Eduvest � Journal of Universal Studies

Volume 4 Number 12, �December, 2024

p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727







Jourta Christian Alfano

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia (Stiesia) Surabaya, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]




This study aims to analyze the influence of distributive justice and procedural justice on employee turnover intentions at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia, with job satisfaction as an intervening variable. In the era of globalization, human resources are an important factor in the sustainability of the company. High employee turnover rates can result in losses for the company, so it is important to understand the factors that affect turnover intentions. This study uses a quantitative approach with primary data obtained from questionnaires. The results of the study show that distributive justice and procedural justice have a significant effect on job satisfaction, which in turn has an impact on employee turnover intentions. This research provides important insights for company management to increase job satisfaction and reduce employee turnover through the application of the principles of fairness in the organization.


Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, Turnover Intention, Job Satisfaction, PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International









����������� Currently, in the era of globalization, there are various important factors contained in a company, namely human resources. This human resource is one of the various basic factors that companies must have, with this the company will be able to compete and survive with various other companies. According to (Kalay, 2016), it is stated that when the company can manage human resources properly and appropriately, with this that every job and work relationship between employees and the company has the expectation of change and reciprocity between each other.

����������� Human resources are defined by one of many factors that are very close and inseparable for the company because they are the next determinant for the company (Ginting et al., 2023). A company wants to get human resources with the best qualifications and performance, so the company can manage and pay attention to employees as much as possible (Adillah & Zaky, 2022). The company's actions can encourage human resources to survive and make maximum contributions as a form of reciprocity that the company has made to its employees (Chali & Lakatos, 2024).

����������� Companies generally experience employee turnover or employee turnover. Referring to the description of (Taylor et al., 2024) reveals that turnover intention is defined by an attitude or behavior that employees have who tend to seek or leave a job for a set period of time. The form of turnover intention consists of resignation, transfer out of the company unit and dismissal or death of an employee. Referring to the description of (Nguyen & Tuan, 2022), when employees do not receive support from family and colleagues supportively, it will result in the employee wanting to find alternative jobs that have a positive impact. However, on the other hand, employees feel that the company can provide support such as caring about the welfare and prosperity of an employee, with this the employee's intention to leave a certain company will later be lost or reduced (K���kel, 2024).

����������� The phenomenon that takes place in a company in the field of glue in Indonesia is that PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia still has a fairly high employee turnover rate. This is in line with the results of a survey that has been carried out by HRD Departments during 2018 � 2021 there was a turnover intention rate of more than 27% supported by data on the table of the number of employees of PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia in 2018 � 2021 as follows:


Table 1. Data on the Number of Employees of PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia Entering and Quitting 2018-2021


Permanent Employees


Contract Employees


































Source: PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia's internal data (2018 � 2021)


Referring to table 1, it shows that in 2018 � 2021 there was an increase every year of more than 25% in permanent and contract employees as well as those who stopped working. In 2020 � 2021 was the year when there was a transfer of ownership from PT Lemindo Abadi Jaya to PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia, supported by the majority of employees who retired so that the percentage of recruitment and the number of employees who stopped working. So that PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia in the last four years, the number of employees who stopped working has increased. In addition to the Sidoarjo area is where the author works, it is a strong reason to choose the object in the research.

����������� This is because the majority of employees who stop working have two reasons, including resignation and retirement (Carolina et al., 2024). The turnover intention rate of employees can be said to be not good when it has exceeded 10% per year for the number of employees who resign or join a certain company. The increase that occurred in the company PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia was due to the factor contained in employees was job satisfaction. The results of this study are in line with the observation made by the researcher that some employees feel dissatisfied with what they are doing and what they get, so employees make the decision to leave or leave the company.

����������� Turnover intention is the result of an evaluation related to the relationship between the individual and the organization to the continuity of the relationship with their work (Ahmad, 2018). Companies will try to lower the level of tendency to quit work and companies must understand the various factors that can influence employees to change jobs (Lu et al., 2023). There are variables that cause the desire for employees to move are in the form of demographic factors (achievements, professional interests, personality, education, gender, working period, and also age) (Ndjama & Van Der Westhuizen, 2024). Then there are other factors that affect the desire to change jobs, including job satisfaction, compensation, leadership style, organizational culture, and careers that employees can accept in the organization.

