How to cite:
Niarita Bukit. (2022). The Effect of Motivation, Work Environment,
and Workload on Employee Performance at PDAM Tirtauli
Pematang Siantar. Journal Eduvest. Vol (2): 710-715
Published by:
March, 26
April, 16
April, 18
This research aims to examine and analyze the effect of
motivation, work environment and workload on employee
performance at PDAM Tirtauli Pematang Siantar. The nature
of the research in this study is explanatory. The number of
samples in this study were 88 samples. The independent
variables in this study consisted of motivation (X1), work
environment (X2) and workload (X3), while the dependent
variable was employee performance. Data analysis used
multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that
partially or simultaneously the variables of motivation, work
environment and workload had a significant effect on
employee performance at PDAM Tirtauli, Pematang Siantar
Motivation,! Work! Environment,! Workload! And! Employee!
This! work! is! licensed! under! a! Creative! Commons!
Employee performance is the spirit possessed by an employee to complete his work.
Employees who have good performance can help the company in achieving the goals set
by the company (Sitopu, Sitinjak, & Marpaung, 2021). Employees who have positive
performance provide a sense of optimism for the company in carrying out breakthroughs
in company development, whereas if employees have negative performance it will hinder
the achievement of company goals. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to efforts that
Niarita Bukit
The Effect of Motivation, Work Environment, and Workload on Employee Performance
at PDAM Tirtauli Pematang Siantar 711
can increase employee performance, but relate to the workload provided by the company
(Balducci et al., 2021).
Employee performance is influenced by several factors including motivation, work
environment and workload. (Hartinah et al., 2020) state that work motivation is one of the
factors that can determine an employee's performance. Performance can be influenced by
motivation. Motivation has a big influence on performance, both motivation that comes
from within and from outside. A maximum performance can be achieved through high
work motivation.
Besides motivation, performance is also influenced by the workload of employees.
Workload is one of the factors that affect employee performance (Oah, Na, & Moon, 2018).
Workload is a collection or number of activities that must be completed by an
organizational unit within a specified time. The number of tasks and responsibilities
assigned to an employee causes the results achieved to be less than optimal because
employees only have little time to complete many tasks. If this happens often, it will have
an impact on the performance of the employees themselves (Murphy, 2020).
To improve employee performance can also be done by improving the work
environment (Wei, Sewell, Woody, & Rose, 2018). The company as the parent company
must provide a comfortable and conducive work environment that is able to make
employees work more productively (Purwanto et al., 2020). Creating a safe and
comfortable work environment will be able to give satisfaction to employees to work well.
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the researcher can conclude that the
research objectives are to analyze the effect of motivation on employee performance at
PDAM Tirtauli Pematang Siantar City, analyze the effect of the work environment on
employee performance at PDAM Tirtauli Pematang Siantar City, analyze the effect of
workload on employee performance at PDAM Tirtauli City Pematang Siantar, and analyze
the influence of motivation, work environment and workload on employee performance at
PDAM Tirtauli Pematang Siantar City.
This research was conducted at PDAM Tirtauli, Pematang Siantar City, which is
located on Jl. Besar Panettonga, Naga Huta, Kec. Siantar Marimbun, Pematang Siantar
City. The sampling technique in this research uses the saturated sampling method, where
the sampling technique is the determination of the sample that makes all members of the
population a sample of 88 people(Saputra & Kawisana, 2021). The dependent variable in
this study is employee performance (Y), while the independent variables are motivation
(X1), work environment (X2), workload (X3). Data analysis used multiple linear regression
analysis (Sugiyono, 2016: 192).
