Vol 1, Number 5, May -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Asep Ahmad Sudrajat
Terbuka University
May, 3
May, 7
May, 18
The purpose of this study is to see the effect of job descriptions and
job specifications either partially or simultaneously on employee
performance in solving cases and to explain their optimization in
order to achieve timely settlement of cases. This research is a
combined research between descriptive and causal designs. The
variable shows the research data is valid and reliable. The total
population is 47 people. The sample was used as much as 46 survey
respondents questionnaire and respondents 1 interview. The
independent variables of this study are job descriptions (X1) and
job specifications (X2) which are covered by employee
performance in case resolution (Y). Measurement using ordinal
measurement scale variables with a Likert attitude scale. Data
analysis used descriptive analysis and inferential analysis using
SPSS 25.0 application. From the results of research and discussion,
it can be concluded that the job descriptions variable does not have
a partial effect on Employee Performance in Case Resolution at
PTUN Bandung. Job specifications variable gives a partially
significant influence on Employee Performance in Case Resolution
at PTUN Bandung. Job descriptions and job specifications
variables have a significant effect simultaneously (simultaneously)
on Employee Performance in Case Resolution at PTUN Bandung.
The implementation of job descriptions and job specifications can
optimize employee performance so that it can realize case
resolution at PTUN Bandung as mandated by SEMA Number 2 of
Keywords: job descriptions, job specifications, employee
performance, optimization
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The justice enforcement process is not only related to the (criminal) legal process,
but also to all government activities in an effort to delay / obstruct legal proceedings (Isra,
Yuliandri, Amsari, & Tegnan, 2017). Procedural justice also shows that victims are willing
to accept outcomes they consider unwanted and even unfair without diminishing their
support for social and political authority. The key function of any organization is to ensure
that decisions can be made in a manner that is seen as fair by those affected (Chun, 2021).
To achieve such justice, it must start with the performance of law enforcement officials.
The main task of the Court is to receive, examine, decide and settle every case
submitted to him by justice seekers (Hutajulu, 2017) The Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court of the Republic of Indonesia on March 13, 2014, issued a Circular Letter of the
Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2014 concerning Case Resolution
Asep Ahmad Sudrajat
Optimization of job descriptions and job specifications on employee
performance in Bandung state administrative court
in the Courts of First Instance and the Level of Appeal in 4 (Four) Courts of Justice. The
main points of a Circular are, in essence, settlement of cases at the First Level Court at the
latest within 5 (five) months including the settlement of mutations (Surat Edaran
Mahkamah Agung (SEMA), 2014)
In fact, the performance of court officials in the settlement of cases, whether
examined at the first level court or the appellate court in 4 (four) courts, is still being
resolved for a long time. Many case settlements until the mutation are carried out beyond
the time of 5 (five) months so that it exceeds the time limit determined by SEMA Number
2 of 2014. The practices that occur at the Bandung State Administrative Court (PTUN
Bandung) in the implementation of SEMA Number 2 of 2014 do not go accordingly with
the hope that the formation of this rule so that there are still some disputes that have
exceeded 5 (five) months since the registration of the lawsuit.
In 2019 and 2020 Case Reports, 137 (one hundred and thirty-seven) cases had to
be resolved by PTUN Bandung. There were 52 (fifty-two) cases (37.96%) that had been
resolved and transferred on time (less than or equal to 3 months). 50 (fifty) cases (36.50%)
have been resolved and transferred on time (more than 3 months to less than or equal to 5
months), and 35 (thirty-five) cases (25.55%) have been resolved and diminution not on
time (more than 5 months).
Many cases occur in the process of resolving them in court, which can take a
relatively long time. From the time a case is registered in court until a decision is issued by
the court, it will take more than 5 (five) months to resolve a dispute. This fact proves that
SEMA Number 2 of 2014 has not been implemented properly in the judiciary environment
in Indonesia, researchers take the example of the Bandung Administrative Court where
cases are not resolved and mutated on time (more than 5 months) so that there is a gap
between what should be and what is there or research. gap.
The settlement of PTUN Bandung cases starts from the registration of the lawsuit
to the minutation of the case involving the parties and all work units of the Court Apparatus.
PTUN Bandung in arranging each assigned task and job uses job descriptions and job
specifications. The job description has explained the authorities, responsibilities of the
Court Apparatus, working conditions, work facilities, and work output standards.
