How to cite:
Rini Kartika Dewi, Islami Linda Wibawanti, Heni Rahayu Rahmawati,
Nihara Mian Intan Sari Pardede, Tetuko Sigit Hanitanoyo. (2022).
Making Briquettes from Orange Skin Waste and Sugarcane Bagass
Using Pyrolysis Method. Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(3): 511-522
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Rini Kartika Dewi
, Islami Linda Wibawanti
, Heni Rahayu Rahmawati
Nihara Mian Intan Sari Pardede
, Tetuko Sigit Hanitanoyo
Malang National Institute of Technology, Indonesia
March, 15
March, 16
The availability of domestic raw materials is gradually
decreasing, while the need for energy sources is increasing.
Therefore, it is necessary to have the availability of renewable
energy sources, one of which is biomass. In this study,
researchers will discuss the waste of sugarcane bagasse and
orange peel which can be used as briquettes. Usually, these
wastes are only used as animal feed, sometimes they are just
thrown away. The goals and benefits expected by the author in
this study are, to provide information that the manufacture of
briquettes from bagasse and Pacitan orange peel can be used
as an alternative fuel. So, it can be implemented to reduce
fossil fuels, whose availability is getting less and less. In the
study, the best results were on the adhesive variable 20% ratio
1:2 with a calorific value of 5,949,114 cal/gram, 9% moisture
content, 9% ash content.
Bagasse, Briquettes, Energy, Orange Peel
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International
Rini Kartika Dewi, Islami Linda Wibawanti, Heni Rahayu Rahmawati, Nihara Mian Intan
Sari Pardede, Tetuko Sigit Hanitanoyo
Making Briquettes from Orange Skin Waste and Sugarcane Bagass Using Pyrolysis
Method 512
Charcoal is a solid that has pores made from the carbonization process.
Therefore, most of the charcoal pores are still covered by hydrocarbons, tar, and other
compounds containing components of tethered carbon (such as ash, water, nitrogen, and
sulfur). Meanwhile, biochar is alternative energy made from biomass raw materials such
as rice husks, wood, twigs, leaves, grass, straw, or other agricultural wastes.
Biobriquettes can be made from biomass raw materials. Biomass is one of the
alternative energy sources produced from plants either directly or indirectly in large
quantities. Biomass can be used directly without carrying out the carbonization process,
but the resulting benefits will be less efficient. An example is the use of wood which is
used as fuel, the energy used is less than 10%. The energy produced from burning wood
is only 2,300 kcal/g while the energy that can be produced from burning biochar can
reach 5,000 (Maulinda & Mardinata, 2019).
Briquettes are a form of alternative energy that is currently being developed and
is sourced from biomass containing carbohydrates, especially cellulose. Briquette fuel
compared to other fossil fuels is cheaper, lighter, obtained easily, has economic value,
and so on. Charcoal briquette raw materials can come from all organic materials because
it contains lignocellulose which is a natural polymer with high molecular weight which is
rich in energy. Based on this definition, many choices of opportunities can be taken. In
every place throughout the archipelago, organic waste is always found as a by-product of
industrial and agricultural activities. For example, rice husks, straw, sawdust, water
hyacinth, leaves, grass, peat cocoa dust, and household waste are potential raw materials
for charcoal briquette production (Setiawan & Syahrizal, 2018).
Charcoal briquettes are charcoal made from other types of charcoal which are
ground first and then molded as needed with a mixture of starch. The purpose of making
charcoal briquettes is to increase the duration of burning time and save costs. Charcoal
briquettes can be used as an alternative to petroleum or fossil fuels. Petroleum or fossil
fuels are non-renewable natural resources. The process of making charcoal briquettes is
easy and the raw materials are easy to obtain (Ramadhani, Hidayah, & Pramesti, n.d.).
The advantages of using charcoal briquettes include, the cost is cheaper than oil
or wood charcoal, charcoal briquettes have a much longer fuel life, the use of briquettes is
relatively safer, briquettes are easy to store and move, do not need to be fanned many
times or add to the new fuel. With these advantages, the role of charcoal briquettes as an
alternative fuel has been recognized in various countries (Muhammad, Parnanto, &
Widadie, 2018).
