How to cite:
Ellis Mardiana Panggabean. (2022). Effectiveness of Using
Conceptualized Acqusition with Open Ended Quessisted Model to
Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability. Journal Eduvest. Vol (2):
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Ellis Mardiana Panggabean
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah
North Sumatra, Indonesia
March, 26
April, 16
April, 18
In learning activities that are oriented to the needs and abilities
of students, it is necessary to provide a variety of learning
situations that are adequate for the material which is
presented and this should be tailored to the abilities and
characteristics of students. This study aims to describe the
effectiveness of conceptualized acquisition with open ended
question-assisted model in improving critical thinking ability of
students. The research design is the control group of pre-test
post-test to the students of mathematics education program
at Muhammadiyah University in North Sumatra. Based on the
results of data analysis, it is found that the critical thinking
ability of students who are taught with Conceptualized
Acquisition with Open Ended Question-Assisted Model is better
than the critical thinking ability of students who are taught
with conventional learning model on lectures of Algebra
Structure II and Conceptualized Acquisition with Open Ended
Question-Assisted Model are effective in improving the critical
thinking ability of students in the lecture of Algebra Structure
Effectiveness, Conceptualized Acquisition, Open-Ended
Question, Assisted Model, Critical Thinking Ability
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Ellis Mardiana Panggabean
Effectiveness of Using Conceptualized Acqusition with Open Ended Quessisted Model
to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability 725
The Course of Algebra Structure II is one of the subjects in the field of pure
mathematics expertise in the curriculum of mathematics education study program. The
characteristics of algebra structures have a strict and concise axiomatic deductive structure,
loaded with abstract concepts both on definition and theorem (Hijriati & Mardiana, 2014).
Because it is loaded with abstract concepts, the algebra structure is difficult to learn
and also difficult to teach. The research findings of Dubinsky et al (in Mardiana, 2014)
which is supported by Lajoie show that the understanding of students upon concepts in
abstract algebra is far from satisfactory. Abstract algebra is still difficult to digest by most
students. Furthermore, many lecturers have difficulty in teaching abstract algebra.
One of the learning models that can help students of all ages develop and strengthen
their understanding of concepts and practice critical thinking, in the lesson is the
conceptualized acquisition model (Schulz, Dehghani, & Stadelmann, n.d.). This model is
also useful for giving students experience with scientific methods. Especially, it is also the
experience with testing hypotheses, the experiences that are often difficult to give in the
fields of matter other than science. This is supported by Bruning (in Eggen & Kauchak,
2012: 239) that "Conceptualized Acquisition activities can be used to enhance
metacognition and self-regulation of students."
The activities of Conceptualized Acquisition can be used to improve the
metacognition and self-regulation of students. Metacognition is the awareness of students
about and control of their mental processes. Developing metacognitive abilities in students
is important. Because, it can contribute to self-regulation, namely the conscious use on
mental strategy of a person is designed to improve learning and thinking. Students who are
self-disciplined are responsible for the progress of their learning to meet the demands of
the task. Learning Activities of Conceptualized Acquisition can build self- regulation of
students because the activities emphasize a lot of critical thinking.
The findings of (Panggabean, n.d.) show the application of conceptualized
acquisition model influences the math concept of students. While (Ratnaningsih,
Hermanto, & Kurniati, 2019) finds, there is improvement of critical and creative thinking
ability of students after applying the conceptualized acquisition model. Furthermore, it is
recommended that to increase the critical and creative thinking with the conceptualized
acquisition model should be combined with other learning model so that the achievement
of ability can be achieved maximally (Fuad, Zubaidah, Mahanal, & Suarsini, 2017).
(Lindeman, 2018) defines the conceptual acquisition as an inquiry on the number
of attributes that can be used to distinguish samples and non-samples from different
categories. In learning with this conceptualized acquisition model, the teacher shows the
sample and non sample of a concept that he or she imagines (Kim, 2020). While students
hypothesize what the probability of the concept might be, analyzing their hypotheses by
looking at samples and non-samples, and ultimately coming up to the concept in question.
To assess thinking processes and reasoning of students, it needs strategies that
encourage students to communicate completion in writing, mathematical statements,
diagrams or combinations of both One of the strategies that can be used by lecturers is the
open ended question.