����������� This study uses social exchange theory as the theoretical basis in this study. According to Mighfar (2015:260), it is stated that social behavior is defined by the function of an individual or his situation in the sense that each human or individual will later perform different actions and ways when in the same situation or condition, each behavior of an individual will later reflect the set of traits that he carries in a certain atmosphere or situation,� That is, a behavior that is intended or directed at a certain individual to another individual. The analysis regarding the relationship of social relations based on cost and reward is in the form of the characteristics of the exchange theory, this theory focuses attention at the level of microanalysis, especially at the level of social reality between individuals (interpersonal). This exchange theory emphasizes Homans' exchange theory by using the principles of an individual's psychology in explaining social behavior at the macro level, which is a larger social structure that arises from various processes of basic exchange.

����������� Furthermore, it focuses on the real behavior of an individual who can be empirically measured and observed. Based on this perspective of social exchange, it is stated that this individual will later calculate a relationship by reducing the sacrifice for the reward he gets as a whole, based on this theory, into the relationship of exchange with other individuals. According to Mighfar (2015:270) Because individuals will obtain or get sacrifices (costs), rewards (rewards), and profits (profits). The basic principle of this social exchange is in the form of distributive justice, namely as a rule that states or shows a reward that is in line with the amount of investment.

����������� Referring to the description stated by Indrayani (2024), it is stated that job satisfaction is defined by the view or perspective of an individual who makes an assessment for the amount of work he performs will be able to provide fundamental things for him. Meanwhile, the cause of the individual's dissatisfaction comes from the job itself whether it can provide interest to the employee, whether the salary provided by the company is in line with what the employee provides, promotion opportunities for employees to increase self-worth, superiors who can directly or indirectly contribute and cooperative colleagues in the company's work environment.

����������� Job satisfaction is defined as a form or attitude of good and positive that is related to self-adjustment by employees in their work circumstances or conditions. These conditions include wages or salaries, physical conditions, social conditions and psychological conditions (Kononenko et al., 2024). When an employee works not only focusing on the economic element, increasing employee satisfaction with wages or salaries will decrease turnover intention. An employee to leave a job correlates with the employee's high or low job satisfaction. When employees have a high sense of job satisfaction, they will be productive in realizing organizational goals and unwilling to leave the company (Algarni & Alemeri, 2023).

����������� According to Schuler and Jackson (1997:96), fairness emphasizes that companies must apply the principle of fairness to employees without discriminating between individuals with mutual respect and mutual care between employees and the company. Dessler (2000:180) explains that there are three components to define organizational law. First, distributive law refers to the law and justice of a certain decision, the second is in the form of procedural law that refers to justice in a certain process, and the third is the law of interaction, which refers to behavior when the manager carries out interpersonal relationships with his employees.

����������� Distributive justice can be described as justice that focuses on outcomes or outpouts with the perspective of justice, contribution and needs (Kim, 2024). The distributive justice that exists in a company will later lead to the emergence of satisfaction with employees who have increased. By going through the same workload, the salary they get is the same, therefore their job satisfaction will be fulfilled later. Not only is salary associated with a person's sacrifice, but various existing company policies can influence the employee's work as well as career such as a cooperative work environment, fair compensation and a guarantee of good prosperity. When there is distributive injustice to work, the employee is not satisfied with what he has done while carrying out his work.

����������� Procedural fairness is related to fairness when a company makes a decision by involving employees. The perception contained in this procedural justice will later produce good and positive results, in this case it is in the form of the desire to remain in a company, motivation, affective commitment and employee performance. According to Wiratama et al., (2017:2140), procedural justice is defined as a form of justice that focuses on the method and amount of reward it receives. This procedural justice has a relationship in the implementation and decision-making with fair and appropriate objectives. When someone agrees with the rules that have been made, used to treat employees well, the rules are easily accepted. Procedural injustice is decision-making that does not consider employees to have an opinion.

