Vol.1, No. 1, Februari 2021 p-ISSN - e-ISSN
Rodhotul Janah 3
Rodhotul Janah
Institut Agama Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon
E-mail: rodhotu[email protected]
Cultural activities indirectly teach students to dare to appear in
public, so that when in the community they are accustomed to
speaking in public with their lectures. The purpose of this study
was to determine the implementation of cultural habituation at
MTs N 2 Cirebon City, to find out how much student motivation
in MTs N 2 Cirebon City and how much influence the
implementation of cultural habituation on student learning
motivation. This research is quantitative. Held at MTs N 2
Cirebon City Jl. Kedung Menjangan Kalijaga, Harjamukti
District, Cirebon City. Researchers took a sample of 32 students
from a total population of 256 students to facilitate data
collection in the field. The results of this research are the cult
activities at MTs N 2 Cirebon City since 1982 until now these
activities are still running. With cult activities, students can be
motivated in learning, because the content in cult activities is not
only about religion but also leads to learning motivation. Based
on the research data obtained through the test with SPSS, the
two variables in the study have a significant value (Sig.) Of
0.001 smaller than the 0.05 probability, so it can be concluded
that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that there is
an influence of habituation. cult of student learning motivation at
MTs N 2 Cirebon..
Keywords: Influence, Kultum, Motivation, Learning
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
In modern times, many advances have been achieved by humans, various
developments taking place here and there which indicate the flow of globalization as if it
promises a direction of change and progress. This globalization that is being stifled by the
west is tearing apart the wise order that guides the life of the eastern nation. Therefore all
layers of a man who are indiscriminately affected by this unavoidable phenomenon,
whether they are old, young, and even children also feel what has happened in the age in
which he has lived.
It is sad to see what is happening as a result of this imperialism, especially since
the ones who are most easily swept away are young people who should be the next
generation of stories and historical continents, fighting for human rights, upholding
justice, and conveying the truth. But many of them are complacent about the worldly
things offered by others which contradict the values contained in Islamic law.
Vol.1, No. 1, Februari 2021 p-ISSN - e-ISSN
Rodhotul Janah 3
This is what Muslims need to realize, that now many among Muslims, especially
the younger generation, students are negligent in their duties as servants, a servant who
should at all times serve himself in the presence of the Creator of the entire universe.
Carrying out duties and obligations is the law for a believer that it cannot be
negotiated,let alone just leave it.
Therefore, cult activities should be a priority to look ahead, namely learning to
anticipate reality. This is increasingly becoming important for students who live in an era
of globalization that demands openness and flexibility in thinking and the ability of
students who experience turmoil to help change attitude and behavior. Therefore, they
need guidance and enlightenment so that they realize the importance of hearing cult, by
themselves they will better understand the obligations of a Muslim and can apply it in
their daily life.
The era that is all sophisticated gradually overcomes everything that already exists,
bringing a very significant influence for change. This school is a place for students to
gain knowledge, there they will be taught various branches of knowledge to prepare them
to become insightful people, one of which is cultural activities. Culture is a science that is
very important to learn because by following the cult students can be motivated.
Kultum activities at MTs N 2 Cirebon City are carried out by all students. Because
this cult activity is compulsory for all students. Even though this activity is a co-curricular
program, students are still motivated and routinely in implementing Kultum. With this
activity, it is necessary to review in-depth the habituation activity. Whether this routine is
effective has a positive influence on students, especially in learning motivation or not. If
there is, then this activity would be even better as a school program to form motivated
students in this learning through cultural habituation. Kultum is a seven-minute lecture
which is art, which is conveying something to the crowd with not much time, which is
only seven minutes with the name kultum, kultum can also be equated with a short lecture
and only discusses a little of religious issues or just a reminder so that people not
negligent in matters of religion or matters of good nature. (Mustafa, 2012)
According to KBBI, the lecture has a meaning in the class of nouns or nouns so
that the lecture can state the name of a person, place, or all objects and all objects. The
lecture is a homonym because the meanings have the same spelling and pronunciation but
different meanings. The lecture has meaning in class adjectives or adjectives so that
lectures can change nouns or pronouns, usually by explaining them or making them more
specific. Therefore students must know how important it is to participate in cult activities.
