How to cite:
Prayetno, Muhammad iqbal, Jamaludin, Windawati Pinem (2022).
Layang Teacher Platform in the Cyber Pedagogy Room. Journal
Eduvest. Vol 2(3): 580-587
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
, Muhammad iqbal
, Jamaludin
, Windawati Pinem
Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
March, 16
March, 18
This article research aims to examine the readiness of learning
in the digital arena for teachers and students through the
application of the Teacher Layang” platform. How are
student learning activities and teacher establishment in
carrying out the teaching and learning process in the cyber
pedagogy space. Through the fly teacher platform, student
learning outcomes are expected to be able to organize
learning outcomes optimally because there are no supporting
e-learning media facilities and the readiness of teachers who
seem digitally stuttered so that learning orientation takes
place less effectively. The floating teacher platform based on
android and web becomes a simple e-learning media with the
principles of learning theory and learning outcomes. This
research uses a qualitative approach with a case study
method. The object of research is teachers and students. Data
were obtained through observation, interviews, FGD (focus
group discussions) and documentation studies. The data
analyzed consisted of three activity lines, namely data
reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The
findings of this study through the floating teacher platform
have shown changes in achievement, teachers can easily
manage digital classes to the maximum, from communication
with students, presenting material to assessment. Teacher
creativity can be implemented through the platform in the
cyber pedagogy space. Students who seem to have facilitated
their study room well and are fun. Teachers in maturity in the
cyber pedagogy space are the main requirements to be able to
Prayetno, Muhammad iqbal, Jamaludin, Windawati Pinem
Layang Teacher Platform in the Cyber Pedagogy Room 581
organize distance learning activities, so that students will
respond with the management of the learning process that
has been prepared by the teacher. The fly teacher platform is
an adequate attribute of cyber pedagogy for teaching and
learning activities effectively and optimally.
Cyber Pedagogy, Platform Digital, E-Learning
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The world is entering a new phase called the post-pandemic period, a new era with
new normal activities or new habits, this has a significant impact in various fields, such as
economic, social, political, cultural, and also education. In the dimension of education,
new turmoil has emerged for all elements of the education system, starting from routine
learning activities that are usually done face-to-face, now turning to face-to-face or virtual
(Simamora, 2020). Guided by the circular letter of the Ministry of Education and Culture
(Kemendikbud) No. 4 of 2020 regarding the implementation of education policies during
the COVID-19 emergency, which switched from face-to-face to online methods as one
way to suppress the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia (Restian, 2020). The shift
of teaching and learning activities (KBM) from conventional to online, automatically
changes the habit patterns of students and teachers. Learning activities are no longer
carried out in the classroom, but through a network or e-learning.
The unpreparedness of all aspects of online learning activities is an obstacle in
creating learning effectiveness. Especially at the elementary school level where online
learning activities are new things that have been done since the pandemic took place. This
certainly has a long-term and short-term impact on elementary school children. In the
long term, the quality of education will decline sharply along with limited facilities and
infrastructure. The lack of student knowledge in understanding the advantages of
technology which is growing day by day is increasingly felt and one of them is using
electronic books or digital books as a source of vehicle for student knowledge
(Jamaludin, 2020).
The learning process carried out at home or through online has a huge impact on
the learning process, the assessment process, a decrease in the quality of graduates, and a
decrease in public evaluation of graduates. Although online learning that is carried out
has many problems, an educator is required to be able to master information technology
to be able to innovate in learning. However, from the other side, the facilities and
infrastructure that support learning must also be available properly, so that the learning
process runs as expected. One of the principles in virtual learning is an authority and
collaboration, student authorities have the freedom to choose teaching materials, teaching
materials and learning resources. as well as the time, the media used and the place of
learning. Collaborative in the sense that to be able to carry out a responsibility towards
students, students are required to continue to interact and establish communication with
colleagues, teachers or tutors and other available learning resources (Gusty et al., 2020).