Biochar briquettes have several advantages over (conventional) charcoal,
including the heat generated by biochar briquettes is relatively higher than ordinary wood
and the calorific value can reach 5000 calories. Biochar briquettes when burned do not
produce smoke or odor, so for economically weak communities living in urban areas
where housing ventilation is insufficient, it is very practical to use biochar briquettes.
After the biochar briquettes burn (become coals) there is no need for fanning. The
technology of making biochar briquettes is simple and does not require other chemicals
except those contained in the briquette material itself. The equipment used is also simple,
with the existing tools being shaped as needed and there is no need to look elsewhere
(Hartanto, 2011).
Briquette is a material in the form of small pieces of powder that are compacted
using a press machine with mixed adhesive so that it becomes a solid form. The change in
the size of the material is carried out through a coagulation process with emphasis and
addition or without the addition of a binder. Charcoal briquettes are made by mixing
materials that have a high carbon value and by compressing them at a certain pressure and
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
heating at a certain temperature so that the water content can be kept to a minimum so
that the resulting fuel has a high density, high calorific value and minimum exhaust fumes
(Ningsih, 2019).
Biochar can be reprocessed through processing so that it can be a biochar
briquette product. Briquettes are solids in the form of lumps made of soft raw materials,
then hardened. Meanwhile, biochar briquettes are lumps made of biochar. Several factors
will affect the properties of charcoal briquettes, namely the specific gravity of the
charcoal powder or the type of fuel, fineness of the powder, carbonization temperature,
compression pressure, and mixing formula (Fachry, 2010).
By making briquettes from orange peels, it is an effort to convert biomass
residues into renewable energy. Several things need to be considered to make quality bio
briquettes, namely the selection of raw materials used, water content, temperature,
addition of substrate, and particle size.
Biobriquette compared to ordinary charcoal made from wood is very different.
Biobriquettes are cleaner when used, can produce perfect heat, require relatively narrow
storage space. To compete in the briquette market, namely briquettes that have met
quality standards, chemical, and physical properties also greatly affect the quality of
briquette fuel.
Table 1. Briquette Quality Standards in Several Countries
Properties of
Water content (%)
Volatile matter
content (%)
Ash content (%)
Carbon content (%)
Density (g/cm
Pressure strength
Calor value (cal/g)
(Maulinda, 2019).
Quality briquettes to be used as fuel must also meet physical criteria, such as:
- Easy to turn on
- Does not emit smoke
- Combustion gas emissions are non-toxic
- Watertight and combustion products do not get moldy when stored for a long
- Shows good combustion rate (time, rate of combustion, and combustion
temperature) (Fachry, 2010).
Bagasse is a by-product produced from the sugarcane juice milking process
which ranges from 35 to 40 % of the weight of the milled sugarcane (Sugiharto, 2021).
Chemically bagasse components contain cellulose, polyose, hemicellulose, lignocellulose,
and lignin groups (Maulinda, 2019).
Bagasse can also be said as a by-product of the sugarcane juice extraction process
which has a fiber length of about 1.7 2.2 mm with a diameter of 20 m. Bagasse fiber is
insoluble in water because most of its content is cellulose, pentosan, and lignin
(Yosephin, 2018).
Rini Kartika Dewi, Islami Linda Wibawanti, Heni Rahayu Rahmawati, Nihara Mian Intan
Sari Pardede, Tetuko Sigit Hanitanoyo
Making Briquettes from Orange Skin Waste and Sugarcane Bagass Using Pyrolysis
Method 514
Table 2. Chemical Composition of Bagasse
Rate (%)
Solubility in Hot Water
Pacitan oranges are one of the most abundant fruits in Indonesia. Has a sweet
taste, has a lot of water content, contains vitamin C which ranges from 27-49 mg/100
grams of fruit flesh. Citrus juice contained in Pacitan oranges ranges from 40-70 mg of
vitamin C per 100 mL. Depending on the type of orange, the older it is, the less the
vitamin C content will be (Kusuma, 2007).
One of the benefits of orange peel is to make pectin. Pectin is a polymer
compound that can bind water, form a gel, or thicken a liquid. This property can be
utilized so that apart from jelly, pectin is also used in the meat industry and other food
products that require a water binder (Aji, 2018).
