La Ili
Analysis of Students' Misconceptions in Solving Mathematics Problems on Flat
Construction Materials 476
Mathematics is a subject that has an important role in education. Based on the
Regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 22 of 2006 concerning Content
Standards for primary and secondary education units, mathematics needs to be taught to
students starting from elementary school to equip students with logical, analytical,
systematic, critical, and creative thinking skills as well as the ability to work together
(Siswono, 2018). In addition, mathematics is also the basis of science and technology.
Hence why it is necessary to be understood, taught, and mastered to make it applicable in
everyday life. Therefore, mathematics must be taught starting from basic education.
The Ministry of Education and Culture (2014) explains that there are various
abilities that must be mastered by students, one of which is problem-solving skills.
Problem-solving is one of the goals of learning mathematics (Amaliah, Fitri, Sutirna &
Rafiq, 2021). NCTM (2000) in Amaliah, Sutirna, & Zulkarnaen (2021), stated that
problem-solving means engaging in a task where the solution method is not known
beforehand. To find solutions, students must draw on their knowledge, and through this
process, they will develop new mathematical understandings. There are several steps that
can be taken to solve mathematical problems, Polya (1973) in Amaliah, Sutirna, &
Zulkarnaen (2021), namely (1) understanding the problem Please delete these words (2)
planning a solution (devising a plan), (3) implementing the plan and (4) checking back.
Students can be said to have good problem-solving skills if they are able to go
through all stages of problem-solving. However, there are still find students who have
misconceptions about solving mathematical problems. Abraham explained that students
are said to have understood a concept if they have met a criterion, namely understanding,
misconception, and not understanding. Meanwhile, misconceptions are things that are
often experienced by students. Therefore, it is important for teachers to know the
misconceptions experienced by students.
A teacher should teaching subjects from the ideas that the students already has as
a benchmark for preparing learning that can reduce misconceptions and increase the
concept of new ideas. That way, the teacher can help students not to experience
misconceptions about the lesson, especially the mathematics lesson on the geometry of
quadrilaterals, namely squares and rectangles. Suparno (2013) defines misconceptions as
understanding concepts that are not in accordance with scientific understanding or the
agreement of experts in the field (Ainiyah, 2015).
In this study, the researchers analyzed the types of misconceptions based on the
types proposed by Moh. Amien (Ainiyah, 2015), namely: 1) classificational
misconceptions, which are forms of misconceptions based on misclassification of facts
into organized charts, 2) correlational misconceptions, which are forms of misconceptions
based on errors regarding special events. interconnected, or observations consisting of
assumptions, especially in the form of the formulation of general principles, and 3)
theoretical misconceptions, which are forms of misconceptions based on errors in
studying facts or events in an organized system.
Based on the results of the initial test for fourth graders at SD Negeri 2
Biwinapada, there are some students who still have misconceptions in determining
formulas and performing operations to calculate the area and perimeter of a combined
square and rectangular shape. Furthermore, after interviewing the teacher, sometimes he
does not provide reinforcement for students if there is a misunderstanding in the
explanation. Therefore, misconceptions are a condition that must be handled because they
can hinder students' knowledge of mathematics, one of which is geometry material,
especially in rectangular flat shapes, namely squares and rectangles. Thus, it is necessary