����������� The researcher refers to previous research in several journals that discuss the variables of job satisfaction, distributive justice, and procedural fairness of variables to turnover intention variables. Below is the research gap between procedural justice and the influence of distributive justice on the variable of turnover intention with job satisfaction as an intervening variable.

Tabel 2. Research Gap

Researcher Name


Yudhian et al., (2020)

Procedural fairness and distributive fairness have a significant negative influence on turnover intention variables .

Pariatiningsih and Utama (2015)

Distributive fairness and organizational commitment have a negative influence on the variable of employee turnover intention .

Sugianto (2011)

Distributive justice and procedural justice have a negative and significant influence on the variables� of turnover intention and organizational commitment can mediate these two variables.

Wulansari (2018)

Procedural fairness has no effect on the turnover intention variable

Farlianto (2014)

Job satisfaction contributes to a negative and significant influence on �employee turnover intention variables

Indrayanti and Riana (2016)

Job satisfaction contributes to a negative and insignificant influence on the turnover intention variable.

Ganto (2019)

Procedural justice and distributive justice variables have a significant and positive influence on job satisfaction variables

Sutrisna and Rahyuda (2014)

Distributive justice contributes a significant and positive influence on job satisfaction variables.

Widiastuti (2016)

Procedural justice contributes a significant and positive influence on job satisfaction variables

Findikli from Bayar�elik (2016)

Job satisfaction has been shown to mediate the relationship between distributive justice and procedural justice

Khan (2018)

Procedural fairness and distributive fairness have a negative and significant influence on the turnover intention variable �and have a significant and positive influence on the organizational commitment variable.



Vaamonde et al., (2018)

Job satisfaction mediates the relationship between procedural justice and distributive justice.

Source: Summary of previous research


����������� In Table 2, the researcher still could not find the influence of procedural justice and distributive justice on the turnover intention variable with job satisfaction as an intervening variable. The results of previous studies still provide different results and are related to the phenomena that have been explained so that it is interesting for researchers to re-research. This research will be carried out at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia, the researcher will conduct a research entitled "The Influence of Distributive Justice and Procedural Justice on Turnover Intention with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia Sidoarjo".

����������� The purpose of this study is to be able to carry out an analysis of the concept of social exchange theory which is linked to the variables of procedural justice and distributive justice as exogenous variables, and as for the turnover intention variable as an endogenous variable, while the job satisfaction variable as an intervening variable. For this study, the specific purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the effect of distributive justice on job satisfaction. To find out and analyze the influence of procedural fairness on job satisfaction. To find out and analyze the effect of job satisfaction on turnover intention. To find out and analyze the effect of distributive justice on turnover intention. To find out and analyze the effect of procedural fairness on turnover intention. To find out and analyze the effect of distributive justice on turnover intention mediated by job satisfaction. To find out and analyze the effect of procedural fairness on turnover intention mediated by job satisfaction.

����������� Benefits of this research will be able to provide information to certain interested parties, including that this research is expected to be useful for the development of science related to the theory of social exchange as a means of reference to provide various information both theoretical and empirical. This research can be used for human resource development management in the context of improving employee performance at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia and expanding management insights on the influence of distributive justice, procedural justice on turnover intention variables through job satisfaction. This research can be used by company management to be a source of knowledge and input for companies in making policies related to the relationship of procedural fairness, distributive fairness to turnover intention through job satisfaction in this company.



This study uses quantitative research where the data needed is primary data. Primary data comes from the results of a questionnaire of each respondent at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia. Quantitative data came from the results of questionnaires related to the variables of distributive justice, procedural justice, job satisfaction and turnover intention. This research was conducted at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia located at the Meiko 3 Warehousing Complex No. 18 Jl. Raya Betro, Kepuh, Betro, Kec.



