How to cite:
Mutiara Tresna Parasetya, Andrian Budi Prasetyo, Aditya Septiani,
Muchamad Syafruddin (2022). The Effect of Web Based Corporate
Reporting on Company Value. Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(3): 603-609
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Mutiara Tresna Parasetya
, Andrian Budi Prasetyo
, Aditya Septiani
Muchamad Syafruddin
Diponegoro University, Indonesia
March, 16
March, 18
Very fast developments in technology have encouraged
companies in the world to convey and disseminate corporate
information globally in the form of web-based corporate
reporting. Based on data from internet users, Indonesia is the
fourth largest country in the world as internet users, and the
majority of internet users in Indonesia are entrepreneurs. This
shows that the company conducts web-based corporate
reporting with the aim of attracting potential investors. Web-
based corporate reporting is carried out by the company as a
form of information disclosure and this will affect the value of
the company. This study examines the effect of the level of
web-based corporate reporting on firm value, and examines
what information is needed by investors in making decisions to
invest in a company. This study focuses on banking companies
as a tertiary sector and uses multiple regression analysis in the
test. This study found that the information disclosed on the
company's website, especially related to stock information, had
a significant positive effect on firm value.
Web-Based Corporate Reporting, Firm Value, Financial
Information, Stock Information
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International
Mutiara Tresna Parasetya, Andrian Budi Prasetyo, Aditya Septiani, Muchamad
The Effect of Web Based Corporate Reporting on Company Value 604
The development of technology is getting faster, making the internet an
opportunity for companies to disseminate financial and non-financial company
performance or information (Saraite-Sariene, Alonso-Cañadas, Galán-Valdivieso, &
Caba-Pérez, 2020). Companies listed on national and international stock exchanges will
use the internet to disseminate information, both financial and non-financial information
for companies globally (Saraite-Sariene et al., 2020). Currently the internet is becoming
an important thing in disseminating company information, and it will be more significant
in the future (Teng et al., 2019). The Internet creates a new form of reporting for
companies listed on the stock exchange. The purpose of reporting via the internet is so
that companies listed on the stock exchange can communicate continuously with
stakeholders and further attract potential investors to invest their capital in the company
(Qiu, Jiang, Liu, Chen, & Yuan, 2021).
The company's annual financial report is an example of a communication tool
used by the company to convey information related to the company's management
performance to stakeholders, especially external parties (Romero, Ruiz, & Fernandez
Feijoo, 2019). Financial reports from company management must provide relevant
information, and the information can be relied on for decision making for stakeholders,
especially for decision making for investors and creditors (Gardi, 2021). With the
technology in the form of, companies can show the company's latest financial reports
easily. In addition, companies are able to disseminate corporate financial reports with
global or cross-country reach, without any restrictions. Investors and other external
parties can also easily access information on the company's financial statements. One way
for companies to report company performance information, both financial and non-
financial information, is through web-based corporate reporting.
This very fast development in information and communication technology has
encouraged companies in the world to submit and disseminate financial and non-financial
corporate information globally in the form of web-based corporate reporting. This is
indicated by the increasing data on internet users in the world based on data obtained
from Internet World Stats in 2020. Based on Internet World Stats in 2020, Asia was
ranked first as the most internet users with a percentage of 54.9%. Based on data from
Internet World Stats in 2019, Indonesia is in the fourth largest position for internet users
with a growth rate from 2000 to 2019 of 8.463%. Meanwhile, based on data from
wearesocial, internet users in the world in 2020 increased by 7% compared to 2019.
According to wearesocial, the number of internet users in Indonesia in 2020 increased by
17% from the previous year. This shows that Indonesia uses the internet to convey
information or retrieve information globally.
Data on internet users in Indonesia is also supported by survey data conducted by
the Association of Internet Service Providers in Indonesia (APJII) in 2018, which showed
that the largest internet users in 2018 in Indonesia were those who worked as
entrepreneurs, with a proportion of 74 ,9%. This can be evidence that in Indonesia, many
companies use internet technology to convey and disseminate their company's financial
and non-financial information to stakeholders, especially to attract investors.
Companies listed on the stock exchange use the internet to display or show
potential investors that the company's management has a good performance (Devi,
Warasniasih, Masdiantini, & Musmini, 2020). The company discloses financial and non-
financial performance information with the aim of ensuring that the company has
implemented the principles of good governance, particularly transparency and
accountability (Manes-Rossi, Tiron-Tudor, Nicolò, & Zanellato, 2018). With the
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
disclosure of information that can be accessed in real-time and up-to-date, the company's
management believes that this will increase the value of their company (Dubov &
Shoptawb, 2020). Potential investors will trust the company that the company
disseminates reliable and relevant information, and will invest their capital through the
purchase of company shares (Naveed, Ali, Iqbal, & Sohail, 2020). The more information
in web-based corporate reporting, the value of the company will increase. According to
the Financial Services Authorization Regulation Number 29/POJK.04/2016, the annual
report which includes financial and non-financial information must be posted on the
website of the issuer or public company on the same date as the submission of the annual
report to OJK.
There are still few studies in Indonesia that discuss the effect of web-based
corporate reporting on firm value (Weli & Betseda, 2021). Therefore, this study focuses
on the effect of web-based corporate reporting on firm value, especially companies in the
banking sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research focuses on what
information is contained in web-based corporate reporting that will have an impact or
influence on increasing company value.
Based on the description of agency theory and signal theory above, several
hypotheses can be formulated in this study, namely as follows:
Disclosure of financial information through the company's website has a
positive effect on the company's stock price.
Disclosure of stock information through the company's website has a positive
effect on the company's stock price.
