How to cite:
Widiet Nurcahyo Ramadhana, Suratno, Yushardi. (2022). Analysis of
the Problem-Based Story Model Development with ICT Kahoot and
the Effectiveness on Students’ Metacognition Awareness and
Science Process Skills. Journal Eduvest. Vol (2): 755-766
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Widiet Nurcahyo Ramadhana, Suratno, Yushardi
University of Jember, Indonesia
March, 26
April, 16
April, 18
This study aims to develop a problem-based story learning
model with ICT using the Kahoot interactive quiz that could
increase students' metacognition awareness and science
process skills which were determined by the validity,
practicality, and effectiveness of the learning model. This
research was a research development (R&D) 4D Thiagarajan
through four stages such as define, design, develop,
disseminate. The effectiveness of data collection was done by
giving pre-test and post-test questions on metacognition
awareness using MAI (Metacognition Awareness Inventory)
and questions on students' science process skills by looking at
the increase in the average score of normalized gain. The
results showed that the learning model was effective for
increasing awareness of metacognition, this was based on
the average N-Gain in the small group test, large group test,
and the dissemination test with an average of 0.62 in the
medium category, and on the students' science process skills
with an average N-Gain value of 0.61 in the medium
category. This model was also declared “valid” by the expert
validators and users which was supported by empirical
validation results. The practicality of implementing the PBS
model had also been tested by observing the teacher's ability
in classroom learning, learning responses to the ease with
Widiet Nurcahyo Ramadhana, Suratno, Yushardi
Analysis of the Problem-Based Story Model Development with ICT Kahoot and the
Effectiveness on Students’ Metacognition Awareness and Science Process Skills 756
which teachers used the model, and student responses to the
learning model applied by the teacher. The final result
showed that the problem-based storytelling model developed
had met the valid, effective, and practical criteria.
Metacognition awarenesses, Science procces skill, ICT
(kahoot), Problem based story
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Education is currently facing the challenges of the 21st century, where learning
transformation is needed so that students are able to master various skills to face the era
of global economic competition (Weilenmann, 2014). In an effort to face this challenge,
improving the quality of learning must be sought to change the mindset or paradigm of
science learning that is from Teacher -centered Learning to Student-centered (Student
Centered Learning). This was in line with the researcher who stated that in the learning
process students were not required to understand the concept but were also invited to
carry out the process of finding (Minasari & Setiadi, 2020). The government had
perfected the 2013 curriculum in an effort to give teachers the freedom to be creative in
creating an effective learning atmosphere in an effort to produce a generation that was
ready to face future challenges by providing education that stimulates HOTS (High Order
Thinking Skills) learning and the demands of 21st century learning including critical
thinking, collaborative creativity, and communication. But the fact, the majority of
education in Indonesia had not been able to meet the learning needs of the 21st century,
one of which was due to low student involvement in the learning process (Munir, 2016).
Low student involvement was influenced by low willingness to think about
thinking related to students' subconscious. Metacognition played an important role to
increase students' interest in learning, metacognition was knowledge and belief about
one's cognitive processes and the lack of conscious effort to engage in the process of
behaving and thinking about one's own thinking. So that metacognition had a significant
influence in shaping students' subconscious in a positive way so as to increase motivation
in learning (Cera, Mancini, & Antonietti, 2013). This was supported by facts in the field
through a questionnaire distributed to 30 junior high school teachers in the former Besuki
residency via google form. The results showed that the biggest obstacle for teachers in
increasing student involvement in the process was leading students to problem solving,
and low student motivation to be actively involved in the learning process. This was
supported by further facts, namely based on the metacognition awareness inventory
(MAI) assessment instrument which was distributed to 30 students randomly in the
former Besuki residency area where students received an average assessment in the risk
category, while for students' science process skills covering 7 domains such as the
domain of observation, classifying, predicting, interpreting, formulating hypotheses,
planning experiments, and communicating an average score of 54 or in the low category.
Metacognition played an important role in motivating students to be actively
involved. Metacognition was knowledge and beliefs about one's cognitive processes and
the lack of conscious effort to engage in the process of behaving and thinking about one's
own thinking (Kristiani, 2015). Efforts to improve students' science process skills to
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April 2022
formulate problem solving results would be more meaningful when students'
metacognitive awareness was developed optimally.