The Adhesive is a material that can be used to glue or bind two objects through a
surface bond so that the addition of - adhesive material can make the bonds between
particles stronger. So that the grains of charcoal briquettes will stick together and cause
water to also be bound in the pores of the charcoal. The function of the addition of
adhesive can also affect the quality of the briquettes produced, namely at the time of
ignition and combustion (Sugiharto, 2021).
Based on the use and quality, the selection of adhesive materials can be classified
as follows:
a. Based on the nature/raw material of briquette gluing
Has good cohesion when mixed with coal, is flammable and smokeless, easy to
obtain in large quantities and at affordable prices, does not emit odor, is non-toxic, and
b. By type
The types of raw materials that are generally used are inorganic adhesives and
organic adhesives. Examples of inorganic binders are cement, clay, and sodium silicate.
While examples of organic binders are starch, tar, asphalt, starch, molasses, and paraffin.
As for those using adhesive from tapioca, caustic soda which has a concentration of 98%,
and clay. Of the several types of adhesives, the most frequently used is starch adhesive
(Fachry, 2010).
The pyrolysis or devolatilization method is a process of chemical decomposition
of materials, where the process takes place by heating in the absence of oxygen or a little
oxygen. Pyrolysis technology is usually used to convert organic waste that is not used
optimally so that it can be turned into biomass. The pyrolysis process produces a product
in the form of a solid fuel called carbon, a liquid mixed with tar and other substances.
Other products formed in the form of carbon dioxide gas, methane, and other gases have a
very small content. The results of pyrolysis are three types of products, namely solid
charcoal, gas, and bio-oil. Generally, the pyrolysis method takes place at temperatures
above 300
C within 4-7 hours (Ridhuan, 2017).
The quality parameters of briquettes need to be considered because they will
affect the benefits and uses of briquettes, some of these parameters are:
- Calorific value
The calorific value can be obtained by burning a sample of briquettes using a tool
called the Bomb Calorimeter by returning the system to the ambient temperature. Net
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
Calorific Value is usually between 93-97% of Gross Value and depends on the Inherent
Moisture content and hydrogen content in the briquettes. The calorific value is a quality
parameter that is known for the maximum amount of heat energy released by fuel, the
amount is obtained due to the complete combustion reaction of the unit mass or volume
of the fuel. The purpose of the calorific value test is to obtain data on the heat energy that
can be liberated by fuel by the occurrence of a reaction or combustion process.
- Proximate analysis
It is an analytical test to determine the moored water content, fixed content, ash
content, and volatile matter. The higher the volatile matter content, the lower the calorific
value. Meanwhile, the higher the fixed carbon value, the higher the calorific value
(Wijaya, 2020).
- Water content
There are two types of water vapor, namely free and bound water vapor. Free
water vapor can be lost by evaporation for example by water-dying. While the bound
water vapor is determined by heating the briquettes between temperatures of 104-110
for one hour
- Ash content
All briquettes contain inorganic substances which can be determined as the
remaining weight if the briquettes are burned completely. The substance left behind is
called ash. Ash produced by briquettes is produced from clay, sand, and various other
mineral substances. Briquettes with a high ash content are very unprofitable because they
will form a crust
- The content of volatile substances
The volatile matter produced from briquettes consists of flammable gases. Such
as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane gas. Volatile matter is part of the briquette
which will turn into a product when the briquette is heated without air at a temperature of
approximately 950
C (Fachry, 2010)
Table 3. Biobriquette Quality Standards based on SNI 01-6235-2000
Test type
Water content
Max 8
Part lost on heating 90
Max 15
Calorie ash content
Max 8
Min 5000
(Wijaya, 2020).
Table 4. Biobriquette Quality Standard
Water content (%)
Ash content (%)
Carbon content (%)
Caloric value (cal/g)
Source: Forestry Research and Development Agency (1994) in Wijayanti (2009)
This study aims to determine the potential of sugarcane bagasse and orange peel
waste that can be used as raw materials for making bio-briquettes. This research was
carried out at the Chemical Engineering Laboratory and in Panggungrejo Village. This
research was carried out using the pyrolysis method, to produce bio briquettes from
bagasse and orange peel raw materials.