Open-ended questions require students do not only provide answers but more
importantly show the completion process (Romli & Riyadi, 2018). Students are not only
given the opportunity to show the level of understanding but also communicate
mathematically. As stated by Heddens & Speer in (Rohid & Rusmawati, 2019) that "Open-
ended question is a technique that can be used effectively in the assessment of mathematics
learning and is very useful in assessing student thinking". Through the questions like these,
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April 2022
they are asked to answer questions by explaining, drawing graphs, showing or by proving.
Variations of answers are desirable and there are not two answers in the class will be exactly
the same (Capano, Howlett, Jarvis, Ramesh, & Goyal, 2020).
The need for open-ended questions which is considered to be applied in
mathematics learning is as follow; 1) The desire to make mathematics learning more
challenging. The success in challenging activities gives students concrete trust and this will
increase their desire to work further in mathematics; 2) It needs activities that encourage
autonomy and independence of students as a mathematical thinker. If students believe they
have control over learning, they will set a higher standard for next learning. This will make
them more responsible for what they do; 3) Preventing overuse of yes/no factual answers
that often limit critical thinking opportunities.
The Conceptualized Acquisition model is designed to help students achieve two
types of learning objectives, namely (1) Building and developing their understanding of
concepts; (2) Developing their critical thinking skills. In learning with this model, the
lecturer demonstrates the sample and non sample of a concept that he or she imagines.
While students hypothesize about what the probability of the concept might be, analyzing
their hypotheses by looking at samples and non-samples, and ultimately coming up to the
intended concept. This analysis follows the simple rule that all samples must describe the
concept and none of the non- samples can illustrate the concept.
Four essential steps in planning for the learning with the conceptualized acquisition
model are as shown below.
Figure 1. Planning Conceptualized Acquisition Learning
Identifying the topic is the first phase in planning the learning planning process
with the conceptualized acquisition model. In this phase, the initial ability of students is
one of the factors to be considered. When creating a plan, learning goals need to be very
clear. Objectives will guide the mind of selecting a sample. The learning objectives for the
Conceptualized Acquisition model include helping students develop and build concepts
and relations between the concepts. Also, it provides critical thinking exercises by forming
and testing hypotheses. Selecting samples and non-samples in principle is to help students
develop and enrich their understanding. Samples should be arranged so that students get as
much as possible critical thinking practice. In sorting the samples, they do not always have
to be nested in samples and non-samples. Two or even three positive samples can be given
Samples and
Non Samples
Samples and
Planning for the
Learning with
Acquisition model
Ellis Mardiana Panggabean
Effectiveness of Using Conceptualized Acqusition with Open Ended Quessisted Model
to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability 727
in sequence then it is followed by two or more non-samples.
To make it easier to assess thinking processes and reasoning of students, the
guidance should encourage communicating the resolution strategies in writing,
mathematical statements, diagrams or combinations of both. Describe the data which is
shown by the graph.
Critical thinking skills can result from the ability to form valid generalizations,
explanations, predictions, hypotheses and comparisons. It is also generated from the ability
to accept the validity of a statement as well as the ability to receive irrelevant information.
Accordingly, Appelbaum (in Budiman, 2014) states that the development of critical
thinking in mathematics can be done by doing activities such as comparing, making
contradictions, inductions, generalizing, sorting, classifying, proving, linking, analyzing,
evaluating and making patterns, coupled continuously.
Fisher (in Whardani, 2012) emphasizes indicators of critical thinking skills,
including: (1) Stating the truth of questions or statements; (2) Analyzing questions or
statements; (3) Thinking logically; (4) Sorting, for example temporally, logically, causally;
(5) Classifying, for example, the idea of objects; (6) Deciding, for example, whether there
is sufficient evidence; (7) Predicting (includes justifying prediction); (8) Making theory;
(9) Understanding others and himself. While Glazer (in Budiman) uses 3 indicators of
critical thinking, namely: (1) Proof is the ability to prove a statement deductively (using
theories that have been studied previously); (2) Generalization is the ability to produce
patterns of problems that are encountered for a broader category; (3) Problem solving is
the ability to identify the discovered, asked elements, and to check the adequacy of the
necessary elements in the problems, to construct mathematical models and to solve them,
and to check the results or answers.
The phases in applying the Concept Acquisition with Open ended Questions Model
can be seen in the following table:
Table 1 the Phases of Implementation on Conceptualized Acquisition with Open
Ended Question model
Phase 1: Introduction
Phase 2: Samples dan
Phase 3: Cycle of
Phase 4: Closing and
Lecturer introduces the learning topic and how the
activities will be performed.