Until this journal was created, there had been several previous studies examining
the relationship between metacognitive awareness and science process skills [7, 6, 8, 9].
If previous studies were reviewed, there were facts that proved that metacognitive
awareness had a significant influence on process skills and student learning outcomes.
Other studies also showed that there was a positive relationship between metacognitive
awareness and student learning outcomes. Furthermore, research on the relationship
between metacognitive awareness and interest in reading had a positive contribution to
student involvement in the learning process (Helendra, Fadilah, & Arsih, 2018). Increased
student involvement in the learning process had a positive correlation with process skills
(Adiningsih, Karyasa, & Muderawan, 2020).
Based on studies of previous research, there was no researchers who had designed
a learning model that specifically examined the relationship between increasing
awareness of metacognition through problem-based short stories and science process
skills. Therefore, based on this background, the formulation of the problem in this study
a) Was the problem-based story (PBS) learning model developed valid?
b) Was the problem-based story (PBS) learning model effective for increasing students'
awareness of metacognition and science process skills?
c) Is the problem-based story (PBS) learning model practical to use?
The problem-based story (PBS) development model is a development model based
on problem-based learning packaged through short stories and presented through the
Kahoot interactive quiz(Harris et al., 2020). The problem-based story (PBS) model
guided students to find their own solutions to problems that exist in the community as a
result of efforts to examine science-based knowledge through discussion activities. The
problem-based story (PBS) learning model has 5 stages such as Problem Society, Science
Investigation, Product Analysis, Conclusion and Evaluation. Through the development of
a problem-based story (PBS) model students were expected to actively find out for
themselves, conduct investigations, hypotheses, make products and product analysis
regarding reproductive system materials in plants through a social story-based approach,
the results obtained were expected to last long in students' memories (Long term
memory), students would not easily forget if the learning was meaningful for students
(McQuiggan, Rowe, Lee, & Lester, 2008). The problem-based story (PBS) development
model occurred when students had to find out for themselves about the target concept by
making products that were arranged in such a way by students to solve a given problem
by using the reproductive system material in plants provided so that in this model the
teacher was involved in the learning process, teachers and learners were together with
students to solve the existing problems.
The application of the problem-based story learning model using the Kahoot
interactive quiz media is expected to increase students' interest in being actively involved
in problem solving (Kuswandono & Ginting, 2021). Students are able to find out their
own level of understanding as a result of using the Kahoot interactive quiz media,
interactivity through the quizzes presented has an impact on students' focus which makes
the class more conducive. The limited time given by the teacher to make the learning
process effective makes Kahoot as a solution in carrying out the assessment process
through students' laptops or cellphones only. Kahoot technology media is an application
in which there are learning features including interactive quizzes, surveys and discussions
(Plump & LaRosa, 2017). In its use, Kahoot is free of charge which makes it as its own
Widiet Nurcahyo Ramadhana, Suratno, Yushardi
Analysis of the Problem-Based Story Model Development with ICT Kahoot and the
Effectiveness on Students’ Metacognition Awareness and Science Process Skills 756
advantage in general use. Another study showed that the use of Kahoot interactive quiz
could improve student learning
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Analysis of the Problem-Based Story Model Development with ICT Kahoot and the
Effectiveness on Students’ Metacognition Awareness and Science Process Skills 758
outcomes. The development of a new model of problem-based story (PBS) must meet the
requirements of having 3 criteria such as valid, practical, and effective (Flores, 2018).
Thus, development research was needed which expected to meet these criteria that was
the development of a problem-based story (PBS) model".
This was a research on the development of a problem-based story (PBS) model
using the Kahoot interactive quiz. This type of research was the development of learning
models based on Thiagarajan's 4-D development model which consisted of define,
design, develop, and disseminate as shown in the following figure.
This study aimed to produce a learning model product and test the product. This
development was based on trials which would then be revised to produce products that
were valid and feasible to use. The learning model tools used such as lesson plans,
syllabus, student worksheets, learning implementation questionnaires, science process
skills assessment questionnaires, practicality questionnaires, and student metacognition
awareness assessment questionnaires through the Metacognition Awareness Inventory
(MAI). Prior to the trial, it was validated by expert validators and user validators both
quantitatively and qualitatively.
