Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April 2022
metacognition awareness in junior high school science learning was categorized as very
valid, this was based on the results of the average overall score of expert validation and
user validation were 98.13% so that the learning model was feasible to be used as an
alternative learning model for science learning in the classroom. The development of a
problem-based story (PBS) learning model to improve science process skills and
metacognitive awareness of students in science learning in junior high schools was
categorized as very practical, it could be seen based on the average score of learning
literacy of 91.29. Student response scores had an overall average value of 89.74 in the
very good category.
The problem-based story (PBS) learning model using the Kahoot interactive quiz
was a model with a story-based approach to social problems that was occurred in
everyday life which students then investigated and made products based on science to
solve problems so as to improve science process skills and students' metacognitive
awareness in Junior High School science learning. This was based on the average N-Gain
in the small group test, large group test, and in the dissemination test with an average of
0.59 in the medium category. However, there were shortcomings where researchers had
not linked directly to cognitive, psychomotor, and affective learning outcomes. It was
hoped that further researchers would examine and investigate the correlation with
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor in order to add insight to teachers in implementing
good learning models.
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