislative power are just vacant institutions without legislative power. Therefore, political
institutions are just tools for groups that have political power. Political power can be viewed
from two perspectives, here is the power of formal political power (political institutions),
embodied in the power structure of state institutions such as the president and the
legislature, and the political power of the state. nation. Political infrastructure includes:
political parties, community leaders, community organizations, NGOs, professional
associations, etc. It can be concluded that the formation of legal products stems from the
influence of political power through the political process of state institutions.
The constitutional system based on checks and balances adopted after the 1945
Constitutional Amendment (UUD 1945) limited the influence of political power on
legislation. If we examine the revised material of the 1945 Constitution on the exercise of
government powers in more detail, the emphasis is on the power and authority of each
government agency, the scope of the powers of each government agency, and the added
foundation. to the following. The seat of government administrative functions for each
government entity. This system is known as a "checks and balances" system, which means
that the constitution limits the powers of each state agency, no matter how high or low, and
is equally regulated according to their respective functions.
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With such a system, any citizen who believes his constitutional rights have been violated
by the policy product of the legislative political body can sue the state agency. A complaint
can be made to the Constitutional Court if the violation is committed by a law, or to the
Supreme Court if all legal products of other political institutions are subject to that law.
To understand more about the mechanism of law formation in Indonesia, it is
necessary to understand the political system used. Political institutions embody how state
institutions exercise state power and how state institutions' job-filling mechanisms work.
These are two important points of political systems related to law formation.
Some important principles of the Indonesian political system relevant to this
description are systems based on the rule of law, constitutional principles, and democratic
principles. These three principles are interrelated and mutually supportive, and even the
loss of one may lead to the adoption of a crippled ideal political system. The rule of law
includes separation of powers, checks and balances, fair trial, safeguarding judicial
independence, and safeguarding and safeguarding human rights. Constitutional principles
require that any state agency exercising state power can only act within the limits set forth
in the Constitution and in accordance with the mandate given to it by the Constitution.
Under democratic principles, public/popular participation works well in all areas,
both in filling positions in political structures and in determining policies adopted by
different political structures. Democracy therefore also requires transparency (opening of
information), guarantees of liberty and civil rights, mutual respect and respect, and
adherence to mutually agreed rules and mechanisms.
In such a political system, various political products are born in the form of policies,
laws and regulations. Therefore, in the paradigm advocated by the positivist school,
political products, as legal sources and legally binding sources, should be able to
accommodate all interests of different social classes, and moral and ethical values should
be generally accepted by society. Thus, law refers to what is set out in legislation approved
by a government agency that has the power to do so. Moral and ethical values are
considered to be enshrined in law because they go through a process of engaging and
understanding the voice of the people. If the product violates the basic norms and values
respected by the society and violates the rights of the people guaranteed by the constitution,
the people can sue the state (institution) to revoke the promulgated regulations and make
them invalid. Therefore, the moral and ethical values and human interests existing in social
reality are still an expected law, which controls and produces new real laws through the
process of changing, supplementing and forming new laws.
As can be seen from the brief description above, political parties play a very
important role in social and national life. Because of this very strategic function, every
political party needs to improve in various aspects, one of which is to improve the structural
aspects of the party, so that each structural line of the party is actively expressed as a
component. Political system and political system. Make political parties the focus of
institutions, channels, groups, forums, people, where people can complain about any
problems in social and national life, and can also be a channel for communicating with
different political parties in their lives.
To improve the party's internal structure, the most important thing is to require the
party's political leaders at all levels without exception to regularly enter the society and
keep in touch with the society. All potentials and barriers in the community should be
inventoried, and managers who violate this provision should be subject to organizational
sanctions at all structural levels.
Of course, from the highest level of the party to the lowest level of the structure, the
lowest level of the structure will always deal directly with the community based on the
existing leadership hierarchy. This refers to an area/territory that doesn't have too many
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Volume 2 Number 5, May 2022
people. However, the structural ranks of the top political parties also need to be actively
involved in the community to strengthen the work of the structural ranks below. In this
case, the rewards and punishments of political parties are very important.
It must be clear that higher structural levels within a geographical area of party
structure management do not have the ability to directly manage the constituency of the
party with the lowest structural level. Compared to the structural hierarchies at the
city/government level and above, it is important to give the lowest structural tiers the power
to exercise territorial and individual (compositional) governance as they are in direct
contact with individual constituencies.
In this case, according to the party's statutes/rules of procedure and/or organizational
charters, each department is obliged to formulate areas and personnel (composition) for its
subordinate departments according to their powers. In particular, the provincial structural
level is required to provide ongoing guidance to the municipal/government structural level
and pass it on to the sub-district, village/Kelurahan and RT/RW levels. Instead, activity
reporting is from RT/RW level to village/Kelurahan, street, district/city and provincial
Of course, this would be difficult to do without an objective selection process for the
party's leading cadres. To this end, the next step to improve the party's internal structure
and functions is to implement an objective selection and appointment mechanism to select
and appoint leading party cadres who meet predetermined conditions, especially in the
RT/RW structure stage. Villages/Kelurahan and roads, as they are the places where there
is direct contact with the people of their respective regions.
This also applies to elected members of legislatures at the DPR RI, Provincial-
DVRD and City-DDRD levels, who are also obliged to rebuild areas that became their
constituencies (counting areas) during electoral campaigns. This commitment is reflected.
Because of the high density of legislators in constituencies, they must always be reconciled
with each county's structural hierarchy.
To monitor the performance of the responsible legislature, the structural level at the
street level will be given broader responsibilities and powers to oversee the day-to-day
activities/visits to the area by the constituency legislature. However, the obligation to enter
must be determined by the organization, and in the event of a violation, sanctions will be
imposed based on the degree of violation. Example: For representatives at the district/city
level, organizational tasks are assigned at the district/city level and the party organization
level at the state and federal level.
By implementing the above measures, we hope that all party members and cadres
will always carry out direct activities in the community. The activity in question can take
any form, what matters is the form of its presence in the community, and that presence is
the mission of the organization. If this happens simultaneously and continuously, the party
is bound to gain popular sympathy over the next five years. Campaigning has to be done
every day, not just before the election.
The key to the success of the program/activity is the human element, in this case the
willingness of party cadres, especially in structural leadership, to carry out the activity. The
willingness of party leaders to enter the community is necessary, so the recruitment process
of party leaders is one of the important factors in the development and growth of the party.
Political parties are one of the most important components of a country's political
system. Political parties play a very important role in drafting and communicating laws to
achieve the party's vision and mission, as political parties participate in executive,
Radian Syam
The Role of Political Parties in Communication at the Central and Regional Levels 840
legislative and own machinery, especially through political lobbying. Political parties are
also interested in implementing policies in the form of control over government policies.
But by this time, the role of Indonesian political parties has become a political tool
controlled by a specific person, only concerned with the interests of individuals or parties,
not the interests of the people, so politics is also changing. Inevitably there are changes that
make the system less than optimal. Operation method. The role of political forces in the
political system is crucial in drafting laws and regulations and communicating the party's
vision and mission through the political system. Political institutions that formally have
legislative powers consist of individuals empowered through formal political powers
(political institutions) within the power structures of state institutions such as the President,
the Council of People's Representatives, and other state institutions such as political
infrastructure and power ) is rooted in the political infrastructure such as political parties,
community leaders, community organizations, NGOs, professional associations, etc.
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