Validity and Reliability Test

1.      Validity Test

����������� In this study, the validity test can be used as a measuring tool for the validity of a questionnaire that has been made. A questionnaire can be said to be valid when a question or statement can explain something that can be measured from the questionnaire (Ghozali, 2011:52). Validity testing can be carried out using IBM SPSS software. The validity test uses a comparison between the correlation value (r-calculus) and the critical number (0.3) When a statement of a variable is declared valid, the statement can be used for research data. The basis for declaring the validity or not of a variable statement is by comparing the value of r calculated. When the value of r is calculated ≥ 0.3, the statement item is valid, if the value of r is calculated ≤ 0.3, the statement item is invalid (Sugiyono, 2016:179).

����������� The validity test of the questionnaire statement in this study was carried out by conducting a questionnaire distribution test of 30 people.


Table 3. Results of Validity Test of Distributive Justice Variables






Work Schedule (JK)





JK 1.2




Workload (BK)

BK 1.3




BK 1.4




Awards Received (PYK)

PYK 1.5




PYK 1.6




Corporate Responsibility (TJP)

TJP 1.7




TJP� 1.8




Source: Primary data processed, 2022


����������� From the results of table 3, it can be concluded that all statement items contained in the distributive justice variable (KD) can be declared valid, this is because the value of this r-count is higher compared to the critical r-value of each statement item exceeding 0.3.


Table 4. Results of Procedural Justice Variable Validity Test






Fair Formal Procedure (Prosedur Fomal Yang Adil)

FFP 2.1




FFP 2.2




FFP 2. 3




Interactional Justice

IJ 2.4




IJ 2.5




IJ 2.6




Source: Primary data processed, 2022


����������� From the results of table 6, it can be concluded that all statement items contained in the procedural justice (KP) variable can be declared valid, this is because the value of this r-count is higher compared to the critical r-value of each statement item exceeding 0.3.


Table 5. Results of the Validity Test of Job Satisfaction Variables






Work Itself (PIS)

PIS 3.1




PIS 3.2




Promotion Opportunities (KP)

KP 3.3




KP 3.4




Salary (G)

G 3.5




G 3.6




G 3.7




G 3.8




Supervision (Superior)

S 3.9




S 3.10




Colleagues (RK)

RK. 11




RK� 12




Working Conditions (KK)

MO 13




MO 14




Source: Primary data processed, 2022


����������� From the results of table 5, it can be concluded that all statement items contained in the job satisfaction variable (KK) can be declared valid, this is because the value of this r-calculation is higher compared to the critical r-value of each statement item exceeds 0.3.


Table 6. Results of Validity Test of Turnover Intention Variables






Thinking About Exiting (MUK)

MUK 4.1




MUK 4.2




Job Alternative Search (PAK)

PAK 4.3




PAK 4.4




PAK 4.5




Intention to Exit (NUK)









Source: Primary data processed, 2022


����������� From the results of table 6, it can be concluded that all statement items contained in the turnover intention (TI) variable can be declared valid, this is because the value of this r-count is higher compared to the r-table value for each of the statement items exceeding 0.30.

2.      Reliability Test

����������� This reliability test has the function of measuring a questionnaire in the form of an indicator of a variable. When a questionnaire can be said to be reliable or reliable when respondents answer statements that are stable or consistent. The standard used to test reliability can use the cronbach alpha technique > 30%. When a variable has a Cronbach alpha value of > 60%, it is hereby stated that this variable is reliable, if the Cronbach Alpha value < 60%, it is hereby stated that this variable is unreliable (Sugiyono, 2017:248).


Table 7. Cronbach Alpha Values of Each Variable


Cronbach Alpha


of Item

Critical Value


Distributive Justice





Procedural Justice





Job Satisfaction





Turnover Intention





Source: Primary data processed, 2022


����������� In Table 7 above, it can be seen that the results of the reliability test on the test of the influence of each variable show that the value of Cronbach's alpha is greater than 0.6 so that the conclusion is that every statement contained in all variables can be used in the study.