For this reason, it would be better if children are sent to schools based on religion MTs N
2 Cirebon City is a madrasa in which there are cultural activities.
Understanding the importance of students following cult activities so that they
realize that participating in cult activities can increase their insight into religion. This is
where a teacher, especially student teachers, is needed, teaching them the importance of
it. The teacher has a very important role in achieving the desired goals. To achieve the
desired goals, students must always be guided and directed in learning. According to
Bower (Cannon-Bowers, Salas, Tannenbaum, & Mathieu, 1995) that by learning we can
show a relative change in behavior that occurs due to several experiences that have been
experienced and also exercise that has been carried out in previous times. Bower also
explained that "learning cognitive process" which means learning is real it's a cognitive
process. Here, Bower explains the process is more important than the outcome of learning
Targeted and purposeful learning, teachers must teach that life is only to serve or
worship Allah SWT. So that students are aware of the importance of listening to religion,
a seven-minute kuliah or what is called (kultum) is carried out. A seven-minute lecture or
Vol.1, No. 1, Februari 2021 p-ISSN - e-ISSN
Rodhotul Janah 3
cult is an art, which is the art of conveying something to many people with not much time
duration, which is only seven minutes according to its name; cultum. The cult is then
called by people as a short lecture which only discusses a few things from religious
problems or just a reminder so that people do not neglect religious matters or issues of
good nature.
Motivation is an impulse that causes a person to do an action to achieve certain
goals. Motivation is a stimulus, impetus, or power generator that is owned by a person or
group of people who want to make and cooperate optimally in carrying out something
that has been planned to achieve predetermined goals.
According to Mc Donald, (McDonald & Hirt, 1997) motivation is a change in
energy in a person which is marked by the emergence of feelings and is preceded by a
response to a goal.
This seven-minute lecture is a religious activity containing lectures, recitation of
the holy Al-Quran, recitation of as-Maulhusna, and recitation of prayers. This activity
was delivered by students to increase students' faith, every Friday morning before the
teaching and learning process, all students gathered to take part in a seven-minute lecture
This activity is a routine activity carried out at MTs N 2 Cirebon City. In this cult
activity, each class will have a turn to convey the cult. This activity is guided directly by
the cultic advisor who has been assigned by the principal to provide coaching for each
class that gets an assignment. Principal H. Ja'far Musaddad, M.Pd.I said that the cult
activities carried out at MTs N 2 Cirebon City had a goal that was considered good
enough to educate students to be better. The students will feel responsible and brave,
every culture that is conveyed will foster good morals for all students of MTs N 2
Cirebon City.
In essence, this cult activity indirectly teaches students to dare to appear in public,
so that when in the community they are accustomed to speaking in front of the public
with their lectures.
For teenagers or those who are still not burdened by religious taklifs, they still have
to be given directions to always listen to religion like short lectures so that they don't fall
into this era of globalization. Later when he grows up, he will be able to deliver the
lecture well. So that they are motivated from an early age by the existence of cult
activities. Departing from the background discussion above, the writer wants to do
Research Methods
This research is quantitative. According to (Sugiyono, 2002) the quantitative
method is called the traditional method, because this method has been used for a long
time so that it has a positivist tradition because it is based on the philosophy of
positivism. This research was conducted at MTs N 2 Cirebon City jl. Kedung Menjangan
Kalijaga, Harjamukti District, Cirebon City. This research is focused on class VIII, this
research is carried out in a school environment. The population in this study were all
Class VIII at MTs N 2 Cirebon City with a total of 256 students, consisting of Class VIII
A, VIII B, VIII C, VIII, D, VIII E, VIII F, and VIII G in this study the researcher used
one class with small-scale trials conducted in class VIII A.
Research subjects were carried out at MTs N 2 Cirebon City in the academic year
2020 even semester. Based on the number of students in the population, namely 256
students, the sample used is the quota sample. The quota sample technique determines the
The effect of the implementation of cultural implementation on student
learning motivation at MTS N 2 Cirebon City
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number of samples from a population that has certain criteria to the desired quota number.
Given the situation and conditions that are currently in a pandemic, the researchers took a
sample of 32 students from a total population of 256 students.