Rini Kartika Dewi, Islami Linda Wibawanti, Heni Rahayu Rahmawati, Nihara Mian Intan
Sari Pardede, Tetuko Sigit Hanitanoyo
Making Briquettes from Orange Skin Waste and Sugarcane Bagass Using Pyrolysis
Method 516
The fixed variable used in this research is the pyrolysis method. With a
carbonization time of 4 hours, the volume of water is 250 mL, the mass of raw materials
(orange peel and bagasse) is 1 kg, and the drying time is 3 days. The control variables that
we use are bagasse and orange peel raw materials. While the independent variables in this
study were the ratio of bagasse and orange peel, 1:1; 1:2; 1:3; 1:4; bagasse 100 grams;
100 grams of orange peel and the percentage of adhesive used were 10%, 20%, and 30%.
This study uses a press, a sieve, a 1.5 dim pipe mold with a height of 3 cm, drums,
burlap sacks, winnowing, collisions, simple combustion furnaces, and containers. Then
the materials used are hot water, bagasse, orange peel, clay, tapioca flour, and banana
The research procedure in the manufacture of bio briquettes includes 4 stages,
namely the preparation of raw materials, the carbonization process, the molding process,
and the analysis test. The first stage is the preparation of raw materials. In this stage, the
initial step is to cut the bagasse and orange peel into smaller sizes, then dry in the sun for
3 days.
Figure 1. Dried sugarcane bagasse and orange peel
The second stage is the carbonization process which lasts for 4 hours. In this stage,
first of all, put 1 kg of bagasse and 1 kg of dried orange peel into the drum (the
carbonization process is carried out separately, then cover the drum with banana stems,
burlap sacks, and add wet clay. Do the carbonization process for 4 hours. After the
carbonization process is complete, remove the raw materials that have become
carbonized. Then mash separately, until completely smooth.
(A) (B)
Figure 2. (A) Carbonization Process (B) Bagasse after carbonization
Rini Kartika Dewi, Islami Linda Wibawanti, Heni Rahayu Rahmawati, Nihara Mian Intan
Sari Pardede, Tetuko Sigit Hanitanoyo
(A) (B)
Figure 3. (A) Orange peel after mashing (B) Sugarcane bagasse after grinding
The third stage is the printing process. First, weigh the bagasse and orange peel
according to the specified variables. Then, weigh the tapioca flour as much as 10%, 20%,
30% of the total mass, then mix the tapioca flour with 50 mL of hot water. After that, mix
the bagasse and orange peel that has been weighed with tapioca flour, stir until evenly
distributed. Put it into the mold, then forged with a press. After that, dry using the sun for
3 days.
Figure 4. Biobriquettes after printing
The last stage is the analysis test. Namely, there is a heat test, water content test,
briquette flame length test, and ash content test. The calorific value can be obtained and
known by burning the prepared variable briquettes, then testing using a bomb calorimeter.
Then the flame test was carried out by pouring a little kerosene into the briquette sample,
then igniting. The initial length of time was observed until the briquettes completely
turned to ash. The moisture content test was carried out by weighing the briquettes before
being in the oven, then placing the briquette samples into a porcelain dish, then in the
oven for 24 hours at a temperature of 105
C. Then cool for 10 minutes, then weigh the
Rini Kartika Dewi, Islami Linda Wibawanti, Heni Rahayu Rahmawati, Nihara Mian Intan
Sari Pardede, Tetuko Sigit Hanitanoyo
Making Briquettes from Orange Skin Waste and Sugarcane Bagass Using Pyrolysis
Method 518
(A) (B)
Figure 5. (A) Briquette flame test (B) Ash content test using a furnace (C)
Biobriquettes that have become ash
The ash content test in briquettes can be determined by placing a porcelain cup in
an oven at 105
C for 1 hour. Then weigh the briquettes before being put into the furnace.
Then, put the briquettes along with the porcelain cup into the furnace for 3 hours at a
temperature of 700
C. Then cooled for 15 minutes
Determination of briquette flame length
Graph 1. long briquette flame
1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4
Long time (minutes)
ratio of orange peel: bagasse (w:w)
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
Determination of the briquette flame duration test was carried out by pouring
about 1 mL of kerosene into the briquette sample. After that, observe the initial time until
the briquettes completely turn to ash. When this test took place, even though the
briquettes were smoldering, they did not produce smoke. By following per under with the
characteristics of good quality briquettes, which causes a little smoke. In this study, from
18 samples of the longest flame duration test, the adhesive variable was 30%, the mass of
bagasse was 50 grams, and the mass of orange peel was 150 grams. While the longest
flame test time was the fastest on the variable sample of 10% adhesive and 100-gram
bagasse. The length of the flame is influenced by the structure of the material and the
carbon content. It can be seen from the graph above that the largest carbon content is in
the material which contains more bagasse than orange peel.