Hypothesis Testing

����������� The t-test was used to determine the influence of distributive justice and procedural justice variables as exogenous variables, whether it was significant to the turnover intention variable as an endogenous variable with job satisfaction as an intervening variable. In this test, a significance level of 0.05 was used and IBM SPSS Version 23 software was used so that the following research results were obtained:

Table 8. t-Test Results (Partial)


T value























Source: Secondary data processed, 2022


1.   Hypothesis Test Results

����������� In this test, it is used to determine the influence of distributive justice and procedural justice variables as exogenous variables whether there is a significant influence on the turnover intention variable as an endogenous variable with job satisfaction as an intervening variable. The following is a table of the results of the calculation of the direct and indirect influence hypotheses


Table 9. Results of Research Hypothesis Calculation


Nilai Standardized Beta

Indirect Influence




























KD � KK � TO

0,032 + 0,346

= 0,378

0,405 x 0,856

= 0,346



KP � KK � TO

0,010 + 0,368

= 0,378

0,431 x 0,856

= 0,368



Source: Secondary data processed, 2022


����������� From the hypothesis calculation table above, it can be explained about the hypothesis of the direct and indirect influence of the variables of distributive justice, procedural justice, turnover intention and job satisfaction as follows:

1.   Analysis of the Influence of Distributive Justice (KD) on Job Satisfaction (KK).

����������� The results of the above analysis show that the significance value of the distributive justice (KD) variable is 0.000 < 0.05. With this, it can be concluded that distributive justice to job satisfaction has a significant influence.

2.   Analysis of the Influence of Procedural Justice (KP) on Job Satisfaction (KK).

����������� The results of the above analysis show that the significance value of the procedural justice (KP) variable is 0.000 < 0.05. With this, it can be concluded that the procedural justice (KP) variable on this job satisfaction variable has a significant influence.

3.   Analysis of the Effect of Job Satisfaction (KK) on Turnover Intention (IT) variables

����������� The results of the analysis above show that the significance value of the job satisfaction variable (KK) is 0.000 < 0.05. With this, it can be concluded that the job satisfaction variable (KK) on the turnover intention variable has a significant effect.

4.   Analysis of the Influence of Distributive Justice (KD) on Turnover Intention (IT) variables

����������� The results of the above analysis show that the significance value of the distributive justice (KD) variable is 0.693 > 0.05. With this, it can be concluded that the distributive justice variable on the turnover intention variable has a insignificant effect.

5.   Analysis of the Influence of Procedural Justice (KP) on the Turnover Intention Variable (Y)

����������� The results of the above analysis show that the significance value of the procedural justice (KP) variable is 0.905 > 0.05. With this, it can be concluded that the distributive justice variable on the turnover intention variable has a insignificant effect.

6.   Analysis of the Influence of Distributive Justice (KD) Through Job Satisfaction (KK) on Turnover Intention (IT) Variables

����������� There is a direct influence of the distributive justice (KD) variable on job satisfaction (KK) of 0.000 while the indirect influence of the distributive justice (KD) variable through job satisfaction (KK) on the turnover intention (IT) variable. It is the result of multiplying the beta value of the variable (KD) to the beta value of the variable (TI) with the beta value of the IT variable to the beta value of the variable (KK), which is 0.405 x 0.856 = 0.346. So the total influence (KD) on job satisfaction (KK) is a direct influence plus an indirect influence, which is 0.032 + 0.346 = 0.378. The results of the calculation showed that the results of direct influence were 0.032 and indirect influence was 0.378. From these results, the value of indirect influence is greater than the value of direct influence. So it can be concluded that the indirect influence (KD) through job satisfaction (KK) on the turnover intention (IT) variable has a significant effect.

7.   Analysis of the Influence of Procedural Justice (KP) Through Job Satisfaction (KK) on the Turnover Intention (IT) variable.

����������� There is a direct influence of the procedural justice (KP) variable on job satisfaction (KK) of 0.000 while the indirect influence of the procedural justice (KP) variable through job satisfaction (KK) on the turnover intention (IT) variable. It is the result of multiplying the variable beta value (KP) to the variable beta value (TI) with the beta value of the IT variable to the variable beta value (KK) 0.431 x 0.856 = 0.368. So the total influence (KP) on job satisfaction (KK) is a direct influence plus an indirect influence, which is 0.010 + 0.368 = 0.378. The results of the calculation showed that the results of direct influence were 0.032 and indirect influence was 0.378. From these results, the value of indirect influence is greater than the value of direct influence. So it can be concluded that the indirect influence (KP) through job satisfaction (KK) on the turnover intention (IT) variable has a significant effect.


