How to cite:
La Ili. (2022). Analysis of Students' Misconceptions in Solving
Mathematics Problems on Flat Construction Materials. Journal
Eduvest. Vol 2(3): 475-483
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
La Ili
Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
March, 15
March, 16
This study aims to find out the misconceptions experienced by
students in solving mathematical problems in the material of
quadrilaterals in the fourth grade of SD Negeri 2 Biwinapada.
This type of research is qualitative research. The subjects in this
study were 3 fourth-grade students at SD Negeri 2 Biwinapada.
Data collection techniques using tests and interviews. The data
analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation,
and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the
misconceptions experienced by students include: 1)
classificational misconceptions, namely a) not writing down
what is known and asked or other elements needed to answer
questions and b) errors in determining examples of rectangular
shapes which are square or square long. 2) Correlational
misconceptions, namely a) errors in representing the problem
in the form of pictures, b) errors in applying the area value in
the formula and c) making mistakes in applying the
relationship between the formula used and the problems
contained in the problem. 3) Theoretical misconceptions,
namely errors in writing quadrilateral units, namely area (cm)
and circumference (cm2).
Bagasse, Briquettes, Energy, Orange Peel
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International
La Ili
Analysis of Students' Misconceptions in Solving Mathematics Problems on Flat
Construction Materials 476
Mathematics is a subject that has an important role in education. Based on the
Regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 22 of 2006 concerning Content
Standards for primary and secondary education units, mathematics needs to be taught to
students starting from elementary school to equip students with logical, analytical,
systematic, critical, and creative thinking skills as well as the ability to work together
(Siswono, 2018). In addition, mathematics is also the basis of science and technology.
Hence why it is necessary to be understood, taught, and mastered to make it applicable in
everyday life. Therefore, mathematics must be taught starting from basic education.
The Ministry of Education and Culture (2014) explains that there are various
abilities that must be mastered by students, one of which is problem-solving skills.
Problem-solving is one of the goals of learning mathematics (Amaliah, Fitri, Sutirna &
Rafiq, 2021). NCTM (2000) in Amaliah, Sutirna, & Zulkarnaen (2021), stated that
problem-solving means engaging in a task where the solution method is not known
beforehand. To find solutions, students must draw on their knowledge, and through this
process, they will develop new mathematical understandings. There are several steps that
can be taken to solve mathematical problems, Polya (1973) in Amaliah, Sutirna, &
Zulkarnaen (2021), namely (1) understanding the problem Please delete these words (2)
planning a solution (devising a plan), (3) implementing the plan and (4) checking back.
Students can be said to have good problem-solving skills if they are able to go
through all stages of problem-solving. However, there are still find students who have
misconceptions about solving mathematical problems. Abraham explained that students
are said to have understood a concept if they have met a criterion, namely understanding,
misconception, and not understanding. Meanwhile, misconceptions are things that are
often experienced by students. Therefore, it is important for teachers to know the
misconceptions experienced by students.
A teacher should teaching subjects from the ideas that the students already has as
a benchmark for preparing learning that can reduce misconceptions and increase the
concept of new ideas. That way, the teacher can help students not to experience
misconceptions about the lesson, especially the mathematics lesson on the geometry of
quadrilaterals, namely squares and rectangles. Suparno (2013) defines misconceptions as
understanding concepts that are not in accordance with scientific understanding or the
agreement of experts in the field (Ainiyah, 2015).
In this study, the researchers analyzed the types of misconceptions based on the
types proposed by Moh. Amien (Ainiyah, 2015), namely: 1) classificational
misconceptions, which are forms of misconceptions based on misclassification of facts
into organized charts, 2) correlational misconceptions, which are forms of misconceptions
based on errors regarding special events. interconnected, or observations consisting of
assumptions, especially in the form of the formulation of general principles, and 3)
theoretical misconceptions, which are forms of misconceptions based on errors in
studying facts or events in an organized system.
