How to cite:
Johnson P. Robinsar Siregar, Teddi Paul Sihombing,, Humala Lumbantobing,
Heryanto. (2022). Efforts to Create Transformative Diakonia Through
Entrepreneurs Influenced by Servant of God Leadership and the Role of
Congregational Members. Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(3): 452-462
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Johnson P. Robinsar Siregar
, Teddi Paul Sihombing
, Humala Lumbantobing
, Heryanto
Saint Paul Theological School of Medan, Medan-Indonesia
Jakarta Theological Seminary (STFT Jakarta), Indonesia
Saint Paul Theological School of Medan, Indonesia
STT Renatus Pematangsiantar, Indonesia
humalalumbantobing[email protected],
Ferbuary, 26
March, 11
March, 12
The research objective was to prove the influence of God's Servant Leadership and
the Role of the Congregation on Diakonia Transformation through Entrepreneurship.
The research was conducted on 80 samples of the Servant of God and members of
the congregation around the City of Pematangsiantar, Province North Sumatra using
simple random sampling. Data collection using google form with a questionnaire.
The study used SEM-PLS to process data for testing validity, reliability and hypothesis
testing. Research proves that the influence of God's Servant Leadership and the Role
of the Congregation has a very big influence on entrepreneurship in realizing the
Transformative Diakonia. Thus, the influence of God's Servant Leadership and the
Role of the Congregation is very large and has a direct impact through
entrepreneurship to create a Transformative Diakonia. The research recommends
three things; first, as a solution to the development of church services in dealing with
problems that occur both in the church and in the community. Second, it is important
to develop effective and significant leadership of the Servant of God in realizing the
ministry of the Transformative Diakonia. Third, the results and research outputs
explain that the Transformative Diakonia ministry is very important for church
Transformative Diaconia; Servant Of God Leadership; Members Of The
Congregation; Entrepreneurship
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, there have been 3 sectors that
have been most affected, namely health, economy and social. Responding to this impact, the role
of the church as a government partner becomes very important and strategic in the form of social
diaconia. Diakonia is the ministry itself as a manifestation of the presence of the church "missio
dei" presenting the peace of God. Church deacons are concrete actions as actions taken by people
who have received salvation and experienced changes in their lives. Diaconal ministry is a
manifestation of the believer's faith as written in Matthew 5:14-15 which describes that every
believer is the light of the world that is desired to shine in front of many people and that light can
Johnson P. Robinsar Siregar, Teddi Paul Sihombing
, Humala Lumbantobing, Heryanto
Efforts to Create Transformative Diakonia Through Entrepreneurs Influenced by Servant of God
Leadership and the Role of Congregational Members 453
be seen and those who see it glorify the Father in heaven. The Lord Jesus has set an example of
carrying out a real ministry or diakonia during His presence in the midst of this world. The Bible
states in John 13:15 that Jesus has set an example for each of His disciples. The Bible gives an
example of how the diakonia is written at Romans 11:13; 2 Corinthians 4:1; Colossians 4:17; and
the form of the Acts of the Apostles 6. It tells of the role of leaders and congregations when
responding to the struggles that occurred against Greek widows to prove their praxis or real actions
The COVID-19 pandemic, which is still ongoing until now, has made the church a
strategic partner for the government to take concrete actions to realize its diaconium. When the
Government of Indonesia through Presidential Decree number 82 of 2020 regarding the Corona
Virus Disease Control Committee 2019 (covid19) and the National Economic Recovery which
resulted in social, economic and welfare aspects of the community. The government is trying to
minimize the impact of COVID-19 on people throughout the country. Tactical steps were taken by
realizing social protection of Rp. 85.3 trillion of the Rp. 203.91 trillion in these three sectors. The
government with its trident has prepared policies to deal with COVID-19 in the form of: Health
Handling; Social Safety Net; and Ensure economic survivability. Social support is provided for
informal workers, daily wage workers, public transportation drivers, traveling/street vendors
throughout Indonesia affected by COVID-19. Muhajir (2020) reports that the government is
serious about implementing this policy so that the assistance provided is right on target. This social
assistance for the community requires systematic monitoring and monitoring to ensure that the
beneficiaries are right on target. Based on this strategic step, of course, the church has created or
realized a model of diaconal ministry that can be directly implemented in real terms. The deacon
service and the government's strategic steps have proven the church to be a real ministry tool in
proclaiming the good news in the midst of the world's struggles that are felt and experienced by
members of the congregation and the community.