Reports on cases for 2019 and 2020 that were decided in 2020 showed 35 (thirty-
five) cases (25.55%) were resolved and mutated not on time (more than 5 months), the
researchers saw the fact that SEMA Number 2 of 2014 has not been implemented properly.
both at PTUN Bandung. This raises the question of how the influence of job descriptions
and job specifications from the Bandung PTUN Apparatus on employee performance, in
this case, settlement of cases as mandated by SEMA Number 2 of 2014. This makes
researchers interested in further examining the job descriptions. (job descriptions) and job
specifications on employee performance in case resolution.
The theories used are job analysis theory, job descriptions theory, job
specifications theory, and optimization and performance theory. The job description or job
description empirically put forward by Sastrohadiwiryo (Elan & Kurniawan, 2016) is a job
description that contains comprehensive information about the duties/obligations,
responsibilities, and conditions needed when the job is done. The benefits of job
descriptions according to Veithsal Rivai (Mustikawati & Kurniawan, 2013) are to
determine: 1. Job summary and duties, 2. Working conditions and conditions, 3. Approvals.
Job Specifications are prepared based on job descriptions by answering questions
about the characteristics, characteristics, education, experience, and others of people who
will do the job well. Job specifications indicate the requirements of the person to be
recruited and become the basis for carrying out the selection (Hasibuan & Hasibuan, 2016).
Vol 1, Number 5, May -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
It also includes general health, mental health, intelligence, talents, memory, judgment,
leadership skills, adaptability, values , and ethical manners. Performance is a function of
motivation and the ability to complete one's task or job in a timely manner. Performance is
a tangible behavior displayed by employees as employee performance which is very
important in an effort to achieve its goals. This is not only influenced by willingness and
skills but also by assigning tasks, roles, and methods that must be mastered by employees
(Aryandi, Agung, & Kuraesin, 2021).
According to Mangkunegara (Firdaus, 2016), there are several factors that affect
performance (work performance), namely: ability factors, motivational factors, received
support, the state of work performed, the relationship with the organization. In this case,
superiors must be smart in evaluating the work results of employees and assessing the
potential that can still be developed from these employees. Thus, they will be even more
motivated knowing that there are real goals that can be achieved together.
Researchers found previous studies, namely research by (ERNES & Ermatita,
2018), (Herlinawati & Musnadi, 2012), (Raju & Banerjee, 2017), (Suparjo, Sunarsih, &
Sakdiyah, 2018), (Anggraini, Afifuddin, & Hayat, 2020). The purpose of this study was to
determine the effect of job descriptions and job specifications on Employee Performance
in Case Resolution at PTUN Bandung both partially and simultaneously on employee
performance in case resolution and to explain their optimization in order to achieve timely
case resolution. This research is important to do as material for the evaluation of PTUN in
realizing a timely case resolution.
Theoretical Benefits, as a means of learning, developing insights and advances in
science, especially the study of Public Administration, in this case Human Resource
Management studies. Practical benefits, the results of this study are expected to be input
for the judiciary at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia and the judiciary bodies
under it to be able to conduct similar studies in order to improve and optimize employee
performance so as to realize Case Resolution as mandated by SEMA Number 2 of 2014.
For further research It is hoped that the results of this study can become a basis for deeper
research regarding the Effect of Job Descriptions and Job Specifications and Optimization
of Employee Performance so as to realize Case Resolution as mandated by SEMA Number
2 of 2014
This study uses a quantitative approach with an explanation design (explanatory
research) or known as survey research. This research is a combination of descriptive design
and causal design to explain or explain several variables, namely job descriptions and job
specifications and causal designs to analyze and measure how the job descriptions and job
specifications of employees at PTUN Bandung by using descriptive analysis and inferential
analysis. The data instrument was carried out by researchers using variable indicators of
job descriptions and job specifications. Data techniques are large amounts of field data
required to answer qualitative research questions or test quantitative research hypotheses.
The study used a closed questionnaire method (closed and itemized) where respondents
were given a choice of answers to numbers 1 to 5.Interviews were conducted by researchers
including unstructured interviews (unstructured interviews) because the questions were
made in such a way and the answers and ways of expression varied.
The object of the research was carried out at PTUN Bandung, whose jurisdiction
covers all districts and municipalities of the second level region in West Java province. The
population was 46 (forty six) judges and state civil servants at PTUN Bandung. The survey
Asep Ahmad Sudrajat
Optimization of job descriptions and job specifications on employee
performance in Bandung state administrative court
was carried out in the year 2020, with the number of Judges and Employees / ASN at the
Bandung Administrative Court being 47 (forty-seven) people including researchers, so that
the number of samples was taken as many as 46 (forty six) people
A. Description of Research Objects and Characteristics of Research Respondents
Survey implementation through filling out questionnaires given to respondents
related to Job Descriptions and Job Specifications variables and Employee Work in Case
Settlement at the Bandung State Administrative Court. Respondents in question are Judges
and State Civil Apparatus at the Bandung State Administrative Court. The number of male
respondents was 26 people (56.52%) and female respondents were 20 people (43.48%).