Students are given a sample (or perhaps two
samples) and are non samples, and with an open
ended question, lecturer asks students to hypothesize
the possibility of designation for the concept based
on the initial sample and non- sample.
With open ended questions, additional samples and
non samples are provided. Students are asked to
remove the existing hypotheses and add new
hypotheses based on new samples (and non-
A single hypothesis is separated and defined. Also,
additional samples are analyzed by definition
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April 2022
This is an experimental research of Control Group Pre-test Post-test Design. The
independent variables in this study are the use of Conceptualized Acquisition of open ended
question-assisted model on the lecture of algebra structure II with Ring material, Ring
characteristics, Ring Classification and Sub Ring. The dependent variables in this research
are the improvement on critical thinking ability of students. The study is conducted in the
odd semester in the 2015/2016 academic year.
The study population is the students of fifth (V) semester in Mathematics Education
Program of FKIP-UMSU. Of the 8 classes, there are 2 randomly selected classes as the
study sample. One class that becomes experimental class is VB and the other that becomes
control class is VA. The experimental class is treated with conceptualized acquisition of
open ended question-assisted model while control class by using conventional learning
model. Before and after the learning, the initial test and the final test are done.
The design in this study is presented as in table 2 below.
Tabel 2. The design in this study
O1 = Initial test (pre test) for experimental class and control class.
O2 = End test
X1 = Treatment of learning with the conceptualized acquisition model. X2 = Treatment of
conventional learning.
The implementation of this study consists of the phase of preparation,
implementation and results analysis. The study is designed for each class in 7 meetings.
Post test is held at the 8th meeting. The data which is required in this study is the data about
critical thinking ability of students. The learning tools that are needed: (1) The teaching
materials of Algebra Structure II ie Ring, Ring characteristics, Ring Classification, Sub
Ring; (2) Unit of Lecture Course (SAP) on Conceptualized acquisition model; (3) Test on
Critical Thinking Ability of Student.
The technique of data collection is a test technique. This test is an essay for 5
questions that aims to measure critical thinking ability of students on mathematics with the
indicators that are mentioned in the theoretical framework.
The collected data is analyzed descriptively and inferentially. Descriptive analysis is
used to describe critical thinking ability of student by using Conceptual Acquisition of
Open Ended Question-Assisted Learning and critical thinking ability of students by using
Conceptualized Acquisition of Open Ended Question-Assisted Learning.
The technique of data analysis in this research is t-test. This test is used to describe
the difference on critical thinking ability of students with the conceptualized acquisition of
Open Ended Question-Assisted model and critical thinking ability of students with
conventional model.
The indicators that show that Conceptualized Acquisition Open Ended Question-
Assisted learning is effective are the test result data on critical thinking ability of students
is better than critical thinking ability of students using conventional model. The
improvement on critical thinking ability of students is calculated by gain score (N-gain).
The N-gain test is formulated as follows.
Ellis Mardiana Panggabean
Effectiveness of Using Conceptualized Acqusition with Open Ended Quessisted Model
to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability 729
< g > = normalized gain
Tf = post test score
Ti = pre test score
SI = ideal score / maximum score
The gain interpretation of normalized score can be seen in table 3 below:
Table 3. Interpretation of normalized score
The Gain normalized
Value <g>
0,30 (<g>) ˂ 0,69
˂ 0,30
High Midle Low
(Hake, 1999)
The analysis results of the pre tests on both groups show the mean and standard
deviation are as in table 4 below.
Table 4. The mean and standard deviation of the pre tests on both groups
Standar Deviasi
The variance similarity test is done before the selection of the appropriate t test
formula. The analysis result on pre tests of experimental group and control group is
obtained that F value is 0.9998. The value of F (0.9998) < F critical value (1.71), means
there is no variant difference between both groups. Then the mean of the two samples are
compared. The hypothesized formula:
Ho: μ1 = μ2, or the mean of both groups are the same.
Ha: μ1 = μ2, or the mean of both groups are different.
From the calculation results with the help of microsoft excel, it is obtained t count
equal to 0.989771 while t-critical is 1.98 with the significance level of 0.05. Since t count
< t critical then Ha is rejected means there is no difference between the mean of the
experimental group and the control group.