Seeing the seriousness of the government in dealing with the impact of COVID-19, of
course the church as part of the community element is highly expected to have a concrete active
role in carrying out diaconal services. The form of assistance that is distributed to community
members and of course also as church members, the role of the church is also very strategic. Based
on the author's observations, the implementation of diakonia services carried out by churches in
Indonesia is mostly in the form of caricative diaconia, namely providing temporary assistance
without any continuity. In the PGI portal (2020) in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the
Fellowship of Churches - Churches in the Region (PGIW) in a number of regions in Indonesia
carried out caring actions as a diaconia program. Like the actions taken by PGIW in Jambi, PGIW
in South and Southeast Sulawesi as well as West (Sulselbara), PGIW in Lampung, PGIW in North
Sumatra (Sumut) and PGIW in West Kalimantan (Kalbar). The activities carried out by PGIW in
Jambi delivered rice to people who were no longer working. PGIW activities in North Sumatra
carried out the distribution of basic necessities for angkot drivers, motorcycle taxi drivers and
rickshaw pullers. Observing what these churches are doing, the writer sees that the form of service
they do is “caricative diaconia” which has been abandoned for a long time. Now the diakonia
program that has been developed is transformative diaconia, which is a service program through
ongoing program activities and has an impact on the members of the congregation who are
involved as subjects in the ministry. The caricative diaconia program has developed into
“Transformative Diakonia”. This is the main gap in this research as the main focus is
"Transformative Diakonia". To realize transformative diaconal services, the influence of leaders is
important. So, another gap in the author's observations when realizing transformative diaconia is
the influence of the leadership of a Servant of God in motivating the congregation. The influence
of leadership in realizing transformative diaconia is expected to be able to create creativity in order
to realize a transformative diaconia program so that members of the congregation have the
capacity. The presence of a leader is certainly very influential in creating various service creativity
that inspires and motivates. However, in reality, the leadership of the Servant of God has not been
as expected. Apart from that, another gap that the researcher has observed is the lack of
involvement or role of the members of the congregation who are often referred to as lay people
who are the subject of transformative diaconal services. This is because the target of diaconal
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
services is only to provide assistance without any impact from the assistance from those who
provide assistance and those who are given assistance. This means that there is no relationship
between the church and the transformative diaconal service program because the church is not the
subject of the program. The members of the congregation are not only given assistance which
makes them dependent so that they can increase their capacity. The means to increase the capacity
of the congregation's role to be involved is through entrepreneurship programs. Thus,
transformative diaconal services can be realized when the members of the congregation have the
right facilities. So, the relevant transformative diaconal service as a means of empowering the
congregation is how the congregation members have entrepreneurial capacity or entrepreneurial
abilities. Thus, the purpose of this study is how to reveal the realization of transformative diaconia
which is influenced by the leadership of the Servant of God and the role and participation of
members of the congregation through entrepreneurial capacity or ability can be proven.
The above phenomenon explains that transformative diaconia is a crucial issue during the
COVID-19 pandemic. How is the transformative diakonia influenced by the leadership of the
Servant of God as stated by Alard (2016) that leadership has a huge impact on service which is
supported by White (2015) which states that leadership is for the development of diaconal
services. Jatmiko (2019) adds that the leadership of the Servant of God has an impact on
optimizing the service to meet the needs of the service itself. Thus, it can be said that the influence
of the Servant of God's leadership has a great impact on the development and optimization of
transformative diaconal services.
Furthermore, the role of the congregation in every transformative diaconal service is very
important as stated by Tuai (2020) that the congregation must be involved in the transformational
diaconal service and supported by Iwamony (2019) that the church congregation is the subject of
transformative diaconal service as well as Beate (2017) stated that church members in the
transformational diaconal ministry mean caring for others. So it can be concluded that church
members must be involved and become subjects and care for others in realizing transformative
The next discussion positions entrepreneurship as an interveining variable in realizing
transformative diaconies. Entrepreneurship as stated by Deker (2020) in his research that
entrepreneurship is needed in service. Emphasized by Erman (2019) (Saragih, 2019 that
entrepreneurship is a means of empowering and bringing about sustainable change for the
realization of transformative diaconal services. Junior (2019) also supports that entrepreneurial
skills and practices support transformational diaconal services. It can be concluded that
entrepreneurship is very needed for empowerment and sustainable change and also as a support for
transformation diaconal services.