The identity of the respondents based on the level of education at the Bandung State
Administrative Court shows that the respondents with a high school education are 4 (four)
people (8.70%), 2 (two) people with a Diploma education (4.35%), the respondents with a
Bachelor's degree as many as 29 (twenty nine) people (63.04%), 9 (nine) respondents with
a Masters degree (19.57%) and 2 (two) respondents with a Doctoral education (4.35%).
B. Statistical Test Results
1. Test Results of the Validity and Reliability of the Instrument
The measurement scale of this study is an ordinal scale with a Likert scale type of
attitude scale. The questionnaire used contained 5 (five) answer choices and the assessment
of alternative answers on the questionnaire was determined by weight intervals from 1 to
5. The validity test was carried out on 32 (thirty-two) statement items. The questionnaire
consisted of 12 (twelve) Job Descriptions (X1) variable statements, 10 (ten) statements
from the Job Specifications variable (X2), and 10 statements from the Employee
Performance variable in Case Completion (Y).
The results of the overall instrument reliability test for job descriptions, job
specifications, and employee performance in case resolution at PTUN Bandung show that
the instruments used in data collection are trustworthy or reliable. Likewise, with the data
collection instrument, based on the results of testing the validity of the data as explained
earlier, it shows that all instruments are valid. Thus, the data collected is valid and reliable
so that it can be further analyzed to determine the effect of Job Descriptions and Job
Specifications variables on Employee Performance in Case Resolution at PTUN Bandung.
1. Regression Analysis Test Results - Classic Assumption Test
a) Normality Test Results
Referring to the SPSS output, it is known that the Significance value is Asymp. Sig
(2-tailed) of 0.2. This value is greater than 0.05. Thus, by the basis for decision-making in
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test, it can be concluded that the data is normally
b) Multicollinearity Test Results
Based on the SPSS output, Multicollinearity Test Output, it is known that the
tolerance value for the Job Descriptions variable (X1) and the Job Specifications variable
(X2) is 0.741. This value is greater than 0.1. Thus, it can be concluded that there are no
multicollinearity symptoms in the regression model.
c) Heteroscedasticity Test Results
Based on the image in the Scatterplots Output, it can be concluded that there is no
heteroscedasticity problem.
Vol 1, Number 5, May -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
2. Results of Testing the Relationship Between Variables
This shows a positive relationship between Job Descriptions and Job Specifications
variables on Employee Performance in Case Settlement at the Bandung State
Administrative Court of 0.444 where this shows that there is a moderate level influence
relationship between Job Descriptions and Job Specifications with Performance.
Employees in Case Settlement at PTUN Bandung.
a. Partial Hypothesis Testing Results (t-test)
This test is to determine the partial effect of job descriptions and job specification
variables on Employee Performance in Case Resolution at PTUN Bandung. Based on the
SPSS “Coefficients” output, it can be concluded that H1 or the first hypothesis is rejected
and H01 is accepted. This means that the job descriptions variable does not have a partial
effect on employee performance in solving cases at PTUN Bandung.
The SPSS output "Coefficients" can be concluded that H2 or the first hypothesis is
accepted and H02 is rejected. This means that the Job Specification Variable (X2) has a
partially significant effect on Employee Performance in Case Resolution at PTUN
b. Inferential Statistical Test Results
The influence of other factors that affect Employee Performance at PTUN Bandung
by 80.3%. The calculation of the contribution of Job Descriptions and Job Specifications
to Employee Performance in Case Resolution at PTUN Bandung encourages an increase in
Employee Performance in Case Resolution at PTUN Bandung 0.03591 points. Variable
Job Specifications can encourage an increase in Employee Performance in Case Resolution
at PTUN Bandung by 0.7386 points.
c. Simultaneous Hypothesis Testing Results (Test F)
Simultaneously Job Descriptions (X1) and Job Specifications (X2) have a significant
effect on Employee Performance in Case of Settlement at PTUN Bandung (Y). Thus the
formulation of the hypothesis is that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that the
Job Descriptions and Job Specifications variables have a significant effect together
(simultaneously) on Employee Performance in Case Resolution at PTUN Bandung.
