Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 5, May 2022
The results of this study for combining visual elements such as: points, lines, fields,
space, color, texture into a single unit that forms an illustration by having a message
conveyed, namely about the differences in women on every island in Indonesia. Therefore,
the author needs an analysis of the characteristics seen from the distribution of ethnicity
and race to cover one island in Indonesia. However, from the data obtained regarding their
physical characteristics, not all of them are correct, because not all women have the same
characteristics as those mentioned in the analysis. In each island there are many tribes,
provinces, regions which certainly have different characteristics. As for what symbolizes
women in a visual form, it can be seen through the representations depicted from various
ethnicities and races in Indonesia, clothing and accessories that are characteristic of the
culture on each island, as well as colors and layouts that convey the message of the diversity
of each island. Color acts as a communication tool in the representation of the diversity of
Indonesian women in illustrations through visual elements, where color can be tied to
religion, culture, social and politics.
Based on the analysis that has been done using the theory of illustration, color, and
layout, basically women are the same, each has gifts with uniqueness, because beauty is
very diverse. Being beautiful is not about perfection in the physical but beautiful is what is
inside each one. The analysis of Nadya Noor's work on illustration on clothes in a beauty
standard campaign, it can be a recommendation in conveying messages in campaigns using
illustration media. So, the researcher suggests by loading images or visual elements that
are easy to understand according to the problem raised so that the message in the work can
be conveyed properly. So, for the results of further research, the researcher hopes that there
will be similar research to get better results to obtain new knowledge from data analysis
and even better results.
In the results of research that has been done as a reference in the design of the final
project. In Nadya Noor's work, the scope and issues raised will be applied to the final
project. In accordance with what was discussed in the campaign which analyzed the
elements in the illustrations, colors, layouts, which were adjusted to the design principles
with the message to be conveyed in the campaign.
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