Researchers used data collection techniques in the form of observation,
questionnaires and documentation methods. The data collected will be analyzed
quantitative data, quoted by Sugiyono that data analysis is a process of systematically
searching and compiling data obtained from interviews, field notes and documentation,
by organizing data into categories, describing them into units, performing synthesis , tune
into patterns, choose which ones are important and what will be studied, and make
conclusions so that they are easily understood by oneself and others.
Results and Discussion
A. Research Results
Based on the data obtained from the results of research at MTs N 2 Cirebon City,
here will be explained the results of data that have been processed using SPSS from the
two research variables, namely the implementation of cultural habits and student learning
motivation. The title taken uses five tests, namely, validity test, reliability test, normality
test, linear test, and finally the test of variables X and Y.
1. Implementation of Kultum Habitat at MTs Negeri 2 Cirebon City
The implementation of cultic habituation at MTs Negeri 2 Cirebon City is an
activity that has been carried out every Friday. The culture that is conveyed cannot be
separated from teaching-learning activities that are better for simple regression or
hypotheses which will later find out whether there is an influence between the students.
Therefore it is interesting to be followed up as research.
The results of this research regarding the implementation of cultic habituation in
class VIII A MTs Negeri 2 Cirebon City, totaling 32 students, can be found out through
interviews with student teachers and interviews with students, but in the presence of this
pandemic, researchers cannot interview students at school. Therefore, the researcher
interviewed 5 students of class VIII A, namely Rahma Oktaviani, Madhuri, Khusnul
Huluq, Siti Amaliah, Rosmawati. The researcher gathered the students who would be
interviewed to come to the house of one of these students.
Based on interviews by researchers that the implementation of a cult at MTs N 2
Cirebon City began in 1981 since the establishment of MTs N 2 Cirebon City until now
the program is still running, therefore this activity is mandatory because it is very
beneficial for students. Also, this cult activity is very popular with students even though
this activity is stressful for students who get cult assignments but it does not make them
feel afraid but students feel challenged.
From the results of interviews that have been conducted with student students, it is
stated that the implementation of this cult is a co-curricular activity. This activity is very
useful for students. Because cultural activities are not filled or carried out by the teacher
but are carried out by students. From this activity, students learn to convey their
aspirations in front of many people so that one day these students get used to speaking
and convey their aspirations in public. Therefore, this cult activity must be carried out
every Friday morning before the teaching and learning activities (KBM) begins. In
punishing students who are deliberately late for school on Friday mornings so as not to
take part in the cult, they are usually given punishment for memorizing hadiths or short
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Rodhotul Janah 5
The results of the interview illustrate that the existence of cult activities every
Friday, will provide benefits in participating in this cult activity, not only listening to
religion but students feeling challenged by the teacher when assigned to fill cult activities,
students feel more courageous when speaking to express opinions and aspirations in
Meanwhile, based on the data obtained from 32 respondents with 10 questionnaire
items, the ideal score for the questionnaire is 10 items x 32 respondents x 5 (the highest
score for each item) = 1,600.
It is known that the total score according to the questionnaire distribution data
regarding the implementation of cultural habituation is 1.043. the percentage of the
questionnaire can be calculated with the following formula:
The total score of the questionnaire variable X = 1,043 (results are attached)
Highest standard score = 1,600
So, the percentage of the questionnaire:
 = 61%
The score belongs to the strong category which is between 60% - 80%.
0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Very Weak Weak Enough Strong Very Strong
Based on the results of the above research regarding the implementation of cultic
habituation through distributing questionnaires that students in class VIII B of MTs
Negeri 2 Cirebon City are good with the strong category.
2. Student Learning Motivation
Motivation to learn is an impulse that exists in the students themselves to learn.
Students who have high learning enthusiasm will usually be more active in their studies
and this can affect the seriousness of their studies. Students who have high learning
motivation will think that learning is very important. The results of the research regarding
the learning motivation of students of class VIII at MTs Negeri 2 Cirebon City, totaling
32 students, could be identified by distributing questionnaires to 32 respondents as data
processing. As for the data obtained from 32 respondents with the number of
questionnaire items as many as 10, the ideal score for the questionnaire is 10 items x 32
respondents x 5 (the highest score of each item) = 1,600.