2. Effect of Job Descriptions on Employee Performance in Case Settlement
The results of the study explain that job descriptions do not partially affect employee
performance according to research conducted by (Anggraini et al., 2020). However, the
research results are not following the research conducted by (Tanumihardjo, 2013)
concerning "The Effect of Job Analysis on Employee Performance at the Regional
Secretariat of Malang Regency" which shows that job description (X1) has a significant
effect on Employee Performance (Y).
The results of the study show that the job descriptions of Judges and State Civil
Servants are clear and their perceptions are easy to understand and describe matters of job
or position identification, the relationship of duties and responsibilities, standards of
authority, and work. In addition, the job descriptions describe the duties and
responsibilities, working conditions, job relationships, and work aspects in case resolution
starting from the registration of a lawsuit to the minutation of the case. The existence of
job descriptions that contain a list of duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships,
working conditions, and responsibilities, makes it easier for Judges and State Civil Servants
to settle cases which are then used for job analysis.
Unclear job descriptions of Judges and State Civil apparatuses in solving unclear
cases will result in Judges and State Civil Servants not knowing their duties and
responsibilities. This resulted in the work going wrong, even the Judges and State Civil
Asep Ahmad Sudrajat
Optimization of job descriptions and job specifications on employee
performance in Bandung state administrative court
Apparatus concerned became overreacting. Another consequence of the lack of clarity in
job descriptions will affect the job analysis so that the case resolution performance as
mandated by SEMA No. 2 of 2014 was not achieved.
3. The Influence of Job Specifications on Employee Performance in Case
The results of the study explain that job specifications have a partially significant
influence on employee performance in accordance with research conducted by Shinta
Tanumiharjo, Abdul Hakim and Irwan Noor on "The Effect of Job Analysis on Employee
Performance at the Regional Secretariat of Malang Regency". This research shows that job
specifications (X2) have a significant effect on Employee Performance (Y). This is
indicated by the value of t count> t table which is equal to 3.649> 1.99 with a significant
level of 0.001 where 0.001 <0.05, where Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.
The results showed that the job specifications of judges and state civil servants are
required to contain the qualification requirements needed for the settlement of cases which
contain several aspects such as knowledge, skills, education, experience, certification, and
abilities. Settlement of cases starting from the registration of the lawsuit to the minutation
of the case has their respective characteristics or qualifications so that the required job
specifications for Judges and State Civil Servants are required so that the results of job
specifications can assist in job analysis in the form of case settlement performance as
mandated by SEMA. No. 2 of 2014 achieved. This is in line with the opinion of Dessler
(2013) who states that job specifications are part of job descriptions or separate documents
that contain information about the qualification requirements of a worker needed to carry
out a job effectively.
PTUN Bandung in arranging every task and job given to court officials uses job
descriptions and job specifications. The job description has explained the authorities,
responsibilities of employees, working conditions, work facilities, and work output
standards. Clarity of authority relates to clearly defined powers, does not overlap with other
positions, the suitability of authority with positions. Job responsibilities relate to a clear
direction of responsibility and compensation given in accordance with job responsibilities.
4. The Influence of Job Descriptions and Job Specifications on Employee
Performance in Case Settlement
Researchers conducted simultaneous hypothesis testing (Test F) concluded that
simultaneously job descriptions (X1) and job specifications (X2) had a significant effect
on employee performance in case resolution at PTUN Bandung (Y). Researchers based on
the calculation results of the Anova test table concluded that Ho was rejected and Ha was
accepted. That means that the variable job descriptions and job specifications have an effect
together (simultaneously) on employee performance in solving cases at PTUN Bandung.
Performance is a set of results that are achieved and refers to the achievement of
actions and the implementation of the requested work. Performance refers to a formal and
structured system used to measure, assess and influence job-related traits, behaviors and
outcomes, including absenteeism rates. The tabulation results of respondents' answers show
that overall respondents think that the overall performance of employees at PTUN Bandung
is in the very good category.
The results of this study support the research conducted (Anggraini et al., 2020)
concerning "The Effect of Job Analysis on Employee Performance in Malang City
Regional Civil Service Agency" in 2020, namely that the job description (X1) and job
specifications (X2) simultaneously or simultaneously have significant influence on
Vol 1, Number 5, May -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
employee performance (Y) in the Regional Civil Service Agency (BKD) Malang City. The
results of the study also support the research conducted by (Tanumihardjo, 2013)
concluding that the job descriptions and job specifications at the Malang Regency Regional
Secretariat have gone according to expectations, and in accordance with the regulations of
the Minister of Home Affairs. The results of research conducted by researchers explain that
the variable job descriptions and job specifications jointly influence employee performance
in solving cases at PTUN Bandung.
