How to cite:
Ichwan Triantono, Joko Waluyo, Iis Nur Aisyah. (2022). The
Development of Learning Model of Problem Confirmation with
Elaborative and Collaborative Sharing (PCECS) Associated With Mind
Mapping Approach. Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(3): 484-489
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Ichwan Triantono, Joko Waluyo, Iis Nur Aisyah
University of Jember, Indonesia
March, 15
March, 16
The objective of this research was to develop a learning model
of problem confirmation with elaborative and collaborative
sharing associated with mind mapping approach [PCECS] to
foster the students’ critical thinking skills in science learning at
secondary high school. This research used the research and
development approach by using validation instrument of need
assessment via google form. 10 teachers of 9 schools in Jember
Regency were taken as the respondents. The validation results
referred to what the teachers Idea, in which critical thinking
skills and prior knowledge were 55,6% intertwined. On the
other hand, 90% of teachers agreed upon the underdeveloped
students’ critical thinking skills. It was found in the validation
results that there need a development on learning model to
maximize the prior knowledge as one of the factors to foster
critical thinking skills and learning achievement.
Critical thinking skill, Prior knowledge, Mind Mapping
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International
Science aims at conceiving the natural phenomenon in a pile of systematic
theories and generally, its implementation limits over one phenomenon developed
through a scientific method like observation and experiment (Wang & Song, 2021).
Ichwan Triantono, Joko Waluyo, Iis Nur Aisyah
The Development of Learning Model of Problem Confirmation with Elaborative and
Collaborative Sharing (PCECS) Associated With Mind Mapping Approach 485
Science learning at secondary school requires the students to find out about nature and
how it relates to the existing facts. Science learning bones to oneself and surrounding
nature as well as its implementation in wrapping up the problems faced in daily lives. The
process of science learning changes according to the paradigms of society.
The paradigm of 21
century quite swiftly changes/develops. There are tons of
learning innovations taught by teachers and educators to develop the 21
process. This learning was suited to the needs of human resources to the problems found
in society. Thus, various competencies needed by the students to face the globalization
era was known as 21
Century Skills and its educational concept was 21
Learning. The skills involved critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, innovation,
communication, and collaboration (Chai & Kong, 2017).
The 21
Century Skills applied in Indonesia Educational System have been
reflected in the Revised 2013 Curriculum. The skills applied in science learning are
complex in which all materials/subjects are based on the scientific thinking that
encourage students to think critically and be creative to create a product.
Creative thinking skill is defined as the skill to make the right decision upon the
facts through analysis, evaluation, and synthesis. It helps the students solve the problems
independently on their thoughts. Constructivism learning theory is used to hone the
critical thinking skills as the individual’s cognitive level affects the process of problem
solving implying that one’s experience level influences the learning process at school (El
Soufi & See, 2019).
Student-centered learning has already been conducted at schools implementing
2013 curriculum or the revised one. However, some are still into teacher-centered to
adapt to their condition; there is no maximum effort to undergo both concepts as the
students find it difficult to grasp the basic concepts and are likely to be lack of reasoning
ability on science, and the skills to communicate and collaborate among students are low
especially on teacher-centered learning (Yulizawati, Lisa, & Oktofa, 2021).
The 21
Century 10 skills should be possessed by the students according to the
identifications done by US-based Apollo Education Group; among those 10, the
foremost-possessed skill is critical thinking skill since it is able to increase one’s
understanding to analyze and evaluate information in solving problems (Mutakinati,
Anwari, & Kumano, 2018). One of many factors developed to increase the critical
thinking skill is through the students’ prior knowledge. This prior experience or
knowledge of individuals shapes them to achieve new knowledge or solve the similar or
newly-encountered problems (Zambrano, Kirschner, Sweller, & Kirschner, 2019).
Prior knowledge is one of the students' characteristics form. Background and
experiences variety causes different prior knowledge (Glogger-Frey, Deutscher, & Renkl,
2018). Those with high prior knowledge can learn better than their average and low-
ability peers. Prior knowledge obtained by the students before learning affects the
learning process significantly. If the prior knowledge is good, the teacher and students
will be easier to interact with each other positively, which will ease the learning. Prior
knowledge in the learning process can ease the students to understand the concept. If the
students can understand the concept better, it will trigger their activeness and critical
thinking ability (Yatmi, Wahyudi, & Ayub, 2019).
Someone's prior knowledge is influenced by the environmental condition, starting
from school and society. One of the school environment factors that influence prior
knowledge is the quality of the school environment itself, such as located far from the
city center, especially in remote areas such as mountains, plantations, and coastal areas. It
tends to have quality and facilities that are different from schools around the city center.