Based on the results of the initial test for fourth graders at SD Negeri 2
Biwinapada, there are some students who still have misconceptions in determining
formulas and performing operations to calculate the area and perimeter of a combined
square and rectangular shape. Furthermore, after interviewing the teacher, sometimes he
does not provide reinforcement for students if there is a misunderstanding in the
explanation. Therefore, misconceptions are a condition that must be handled because they
can hinder students' knowledge of mathematics, one of which is geometry material,
especially in rectangular flat shapes, namely squares and rectangles. Thus, it is necessary
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
to analyze the misconceptions experienced by students. Hence, the researchers were
interested in conducting research with the title analysis of student misconceptions in
solving mathematical problems on the material of quadrilaterals (squares and rectangles)
in grade IV SD Negeri 2 Biwinapada.
This research applied qualitative approach. According Bodgan & Taylor qualitative
research is one of the studies using descriptive data in the form of words or verbal and
observed behavior of each subject (Sujarweni, 2014). Thus, the data obtained from this
study were analyzed descriptively to determine the types of misconceptions experienced
by students in solving mathematical problems in rectangular shapes, namely squares and
rectangles. The subjects of this research were selected 3 fourth grade students of SD
Negeri 2 Biwinapada who represented each category of ability, namely high, medium,
and low, as well as students with good communication skills. This is done by researchers
because they want students to be able to give or convey ideas, ideas, or reasons. So that
researchers can identify more deeply the research subject. The instruments used in this
research were 1) a description test of 6 numbers consisting of rectangular shape material,
namely square and rectangular and 2) interviews. The data obtained were then analyzed
using qualitative data analysis, proposed by Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction,
data presentation and conclusion drawing (Rahimah, 2019). To compare the results of
students' work with interviews, researchers used triangulation techniques to analyze
students' misconceptions in solving mathematical problems on rectangular flat shapes,
namely squares and rectangles.
After the mathematical problem solving test on the rectangular flat shape
material, it can be seen that the results of the categorization of students' abilities are as
Table 1. Results of Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Tests on
Quadrilateral Flat Shapes
Student Value
Number of Students
In order to describe students' misconceptions in solving students' mathematical
problems in each category, 1 student in the high category will be selected with the subject
code S-01, medium, subject code S-02, and low, subject code S-03.
Based on the test results, it can be seen that students with high abilities (S-01) are
able to solve questions well. Likewise, students with moderate abilities (S-02) are quite
good at answering test questions. Meanwhile, students with low abilities have not been
able to solve problems well. The types of misconceptions experienced by students are
described in the following table:
Analysis of Students' Misconceptions in Solving Mathematics Problems on Flat
Construction Materials 478
Table 2. Results of the Misconception Analysis of High Ability Students (S-01)
Types of Misconception
No misconceptions
Error in
assuming area
value as length
Error in applying
the formula for
area and perimeter
of rectangle
No theoretical
There are no
other numbers
that can be
used as length
No misconceptions
Error in applying
the formula for the
perimeter of a
Error in
the unit for the
perimeter of a
Writing the
formula K = 2
× x (p × l),
because the
lamp distance
is 3 meters
No misconceptions
Errors in
determining the
value of the side
length of a
Error in applying
formulas &
problems in the
form of pictures
No theoretical
There are
lengths and
lengths of
sides, so write
the formula L
= 2 (p × l)
Table 3. Results of the Misconception Analysis of Medium Ability Students (S-02)
Types of Misconception
Error in
determining the
example of a
rectangular shape
which is either a
square or a
Error representing
the problem in the
form of a picture
No theoretical
The selected
image has been
seen in a book
No misconceptions
Not experiencing
Error applying the
formula for the area
of a square &
the unit area
of a square &
Writing the
formula L = p × l,
because the area
of the shaded area
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
is in the rectangle
No misconceptions
Error in
determining the
value of the side
length of a
Error in applying
the formula for the
perimeter of a
Error writing
the unit for
the perimeter
of a square
Writing the
formula K= 4
(side + side),
because there are
two length values,
namely tape &
Does not
Errors in
questions in the
