Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
221 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Khulil Fathuroni
Universitas Islam Indonesia
10th, 2021
Revised: April
16th, 2021
17th, 2021
This study aims to show the influence of Organizational Culture
and Procedural Justice on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
(Study on IT Companies In Special Region of Yogyakarta) which is
focused on the high low organizational culture of a company.
Samples in this study as many as 9 IT companies with convenience
sampling method. The population in this study is all IT companies
in Isitimewa Area of Yogyakarta. The data type in this study is
primary data. The data source in this study is the results of
surveys, interviews and filling out questionnaires from employees
of IT companies in the Special Region of Yogyakarta who became
research samples. The results of this study show that
organizational culture and procedural justice have a significant
effect on organizational citizenship behavior in IT companies in
Dareah Istimewa Yogyakarta. But for companies whose
organizational culture is low organizational culture has no effect
on organizational citizenship behavior in IT companies in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Procedural Justice,
Organizational, Citizenship Behavior
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The Indonesian economy is getting better from year to year, this is evidenced by
the report (Statistik, 2016) Indonesia which states that from 2015-2019 it has increased.
The following is the rate of economic growth in Indonesia from 2015-2019:
Figure 1 Economic Growth (Source: BPS-Statistics Indonesia)
Based on table 1, shows that the highest interval for Indonesian economic growth
occurred in 2018 with a growth rate of 4.1%. This investment growth is supported by
strong investment growth to support economic recovery. Responding to the progress of
Indonesia's economy which has continued to improve in recent years, there has been
speculation about Indonesia's economic growth which will slow down in 2020 due to the
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citizenship behavior 222
Covid-19 pandemic. It is predicted that the Indonesian economy will decline in 2020
dueto lower private consumption growth and weakening business activity in Indonesia.
The weakening of business activities in Indonesia is due to the number of layoffs and
territorial restrictions that have made investors and interested parties rethink investing and
doing business in Indonesia. In response to this, the manager must be able to increase the
human resources they have to maintain a company goal (Riniwati, 2016).
One of the most important assets in a company is HR because the achievement of
an entity's goals is determined by HR (Hanggraeni, 2012). An entity cannot carry out a
plan that has been prepared without employees. If what an employee gets is according to
his own needs, then the employee will carry out his function according to his role.
Competitive and loyal human resources to the company are important assets for the
company because the ability and loyal attitude can lead to the best performance so that a
company will achieve its company goals (Istijanto, 2013).
Companies need to have employees who have a loyal attitude or have an OCB
(Organizational Citizenship Behavior) attitude. (Titisari, 2014) states that OCB is a
behavior carried out by employees for the company so that the achievement of company
performance does not neglect individual productivity. OCB behavior is a contribution
made by employees outside of their responsibilities so that it brings benefits to the
company (Lailatirrohmah & NUGRAHENI, 2014). OCB in other words can be defined as
voluntary behavior.
The importance of OCB which is carried out by employees can provide benefits
for the company. The benefits for employees when implementing OCB according to
(Aswin & Rahyuda, 2017) are improving employee performance, superior performance,
efficient use of company resources, and can ease the burden of the need to provide HR.
HR is the basis for determining the effectiveness of the activities of each member of the
Several studies looking for empirical evidence on the influence of organizational
culture on OCB, namely (Saraswati, 2017) conducted research and the results showed
that organizational culture had a positive effect on OCB. The research conducted
(Permana, Mujanah, & Murgianto, 2020) gave different results, namely that
organizational culture did not affect OCB. Serpian (2016) in (Qisthy, Al Musadieq, &
Widyo Sulistyo, 2018) shows that the results of organizational culture have a significant
effect on OCB.
Several studies that also seek empirical evidence on procedural justice, namely
research (Verianto, 2018) show that the results of procedural justice research have a
significant effect on OCB. In contrast to the research conducted by (Tjahjono, Prasetyo,
& Palupi, 2018), it shows that the results of procedural justice do not affect OCB. Based
on some of the results from previous studies that have not been consistent, therefore
researchers want to raise again the research on organizational citizenship behavior and for
the factors that influence OCB are organizational culture and procedural justice.
Another opinion expressed by (Titisari, 2014) states that organizational culture is
oriented in the regulations applied by employees that differentiate entities from other
entities. To form a good organizational culture, an entity must achieve the entity's vision
and mission. Each entity has different cultural characteristics so that employees must
follow the rules of the culture in which the employee works. Organizational culture is
very important as a foundation for employees to achieve company goals. Employees who
apply the foundation of organizational culture are expected to be able to contribute very
well so that they can have a good influence on employee performance satisfaction.
Khatri et al in (MARIANI & ADIWIBOWO, 2011) argue that procedural justice
is equal treatment of employees where they are treated fairly in their work. Justice is a
Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
221 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
universal rule that is a human right because in any situation everyone must be treated
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citizenship behavior 222
If a boss can consistently treat his subordinates fairly, they will think positively
about theirsuperiors. Behavior that is carried out fairly towards employees will lead to
satisfaction for them and be able to influence employees based on satisfaction, fairness
scale, motivation, and employee commitment (Ghaziani et al, 2012).
