How to cite:
Budi Safari, Indri Astuti, Eka Permana. (2022). The Effect of Planning
and Supervision on Performance of Employees at the Health
Department of Bogor City. Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(3): 505-510
Published by:
March, 15
March, 16
The purpose of this study was to determine how much
influence planning and supervision had on the performance of
employees at the Bogor City Health Office, either partially or
simultaneously. The research method used is a survey. Ary,
Yacobs and Razavich stated that the survey method was
designed to obtain information about the status of symptoms
at the time the research was conducted with the aim of
describing what variables or conditions or conditions existed in
a situation. The data needed in this study is data regarding
employee perceptions of the influence of Planning and
Supervision that have an impact on employee performance.
The sampling technique used is based on the provisions of
random sampling, where a sample of 50 people is taken from a
population of 124 people. The result of this research is that
planning and monitoring both partially and simultaneously
have a significant positive effect on the performance of the
Bogor City Health Office employees.
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Employees are the most important element in determining the progress of an
organization or company (Rigby & Ryan, 2018). To achieve the company's goals,
employees are needed in accordance with the requirements in the company, and must also
Budi Safari, Indri Astuti, Eka Permana
The Effect of Planning and Supervision on Performance of Employees at the Health
Department of Bogor City 506
be able to carry out the tasks that have been determined by the company. Every company
will always try to improve the performance of its employees, with the hope that the
company's goals will be achieved (Novitasari, Siswanto, Purwanto, & Fahmi, 2020).
Every organization, both private and government, is basically formed to achieve
certain goals (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2019). In the modern world like today, organizations
are usually complex because they are not only in the form of things that are physical and
material in nature, but also include mental and spiritual fields.(Bolisani & Bratianu, 2018)
Any goal to be achieved by the organization is usually the goal of all members of the
organization concerned (Bebbington & Unerman, 2018). The goals that have been set
then give birth to the needs to be fulfilled, both concrete ones such as clothing, food and
shelter and other physical needs as well as abstract ones such as happiness, pleasure and
the like (Sirgy, 2018).
The needs mentioned above will be met if the organization carries out certain
main tasks, whose form, nature and type are determined by the goals to be achieved and
the needs to be fulfilled. Therefore, it is very necessary accuracy in formulating the main
tasks of the organization (Büchel & Scharnhorst, 2020). To formulate the main task
requires careful and clear planning because careful and clear planning will facilitate the
achievement of goals and facilitate organizational activities, especially operational ones
(Katsikeas, Leonidou, & Zeriti, 2019).
The achievement of organizational goals in which is known as a cooperation,
what is meant by cooperation here is the cooperation of individuals in a group, namely
the organization (Karam, Brault, Van Durme, & Macq, 2018). It is very important to
know in every individual collaboration is the purpose and objectives of the collaboration,
and it must be clear how the method of achieving it is (Oevermann, Allert, Konau, &
Krambeck, 2021). If the organization's efforts are to be effective, the organization's
members must know what is expected for its completion (Rawski & Conroy, 2020). This
involves several alternative business activities for the future for each unit within an
organization as a whole (Dev, Shankar, & Qaiser, 2020). To carry out this purpose, it is
necessary to select goals or objectives and determine how to achieve them.
In addition to good planning, of course, supervision over the implementation of
the achievement of organizational goals must be in place to make it easier to assess the
effectiveness and efficiency in achieving organizational goals. Because with this planning
and supervision it becomes one of the effective performance achievements of human
resources (Krowin & Merentek, 2019).
Based on the initial observations, the authors saw the symptoms that describe the
existence of employees who do not understand the work plan that has been set so that it
affects the work for which they are responsible.
Employee performance has not run optimally, according to the author's
observations, the following phenomena are seen: 1. There are still certain job completions
that experience delays which reflect employee performance that has not been optimal, this
is related to one of the performance measures, namely the timeliness of completing work.
2. Based on the information obtained that errors often occur in work using computers and
other electronic devices. Due to incompetent employees using work computers, it causes
delays in completing work. 3. There is work that is delayed or late to be completed which
shows that employee performance is still low, one of which is due to the fact that there
are still employees who do not come to work without information.