form of pictures
mistakes in
writing the
unit area of
squares &
writing the unit
area of squares &
rectangles Writes
the formula for
the area of the
garden, L = s×l×p,
because the pond
is made in a
Table 4. Results of Low Ability Students' Conception Analysis (S-03)
Types of Misconception
Error determining
the example of a
which is a square
or a rectangle
Error representing
the problem in the
form of a picture
Make a mistake in
identifying the
shape of a square or
rectangle based on
its properties
I don't
just just
Made an error in
specifying the
length value as the
area value of the
Error applying the
relationship between
the area formula and
the perimeter of a
Error in
determining the
unit perimeter of a
Write the
formula K=p +
l, because the
perimeter is the
sum of all sides
of the shape
Made an error in
determining the
value of the
length, width of a
rectangle and the
value of the side of
a square
Error applying the
formula for the area
of a square &
Error determining
unit area of square
& rectangle
Do not
how to work
on the problem
so that it is
arbitrarily with
La Ili
Analysis of Students' Misconceptions in Solving Mathematics Problems on Flat
Construction Materials 480
Not experiencing
Error in applying the
formula for the
perimeter of a
Error writing unit
perimeter of
Write the
formula K= p
+ l, because the
perimeter is the
sum of all the
outer sides of
the plane
No misconceptions
Not experiencing
Errors in applying
the formula for the
area of squares and
rectangles and
representing the
problem in the form
of pictures
Made a mistake in
writing the unit area
of a square &
Write down the
because it's just
an answer
There are several types of misconceptions experienced by groups with high,
medium, and low abilities in class IV SD Negeri 2 Biwinapada in solving problems
solving mathematical problems with rectangular flat material, namely:
1. Description of Classificational Misconceptions
Based on the analysis of the results of the tests and interviews, it showed that
students experienced classificational misconceptions in several indicators of
misconceptions on the material of rectangular flat shapes.
In the description question number 1, it relates to restating the concept of
quadrilaterals (squares and rectangles). There are several answers that have
misconceptions, namely S-16 and S-08 on the indicator making an error in determining
the example of a rectangular flat shape which is either a square or a rectangle. This is in
line with the opinion of Dedy & Sumiaty in (Fajari, 2020) states that students become
poor in context because they always imitate existing examples and do not understand the
construction of concepts from the results of their own thinking. This is supported by the
opinion of Gita et al (2018) which states that the misconceptions that occur can be caused
by the way of teaching and presenting pictures (Fajari, 2020).
In the description questions number 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 related to the concept of area
and perimeter of quadrilaterals (square and rectangle). The three subjects experienced the
same misconception in answering, namely not writing down what was known and asked
in the question. This is, in line with the opinion (Darmila, 2015) which states that based
on the results of research conducted, students' conceptual errors are caused by several
things, namely students are wrong or even unable to write down known objects clearly
and completely and have difficulty interpreting the sentence questions into known objects
one by one. This is also supported by the opinion of Polya (2004) in (Rofi’ah, Ansori, &
Mawaddah, 2019) states that in understanding the problem, it begins with understanding
the language and terms in the problem and formulating what is known, then ensuring that
what is known is sufficient to determine what you want to get in the question.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
2. Description of the Correlational Misconception
Based on the analysis of test results and interviews, it was found that there were
correlational misconceptions in some of the description questions. From the results of the
analysis, it shows that the subjects of S-14 have correlational misconceptions which are
located in questions number 1, 2, 4, and 6. S-16 have correlational misconceptions which
are located in the description questions numbered 1, 3, 5 and 6. Meanwhile, S-03
experienced a correlational misconception which lies in the description questions number
1, 2, 3, 4, and 6
In the description problem number 1, it relates to the concept of quadrilaterals
(squares and rectangles). Subjects S-16 and S-08 experienced a misconception, namely an
error in representing the problem in the form of an image. This can be seen from the
answers of students who made mistakes in determining the shapes which are types of
squares and rectangles based on the existing images. This is in line with the results of
Fajari's research (2020), including that students are accustomed to getting up in a flat
position or building a horizontal space.