Normality test is conducted to find out whether the research data is normally
distributed by using Kolmogorov Smirnov and Shapiro Wilk test with the following results.
Table 5. Tests of Normality
Lilliefors Significance Correction
Table 5 shows that the significance values of (p) Kilmogorov Smirnov are 0.089
and 0.231, both are greater than 0.05, so it can be concluded that the data is normally
distributed. The results of this analysis are also confirmed by Figure 2 QQ plot as follow.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April 2022
Figure 2 QQ plot from
The picture above shows that the data points are located along the diagonal line
forming the left and right symmetric lines. This indicates that the research data is normally
The variance homogeneity test is conducted to find out whether the two study data
groups have the same or equal variances (characteistics) with the provision if p > 0.05,
Table 6 Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Levene Statistic
Table 6 shows that the value of significance (p) = 0.862 is greater than 0.05. This
means that both groups of data have the same variances. In other words, both groups of
data have the same characteristics.
Different test is done to find out whether the two data groups are different or not
with one sample t-test with the results, it can be seen in table 7 as follows.
Table 7. One-Sample Statistics
Std. Deviation
Std. Error
The table shows that the mean value of class A = 51.25 and class B = 67.12. This
shows that the average UAS value of group A is different from group B. Furthermore, to
know whether the difference is significant or not, it can be seen from further test in table 8
Table 8 One-Sample Test
Test Value = 0
Sig. (2-tailed)
95% Confidence
Interval of the Difference
Table 8 shows that the significance value (p) = 0.000 is less than 0.05. This shows
that the UAS score of Group A and the UAS score of group B are significantly different.
To find out whether the mean of experimental group is better than the mean of
control group, the following hypotheses are formulated.
Ellis Mardiana Panggabean
Effectiveness of Using Conceptualized Acqusition with Open Ended Quessisted Model
to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability 731
Ho: μ1 < μ2, or the mean of group A is less than the mean of group B.
Ha: μ1 μ2, or the mean of group A is more than or equal to the mean of group B.
With the help of mocrosoft exel, it is obtained the value of t arithmetic = 0.00013.
Price of t table at df = 78 at the 0.05 significance level is 1.4571.
Because t < t0.05 then the hypothesis is accepted. In other words, the average critical
thinking ability of students with conceptualized acquisition of open ended question-assisted
model is better than the average thinking ability of students with conventional model.
To know the improvement of critical thinking ability of experiment class and
control class, data analysis on gain index of each class is done. The Data Analysis on Gain
Index is based on data analysis on initial and final tests. The gain which is referred to in
this study is normalized gain of which the gain index of each class as in table 9 below.
Table 9. the gain index of each class
Gain Index
Based on the above table, it is clear that the average normalized gain on critical
thinking ability of experimental class students is different from the average normalized gain
of the control class. Based on the criteria which is previously mentioned, this increase is
included in the ‘moderate’ criterion. This means that after the learning takes place, there is
a significant increase in critical thinking ability of students in the experimental group and
the control class. Although both are ‘moderate’, but the normalized gain of the
experimental class is better than the average normalized gain of the control class. The
difference is 0.1734. This means that the conceptualized acquisition of open ended
question-assisted model is effective in improving critical thinking ability of students.
Learning activities with the Conceptualized Acquisition model indeed emphasizes
critical thinking. Beginning in the first phase in which the lecturer presents a set of data to
the students (Nusantari, Abdul, Damopolii, Alghafri, & Bakkar, 2021). Each set of sample
and non sample data concept is presented separately. To the students, it is explained that
there is only one idea (concept) which is shown by positive samples (Falloon, 2019). The
task of the students is to develop a hypothesis about the characteristics of the concept.
Students will compare and contrast the samples that contain the characteristics (attributes)
of the concept and the samples that do not contain the attributes of the concept(Li, Eigen,
Dodge, Zeiler, & Wang, 2019). Then they are asked to name the concept and declare the
rules or definitions of the concept according to these attributes(Barricelli, Casiraghi, &
Fogli, 2019). The hypothesis which is constructed by them has not been confirmed until
the next phase.
