Vol 1, Number 5, May -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
It also includes general health, mental health, intelligence, talents, memory, judgment,
leadership skills, adaptability, values , and ethical manners. Performance is a function of
motivation and the ability to complete one's task or job in a timely manner. Performance is
a tangible behavior displayed by employees as employee performance which is very
important in an effort to achieve its goals. This is not only influenced by willingness and
skills but also by assigning tasks, roles, and methods that must be mastered by employees
(Aryandi, Agung, & Kuraesin, 2021).
According to Mangkunegara (Firdaus, 2016), there are several factors that affect
performance (work performance), namely: ability factors, motivational factors, received
support, the state of work performed, the relationship with the organization. In this case,
superiors must be smart in evaluating the work results of employees and assessing the
potential that can still be developed from these employees. Thus, they will be even more
motivated knowing that there are real goals that can be achieved together.
Researchers found previous studies, namely research by (ERNES & Ermatita,
2018), (Herlinawati & Musnadi, 2012), (Raju & Banerjee, 2017), (Suparjo, Sunarsih, &
Sakdiyah, 2018), (Anggraini, Afifuddin, & Hayat, 2020). The purpose of this study was to
determine the effect of job descriptions and job specifications on Employee Performance
in Case Resolution at PTUN Bandung both partially and simultaneously on employee
performance in case resolution and to explain their optimization in order to achieve timely
case resolution. This research is important to do as material for the evaluation of PTUN in
realizing a timely case resolution.
Theoretical Benefits, as a means of learning, developing insights and advances in
science, especially the study of Public Administration, in this case Human Resource
Management studies. Practical benefits, the results of this study are expected to be input
for the judiciary at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia and the judiciary bodies
under it to be able to conduct similar studies in order to improve and optimize employee
performance so as to realize Case Resolution as mandated by SEMA Number 2 of 2014.
For further research It is hoped that the results of this study can become a basis for deeper
research regarding the Effect of Job Descriptions and Job Specifications and Optimization
of Employee Performance so as to realize Case Resolution as mandated by SEMA Number
2 of 2014
This study uses a quantitative approach with an explanation design (explanatory
research) or known as survey research. This research is a combination of descriptive design
and causal design to explain or explain several variables, namely job descriptions and job
specifications and causal designs to analyze and measure how the job descriptions and job
specifications of employees at PTUN Bandung by using descriptive analysis and inferential
analysis. The data instrument was carried out by researchers using variable indicators of
job descriptions and job specifications. Data techniques are large amounts of field data
required to answer qualitative research questions or test quantitative research hypotheses.
The study used a closed questionnaire method (closed and itemized) where respondents
were given a choice of answers to numbers 1 to 5.Interviews were conducted by researchers
including unstructured interviews (unstructured interviews) because the questions were
made in such a way and the answers and ways of expression varied.
The object of the research was carried out at PTUN Bandung, whose jurisdiction
covers all districts and municipalities of the second level region in West Java province. The
population was 46 (forty six) judges and state civil servants at PTUN Bandung. The survey