Researchers are interested in conducting research in IT companies regarding
organizational citizenship behavior because in IT companies the level of OCB is still very
low. Some factors still lack the company's attention to improve OCB, namely
organizational culture and procedural justice. Therefore this study aims to show the
influence of Organizational Culture and Procedural Justice on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior which is focused on the high low organizational culture of a company.
This research uses quantitative research methods. This study uses primary data
taken from the first party. Researchers get data results from questionnaires given to all
employees of IT companies in the Special Region of Yogyakarta directly. The object of
this research is organizational culture and procedural justice for organizational citizenship
behavior (OCB). The independent variable is organizational culture (X1) and procedural
justice (X2). While the dependent/dependent variable in this study was organizational
citizenship behavior (Y). The population in this study were all employees of IT
companies in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
The sampling technique in this study used convenience sampling. The data
collection technique in this study used a questionnaire that was equipped with an answer
level as the choice of respondents to answer questions. The data analysis technique used
multiple linear regression and SPSS version 22 as the application used.
A. Analysis of Respondents' Descriptions
The total number of respondents as many as 136 respondents, it can be obtained
the distribution of the description of the characteristics as follows:
Table 1
Analysis of Respondents' Descriptions (high organizational culture)
<20 Years
21-30 Years
30-40 Years
>40 Years
Employee Position
Position of Employees
Junior Advertiser
Customer Service
Database Administrator
Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
223 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Years of service
<5 Years
5 10 Years
>10 Years
Source: primary data processing (2021)
Table 2
Descriptive Analysis of Respondents (low company organizational culture)
<20 Years
21-30 Years
30-40 Years
>40 Years
Employee Position
Position of Employees
Junior Advertiser
Customer Service
Database Administrator
Years of service
<5 Years
5 10 Years
>10 Years
Source: primary data processing (2021)
A. Classic Assumption Test
Table 3
Normality Test Results (High Company Organizational Culture)
Asymp. Sig (2-tailed)
Source: primary data processing (2021)
It can be seen in table 3 that the Asymp. The Sig (2-tailed) is 0.170. These results
can indicate that the significant value is more than 0.05. So this residual data can be said
to be normally distributed.
Table 4
Normality Test Results (Low Company Organizational Culture)
Asymp. Sig (2-tailed)
Source: primary data processing (2021)
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The effect of organizational culture and procedural justice on organizational
citizenship behavior 224
It can be seen in table 4 that the Asymp. The Sig (2-tailed) is 0.200. These results
can indicate that the significant value is more than 0.05. So this residual data can be said
to be normally distributed.
Table 5
Multicollinearity Test Results (High Corporate Organizational Culture)
Organizational culture
There was no multicollinearity
Procedural justice
There was no multicollinearity
Source: primary data processing (2021)
It can be seen in table 5 that the variables of organizational culture and
procedural justice have a tolerance value of 0.906 which means greater than 0.10 and a
VIF value of 1.104 which means less than 10. So in this study there is no
multicollinearity in the independent variables.
Table 6
Multicollinearity Test Results (Low Company Organizational Culture)
Organizational culture
There was no multicollinearity
Procedural justice
There was no multicollinearity
Source: primary data processing (2021)
It can be seen in table 6 that the independent variables of organizational culture
and procedural justice have a tolerance value of 0.624 which means greater than 0.10 and
a VIF value of 1.604 which means less than 10. So in this study there is no
multicollinearity on the independent variables.
Table 7
Heteroscedasticity Test Results (High Corporate Organizational Culture)
Organizational Culture X1
Procedural justice X2
Source: primary data processing (2021)
It can be seen from table 7 that it proves that the value is significantly greater
than alpha. So in this study the regression model used did not occur heteroscedasticity.
Table 8
Heteroscedasticity Test Results (Low Company Organizational Culture)
Organizational Culture X1
Procedural justice X2
Source: primary data processing (2021)
It can be seen from table 8 that the value is significantly greater than the alpha
value. So in this study the regression model used did not occur heteroscedasticity.
Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
225 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
B. Different Test
Table 9
Different Test Results
High organizational culture - Low
organizational culture
Asymp. Sig (2-tailed)
Source: primary data processing (2021)
It can be seen in table 9 that the significant value of the high and low
organizational culture variables is 0.000 <0.05 (alpha). These results prove that there is a
difference between a high organizational culture and a low organizational culture.
C. Hypothesis Test Results
Hypothesis Test Results for High Organizational Culture
Table 10
Multiple Linear Regression Test Results (High Corporate Organizational Culture)
Organizational Culture X1
Procedural justice X2
Dependent variable = Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Constant = 10,802
Adjusted R square = 0,492
Significant = 0,000
Source: primary data processing (2021)
Determination Coefficient Test (R2)
It can be seen in table 10 above that the results of the Adjusted R-square are
0.492, it can be concluded that 49.2% organizational citizenship behavior is influenced by
independent variables. While the remaining 50.8% is influenced by other variables.