1.   Distributive Justice Has a Positive and Significant Effect on Job Satisfaction

This study shows that distributive justice has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia. These results contradict the research conducted by Jaenab and Kurniawati (2019) stating that distributive justice has a negative and significant effect on job satisfaction. This indicates that when the company increases disdistributive justice, the job satisfaction of employees will increase. Distributive justice is a form of justice that focuses on the ratio of rewards received by employees whether it is balanced with what they have done and is considered reasonable by each individual. It is hoped that employees will feel and react to the form of distributive justice so that they can convince employees to judge that the company has provided rewards in accordance with what they have done.

�Because in general, employees have a belief that the company must distribute organizational results to employees according to the level of individual contribution. When distributive justice is increased, with this job satisfaction will increase, if on the contrary distributive justice is low, job satisfaction will decrease and employees tend not to trust management. This is supported by the opinion of Luthans (2011) by using equity theory, an individual will tend to evaluate the organizational results obtained by employees by reviewing the obligations and rights of an employee. Another opinion explained by Homans in the theory of behaviorism or social exchange theory explains that employees basically have motivation related to expected rewards and consider elements such as sacrifice (cost), profit (profit) and (reward). Then another opinion explained by Faturochman (2015) about the values of distributive justice consists of equitable distribution, proportional distribution, distribution based on needs, distribution based on market supply and demand, distribution that benefits or prioritizes other individuals, and distribution for all employees.

2.   Procedural Justice Has a Positive and Significant Effect on Job Satisfaction

This study shows that procedural justice has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia. The results of this study are different from the research conducted by Palupi (2013) that procedural justice has a positive and insignificant effect. From this study, it indicates that when companies improve procedural fairness, the job satisfaction of employees will increase. This is in line with research conducted by Farlianto (2014) showing that job satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on the turnover intention variable. According to Leventhal in Budiarto and Wardani (2005:117) in making regulations, several components are needed such as: (1) there is a group that is tasked with collecting information and making decisions, (2) there are clear and standard regulations so that they make a standard for conducting an evaluation, (3) there are real actions to be able to collect information with the aim of making a fair assessment,� (4) there is a clear structure to know the division of roles of each employee clearly so that decisions that have been made and are final cannot be canceled, (5) decisions made must be conveyed openly to all parties involved. This is a form of maintaining neutrality and avoiding bias, (6) existing procedures should be supervised so that they remain standard standards and provide sanctions when there are parties who commit deviations so that procedures can still be enforced.

This procedural justice has a strong relationship with the feasibility of procedures and fairness that is used in order to produce certain decisions in an organization or company. When the company is able to improve procedural fairness, there is feedback from the procedural fairness component which results in increasing positive outcomes in the form of creativity in employees. When the company is able to make company regulations with a fair formal procedure so that it can be followed and involve employees in decision-making to create fair regulations. If it is connected with social exchange theory, this is in accordance with the motivation that an employee has, such as being treated fairly so that there is a positive commitment to the company and a positive impact that can be felt directly by employees, namely the onset of job satisfaction.

3.   Job Satisfaction Has a Negative and Significant Effect on Turnover Intention (IT)

This study shows that job satisfaction has a negative and significant influence on the turnover intention variable at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia. The results of this study are different from Indrayanti and Riana (2016) showing that job satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on the turnover intention variable. This study indicates that when employee job satisfaction increases, the intention to leave the company (turnover intention) will decrease. This is in line with research conducted by Farlianto (2014) stating that when employees are increasingly satisfied with their work, the desire of employees to leave the company becomes small.