Based on the theory used and previous studies, the theoretical framework of this
research can be described as follows.
Figure 1. Theoretical Thinking Framework
This study uses a population of financial companies in the banking sector listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2020 that have a company website. According to
the official page of the Indonesia Stock Exchange, in 2020 there will be 45 financial
companies in the banking sector listed on the IDX. The reason for stipulating a banking
company as the company under study is because financial/banking companies have
different regulations, especially in taxation regulations and accounting regulations. In
addition, the Indonesian government and investors have also begun to focus on
Disclosure of
Disclosure of
stock information
The value of the
H2: +
The Effect of Web Based Corporate Reporting on Company Value 606
investment in the tertiary sector rather than in the primary and secondary sectors. This is
indicated by a significant increase in investment in the tertiary sector, especially financial
(Nasir, Huynh, & Tram, 2019). The year 2020 was chosen because it describes the
relatively new conditions in Indonesia (Kasdi & Saifudin, 2020). By using a relatively
new sample, it is hoped that the research results will be more relevant to understanding
the actual conditions in Indonesia.
The IDX Fact Book 2019 available on is used to find the number,
name, contact, and website address (if available) of companies listed on the IDX. The
IDX Fact Book is used primarily to determine whether the company has a website or not,
and to find existing websites. Furthermore, the company's website which is not found in
the IDX Fact Book, is searched using the company name through the global search engine
Google ( Based on the listed banking sector companies that have
active company websites during the year of observation, the research sample obtained is
43 companies.
The variables in this study consisted of one dependent variable and three
independent variables (Tokan & Imakulata, 2019). The dependent variable in this study is
the firm value variable using the measurement of earnings per share (EPS). Based on
Darsono and Ashari (2005), investors are usually more interested in the measure of
profitability by using the basis of shares owned. The EPS ratio describes the amount of
return on capital for each share (Lidyawati, 2019).
While the independent variable is the level of disclosure of web-based corporate
reporting through the measurement of the level of disclosure of financial information on
the company's website and the level of disclosure of non-financial information (stock
information) in this study was measured using the total score for the items contained in
the measurement indicators used in this research (Hurtado et al., 2020). Indicators to
measure the independent variables in this study are as follows:
Table 1. Item Measurement for Level of Information Disclosure
Information Disclosure
Measurement Items
Financial Information
1. Selected financial information
2. Condensed quarterly financial reports
3. Condensed semi-annual financial reports
4. Condensed annual financial reports
5. Complete set of financial reports (quaterly)
6. Complete set of financial reports (semi-annual)
7. Complete set of financial reports (annual)
8. Annual board of directors reports
9. Monthly operational revenue information
10. Financial analysis
11. Financial forecast
Stock Information
1. Historical stock price and dividend information
2. Dividend policies
3. Current stock price information
4. Stock agent information
Source: Lai, et. al. (2010)
The analysis technique in this study uses multiple regression analysis to examine
the effect of web-based corporate reporting on firm value. Previously, an analysis of the
classical assumption test was carried out to find out whether the research data met the
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
classical assumptions and met the fit of goodness requirements. The equation model in
this study is as follows:
EPS = a + b1FinancialInformation + b2StockInformation + e
Based on the results of the statistical analysis normality test, the SPSS output
results show that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov probability value is 0.22 significantly above
0.05, which means the null hypothesis is accepted, so it can be concluded that the residual
data are normally distributed. From the SPSS output display, the amount of adjusted R2 is
0.095, this means that 9.50% of the variation in the level of firm value can be explained
by variations of the two independent variables, financial information and stock
Table 2 Partial Test Results (t test)
Financial Information
Stock Information
R square
Adjusted R square
*Significant pada 0.01
**Significant pada 0.05
***Significant pada 0.10
Source : Output SPSS (2022)
The financial information variable has no effect on firm value. This can be seen
from the significance value of 0.933 which is greater than 0.10. Stock information
variable has a significant positive effect on firm value. This can be seen from the
significance value of 0.076 which is smaller than 0.10. This means that companies that
disclose more company information through the company's website have an economic
impact, namely increasing the value of the company as indicated by the increasing value
of the company. This study is in accordance with the research conducted by Lai et al.
(2010). The argument that can support this is in accordance with signal theory that
disclosure of information by companies is a signal to the capital market, to reduce
asymmetric information, which often occurs between managers and other individuals, to
optimize financial costs, and to increase firm value (Riro and Waweru 2013). Voluntary
disclosure of the company's operational activities can reduce the information asymmetry
that usually occurs between company management and investors regarding the company's
financial condition and the impact of the company's business operations on the
environment around the company. Web-based corporate reporting which is a voluntary
disclosure should provide more information value to investors and have an impact on the
value of the company, especially the company's stock price. The information disclosed on
the company's website can not only reduce information asymmetry, but also reduce
delays in accessing information. The higher the level of financial information disclosed
through the company's website, the higher the impact on investors' investment decisions
on the company. Elements in financial information disclosed through company websites
indicate the level of disclosure quantity (Ashbaugh et al. (1999).
Mutiara Tresna Parasetya, Andrian Budi Prasetyo, Aditya Septiani, Muchamad
The Effect of Web Based Corporate Reporting on Company Value 608
This study aims to examine the effect of the level of web-based corporate reporting
on firm value. From the results of research that has been done, it can be concluded that
the level of web-based corporate reporting, especially the level of stock information
disclosure, has a positive effect on firm value because web-based corporate reporting,
which is a voluntary disclosure, should provide more information value to investors and
have an impact on firm value, especially the price. company stock. The information
disclosed on the company's website can not only reduce information asymmetry, but also
reduce delays in accessing information.
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