Determination of heat analysis test results
Graph 2 Calorific Value
The calorific value analysis test was obtained by burning 5 grams of briquette
samples, using a bomb calorimeter. The calorific value is tested to see quality parameters
that are known to be the maximum amount of heat energy released by a fuel. Of the 18
samples of calorific value that meet SNI, namely calorific value >5000, 3 samples that
meet SNI. Namely the adhesive variable 20% 1:2, 20% 1:3, 20% 1:4. The highest
calorific value in the variable 20% adhesive 1:2 is 5,949.114 cal/gram, while the lowest
calorific value is in the variable 30% 1:3 at 3037.626. Referred to in graph 4.1. Regarding
the analytical test results, it is by following per under the bio briquette theory. There
should be less amount of adhesive the higher the calorific value should be. However,
several aspects that can affect the small calorific value, namely the high water content,
the long heating conditions of the water which can affect the water temperature causing
the water to be mixed with a non-uniform temperature, high ash content so that the silica
content is higher and therefore can affect -the calorific value. , and the amount of total
mass of adhesive that can affect the calorific value.
1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4
Calorific value (cal/grams)
Ratio of orange peel : bagasse w/w
Rini Kartika Dewi, Islami Linda Wibawanti, Heni Rahayu Rahmawati, Nihara Mian Intan
Sari Pardede, Tetuko Sigit Hanitanoyo
Making Briquettes from Orange Skin Waste and Sugarcane Bagass Using Pyrolysis
Method 520
Determination of assay on briquettes
Graph 3. Ash Content
Briquettes produce a residue that is usually called ash, the ash produced by
briquettes is produced from clay; sand; silica, and other minerals. The higher the ash
content, the worse the quality of the briquettes, because it can produce a crust on the
briquettes. The silica component contained in the ash content can affect the calorific
value, based on SNI, a good ash content value is <8%. Of the 18 samples, the results of
the ash content according to SNI were 9 samples. At 10% adhesive variable 1:1 , 1:2, 1:3,
1:4, and 100 grams of bagasse only and at 30% adhesive variable 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4.
Determination of water content test on briquettes
Graph 4. Water Content
Analysis of the determination of the water content test can be known using
utilizing employing oven briquettes for 24 hours at a temperature of 105
C. The value of
water content can affect the calorific value of the briquettes, based on SNI a good water
content value is <8%. Of the 18 samples, only 1 sample was close to SNI, namely the
adhesive variable 20% 1:1, amounting to 9%. Several aspects that the value of the
moisture content, namely the pressure from different molding processes due to manual
pressure, so the pores in the briquettes are not perfectly glued.
1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4
Ash Content (%)
ratio of orange peel: bagasse (w/w)
1:0 1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4
Water Content (%)
ratio of orange peel : bagasse (w/w)
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded as follows: The
calorific value according to SNI 01-6235-2000 which is >5000 cal/gram is found in the
adhesive variable 20% 1:2 at 5,949,114 cal/gram, adhesive 20% 1:3 at 5,706.348
cal/gram, and the adhesive variable 20% 1:4 for 5,026,064 cal/gram. Based on SNI a
good ash content value is <8%. Of the 18 variables, the results of the ash content
according to SNI are 9 variables. At 10% adhesive variable 1:1 , 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, and 100
grams of bagasse only and at 30% adhesive variable 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4. Based on SNI, a
good water content value is <8%. Of the 18 samples, only 1 sample was close to SNI,
namely the adhesive variable 20% 1:1, amounting to 9%. The best variable is the 20%
adhesive ratio 1:2 with a heating value of 5,949,114 cal/gram, 9% moisture content, 9%
ash content, with a flame duration of 01.07.32.
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Rini Kartika Dewi, Islami Linda Wibawanti, Heni Rahayu Rahmawati, Nihara Mian Intan
Sari Pardede, Tetuko Sigit Hanitanoyo
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Method 522
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