In the second phase, students test the concept by identifying additional examples
of both positive and negative. Thus, students will focus on these attributes.Then the
students hypothesize possible appellations for concepts, analyze hypotheses and test
hypotheses to obtain a single hypothesis (Scheel, Tiokhin, Isager, & Lakens, 2021). Based
on that, the students make their own samples. Next lecturers and students together compose
the attributes of the intended concept. Then the concept is defined and the characteristics
of the concept are identified. The concepts can be linked to related concepts (Granstrand &
Holgersson, 2020).
The next phase, the lecturer asks the students to analyze the strategies that are
carried out in the conceptualized acquisition. Each student can describe the pattern what he
is doing. In this phase, students are encouraged to share and to explain the thinking process
that they use to arrive at their answers.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April 2022
The above activities are included in the inquiry activities. Beginning with
categorization process then testing the hypothesis and ending with the evaluation process
of the steps that are undertaken during the conceptualized acquisition process. Indirectly,
lecturers and students perform learning activities with scientific method, it is a pattern of
thought that emphasizes the submission of questions, develops hypotheses to answer
questions, and tests the hypothesis with the data.
As it is stated by (Bisra, Liu, Nesbit, Salimi, & Winne, 2018) the conceptualized
acquisition model can be an effective tool for introducing students to the inquiry process
because it does not take much time to complete a lesson. Students can see that the whole
process is unfolding in one learning activity. However, it does not give a fully valid picture
of the inquiry process because the lecturer provides all the data about the samples and non-
samples. However, this can be an effective way to introduce students with an inquiry before
they conduct their own actual inquiry research.
During the above conceptual activities, the lecturer also develops metacognitive
ability within the learner. Metacognition is the awareness of students about and control of
their mental processes because it can contribute to self-regulation, namely the conscious
use of a person upon mental strategy which is designed to improve learning and thinking.
Students who are self-disciplined are responsible for the progress of their learning to meet
the demands of the task. The Activities of Conceptual Learning can build self-regulation
of students because the activities emphasize a lot of critical thinking. As it is stated by
Bruning, "The activities of Conceptual Acquisition can be used to improve the
metacognition and the self-regulation of students."
Another thing that makes this learning is interesting is the questions that are asked.
The types of questions that are asked and the sequence of questions that attract the attention
of students strengthen the important things and encourage the occurrence of reflection. To
improve the investigation ability of students, it uses the opening questions from the
lecturers. This will stimulate students to create their own questions. The questions are
placed in a sequence. The sequence of questions is chosen so that the question stimulates
the earnings of ideas as much as possible, ranging from simple questions to those that
require deeper thinking. The learning activity by asking questions like this would be, as
(Martin & Collie, 2019) "the dynamics of asking questions and acceptance in questioning
and answering questions are the central to learning and for achieving effective
teaching."Another finding in this study is that most students are right in terms of expressing
the truth of a statement. But they are less able to provide logical arguments. It is necessary
to keep in mind that in providing logical arguments, it would require the ability to link the
concepts in mathematics. This disability is shown by the students who participates the
lectures of algebra structure II.
The ability of students in proving is also very inadequate. According to the
researchers, on the ability to prove this, it is already contained the ability to analyze
questions. If it is further studied, it must be admitted that the learning that has been done in
all courses in the mathematics education program does not require or familiarize the
students to prove the theorems of mathematics. This condition causes the students to be
weak in terms of proving. Related to this, researchers suggest to do research on how to
develop the ability of students in terms of proving. Through this study, overall, it can be
said that learning by using Conceptualized Acquisition of Open Ended Question-assisted
learning is quite effective in improving critical thinking ability of students in the lectures
of Algebra Structure II.
Ellis Mardiana Panggabean
Effectiveness of Using Conceptualized Acqusition with Open Ended Quessisted Model
to Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability 733
Based on the study results and discussion previously, it can be concluded that the
critical thinking ability of students who are taught with conceptualized acquisition of
open ended question-assited models is better than the critical thinking ability of students
who are taught with conventional learning model on the lectures of Algebra Structure II
and conceptualized acquisition of open ended question-assited models is effective in
improving critical thinking ability of students in the lectures of Algebra Structure II.
Some things that require to be suggested, (1) The teaching learning process needs
to be oriented to the needs and the ability of students, in this activity, lecturers need to
provide adequate learning situations for the material which is presented and adjust it with
the ability and the characteristics of students. The characteristics of students are very
important to know because it influences the learning process; (2) It is needed further
research to analyze the ability of students in proving the theorems in mathematics and the
research on how to develop the ability of students in proving theorems of mathematics.
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