Most conventional platforms do not facilitate the development of character values
in students (Shum & Crick, 2012). Whereas character values are one of the initial
foundations in shaping the character of the nation's generation. The objectives are (1) to
create an educational platform that has meaning, value, and character for the nation's
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
diversity, (2) to prepare a strong and competitive generation, (3) to put character
education as the spirit and foundation of education through harmonization of ethics,
aesthetics, literacy, kinesthetic, (4) revitalize and strengthen the capacity of the
educational ecosystem in the implementation of character education, (5) build networks
inside and outside the school, (6) preserve culture and national identity (Farhatilwardah,
Hastuti, & Krisnatuti, 2019).
Distance learning requires readiness from both parties involved, namely teachers
and students. In addition, in the e-learning-based learning process, students certainly need
supporting facilities and infrastructure so that learning can take place and have better
learning quality (RUSTIANI, 2014). The most important thing in online learning
activities is the use of online media in its implementation. Based on the results of research
(Sabran & Sabara, 2019) that the use of new media is an adaptive use because it is able to
deliver a series of solutions in teaching and learning methods. Online learning activities
prioritize the use of online media in their implementation. There are many platforms that
can be used during online learning, such as google meet, zoom, webex, and others.
However, it turns out that not all schools are able to use the existing online platform.
Various reasons arise such as inadequate online facilities and infrastructure in schools,
and unsupported human resources.
Amal Salih private school is one of the schools in the city of Medan that
implements distance learning during this pandemic. Learning activities continue to run by
utilizing existing technology. For students at the elementary school level, the learning
method used is whatups group media. There are no other media used during distance
learning. Through whatups group the teachers give instructions related to learning
materials and assignments. Assignments that have been given by the teacher are carried
out in the assignment book of each student. Usually the teachers will set a time for the
collection of school assignments.
Based on these online learning activities, it can be seen that the technology used to
support learning activities is still very limited. So we need a platform that will make it
easier for teachers and students in learning activities, in the era of digitalization teachers
actually have the establishment of cyber pedagogy as knowledge and are able to
implement smart education that adheres to the latest technology references, then can be
tracked through the activities of the teacher, because being a teacher in this era digital
technology requires competence in the field of pedagogy technology and learning content
(Lubis, 2021).
The "Teacher Layang" platform is an application that can support learning
activities during the pandemic. This platform is used so that students no longer feel
bothered to study and collect school assignments. Everything can be done online,
anywhere and anytime. Through this platform, collecting assignments no longer has to go
to school and cause crowds. So that students and teachers can prevent the spread of the
COVID-19 virus. This platform can be downloaded for free through the Playstore, where
this platform will be equipped with complete features that are adapted to the conditions of
elementary school children so that they do not cause boredom. Building the mood of the
students is a very important point, so that the platform provided does not make students
bored and bored during online learning.
This type of research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. In
essence, this study aims to measure the effectiveness of the application of the "Layang
Layang Teacher Platform in the Cyber Pedagogy Room 583
Teacher" platform during online learning for grade IV-VI students of SD Amal Shaleh
Medan. The fact is that this school only uses the WhatsApp group application in
managing their learning activities. The floating teacher platform is different from
conventional online learning platforms, interestingly this platform is also equipped with
the formation of character values for elementary school students, so that the teacher's role
remains oriented to the cultivation of character values. Scientific research aims to obtain
data with certain purposes and uses, the tendency to use the scientific method is based on
rational, empirical and systematic. Rational means that research activities are carried out
in a way that makes sense so that it is affordable by the human mind, empirically by
observing directly the object being studied and systematically as a corridor for
researchers in carrying out research (Creswell, 2013).
Data collection techniques are through observation, interviews, FGD (focus group
discussions) and documentation studies to obtain data related to learning activities using
the Android and web-based Teacher Kite platform. Observations are made by observing
the facts that occur in the field related to the process of implementing the teaching and
learning process in the cyber pedagogy space. Interviews were conducted to find out how
the implementation occurred both in the teacher and students. The informant in this
research is the teacher. FGDs were conducted to listen to opinions and suggestions as
well as discussions from the principal, teachers and students. Documentation studies are
carried out by collecting data in the form of documents related to the implementation of
the teaching and learning process using the Flying Teacher platform. The data analysis
technique proposed by Miles and Hubermen consists of three patterns, namely data
reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing (Djunadi Ghony & Almanshur,
2016). The validity of the data is tested by triangulation, namely checking data or
information obtained through different sources such as comparing observations with
interviews or comparing observations with existing documents (Bachri, 2010).