Thus, from several previous studies as described previously, they are relevant and have
similarities with this study, but also have differences in the focus of previous research which
focuses on transformative diaconia. So the author develops it as a Novelty, namely Transformative
Diakonia (Y) which is influenced by the Servant of God Leadership (X1) and the Role of
Congregational People (X2) through Entrepreneurship (Z) then the author gives the title of this
research: “Efforts to Create Transformative Diakonia Through Entrepreneurs Influenced by
Servant of God Leadership and the Role of Congregational Members”.
Grand Theory
The theory of capability is used as the grand theory of this research. The theory of capacity
or capability is a theory developed by Sulaiman (2020),(SULAIMAN, 2018) capabilities are a unit
that influences organizations in increasing power and performance. This theory is used as the basis
for the concept of thinking that the capability of Servant of God Leadership, the Role of
Congregational Members through Entrepreneurship affects the realization of Transformative
Diakonia services. Capability is very much needed for the realization of transformative diaconal
services in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic as a sign of church presence. A Servant of God
who has the capability will certainly be able to increase his power in the form of innovation and
creativity of his congregation. Members of the Jama'at who have the capability also influence the
realization of the transformation diaconia through entrepreneurial activities.
Efforts to Create Transformative Diakonia Through Entrepreneurs Influenced by Servant of God
Leadership and the Role of Congregational Members 455
The Influence of Servant of God's Leadership on Transformative Diakonia's ministry
The influence of the leadership of the Servant of God is certainly a factor that also
influences every service program. How is the influence of leadership according to Stephen
(2015) which states that leadership influences its members to realize an achievement of a goal or is
often understood with a predetermined vision. While Heryanto et al. (2020) further emphasizes
that the elements of leadership to perform services, namely Professionalism, Creative and
Innovative, Courageous, Visionary and Motivation, must be owned by the Servant of God in
realizing his service. Zeitler (2014) (adding that the leader must have high spirituality in realizing
transformative diaconal services. Based on the descriptions of the three previous researchers, it is
integrated that the influence of the Servant of God leadership who has a vision as his goal is very
important for a Servant of God. Thus based on the three previous studies the first hypothesis can
be determined that there is a strong influence between God's Servant Leadership on transformative
diaconal services.
The Influence of God's Servant Leadership on Entrepreneurship
Servant of God's leadership in the entrepreneurship service program according to
Tanasyah et. al (2020) that leadership and entrepreneurship cannot be separated because they have
a very strong attachment. A leader has influence on his followers so that he can direct the
followers to develop themselves through direct involvement in entrepreneurship. The influence of
leadership according to Barlian et al (2020) is important to improve the quality of life through
entrepreneurship. With the increase in the quality of life of the congregation involved in
entrepreneurship, of course there will be changes for the better and more familiar with the ministry
in the church. In addition, H. Rey et al. (2020) states that entrepreneurship is a tool or means to
support services that are carried out in a balanced manner. Thus, from the three previous studies
above, a second hypothesis can be established that there is an influence of Leadership on
The role of the members of the congregation in the service of Transformative Diaconia
The role of members of the congregation in ministry is very important and crucial because
there will be no service program that can run without the direct participation of members of the
congregation. Besides that, the members of the congregation are not only the target of the service
program because the members of the congregation should be the subject of the ministry itself. In
his research, Norbertus (2020) states that the direct involvement of the congregation when facing
problems that occur in daily life is a form of transformative diaconal service. Iwamony (2019)
again stated that the participation of the church congregation is a positive force that is able to
create collaboration with all elements in the church to create creative and dynamic transformative
diaconal services. Ka'paan (2009) asserts that the members of the congregation are active in
carrying out their duties and roles in carrying out transformative diaconal services as believers who
have been given talents by God. Based on the description above, it can be reflected on the role of
the members of the congregation as the subject of ministry, as evidenced by their direct
involvement as a positive force and by that involvement creates collaboration in order to realize a
creative and dynamic ministry. With the involvement of the congregation, talents that come from
God can be developed. From the previous research above, it can be determined that the third
hypothesis is that there is an influence between the role of church members and transformative
diaconal services.