It is known that the total score according to the questionnaire distribution data
about student learning motivation is 1.066. the percentage of the questionnaire can be
calculated with the following formula:
Total score of the questionnaire variable X = 1,066 (results attached)
Highest standard score = 1,600
So, the percentage of the questionnaire:
The effect of the implementation of cultural implementation on student
learning motivation at MTS N 2 Cirebon City
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 = 67%
The score belongs to the strong category which is between 60% - 80%
0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Very Weak Weak Enough Strong Very Strong
Based on the results of the research above regarding student learning motivation
through distributing questionnaires that students in class VIII B of MTs Negeri 2 Cirebon
City are good with the strong category.
3. The Effect of Kultum Habit Implementation on Learning Motivation at
MTs Negeri 2 Cirebon City
Based on the results of research in class VIII MTs Negeri 2 Cirebon City, the
implementation of cultural practices with learning motivation is quite good, but not
completely comprehensive. However, the habituation of polute that is done by the teacher
certainly affects student activities. One form of a cult that is given is to always motivate
to learn. And some students are enthusiastic about participating in learning activities. This
means that the implementation of cultural habits affects students' learning motivation.
How big is the level of cultural habituation implementation on learning motivation will be
seen in the calculation of the questionnaire that has been distributed to 32 class VIII
students of MTs Negeri 2 Cirebon City, which can later be seen through the coefficients
between the two variables using SPSS calculations. The following are the results of the
SPSS calculations regarding the effect of cultural habituation on student learning
motivation at MTs Negeri 2 Cirebon City. :
a) Validity test
The validity test is used to determine the validity of the questionnaire in collecting
data. The validity test was carried out with the bivariate person correlation formula using
SPSS. For the level of validity, a significant test was carried out by comparing the count
value with the table value. In the validity test, the variables X and Y both amount to 10
items each, and the results of both are valid. The following table shows the validity of the
X and Y variables.
Table 1
Result of Variable Validity (X)
"The Implementation of Kultum Habit"
Vol.1, No. 1, Februari 2021 p-ISSN - e-ISSN
Rodhotul Janah 7
r count
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
Item 6
Item 7
Item 8
Item 9
Item 10
Based on the learning motivation questionnaire above which was answered by 32
class VIII respondents at MTs Negeri 2 Kota Cirebon, it obtained an r table of 0.296. In
table 4.1 above, it is known that r count> r table, it can be concluded that all 10 questions
about the statement regarding student learning motivation are declared valid and can be
used in data analysis.
Table 2
Result of Variable Validity (Y)
"Student's motivation to study"
no item
r hitung
r tabel
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
Item 6
Item 7
Item 8
Item 9
Item 10
Based on the learning motivation questionnaire above which was answered by 32
class VIII respondents at MTs Negeri 2 Kota Cirebon, it obtained an r table of 0.296. In
table 4.2 above, it is known that r count> r table, it can be concluded that all 10 questions
about the statement regarding student learning motivation are valid and can be used in
data analysis.
The effect of the implementation of cultural implementation on student
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b) Reliability Test
A reliability test is used to measure the consistency of the constructs or research
variables. To measure the reliability test performed using the Cronbach Alpha (α)
statistical test. A constructor variable is said to be reliable if it provides an Alpha
coefficient value greater than 0.60 (Nunnaly, 1967; in Ghozali, 2005). The results of the
reliability test of the two variables in this study amounted to 20, namely, variable X
which has a number of item 10, and variable Y has a questionnaire item 10. Here is the
reliability test of the two variables in this research.
Table 3
Reliability test of variables X and Y
Reliability Statistics
N of Items
Based on the reliability test above, it is 0.984> 0.60, meaning that as the basis for
decision making in the reliability test above, it can be concluded that each questionnaire
question is reliable or consistent.
c) Normality test
The normality test is carried out to determine whether the data is normally
distributed or not. In this discussion, the normality test is carried out using the
Kolmogorov-Smirnova test. The basis for decision making in testing the normality of
teacher interpersonal communication and student learning motivation using the
Kolmogorov-Smirnovaya test:
1) The value of sig. or significance or probability value> 0.05, then the data are
normally distributed.