School conditions close to learning information sources such as plantations and local
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
potentials in the area can be one of the triggering factors for developing individual prior
knowledge (Dong, Jong, & King, 2020). Besides, society's environment can be another
factor that influences someone's prior knowledge. The environment where an individual
grows up is the environment that provides initial information to the individual to develop
and adapt himself in that environment. Prior knowledge of the environment becomes a
trigger that teachers can use as a catalyst in the learning process, especially in the science
learning model (Dong et al., 2020).
A learning model that can be one of the innovations used to improve problem-
solving, communication, collaboration, self-evaluation, and critical thinking abilities with
high creativity is Problem-based learning. In Problem-based learning, the problem is
raised from the real world and used to motivate students to learn. There is an information
exchange process among students during the problem-solving process to get a solution
and finally answer the problem. The teacher plays the role of a facilitator. The weakness
of this learning model is that when the students do not understand the material, it will be
difficult for them to solve problems about the topic being taught so that they will have
difficulty in understanding the concepts during the learning process, which ultimately
does not work as expected (Anazifa & Djukri, 2017).
One way to overcome the aforementioned weakness is to use a method that can
develop students' abilities in understanding the concept formation process in learning by
using the Mind Mapping learning method, which is one of the learning methods that can
develop students' creativity, activeness, memorization, knowledge, and independence in
achieving learning objectives (Sulastri, 2019). Based on this background, developing
learning based on students' prior knowledge is still lacking, mainly due to the lack of
learning innovation that can give students more freedom to express their prior knowledge
based on problems in their daily lives.
The approach used here was research and development (RnD) containing a series
of processes to develop a new product or improve an existing product that can be
accounted for (Sugiyono, 2019). The product developed in this research was a Problem
Confirmation learning model with Mind Mapping-Based Elaborative and Collaborative
Sharing to develop prior knowledge that improves critical thinking in Science learning at
junior high school. The needs assessment data collection was conducted in the odd
semester of 2020/2021 by using a questionnaire distributed through Google Form for
junior high school biology teachers. The needs assessment data were used to know the
issues and needs in the school. The result of the needs assessment was used to develop the
learning model referred to in Science learning at junior high school.
Based on the results of test validation of needs assessment that has been
distributed to 10 teachers from 9 schools in Jember, it can be seen that the curriculum
used in schools at the moment is Curriculum 13. The learning model used by the majority
of teachers was lecturing method. Some of them used the constructivist, discovery, PBL
and STAD cooperative models. From the results of the need assessment also found that
44.4% of teachers disagreed about the need for prior knowledge in the learning process.
Ichwan Triantono, Joko Waluyo, Iis Nur Aisyah
The Development of Learning Model of Problem Confirmation with Elaborative and
Collaborative Sharing (PCECS) Associated With Mind Mapping Approach 487
While 55.6% of teachers agreed about the importance of the influence of prior
knowledge on critical thinking skills. The results of the distributed assessment showed
that most of the teachers did not pay attention to the importance of prior knowledge
where some answered that prior knowledge can help students understand the subject
From the results of the overall need assessment, it was found that 9 out of 10
teachers agreed on the need to develop learning models that could increase the use of
students' prior knowledge. Most teachers thought that prior knowledge can improve
students' critical thinking skills and some thought that the techniques and creativity of
teachers in teaching are the most influential.
The PCECS learning model has its own characteristics that distinguish it from
other learning models (Rumiyati, Indrawati, Sutarto, & Wicaksono, 2017). The PCECS
learning model has characteristics in the maximum use of students' prior knowledge in
the learning process. Prior knowledge can be an asset for an individual to achieve new
knowledge or solve problems they encounter and problems related to their experiences
(Nur, 2000). Individuals who have good prior knowledge will get good experience in the
future. It is because prior knowledge can play an important role in the thinking process of
an individual. The more experience have by an individual, the easier for the individual to
solve problems based on the experience they have (Pamungkas, Setiani, & Pujiastuti,
Students' prior knowledge can be a catalyst that helps students in critical thinking
process. The ability to think critically is the ability to consider the right decisions based
on facts through analysis and evaluation. Although it can be a strong catalyst, prior
knowledge-centered learning must be planned carefully because this learning will be time
consuming compared to conventional learning (Mutakinati et al., 2018). With the
development of a model that focuses more on prior knowledge as a basis in the learning
process, later on, students' creative and cognitive thinking can be more honed and can
become a meaningful learning.
Nowadays, the model used by teachers has developed quite a lot. It can be seen
from various different learning models ranging from STAD, PBL, constructivist, and
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
even discoveries. From all these models, the results of the assessment also showed that
the teachers did not maximize the potential of the maximum use of prior knowledge in the
learning process. Prior knowledge can actually be a strong catalyst for students because it
is the basis of a mind concept that students have so that they can process information and
the results can spur them to think more critically which makes learning meaningful. The
learning process that focuses on the use of students' prior knowledge can take more time
than the usual learning process due to the possibility of students being less motivated in
learning, and to overcome this depends on the creativity of a teacher in learning.
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