The Congregation's Role in Entrepreneurship
Congregational participation in entrepreneurial activities greatly contributes to church
services, Ngedi (2019) stated. Through the entrepreneurship program carried out in the
church, the role of the members of the congregation can be directly involved. As well Julianto
(2017) states that entrepreneurship is a means of theology for members of the congregation. In
addition to learning entrepreneurship, the members of the congregation have the means to also get
to know God's love more and learn entrepreneurship in accordance with His will Astuti (2016)
which states that the role of church members increases their capacity in service involvement. The
entrepreneurship program exists as part of the church's ministry so that the role of the members of
the congregation becomes more real and concrete. Thus, from the previous research above, a
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
fourth hypothesis can be established that there is an influence of the role of the congregation on
The Influence of Entrepreneurship on Transformative Diakonia
Entrepreneurship is a means that can reduce unemployment as a sign of change in society
and in the church, said (Khatiwada, 2014). Then, Adi (2017) also emphasized that
entrepreneurship is the basis for building social transformation in church life which has an impact
on service in the church and the community around the church as the spirit built by transformative
diaconia. Anggonosamekto (n.d.) Entrepreneurship practice is a means of education and awareness
that creates changes in the behavior of members personally and culturally towards economic
behavior activities so that they are able to develop skills in self-regulation and organization. From
the descriptions of the three researchers above, it is integrated that entrepreneurship is the basis for
building social change in the church and society as well as being a means of education and
awareness of behavior change. Entrepreneurship is also able to build a new culture in the economic
activities of the congregation as well as skills in self-regulation as the goal of transformative
diaconia itself. Thus, from the previous research above, the fifth hypothesis is that there is a strong
influence between entrepreneurship and Transformative Diakonia.
The Influence of God's Servant Leadership on Transformative Diakonia through
This section reveals the influence of the Servant of God leadership through
entrepreneurship in order to realize Transformative Diakonia services, as stated by Kusni (2020) (a
leader who has an entrepreneurial spirit or spirit is able to innovate and be creative so that the
Transformative Diakonia service program can be implemented. Reid et. al (2018a) also
emphasized in his research that the involvement of leaders in their leadership has a very positive
impact on the development of entrepreneurship. Likewise, Herman (2021) which states that
the Servant of God strengthens his teaching about entrepreneurship in the church in order to
improve the quality of service. From the descriptions of the researchers, it can be integrated the
influence of the entrepreneurial spirit. from a Servant of God enabled him to innovate and be
creative in creating transformative diaconal services. The influence of the Servant of God also has
a very positive impact on entrepreneurship. The Servant of God can also strengthen his teaching
about entrepreneurship company which thus contributes to the improvement of transformative
diaconal services in the church it serves. Thus, from the previous research above, the sixth
hypothesis is determined about the influence of the Servant of God leadership through
entrepreneurship with transformative diaconies.
The Influence of Congregational Citizens on Transformative Diakonia through
To find out how the members of the congregation play a role in the ministry, it must be
proven by the existence of media or service facilities. According to Blevins (2020) the
congregation makes entrepreneurship a place to serve by innovating, imagining, taking risks and
being constructive. Meanwhile, Zedadrah (2019) emphasized that entrepreneurial
congregation members also influence their faith beliefs, affecting self-confidence when making
decisions to develop their businesses. Likewise, Martin at.el (2010) stated that congregation
members were able to introduce church service programs as a novelty in changing their lives and
changing their quality in real actions. From the description of the research above, it reflects that the
influence of the role of the congregation through entrepreneurship means that the congregation
participates in serving in an innovative, imaginative and risk-taking and constructive manner.
Entrepreneurial congregations are also better able to develop their businesses and introduce church
service programs through entrepreneurship itself. Thus, from the previous researcher above, the
seventh hypothesis is the influence of church members on transformative diaconia through
Efforts to Create Transformative Diakonia Through Entrepreneurs Influenced by Servant of God
Leadership and the Role of Congregational Members 457
This type of research is quantitative research with a structural equion modeling approach.
The hypothesis is proven by using the Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) software. The aim is that
there is a relationship to one variable, namely the explained variable (The Explained Variable)
with the explanatory variable and with the aim of testing existing theories and proving hypotheses.
Determining the level of explanation using descriptive data collection that tests the hypothesis so
that this research is described completely and accurately. A description of a certain situation in
order to test multiple regression (Multiples) on the independent and dependent variables using a
sample size with data collection analyzed by testing the adequacy of the sample = 0.05. The
population in this study were Servants of God and members of the congregation in the BKAG
member Church of Pematangsiantar which consisted of 200 churches. The sampling technique
used in this study is simple random sampling which provides equal opportunities for each element
(member) of the population to participate as a member of the sample. Simple random sampling
does not take into account the gender and social strata of the existing members. The number of
samples used were 80 people on the basis of 5 times the number of indicators of all sample
variables as stated by Hair (2019).