Researchers to find out the effect of job descriptions and job specifications from the
Bandung State Administrative Court on employee performance, in this case the settlement
of cases using job analysis. Job analysis in this case is a systematic way that is able to
identify and analyze the requirements needed in a job as well as the personnel needed in a
job so that the selected human resources are able to carry out the job properly. From the
results of the position analysis, PTUN Bandung is able to determine what characteristics a
prospective court apparatus must have before occupying a position whose output is in the
form of job specifications which contain who is doing the job and what are the requirements
needed as well as job descriptions that contain duties, functions, authority and
The research results show the effect of Job Descriptions and Job Specifications on
Employee Performance in Case Completion in line with the principle or motto "The Right
Man on the Right Place at the Right Time". By applying this principle or motto, the ultimate
goal to be achieved in job analysis will be obtained. is the creation of a qualified staffing
system.In this study, the performance of employees in solving cases at PTUN Bandung
with job analysis, the final goal is to achieve case settlement as mandated by SEMA No.2
of 2014.
5. Perspectives on Job Descriptions and Job Specifications for Optimizing
Employee Performance in Case Resolution
Research on the optimization of job descriptions and job specifications so that the
settlement of cases at PTUN Bandung is realized as mandated by SEMA Number 2 of 2014
using the interview method. The interview method research was carried out by researchers
in the period of 2020, to be precise in December 2020, by direct interviews with the Chief
Justice respondent at the Bandung Administrative Court. Researchers conducted a direct
interview method to the Chairman of the Court at the Bandung Administrative Court.
Researchers have conducted a series of direct interviews with the Chairman of PTUN
Bandung which was held on Monday, December 21, 2020. The identity of the interview
respondents was as follows:
Name : H. Andri Mosepa, S.H., M.H.
NIP 19660903 199203 1 003
Rank / Goal. : Intermediate Main Instructor (IV / d)
Position: Chairman of the Bandung State Administrative Court
H. Andri Mosepa, S.H., M.H., explained that the factors supporting employee
performance in solving cases at PTUN Bandung are as follows:
a. There are clear work guidelines which can be in the form of regulations and
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP);
b. Fulfilled work facilities and infrastructure;
c. The existence of work competence in this case the competence of the apparatus;
d. The spirit of work that must always remain in every court apparatus.
The main obstacles / obstacles in the process of solving cases at PTUN Bandung
experienced delays as mandated by SEMA Number 2 of 2014 according to respondents, as
Asep Ahmad Sudrajat
Optimization of job descriptions and job specifications on employee
performance in Bandung state administrative court
a. There are difficulties on the part of the parties in submitting evidence;
b. The existence of an apparatus, in this case a Judge who is tolerant of requests to
postpone the trial for a long time;
c. In connection with the PTUN Bandung jurisdiction in West Java Province and the
conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, there are difficulties regarding the use of
public transportation used by parties from outside the City of Bandung to carry
out trials. In addition, there are also several parties who have been positively
infected by Covid-19. These things cause the trial agenda to be delayed until the
infected party is completely healthy and recovers;
d. The tight schedule for the implementation of education and training which is
mandatory for judges to be carried out online / online has resulted in delays in
trial schedules.
Concrete steps that must be optimized to resolve cases as mandated by SEMA
Number 2 of 2014 according to him are:
a. Optimizing, creating regulations and SOPs that encourage work procedures through:
i. Optimal use of the Court Calender (trial calendar) so that since the beginning of
the trial there is a description of the completion time of the trial agenda;
ii. The lawsuit examination is carried out via E-Court or the trial electronically. So
far, the implementation of the E-Court is still an option / optional;
iii. Optimizing the use of verdict templates, minutes and court summons so that it
can make it easier to complete work.
b. There is reward and punishment related to case settlement, except for delay due to
evidentiary or humanitarian reasons.
From the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the job
descriptions variable does not have a partial effect on Employee Performance in Case
Resolution at PTUN Bandung. Job specifications variable give a partially significant
influence on Employee Performance in Case Resolution at PTUN Bandung. Job
descriptions and job specifications variables have a significant effect simultaneously
(simultaneously) on Employee Performance in Case Resolution at PTUN Bandung.
Implementation of job descriptions and job specifications can optimize employee
performance so that it can realize case resolution at PTUN Bandung as mandated by SEMA
Number 2 of 2014.
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