Job satisfaction is defined by one of various factors that are fundamental for the company and also for employees. Companies to meet job satisfaction for employees there are factors that must be met and can be created in the work environment, such as placing employees according to the field of expertise that the individual has, the workload must be adjusted to the employee's ability so that the tasks given by the company will be completed quickly, the attitude of leaders or management in the company must not be in favor of one party because it can cause disputes in the company environment,� equipment used in the company to support the work that the company gives to employees and also as a form of facilities available in the company.

Companies are also required to meet the needs needed by employees, because basically an individual is not oriented to the salary received in each period of time to get job satisfaction, but other needs such as career paths in the company, policies made by the company, relationships between management and employees, and working conditions that can support employees to have a sense of comfort.

With the various efforts carried out by the company to create job satisfaction for employees, the intention to leave the company will tend to decrease and the company will not lose employees who have good qualifications.

4.   Distributive Justice Has a Negative and Insignificant Effect on Turnover Intention

This study shows that distributive justice has a negative and insignificant influence on the turnover intention variable at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia. The results of this study are in accordance with the research carried out by Pariatningsih and Utama (2015:3520) that distributive justice has a negative and significant effect on the turnover intention variable. This indicates that when employee job satisfaction increases, the intention to leave the company (turnover intention) does not change.

Distributive justice is justice that focuses on balancing distribution results with various forms such as bonus benefits and salaries that will be received by employees. Companies generally reward employees according to what they do, but employees' desire to leave the company does not focus on the rewards received by employees.

The lack of influence of distributive justice on the turnover intention variable shows that when the company increases distributive justice it does not have a significant influence on the turnover intention variable According to Goncalo and Kim (2010:100) there are factors that affect employees to leave the company while distributive justice in the company has increased: (1) employees want to leave the company because they want to seek challenges outside The company where he works, because the employee has the belief that the company out there provides a higher challenge than the previous company, (2) the employee wants to leave the company because he is looking for a better work experience and career path than the previous company, in general, the employee compares the work experience and career path obtained at the previous company is still not in accordance with the desired expectations. So individuals have the desire to move to another company with the hope that work experience is in accordance with their educational background, improving individual abilities and career paths faster. (3) employees want to leave the company because they want to find alternative jobs such as trying in a new position or position in another company. The majority of each individual certainly has a lot of desires with the aim of increasing their capacity and having experiences that are considered unique. Because of these factors, when the company tries to increase distributive fairness, it does not affect someone to leave the company.

5.   Procedural Justice Has a Negative and Insignificant Effect on Turnover Intention

The results in this study show that procedural fairness has a negative and insignificant influence on the turnover intention variable at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia. This indicates that when procedural fairness increases, the intention to leave the company (turnover intention) will decrease.

Procedural fairness is closely related to fairness and the feasibility of procedures used to produce decisions in an organization. When the company is able to improve procedural fairness, there is feedback from the procedural fairness component which results in increasing positive outcomes in the form of creativity in employees. When the company is able to make company regulations with a fair formal procedure so that it can be followed and involve employees in decision-making to create fair regulations so that the desire of employees to leave the company is decreasing.

However, the lack of procedural fairness on the turnover intention variable reflects that companies that make regulations fairly and unbiased, it does not have a significant influence on the turnover intention variable. There are several factors (1) employees in the company, this can be caused because employees feel that the existing regulations that have been made by the company still cannot meet the elements of justice for the individual. The measure of whether a regulation is fair or not cannot be measured with certainty because the assessment of each individual is certainly different. Individuals will tend to look for job openings elsewhere and contact some friends for job openings elsewhere. (2) In making regulations contained in this company, the authorized parties in formulating the company's regulations do not include all employees in the process of formulating such regulations. There are several management considerations, namely because the ability of employees is not all capable of formulating, analyzing and deciding on a regulation, because each employee is also influenced by work experience factors, educational background and other factors that support in deciding a regulation that can be complied with by all employees.