PLS Algorithm Research Model
Figure 1 PLS Algorithm Research Model, Source: Smart PLS Output, 2021
Diakonia (Y)
KPH (X1)
Citizens (X2)
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
The results are displayed with the coefficient of determination (r-square).
The results from the figure and table above give results for the five indicators having a
loading factor > 0.5. The value of the coefficient of determination owned by Entrepreneurship or Z
is equal to 0.304, thus the Servant of God Leadership (X1), Jama'at Community (X2) has been able
to influence transformative diaconia (Y) by 30.4% with the indicator that members of the
congregation are salt and light. , has a work ethic based on God's Word, has high motivation and
cares for others. Thus, there is a 59.6% opportunity for other independent variables to affect Z
which is not tested in this research model.
The coefficient of determination owned by the transformative diakonia or Y is 0.662,
which means that X1 the leadership of the Servant of God and X2, namely the Jama'at, has been
shown to influence Y, namely the transformative diakonia with a value of 66.2% with indicators of
the Servant of God leadership, namely creativity and innovation, able to motivate, create concrete
ideas and maximize service. Thus, there are 33.8% as opportunities for other independent variables
in influencing Y which were not tested in this study.
Validity Test based on:
Table 2. Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
Alpha (CR)
rho_A (RA)
Composite Reliability
Average Variance
Extracted (AVE)
Source: Output Smart PLS, 2021
Figure 2 Output Smart PLS, 2021
From Figure 2 above, based on the validity testing of the loading factor > 0.7, which
means it has fulfilled the requirements for the validity of the loading value through validity testing
based on the average extracted (Ave) value and reliability testing (CR). Thus, it has fulfilled the
validity requirements based on AVE > 0.05, which means that it has fulfilled the existing validity
requirements, said Haryanto (2020). Furthermore, reliability testing was carried out based on the
composite reliability (CR) value.
Reliability Test
Johnson P. Robinsar Siregar, Teddi Paul Sihombing
, Humala Lumbantobing, Heryanto
Efforts to Create Transformative Diakonia Through Entrepreneurs Influenced by Servant of God
Leadership and the Role of Congregational Members 459
Figure 3 Composite Reliability (CR), Source: Smart PLS Output, 2021
Based on Figure 3 above, there are CR values for all of the above variables > from 0.7. So
it can be said that all CR values > 0.7 have met the reliability requirements based on CR according
to Heryanto (2020). Furthermore, reliability testing was carried out based on the value of
Cronbach's alpha (CA)
Figure 4 Cronbach's Alpha (CA), Source: Smart PLS Output, 2021
Based on Figure 4, the recommended CA result is a value > 0.07, so the results based on
the reliability test based on the CA value approach have been declared valid. So the results based
on CA and CR show that all the instruments used by researchers in this study can be believed to be
correct and reliable as a data collection tool and reveal information in the field (Heryanto &
Sembiring, 2020).
Direct Influence
Table 3
Sample (O)
Mean (M)
T Statistics
P Values
X1 -> Y
X1 -> Z
X2 -> Y
X2 -> Z
Z -> Y
The image above produces:
First, the Servant of God Leadership (X1) results in a positive influence on Transformative
Diakonia, namely Variable Y with a T-Statistic value of 2.574 > 1.96 and the most significant P-
Values, namely the value of 0.010 < 0.05. Thus the first hypothesis in this study is proven and can
be accepted. The results of this study strengthen and complement the research that has been carried
out by (Heryanto & Sembiring, 2020; Robbins, 2006; Zeitler, 2014). The impact of Servant of God
Leadership on transformative diaconia is positive. That is, every time an effort is made to improve
the Servant of God's Leadership, it has a major impact on the transformative diaconia. Second,
Leadership towards Entrepreneurship with a T-statistic value of 4.867 > 1.96 and a P-value of
0.000 < 0.05. This means that every effort made in improving the Leadership of Entrepreneurship
will have a big impact. (Barlian & Kristen, 2020; Rey & Sudarmanto, 2020; Tanasyah et al., 2020)
strengthens this research where the impact of Servant of God Leadership on Entrepreneurship is
very large. Third, the role of the Jama'at on the transformative diaconal variable with a T-Statistic
value of 2.850 > 1.96 and a P-value of 0.005 <0.05. Entrepreneurship with a coefficient value on
the path of 4.867 > 1.96 in the T-Statistics column and the P-Values value which has a very
significant value of 0.000 <0.05. This means that efforts to increase the role of the Jama'at have a
major impact on the Transformative Diakonia. The results of this study strengthen and
complement the research conducted by (Iwamony, 2019; Jegalus, 2020; Ka'pan, 2009). Fourth, on
the variable of the role of members of the congregation or X2 on entrepreneurship with a T-
statistic value of 3.520 > 1.96 and a P-Value of 0.000 <0.05. This means that every effort to
increase the role of members of the congregation will have a very large impact on transformative
diaconia. The results of this study strengthen and complement previous research. (Astuti, 2016;
Julianto, 2017; Ngedi, 2019). Fifth, the Entrepreneurship variable (Z) on transformative diaconia
with a T-statistical value of 5.488 > 1.96 and P-values of 0.000 <0.05. This means that every effort
made from entrepreneurship will have a very large impact on transformative diaconia. The results
of this study strengthen and complement research by (Blevins et al., 2020; Kusni, 2020; Zedadra et
al., 2019).