2) The value of sig. Or significance or probability value> 0.05, then the data is not
normally distributed
Table 4
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Normal Parameters
Std. Deviation
Most Extreme Differences
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data
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Rodhotul Janah 9
Based on the data above, it shows the normality value of 0.202, then the data from
the two variables are normally distributed. Because of the provisions of the normality, if
the data obtained is greater than 0.05. Therefore, in this study, the data obtained were
normally distributed. This means that it can continue on other tests.
d) Linearity Test
In general, the linearity test aims to determine whether two variables have a
significant linear relationship or not. In some references, it is stated that this linearity test
is a requirement before the linear regression test is carried out. There are 2 bases for
decision making in the linearity test, namely comparing the significant value (Sig) with
0.05 and comparing the F table value.
1.) Comparing the significant value (Sig.) With 0.05
a. If the Deviation from Linearity value is sig. > 0.05, then there is a
significant linear relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable
b. If the Deviation from Linearity value is sig. <0.05, then there is no
significant linear relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable
2.) Comparing the value of F count with F table.
a. If the value of F count <F table, then there is a significant linear
relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable
b. If the calculated F value> F table, then there is no significant linear
relationship between the independent variable and the dependent
Table 5
Motivasi belajar *
Deviation from
Within Groups
Based on the significant value (Sig) of the output above, the Deviation from
Linearity Sig value is 0.721, greater than 0.05. it can be concluded that there is a
significant linear relationship between the variable implementation of the cult with the
student learning motivation variable. Meanwhile, based on the F value of the output
above, the calculated F value is 0.721 <F table of 0.435. because the calculated F value is
smaller than the F table, it can be concluded that there is a significant linear relationship
The effect of the implementation of cultural implementation on student
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between the variables X and Y.
e) Simple Linear Regression Test
Hypothesis test or influence test serves to determine whether the regression
coefficient is significant or not. To ascertain whether the coefficient is significant or not,
this study conducted a hypothesis test by comparing the significant value (Sig) with a
probability of 0.05.
The decision making in the linearity regression test is:
1) If the significance value (Sig.) Is less than the probability of 0.05, it
means that there is an effect of variable X on variable Y
2) Conversely, if the significance value (Sig.) If greater than the probability
of 0.05, it means that there is no effect of variable X on adap variable Y.
In general, the simple linear regression equation formula Y = a + bx. Meanwhile, to
find out the value of the regression coefficient, here use the SPSS table as follows:
Tabel 6
Std. Error
pembiasaan kultum
a. Dependent Variable: Motivation to learn
a = constant number of instant darted coefficients.
indicates a value of 438. This figure is a constant number which means that if there is
no cultural habituation (X), the consistent value of student learning motivation (Y) is -
b = the regression coefficient value is 1.034.
then it can be said that variable (X) has a positive effect on variable Y so that the
regression equation is Y = -438 + 1.034.
Based on the output above, it is known that the significant value (Sig.) Is 0.001 smaller
than the probability of 0.05, so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is
accepted, which means that "there is an effect of the implementation of cultural habits
on student learning motivation at MTs N 2 Cirebon"?
B. Discussion
1. Implementation of Kultum Habits
The definition of culture is that a seven-minute lecture is an art, which is conveying
something to many people with not much time, which is only seven minutes with the
name kultum. Kultum can also be equated with a short lecture and only discusses a few
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Rodhotul Janah 11
things from religious issues or just a reminder so that people do not neglect religious
matters or issues of good nature. Kultum conveys something that is very effective in
spreading kindness among students in school because what is in religious teachings is
conveyed directly in front of students or students. Apart from being effective, the
tradition of preaching by cult or oral was used as a recommendation in order to uphold
amarmakruf and nahi munkar. (WULAN, 2017)
The implementation of cultic habituation at MTs Negeri 2 Cirebon City is an
activity that has been carried out every Friday. The Kultum that was conveyed could not
be separated from offering better learning activities for students. Therefore it is
interesting to be followed up as research. The results of research regarding the
implementation of cultic habituation in class VIII MTs Negeri 2 Cirebon City, totaling 32
students, can be found out through the results of distributed questionnaires and interviews
with student and student staff to strengthen the data from this study.