Preliminary research conducted by researchers through direct observation,
the findings are through the identification of problems at the MIS Amal Shaleh
school in Medan. The cyber pedagogy space is a new and surprising thing for this
school, understanding and mastering TPACK is complicated for the teacher, and
distance learning activities are only through the Whats App application, which
then has an impact on students' enthusiasm for learning.
The details of these problems appear in online learning activities where in
fact teachers and students experience digital stuttering technically and the
management of cyber pedagogy space management has not been touched in this
school. Either by using conventional platforms such as google met, zoom, webex,
google classroom. This finding concludes that human resources are one of the
causes of inefficient online learning activities for both teachers and students.
Education in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, how to construct
learning designs that involve technology attributes, this term is described by
education experts with cyber pedagogy. The demands of the 4.0 education era
force teachers to use technology to be implemented in an integrated teaching and
learning process. Teacher's skills in using this technology can be seen in the
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. TPaCK is an integration of
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
theoretical frameworks in technology, pedagogy, and subject matter in learning
(Sintawati & Indriani, 2019)
Seeing the facts that happened at the school, the researchers applied the
Teacher kite platform, namely internet digital media based on android and web
with simpler principles and of course based on learning theory to be able to
achieve achievements in aspects of students' knowledge, attitudes and character.
Of the 18 teachers who teach in grades 4,5 and 6, only a few people are able to
use the Flying Teacher platform. The average age above 40 years is less able to
apply online platforms but the motivation to be able to master the platform can be
seen from their curiosity and desire to master the platform. Meanwhile, students in
grades 4,5 and 6 have different abilities and grasping power in applying the Kite
Teacher platform. The factor of children's habits in using smart phones is one of
the supports in understanding online learning platforms. The purpose of this
technology being present in student classrooms is to facilitate the achievement of
student learning competencies, so technology must be presented to teachers who
are ready and proficient as users so that the teacher's professional and pedagogical
competence abilities can be integrated in the implementation of the teaching and
learning process (Sukaesih, Ridlo, & Saptono, 2017)
The main facilities in the implementation of learning in digital spaces are
infrastructure facilities and online learning superstructure. The most common
obstacle encountered in the field is that not all students have smart phones and
laptops to be able to study online. The level of economic stability of students'
parents is a logical reason for this. Parents of students who study at MIS Amal
Salih have a variety of jobs and the majority come from simple families.
Likewise, schools do not have complete facilities to support online learning
In the implementation of the use of the Flying Teacher platform, there was
excitement from the Teachers to technically master the platform, then the Teacher
packaged simple materials in the form of videos that were uploaded and presented
on the web-based Teacher Flying platform. The web-based Flying Teacher
platform is presented to teachers because they have complete tools for accessing
data, uploading data and downloading data. The device is equipped with student
study sheet project features. The teacher can easily recap each activity starting
from attendance, students' online duration in using the application, comments or
student responses on each video (Teacher greeting videos, material videos,
enrichment videos, closing videos or teacher's narrative).
Teacher's tasks in using the web-based Teacher fly application, making
classes and class codes, uploading student names so that students can click on
attendance, making Teacher greeting videos with a maximum duration of 5
minutes containing class opening, apperception and learning agenda, video
material prepared by Teacher in packaging material which is simply described in a
maximum of 10 minutes, enrichment videos that can be integrated with YouTube
or other online videos, reinforcement videos or Teacher narratives, namely videos
containing learning conclusions and material messages oriented to the values of
students' attitudes and behavior.
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Layang Teacher Platform in the Cyber Pedagogy Room 585
Student activities in using the Android-based Teacher kite application,
namely, downloading the Kite Teacher application on the Playstore for free and
then registering. then ask for class code from a teacher in the field of study to
become a user. Then pay attention, listen and click on every command that is on
the platform. Students are asked to provide responses or responses from each
session, because the click button will automatically appear if the order has been
fulfilled. The floating teacher platform based on android is presented with rigidity
and regularity, meaning that students cannot skip or skip displays, or duplicate
smart phone screens. This application was created so that it cannot be duplicated
or ignored by opening other applications when the operation of the Flying Teacher
application is in progress and if it is done by students then they have to start over
from the beginning, in that situation the teacher can see the history of the student's
learning activities (cyber pedagogy control is centered on the teacher) .