1. Research Results
a. Multiple Linear Regression
The test results of multiple linear regression analysis can be seen in the table below:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April 2022
Table 1. Multiple Regression Coefficient test results
Based on the above equation, then: constant (a) = 5.463. This means that if the
independent variables, namely if the motivation, work environment and workload are 0,
then the employee's performance is 5.463. Where if there is an increase in motivation by
one unit, then employee performance will increase by 0.365. An increase in the work
environment by one unit will increase employee performance by 0.313. If there is an
increase in workload by one unit, then the employee's performance will increase by 0.258.
b. Coefficient of Determination
The results of testing the coefficient of determination can be seen in the table
Table 2. Testing the Coefficient of Determination
Based on the table above, the value of the Adjusted R Square coefficient of
determination is 0.542, meaning that the ability of the motivation variable, work
environment and workload to explain its effect on employee performance is 54.20%. While
the remaining 45.80% is the influence of other independent variables not examined in this
study such as communication variables, discipline, and various other factors.
c. Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing (F-Test)
The results of simultaneously testing the hypothesis can be seen in the table below:
Table 3. F-test
Based on the table above, it is obtained that the value of the F-table (2.72) and
significant = 5% (0.05), namely F-count (35.358) and sig.a (0.000a). This means that
simultaneously motivation, work environment and workload have a positive and significant
effect on employee performance.
Niarita Bukit
The Effect of Motivation, Work Environment, and Workload on Employee Performance
at PDAM Tirtauli Pematang Siantar 713
d. Partial Hypothesis Testing (t-test)
The following results from partial hypothesis testing can be seen in the table below
as follows:
Table 4. t-test
Based on the table above, it can be seen that:
1. The t-count value for the motivation variable (X1) shows that the t-count value
(4.035)>t-table (1.941) with a significant level of 0.000 <0.05 so it can be
concluded that there is a positive and significant effect between motivation on
employee performance .
2. The t-count value for the work environment variable (X2) shows that the t-count
value (2.896)> t-table (1.941) with a significant level of 0.005 <0.05 so it can be
concluded that there is a positive and significant influence between the work
environment on employee performance.
3. The t-count value for the workload variable (X3) shows that the t-count value
(4.620) > t-table (1.941) with a significant level of 0.000 <0.05 so it can be
concluded that there is a positive and significant effect between workload on
employee performance.
2. Discussion
The results showed that motivation had a positive and significant effect on
employee performance (PANCASILA, HARYONO, & SULISTYO, 2020). The existence
of motivation by company leaders to employees will further improve employee
performance(Razak, Sarpan, & Ramlan, 2018). The presence of motivation will stimulate
employees to mobilize their abilities so that they are able to show maximum performance.
Motivated employees not only improve their performance, but also increase their
commitment to work. Employees do not hesitate to try their best so that the task is
completed properly. This will encourage high employee job satisfaction and have a positive
impact on company performance. This is in accordance with the opinion of Mangkunegara
(2017: 67) which states that the factors that influence performance are the ability factor and
the motivation factor.
The work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee
performance (Abdullah, 2020). A comfortable work environment will have a direct impact
on employees, especially in terms of completing the work given(Sunarsi, 2020). Employees
who feel comfortable and safe in their work environment will be able to bring out all their
abilities because employees do not feel disturbed when they work, so that with this comfort
they are motivated to work, this causes a lot of work to be completed properly so that their
performance can be said to be good. According to (Hermawati et al., 2020) that
performance is influenced by several factors, namely internal environmental factors,
external environment, and internal employees.
Workload has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Workloads
that exceed the capacity that must be done by an employee will make employees produce
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April 2022
low performance This is because employees will be very burdened with the work that must
be completed. According to (Nanda, Soelton, Luiza, & Saratian, 2020) if the workload
continues to increase without an appropriate division of workload, employee performance
will decrease. The high workload is seen in the fluctuating level of production target
achievement. This makes it difficult to standardize work for each employee, the level of
production at the company from day to day is uncertain depending on how big the target is
to complete (Fareri, Fantoni, Chiarello, Coli, & Binda, 2020).
Based on the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that motivation has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance at PDAM Tirtauli, Pematang
Siantar City. The work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee
performance at PDAM Tirtauli Pematang Siantar. Workload has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance at PDAM Tirtauli Pematang Siantar. Motivation, work
environment and workload simultaneously have a significant effect on employee
performance at PDAM Tirtauli Pematang Siantar.
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