Indirect Influence
Table 4.
Sixth, From Figure 4 above, the results explain the indirect effect above resulting in the
hypothesis that the leadership of the Servant of God is very influential on transformative diaconia
through Entrepreneurship, which is proven and acceptable. This is evident from the T statistic
4.073 > 1.96 and the P-Values 0.000 < 0.05. The results of this study strengthen and complement
the research conducted (Kusni, 2020; Reid et al., 2018b; M. Sari et al., 2017) so that the research
hypothesis is proven and highly acceptable.
Seventh, Proving the hypothesis that the role of the Jama'at has an effect on transformative
diaconia through the effective use of entrepreneurship. This is evident from the T statistic value of
2.826 > 1.96 and the value contained in the P Values of 0.005 < 0.05. The results of this study
strengthen and complement the research conducted (Blevins et al., 2020; Carree & Thurik, 2010;
Zedadra, Quarda, Gueneuri, Antonio Jouandeau, 2019), so the research hypothesis is proven and
can be accepted.
This research provides a real picture of the church service model capable of providing
answers to problems that occur in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. First of all, this research has
proven that the leadership of the Servant of God and the role of the members of the congregation
have a very large and effective impact through entrepreneurship in realizing transformative
diaconia. The influence of the Servant of God is great through entrepreneurship in realizing
transformative diaconies. Likewise, the role of members of the congregation is very large and
significant through entrepreneurship in realizing transformative diaconia. This is important to note
because the church must pay attention so that its members have the capacity for entrepreneurship.
This means that the church through the influence of the leadership of the Servant of God pays
attention to the members of the congregation in creating concrete creative and innovative ideas on
how to improve the ability of the congregation in entrepreneurship. This can be met by realizing
transformative diaconal services through entrepreneurship programs by holding entrepreneurship
trainings in collaboration with the government and other related parties. Thus, the members of the
congregation are able to increase their capacity to deal with the problems of life they face. Second,
the role of members of the congregation through entrepreneurship is very large and significant for
the realization of transformative diaconia. This indicates that the role of the members of the
congregation must also receive special attention in the church service program. The role of
Sample (O)
Mean (M)
T Statistics
P Values
X1 -> Z -> Y
X2 -> Z -> Y
Johnson P. Robinsar Siregar, Teddi Paul Sihombing
, Humala Lumbantobing, Heryanto
Efforts to Create Transformative Diakonia Through Entrepreneurs Influenced by Servant of God
Leadership and the Role of Congregational Members 461
members of the congregation through entrepreneurship is a factor that determines the realization of
transformative diaconia. So for that how the church makes entrepreneurship as a means of service
for the congregation become salt and light and proves a work ethic based on God's word, becomes
a means of education and education and cares for others. Because with the role of members of the
congregation in entrepreneurship, the effectiveness and significance of the realization of
transformative diaconia is increasingly evident. Transformative diaconia through entrepreneurship
which is influenced by the role of the members of the congregation indicates that the presence of
the church is able to be a solution and answer to problems that bring about change for both the
members of the congregation and the church ministry itself.
From this research, it can be seen several important things to be discussed and
recommended to further researchers. First, entrepreneurship is indeed proven to have the most
significant impact in realizing transformative diaconies. However, there are still many churches
that are not aware of it and use it as a means of learning and self-actualization of their
congregation members to be directly involved. Then the next researcher can continue his research
in this issue. Second, the quality of transformative diaconia is still very limited in processing
inputs and processes. So it is important for other researchers to explore it because the outcomes
and outputs can be a measure of how to improve services in the church. So it is necessary and very
important to be discussed and researched further and in depth.
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