6.   Job satisfaction is able to mediate between the influence of distributive justice on turnover intention.

The results in this study show that distributive justice does not have a significant effect on the turnover intention variable at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia, but distributive justice has a significant influence on job satisfaction This indicates that when job satisfaction is the main factor as well as a supporting factor for employees to contribute to the company and reduce the desire of employees to leave the company

Meanwhile, the factor that can increase job satisfaction is distributive justice. The company in improving distributive justice in the corporate environment adheres to the values of distributive justice and according to the opinion of Faturochman (2015) which consists of equitable distribution, proportional distribution, distribution based on needs, distribution based on market supply and demand, distribution that benefits or prioritizes other individuals, and distribution for the common good.

When the company can increase the value of distributive justice based on these values, job satisfaction can help prevent employees from having the desire to leave the company, because every individual in the company has qualifications according to the company's needs. If it is associated with the distributive justice indicator when the workload is given by the company by considering the pay (salary) job satisfaction indicator, then the intention to leave the company will decrease. When there are employees who leave the company because they are affected by not having satisfaction at work, the company will lose valuable assets that can reduce the company's achievements in the future.

7.   Job Satisfaction Is Able To Mediate Between The Influence Of Procedural Justice On The Turnover Intention Variable,

The results in this study show that procedural fairness is not significant to the turnover intention variable at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia, but procedural fairness has a significant influence on job satisfaction This indicates that when job satisfaction is the main factor as well as a supporting factor for employees, they can contribute to the company and reduce employees' desire to leave the company

Meanwhile, the factor that can increase job satisfaction is procedural fairness. The company will certainly make regulations in various sectors with the aim of supporting the achievement of the company's goals and can be followed by all parties in the company. When the regulation is implemented and there is an individual who has an assessment that the regulation feels unfair or does not represent his or her aspirations, the individual will tend to leave the company because he is uncomfortable with the assessment he is making and will tend to look for another company. Therefore, there needs to be an increase in distributive justice and job satisfaction to employees so that the desire of employees to leave the company will decrease. This is also supported by research carried out by Booth and Hammer (2007) focusing on aspects in turnover intention that can be used as a consideration for companies to improve procedural fairness by considering employee job satisfaction, namely (1) work improvement to express the employee's understanding of whether there is a career improvement (2) employee career development that has been achieved (3) management support to provide support to employees (4) satisfaction employee work and (5) a level of commitment that takes into account employee feelings.



����������� The results of the test in this study are that distributive justice has a positive and significant effect on the job satisfaction variable at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia. This can reflect that there is an alignment between the distribution of the remuneration ratio carried out by the company to employees so that employees have good job satisfaction.

����������� The results of the test in this study are that procedural fairness has a positive and significant effect on the variable of job satisfaction at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia. This can reflect that there is harmony between the company's regulations that have been made and do not favor anyone so that employees have good job satisfaction.

����������� The results of the test in this study are that job satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on the turnover intention variable at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia. This can reflect that there is a harmony between the company's ability to create job satisfaction for employees so that the employee's desire to leave the company decreases.

����������� The results of the test in this study are that distributive justice has a negative and insignificant effect on the turnover intention variable at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia. This can reflect that when the company increases distributive fairness, it does not make a significant change to the turnover intention variable

����������� The test results in this study are that procedural fairness has a negative and insignificant effect on the turnover intention variable at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia. This can reflect that when the company makes fair regulations and improves procedural fairness, it does not have a significant effect on the turnover intention variable.

����������� The results in this study show that distributive justice has a negative and insignificant effect on the turnover intention variable at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia, but distributive justice has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. This indicates that when job satisfaction is the main factor as well as a supporting factor for employees, they can contribute to the company and reduce the desire of employees to leave the company

����������� The results in this study show that procedural fairness has a negative and insignificant effect on the turnover intention variable at PT Konishi Lemindo Indonesia, but procedural fairness has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. When the regulation is implemented and there is an individual who has an assessment that the regulation feels unfair or does not represent his or her aspirations, the individual will tend to leave the company because he is uncomfortable with the assessment he is making and will tend to look for another company. Therefore, there needs to be an increase in distributive justice and job satisfaction to employees so that the desire of employees to leave the company will decrease.



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