2. Student Learning Motivation
Motivation stems from the word 'motive', which can be interpreted as the driving
force within a person to carry out certain activities in order to achieve a goal. Even
motive can be interpreted as an internal condition (preparedness). Meanwhile, according
to Mc Donald, motivation is a change in energy in a person which is marked by the
emergence of feelings and is preceded by a response to a goal. From the understanding
put forward by Mc Donald, there are three main elements/characteristics in motivation,
namely; motivation initiates a change in energy, is characterized by feeling, and is
stimulated because of a goal. (Sardiman, 2000)
Motivation to learn is an impulse that exists in the students themselves to learn.
Students who have a high learning enthusiasm will usually be more active in their studies
and this can affect the seriousness of their studies. And those who have high motivation
to learn will think that learning is very important.
The results of the research regarding the learning motivation of students of class
VIII at MTs Negeri 2 Cirebon City, totaling 32 students, could be identified by
distributing questionnaires to 32 respondents who used SPSS calculations as data
processing. Following are the results of the calculation of the learning motivation of class
VIII students at MTs Negeri 2 Cirebon by using the validity test on the Learning
Motivation variable.
Based on the researcher, the motivation to learn with cultic activities according to
the student body of Yutimah S.pd has a relationship. Apart from being religious, this
activity contains content about learning motivation. After the student culture activity
asked the students for 5 minutes before leaving the field or the teaching and learning
activities took place, the student expressed his motivation that not only cult activities
were important but motivation for students was also very important.
3. The Influence of the Implementation of Cultural Culture on Student
Kultum is an activity every Friday at MTs N 2 Cirebon City, this cult activity is
delivered by students who have been assigned by the class teacher with a total of 6
students, namely presenter, recitation reading, translator, As-maul'husna reading, lecture,
and Prayer. Usually, the prayer section is filled in by student teachers. According to the
research results, this cult activity is a co-curricular activity that is carried out every Friday
morning before the KBM takes place.
According to the results of the research, the existence of this cult activity is very
The effect of the implementation of cultural implementation on student
learning motivation at MTS N 2 Cirebon City
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influential in student learning motivation, because students will be more confident when
assigned by their class teachers. These students will be more courageous in appearing to
speak, conveying their aspirations in front of many people. Therefore this activity is very
important for students.
Based on the results of research in class VIII MTs Negeri 2 Cirebon City, the
implementation of cultic habituation with learning motivation is quite good, but not
completely comprehensive. However, habituation of kultum can affect student activities.
One form of a cult that is given is to always provide motivation to learn. And some
students are enthusiastic about participating in learning activities. This means that the
implementation of cultural habits affects students' learning motivation.
The implementation of cultic habituation based on the research results obtained can
be concluded that the cult activities at MTs N 2 Cirebon City since 1982 have been
ongoing. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it is concluded that with
cult activities students can be motivated in learning because the content in cult activities
is not only about religion but also leads to learning motivation. Cultural activities
themselves have a good influence on students.
The effect of cultural habituation on student learning motivation at MTs N 2
Cirebon. Based on the research data obtained through the SPSS test, the two variables in
the study have a significant value (Sig.) Of 0.001 smaller than the probability of 0.05, so
it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that "there is an
influence of the implementation of cultural habits on student learning motivation at MTs
N 2 Cirebon".
Based on the above conclusions, the researcher hopes the implementation of cultic
habituation should always be done optimally by all teachers to students so that it can have
a good effect on students. The implementation of cultic habituation in the learning
process has a strong influence on student learning motivation, so it is very important in
learning activities that there is a need for a culture that teachers do to students properly so
that student learning motivation continues to increase.
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McDonald, Hugh E., & Hirt, Edward R. (1997). When expectancy meets desire:
Motivational effects in reconstructive memory. Journal of Personality and
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Mustafa. (2012). Kumpulan Kultum Paling Mengungah Sepanjang Masa.
Surakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Sardiman, Arief M. (2000). Interaksi & motivasi belajar mengajar. PT
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Sugiyono, D. R. (2002). Metode penelitian administrasi. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Wulan, Fitriani. (2017). Pemanfaatan Kultum dalam Pembinaan Akhlak Siswa
diSMPN 1 Indrapuri. UIN AR-Raniry.