The kite teacher platform based on android offers several display features
ranging from student and teacher registration features, student and teacher
attendance features, prayer display features that have been presented
automatically by selecting religion and belief, teacher greeting video features,
material source features (material videos, material teaching pdf or word,
enrichment videos), student stability features (students present their learning
experiences in written, audio or video form and there are student practice
questions), reinforcement features (Teacher's video narrative contains validation
of material summary and closes by connecting the material at the next meeting)
and the last feature is closed prayer.
Figure 1. The flow of using the Android-based Teacher kite application for
The application of the Flying Teacher platform which is charged with
aspects of students' knowledge, attitudes and character during teaching and
learning activities at Amal Shaleh private elementary school Medan has resulted
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
in an effective online learning process in the post-covid-19 period. The Flying
Teacher platform is used for students and teachers in grades IV-VI at Amal
Shaleh private elementary school, Medan, and is greeted with enthusiasm and
mutual cooperation between the principal, teacher and students. The response
from the student's guardian or parents responded positively because while
studying at home using the Whatss App application it was as if the parents took
the position of Teacher, the presence of the Flying Teacher application parents
only accompanied and supervised their children when clicking on the application,
parents were not confused by According to Kapitzke, there are four main
pedagogical features of cyber pedagogy, namely; teaching and learning as self-
directed activities; changes in student identity and self-perception; new forms of
technoliteration, and E-tutorials. and his most coherent finding is that online
pedagogy forms a new spatiality, multiliteracy, communication identity and
learning (Von Günter Schweigert, Dietl, Kapitzke, & Rieter, n.d.).
The cyber pedagogy space actually creates students' independence in
learning and their learning achievements can be packaged in these digital spaces.
The teacher becomes a wise and communicative guide, so as to minimize the
ambiguity and confusion of students who are limited in the virtual space.
Accuracy in achieving learning outcomes from the aspects of knowledge, attitude
and character can be achieved independently and collaboratively for students as
users so that the teacher must adapt to changes innovatively, the teacher is not
only limited to 4 competencies in the fields of pedagogy, personality,
professional, and social, but competence in the field of mastery of technology is
absolutely necessary, the teacher faces students from different generations,
therefore the teacher must be up to date and upgrade to changes that occur in order
to keep abreast of developments in the latest issues.
Through the Flying Teacher platform, it has shown changes in student learning
outcomes both in terms of aspects of knowledge, attitudes and leads to character. The
teacher's ability to manage digital classrooms is creative and innovative, it can be seen
from communication with students, presentation of materials to assessments. Teacher
creativity can be carried out through the platform in the cyber pedagogy room so that
students look like their learning space has been facilitated well and is fun. Teacher
maturity in the cyber pedagogy space is the main requirement to be able to organize
distance learning activities, so that students will respond with the management of the
learning process that has been prepared by the teacher. The Flying Teacher Platform is an
adequate attribute of cyber pedagogy for teaching and learning activities effectively and
optimally. Achieving the right learning accuracy is a momentum for students to gain
knowledge, attitudes and character. The implementation of distance learning in the cyber
pedagogy space is a learning design in the era of digitalization, but can the teacher
package it all and present it in these electronic walls, when the teacher does not have
digital learning skills, then charming online learning will not be possible to achieve,
becoming a teacher in the future requires maturity of cyber pedagogy attributes as a
vehicle for smart education to become a teacher in the future. Technological stuttering is
a PR with the teacher and school administrators who must immediately respond properly
because the teacher has a central role in printing the nation's civilization, especially
Prayetno, Muhammad iqbal, Jamaludin, Windawati Pinem
Layang Teacher Platform in the Cyber Pedagogy Room 587
elementary school students who become hypothetical people who are suspected and
predicted by the teacher to grow up in the future, therefore it is hoped that the teacher fly
is expected play an important role in contributing to creating an established generation in
the future that is ready to be efficient, productive and competitive because teachers (those
who are in the cyber pedagogy space) must be able to translate the language of the future
to their students clearly so that later they (students) know what will be and for what.
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