The research period for the problem-based story (PBS) model using the Kahoot
interactive quiz was carried out from September 2021 to October 2021 in the odd
semester of the 2021-2022 academic year. The place where the model development was
carried out is in the Science Education Postgraduate Study Program, FKIP, Jember
University, for the application of the model test was as follows.
Widiet Nurcahyo Ramadhana, Suratno, Yushardi
Analysis of the Problem-Based Story Model Development with ICT Kahoot and the
Effectiveness on Students’ Metacognition Awareness and Science Process Skills 760
a) The development test was carried out in one of junior high schools in Jember
Regency with a small trial of 10 students in two meetings, and a large class trial of 30
students in two meetings.
b) The dissemination stage would be carried out in 3 junior high schools in the Besuki
residency area, such as 30 students in Situbondo, 28 students in Probolinggo, and 30
students in Banyuwangi with 2 meetings each.
The learning model could be said to be feasible if it met the requirements,
including validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The operational validity of the problem-
based story model using the Kahoot interactive quiz was defined, among others
(syntactic, social system, reaction principle, support system, instructional impact and
accompaniment impact) which was shown in the results of the assessment of at least 2
experts on the validation sheet at least in the valid category. The validity of the learning
model was the average percentage of assessment of the validation indicators carried out
by expert validators and users of the problem-based story model consisting of lesson
plans, syllabus, science process skills test questions, MAI assessment, and an
introductory book to the problem-based story learning model consisting of syntax,
support system, reaction system, social system, minimal accompaniment impact on valid
The problem-based story development model was categorized as practical, defined
as the average score from the results of observation, research on the implementation of
the learning model assessed by 2 observers on the observation sheet with at least the
assessment in the good category (no score less than 3 in the scale range 4 on each
assessed indicator). The learning model was said to be operationally effective, defined as
an increase in the average score of students' metacognition results at least in the medium
category, students' science process skills at least in the good category, and minimal
student feedback in the medium category. The achievement of students' science process
skills could be said to increase if there was a change in the observation score before and
after learning had a maximum score difference minus the pretest score. Student responses
were categorized as good if the percentage score of student assessment results on student
response questionnaires, and student learning activities were said to be active if the
average score of 2 observers on the learning activity sheet.
The data obtained were then analyzed to answer the validity of the instrument. The
measured results are as follows.
a) The data measured was the result of metacognition obtained by students' scores from
the MAI (Metacognitive Awareness Inventory) results.
b) MAI test results were analysed on a scale of 0-100 and categorized based on the
rating scale. Students' answers were analysed in terms of metacognitive abilities with
4 criteria such as "always" with 5 points, "very often" with 4 points, "often" with 3
points, "rarely" with 2 points and "never" with 1 point. Points earned were converted
to a scale of 0-100.
c) The next measured data was science process skills obtained from students' scores in
answering science process skills questions.
d) Data analysis of science process skills was obtained from an observation sheet in the
form of a rating scale with 7 categories adapted to statements including observation,
classification, predicting, interpreting, formulating hypotheses, planning experiments,
and communication.
e) Analysis of student learning outcomes data using pretest and posttest data on science
process skills and students' metacognition awareness would then be analysed using
the normalized gain (N-Gain) formula to determine the increase in student learning
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April 2022
f) Analysis of the data from the observation of the implementation of learning in the
form of quantitative data from the observation of the implementation of learning was
then analysed using the following formula:
The results of the research on the problem-based story (PBS) using the Kahoot
interactive quiz learning development model were as follows.
a) The average validity score of the model guidebook had a score of 91.59 in the very
valid category so that the model guidebook could be used in research. The characteristics
of the learning model development guide could be seen in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Characteristics of Problem-based Story (PBS) Development Model
a) Further validation of the syllabus assessed by 3 validators. The average
percentage score of the syllabus as a whole is 92.18, which meant the syllabus
instrument was in the very valid category and could be used in the learning
b) The results of the average total percentage of the overall RPP validation showed a
score of 96.35 or in the very valid category and ready to be used in learning.
c) The average total percentage score was 93.51 or in the very valid category so that
the pre-test and post-test questions were feasible to be used in learning. For the
assessment of the science process skills instrument sheet, it could be seen in table
3.5 below.
d) The overall average of validation was at a score of 91.89 or in the very valid
Initial activity
(Problem society)
1. Teacher divides 3-4 groups
2. Read Narrative Text
3. Identify social problems related to
science in the community in the story.