In the description problem number 2 is related to the concept of the relationship
between the area and the perimeter of a rectangle. Subject S-14 applies the formula K = 2
(area + width) and S-08 applies the formula K = p + l. So that S-14 and S-08 have
misconceptions, namely: students' mistakes in applying the area value in the formula and
applying the perimeter formula of a rectangle that is not in accordance with the concept of
the perimeter of a rectangle. This is in line with the opinion of Putra Jaeng & Sukyasa in
Hanifaturrocmah, Sary, and Azizah stating that they are said to have made a conceptual
error if they do not use the formula correctly and students are also unable to operate
multiplication, division and subtraction.
In the description problem number 3 it is related to the concept of the area of the
shaded flat shape. Subjects S-16 applied the formula L = length x area and S-8 applied
the formula 12 + 4 + 8 + 32. So they experienced misconceptions, namely students'
mistakes in applying the formula to solve problems. In the description problem number 4
is related to the concept of the perimeter of a rectangle. Subject S-14 applies the formula
K = 2 × x (p + l) and S-08 applies the formula K = p + l. So that they experience
misconceptions, namely students' mistakes in applying the formula for the perimeter of a
rectangle, namely K = 2 × x (p + l) and K (p + s). In question number 5 it is related to the
concept of the perimeter of a square. Subject S-16 applies the formula K = 4 (side + side).
So that there is a misconception, namely an error in applying the formula to solve the
problem. This is in line with the opinion of Putra Jaeng & Sukyasa which states that they
are said to have made a conceptual error if they do not use the formula correctly and
students are also unable to operate multiplication, division and subtraction.
(Faturrochmah, Sary, & Azizah, 2021).
In the description problem number 6, related to the relationship between the
formula for the area of a square and a rectangle, the three subjects experienced
misconceptions in applying the formula and illustrating the shape of the land which was
then made a fish pond in it. Students apply the formula for the area of the garden as L = 2
(p × l), L = p × l × s, and L = p + l + s. This is in line with the results of research by
Rahayu and Arfiansyah (2021) stating that the correlational misconceptions experienced
by students include students making mistakes in applying the relationship between the
formulas used and the problems contained in the questions, which include errors in
applying the perimeter formula of a rectangle, errors in applying the perimeter formula.
La Ili
Analysis of Students' Misconceptions in Solving Mathematics Problems on Flat
Construction Materials 482
the same as the formula for the area of a rectangle and errors in applying the formula for
the perimeter of a square. In addition, errors in representing the problem in the form of
images (Rahayu and Arfiansyah, 2021).
3. Description of Theoretical Misconceptions
Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that there were theoretical
misconceptions in some of the description questions. From the results of the data analysis,
it shows that the three subjects experienced theoretical misconceptions about the error
indicator in writing the perimeter unit of a rectangular shape. This is in line with the
opinion, Ningsih, (2016), understanding the concept is very important to be mastered by
students in dealing with variations in the form of problems in mathematics that are being
faced, the importance of understanding concepts is the basis in obtaining the expected
learning outcomes, while the use of concepts in mathematics is related to understand and
distinguish words, symbols and signs (Fauzi & Arisetyawan, 2020). This is also
supported by the results of research, Putra, Jaeng, & Sukyasa (2016) which states that one
of the mistakes is not writing down the unit area and perimeter of a flat shape
(Faturrochmah, Sary, & Azizah, 2021).
Based on the description and analysis of the data on the misconceptions of fourth
graders of SD Negeri 2 Biwinapada on the material of quadrilaterals (square and
rectangle) the results are obtained, namely students with high mathematical abilities
experience the least level of misconceptions when compared to students with moderate
and low mathematical abilities; students with moderate math abilities experienced the
most misconceptions from students with high math abilities, and students with low math
abilities experienced the most misconceptions compared to students with high and
moderate math abilities.
The misconceptions experienced by fourth grade students of SD Negeri 2
Biwinapada include: 1) Classificational misconceptions, namely: 1) not writing down
known and asked elements or other elements needed to answer questions and making
mistakes in determining examples of rectangular shapes. which is a square or a rectangle
2) Correlational misconceptions, namely errors in representing the problem in the form of
images, errors in applying the area value in the formula and making mistakes in applying
the relationship between the formula used and the problems contained in the problem. 3)
Theoretical misconceptions on the error indicator in writing the perimeter unit of a
rectangular flat shape, which is cm2 and the unit area of a rectangle, which is cm.
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