Simultaneous Significance Test (F)
It can be seen in table 10 above that the sig value. equal to 0.000 <0.05. So it can
be concluded that the independent variable affects the dependent variable together.
Partial Test Results (T Test)
It can be seen in the table above that it can be concluded as follows:
a. First hypothesis
The significant value of 0.000 is smaller than the alpha value of 0.05. It can be
concluded that the variable organizational culture (H1) is accepted, which means that
organizational culture has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior.
b. Second hypothesis
The significant value of 0.000 is smaller than the alpha value of 0.05. It can be
concluded that the variable organizational culture (H1) is accepted, which means
procedural justice has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior.
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citizenship behavior 226
Low Organizational Culture Hypothesis Test Results
Table 11
Multiple Linear Regression Test Results (Low Company Organizational Culture)
Budaya Organisasi X1
Keadilan prosedural X2
Dependent variable = Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Constant = 5,546
Adjusted R square = 0,273
Significant = 0,000
Source: primary data processing (2021)
Determination Coefficient Test (R2)
It can be seen in table 10 above that the results of the Adjusted R-square are
0.273, it can be concluded that 27.3% organizational citizenship behavior is influenced by
independent variables. While the remaining 72.7% is influenced by other variables.
Simultaneous Significance Test (F)
It can be seen in table 11 above that the sig value. equal to 0.000 <0.05. So it can
be concluded that the independent variable affects the dependent variable together.
Partial Test Results (T Test)
Based on table 11 it can be concluded as follows:
a. First hypothesis
The significant value is 0.112> 0.05 (alpha). It can be concluded that the variable
organizational culture (H1) is rejected, which means that organizational culture has no
effect on organizational citizenship behavior.
b. Second hypothesis
The significant value is 0.007 <0.05 (alpha). It can be concluded that the variable
organizational culture (H1) is accepted, which means procedural justice has a positive
effect on organizational citizenship behavior.
D. Discussion
1) First Hypothesis
Based on the results of multiple linear regression testing in tables 10 and 11, the
following results are obtained:
Based on the results of multiple regression testing in table 10, H1a is accepted,
which means that organizational culture has a positive effect on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior in IT companies with high organizational culture. It can be
explained that the high organizational culture in the company shows that managers at all
organizational levels show leadership who pioneered changes in strategy and tactics
whenever needed to satisfy the interests of stakeholders and shareholders. This statement
is supported by research conducted by Serpian et al., (2016) in (Qisthy et al., 2018) which
states that organizational culture has a positive effect on Organizational Citizenship
Based on the results of multiple regression testing in table 11, H1b is rejected,
which means that organizational culture has no effect on Organizational Citizenship
Behavior in IT companies with low organizational culture. This study does not support
Rath, (2012) in (Satria, Matriadi, & Maryudi, 2021) who found that
Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
227 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Khulil Fathuroni
The effect of organizational culture and procedural justice on organizational
citizenship behavior 228
culture has a positive effect on OCB in three organizations representing the economic
sector, namely companies, information technology and banking. This study also does not
support research by (Qisthy et al., 2018) which states that Organizational Culture has a
positive effect on OCB. It can be explained that the low organizational culture in the
company managers at all organizational levels tends to behave cautiously and politically
to protect or promote themselves or groups related to their responsibilities. This research
is in line with that conducted by (Permana, Mujanah, & Murgianto, 2020) which states
that organizational culture has no effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
2) Second Hypothesis
Based on the results of multiple linear regression testing in tables 10 and 11 Ha it
is accepted, which means that procedural justice has a positive effect on Organizational
Citizenship Behavior, both in companies with high and low organizational culture. This
explains the fair treatment of employees, so employees are willing to do work outside
their mandatory duties. Because considerations of fairness affect the level of an employee
trusting a company that respects him. Fair treatment received will be perceived positively
by employees by providing an attitude of care, trust, support and respect for employees in
the company. From this, a social exchange pattern between employees and the
organization is formed, where fair treatment that is perceived as positive will result in
reciprocal behavior in the form of extra role behavior called Organizational Citizenship
Behavior. This research is in line with the research conducted (Cahyani, 2020) which
states that procedural justice has a positive effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
Based on the research results, the researcher can conclude that the high
organizational culture of IT companies in the Special Region of Yogyakarta: Leaders pay
close attention to all those who support them, be they customers or clients, especially
customers and initiate changes if necessary to serve their interests, even though it is risky.
Managers attach importance to customers, shareholders and employees. Because the
leaders really appreciate changes that are useful for the progress of the company. Serving
the entire organization, trusting others. Meanwhile, the weak organizational culture in IT
companies in the Special Region of Yogyakarta can be explained: a). Managers tend to
behave in a slightly political and bureaucratic manner. b). The leader is only concerned
with himself and the work group. They value regular management processes and avoid
the much higher risks of leadership initiatives. c). Leader fulfills self-interest and lacks
trust in others.
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