4. Teacher conveys the learning
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April 2022
category, it indicated that the science process skills instrument was suitable for
in learning. The results of validation were not only quantitative data but also
qualitative data, that was in the form of input and suggestions from expert
validators such as summarizing the title and making it more interesting, more
specific learning objectives, and improving assessment aspects.
e) The results of the observation validation of the implementation of the learning
model were 99.51% or in the very valid category. So that the learning
implementation observation sheet could be used to obtain data during the learning
f) The average result of the observation on the implementation of learning in the
small group test was 91.04 in the very practical category and the average result of
the observation on the implementation of learning in the large group test was
91.34 in the very practical category, and in the dissemination group test it was
91.51 in the very practical category.
g) The average validation result on the objective aspect was 100%, the coverage
aspect was 95.83% and the language aspect was 100%. Overall, the average
teacher response questionnaire validation was 97.90% with a very valid category.
This showed that the teacher's response questionnaire was ready used.
h) The average overall teacher response questionnaire to the use of the POSPACE
learning model in the small and large group test showed an average score of
89.74 in the very good category.
i) Average results of student response questionnaire validation in the aspect of
objective assessment of 97.91%, coverage aspect of 95.13.75% and language
aspect of 100%. The overall average of the results of the validation of the student
response questionnaires from the three validators was 97.68% with a very valid
category. These results indicated that the student response questionnaire was
ready to be used in research.
j) The results of the validation of students' metacognition awareness inventory
(MAI) with 2 aspects contained 6 indicators with an overall average content
validation result of 95.77% with a very valid category and the average result of
language validation and question writing of 98.43% with a very valid category.
This showed that the question of metacognition awareness inventory (MAI) was
ready to be used in research.
k) The results of the average N-Gain scores of pre-test and post-test of students'
metacognition awareness at meetings 1 and 3 in the small class test were 0.59 in
the medium category. In the large group test, the average N-Gain value is 0.64 in
the medium category. Meanwhile, in the dissemination test, the dissemination test
1, 2, and 3 had an average N-gain value of 0.60 in the medium category.
l) Furthermore, the results of the validation of science process skills. the results of
the validation of the scientific process skills instrument at meetings 1 and 3 on
indicators, classification, predicting, interpreting, formulating hypotheses,
planning experiments, and communication had an overall content validation
result of 93.75% in the very valid category and the average language validation
and question writing was 89.58% in the very valid category. These results
indicated that the science process skills questions were ready to be used.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April 2022
m) The results of the average N-Gain scores of pre-test and post-test of students'
science process skills in meetings 1 and 3 in the small class test were 0.54 in the
medium category. In the large group test, the average N-Gain value is 0.65 in the
medium category. Meanwhile, in the dissemination test, the dissemination test 1,
2, and 3 had an average N-gain value of 0.64 in the medium category.
The increase in the average N-Gain score at meetings 1 and 3 in the small, large and
dissemination tests could be seen in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2. Graph of Increase in the Average N-Gain Score
Graph 2 showed that there was an increase in the average N-Gain score at
meetings 1 and 3. This proved that there was a positive correlation between
metacognitive awareness towards increasing science process skills and student learning
The results showed that the problem-based story learning model using the Kahoot
interactive quiz had valid, practical, and effective criteria and there was a positive
correlation in increasing metacognitive awareness and science process skills and student
learning outcomes where it was in accordance with the science learning paradigm which
was not only about how students master facts, concepts, and principles, but more than
that, science learning should prioritize the discovery process based on observations of the
problems obtained(Coil, Wenderoth, Cunningham, & Dirks, 2010).Through the
application of the problem-based story model, the increase in metacognitive awareness
was shown by the increasing value of the N-Gain pre-test and post-test of students at
meetings 1 and 3. Awareness of metacognition about knowledge about cognition was
divided into 3 namely declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge, and conditional
knowledge. Declarative knowledge was knowledge to know something (what, how, and
why) in another sense was knowledge to find out how someone learned it, and what
factors influenced its success . In the results of the study, the knowledge about cognition
aspect had an N-Gain value of 0.47 at the 1st meeting and 0.63 at the 3rd meeting. This
indicated that students at the 3rd meeting had higher cognitive processes about memory
than the first meeting.
In the next aspect, namely procedural knowledge, that was the ability of students to
list abilities and design strategies as effectively as possible in sorting and categorizing any
information they received(Cer, 2019).The results showed that in the procedural
knowledge aspect there was an increase in the N-Gain value from 0.51 at the 1st meeting
Widiet Nurcahyo Ramadhana, Suratno, Yushardi
Analysis of the Problem-Based Story Model Development with ICT Kahoot and the
Effectiveness on Students’ Metacognition Awareness and Science Process Skills 762
to 0.65 at the 3rd meeting. This indicated that at the 3rd meeting the students were better
prepared in designing their best strategy in obtaining maximum results. This happened
because at meeting 1 students did not have experience in sorting information compared to
meeting 3. Next was the aspect of conditional knowledge. Conditional knowledge was
one's knowledge of knowing when and why to use declarative knowledge and procedural
knowledge. Conditional knowledge helped students to change the conditions they wanted
in any given lesson assignment. The results showed that there was an increase in the
average N-Gain conditional knowledge of meeting 1 by 0.59 to 0.72. This was also
supported by the fact that students' ability to improve strategies in processing information
as much as possible in improving conditions at meeting 1 becomes more effective at
meeting 3.
Moreover, metacognitive awareness regarding regulation of cognition includes
planning, information management strategies, and comprehension monitoring. Planning
was a series of strategic approached to processing the allocation of data sources that
affected the resulting actions. The results showed that there was an increase in the
average N-Gain in the 1st meeting with a score of 0.75 to 0.76 at the 3rd meeting. The
increase occurred because at the 3rd meeting the students were more experienced in
making better strategies than at the 1st meeting. Next was management strategies, namely
students' skills in sequencing strategies used to process information more efficiently,
including organizing, describing, and summarizing. The results showed that there was an
increase in the average N-Gain score of 0.59 at the 1st meeting, increasing to 0.67 at the
3rd meeting. The experience at the 1st meeting was used by students to improve strategies
by processing information more efficiently at the 3rd meeting. the last aspect in
metacognitive awareness was comprehension monitoring, namely students' understanding
to perform an action. Research proved that there was an increase in the average N-Gain
score of 0.64 at meeting 1 to 0.72 at meeting 3. Monitoring accuracy could be seen from
how students took measured actions (Barcakanli, 2011). From all aspects of
metacognitive awareness, there was an increase in the average N-Gain score of 0.59 at the
1st meeting to 0.69 at the 3rd meeting.
Furthermore, the influence of the model on science process skills. Science process
skills were a student's ability to apply scientific methods to obtain and discover their own
knowledge(Stender, Schwichow, Zimmerman, & Härtig, 2018). According to another
source, students constructed their own process of gaining knowledge through the
application of the scientific method. Science skills were divided into several aspects such
as observation, classification, predicting, interpreting, formulating hypotheses, planning
experiments, and communication. The result of the first science process skills was
observation skills. Observation skills were the most basic skills that students must have in
studying science. Students were measured based on their ability to use the five senses
optimally to make observations which will later become empirical facts.
Based on the results of the study, the students' ability in observation had an average
N-Gain value of 0.32 at the 1st meeting, increasing to 0.47 at the 3rd meeting. This
happened because students were more trained to use their five senses in observing plants
more intensively than meeting 1. The results of other studies proved that observation
skills in children must be trained continuously so that students are accustomed to using
their senses in making observations. The next skill was classification. After carrying out
observations, students first knew the differences, similarities, and grouping objects based
on their characteristics and objectives in an effort to make certain parameters to
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April 2022
understand the observed objects. The results showed that there was an increase in the
average N-Gain
Widiet Nurcahyo Ramadhana, Suratno, Yushardi
Analysis of the Problem-Based Story Model Development with ICT Kahoot and the
Effectiveness on Students’ Metacognition Awareness and Science Process Skills 764
score of 0.60 at meeting 1 to 0.82 at meeting 3. The ability of students to classify
plants based on their reproduction method increased because at meeting 1 students were
trained to group plants based on their characteristics. The next skill was predicting.
Forecasting was a pattern activity or tendency to make predictions or conjectures.The
results showed that there was an increase in students in making prediction patterns with
an increase in the average N-Gain score of 0.57 at meeting 1 to 0.64 at meeting 3. The
next skill was interpreting. Interpreting was the ability of students to present a data to
show a pattern. Research showed that there was an increase in the average N-Gain score
of 0.70 at meeting 1 to 0.73 at meeting 3. Furthermore, the skills to formulate hypotheses
were the ability of students to propose their assumptions to explain an event or research
on the basis of the information collected.The results showed an increase in the average N-
Gain score of 0.67 at the 1st meeting, an increase of 0.79 at the 3rd meeting.
The next skill assessed was planning an experiment. The activity of planning an
experiment was a process that included determining the tools and materials, objects to be
observed, measured, written down and determining the required work steps.The study
showed that there was an increase in the average N-Gain score of 0.50 at meeting 1 which
was higher than at meeting 3, which was 0.52. This was because the material at meeting 1
of generative reproduction in plants was easier to arrange experiments because materials
such as flowers were widely available in schools compared to meeting 3 of material for
artificial vegetative reproduction.The last skill assessed was communication.
Communication skills were the ability to find out and explain empirical information in the
form of diagrams, express ideas or ideas both written and oral. The results showed that
there was an increase in the average N-Gain score of 0.69 at meeting 1 to 0.80 at meeting
3. The average results of science process skills in all aspects of skills in the small test,
large test and dissemination test at meeting 1 showed that the mean of the pre-test results
of the students' science process skills was 46.82 in the poor category and 78.53 in the
post-test in the good category, the results of the normalized gain (N-Gain) showed a score
of 0.67 in the medium category.
Meanwhile, meeting 3 showed that the average result of the pre-test of students'
science process skills was 54.04 in the poor category and in the post-test was 83.71 in the
very good category, the results of the normalized gain (N-Gain) with a score of 0.69 or in
the medium category. The aspects of student mastery that had been mentioned were to
answer the challenges in improving the quality of education in an effort to reach the
golden generation of Indonesia in 2045. With the improvement of the 2013 curriculum in
an effort to give teachers the freedom to be creative in creating an effective learning
atmosphere, this development was the answer to the freedom given by the government in
an effort to produce a generation that was ready to face future challenges by providing
education that stimulated HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) learning and the demands
of 21st century learning included critical thinking, collaborative creativity, and
Based on the results of the research, analysis of data processing and research
discussion, it could be concluded that the problem-based story (PBS) learning model
using the Kahoot interactive quiz to improve science process skills and students'
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 4, April 2022
metacognition awareness in junior high school science learning was categorized as very
valid, this was based on the results of the average overall score of expert validation and
user validation were 98.13% so that the learning model was feasible to be used as an
alternative learning model for science learning in the classroom. The development of a
problem-based story (PBS) learning model to improve science process skills and
metacognitive awareness of students in science learning in junior high schools was
categorized as very practical, it could be seen based on the average score of learning
literacy of 91.29. Student response scores had an overall average value of 89.74 in the
very good category.
The problem-based story (PBS) learning model using the Kahoot interactive quiz
was a model with a story-based approach to social problems that was occurred in
everyday life which students then investigated and made products based on science to
solve problems so as to improve science process skills and students' metacognitive
awareness in Junior High School science learning. This was based on the average N-Gain
in the small group test, large group test, and in the dissemination test with an average of
0.59 in the medium category. However, there were shortcomings where researchers had
not linked directly to cognitive, psychomotor, and affective learning outcomes. It was
hoped that further researchers would examine and investigate the correlation with
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor in order to add insight to teachers in implementing
good learning models.
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