Based on the description above, planning is suspected as the dominant factor
influencing employee performance, planning is a decision for the future, what will be
done and who will do it. Although the future can rarely be predicted with accuracy,
especially factors beyond reach, but with an intellectual process planning is expected to
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
be close to the truth. This is based on the consideration that decisions must be based on
the aims or objectives of the organization, knowledge and calculated estimates. It is clear
that planning is intended to get something in the future, and the effort or effective way to
achieve it (Marsal-Llacuna, 2018). To get better results, supervision must be carried out
on an ongoing basis as needed to complete the duties and work of employees or
employees in accordance with the plans set and desired by the supervisor, namely the
Supervision is an important thing in every job in a company or government
agency, because with good supervision, a job will run smoothly and efficiently and
produce optimal work (Zito et al., 2018). If the work is accompanied by supervision, the
results will be very good and satisfying.
Work planning is a process, as long as planning is not limited to a number of
discussions before a decision is made. Because there may always be changes in both the
system and the material. This is understandable because there is little possibility of an
accurate forecast, because the state of the future is always changing, full of risks and
Work planning plays a very important role in the life of an organization.
Therefore, so that organizational goals can be realized properly, planning must be
determined by taking into account the elements in it, which include the human element
(employees) as planning implementers who are faced with all kinds of limitations, both
physical and non-physical. Before the plan is implemented to achieve the goals and
understand each plan that has been set so that there are no misunderstandings that will
have an unfavorable impact on the implementation of the plan, so that the objectives are
not achieved effectively.
In addition to the planning factor, the writer suspects that it is also the dominant
factor that influences employee performance. Supervision or Controlling which is one of
the management functions that ensures the activities carried out by employees are in
accordance with the expected results.
The research approach used in writing this thesis is the method of explanation. The
definition of the explanation method according to Sanapiah Faisal is:
“The object of explanatory research is to examine the relationship between the
hypothesized variables. In this study, it is clear that there is a hypothesis that will be
tested for truth. This hypothesis itself describes the relationship between 2 or more
variables, to find out whether a variable is associated or not with other variables, or
whether a variable is caused/influenced or not by other variables” (1999:21)
In this study, because there are 2 independent variables (free) and 1 dependent
variable (bound), the analysis used is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis between two
independent variables, namely Planning (X1) and Supervision (X2), with one dependent
variable, namely Employee Performance (Y).
Budi Safari, Indri Astuti, Eka Permana
The Effect of Planning and Supervision on Performance of Employees at the Health
Department of Bogor City 508
Table 1 Recapitulation of Planning Measurement
With the interpretation average value of 4.34 above, it shows that the
employee's work planning at
The Bogor City Health Office is at the level of the Very good category,
meaning that the work planning of employees at the Bogor City Health Office has
gone well.
Table 2 Recapitulation of Monitoring Measurement
With the average value of the interpretation of 4.24 above, it shows that
the work performance of employees at the Bogor City Health Office is at the very
good category level, meaning that Employee Supervision at the Bogor City Health
Office has been running well.
Supervision must be of an objective standard
Leaders evaluate the performance of each employee
Supervision leads to increased effectiveness of
employee performance
The office carries out an assessment or evaluation of
the implementation of supervision
Monitoring provides feedback on future
implementation, planning and policy
AVERAGE = 21,22/5 = 4,24 (very good)
In doing every task or job given you are always on
Very good
In carrying out your duties or work, do it in
accordance with applicable procedures and
Very good
In the results of your assignment or work, it is in
accordance with the applicable work standards in
the agency
In doing assignments and work you do it with few
Very good
AVERAGE = 16,86/4 = 4,22 (very good)
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
Table 3 Recapitulation of Performance Measurement
With the interpretation average value of 4.22 above, it shows that the
performance of employees at the Bogor City Health Office is at the level of the
Very good category, meaning that the performance of employees at the Bogor
City Health Office has been running optimally.
Based on the results of the research and processing of research data that the authors
have done, the following conclusions can be drawn: From linear regression analysis
through the SPSS version 20.0 program, it is found that from the significance value (t sig)
a value of 0.000 is obtained for the X1 variable (planning) which indicates that there is a
significant effect by variable X1 (planning) on variable Y (employee performance).
Based on the results of linear regression analysis through the SPSS version 20.0 program,
it was also stated that there was a significant effect of the X2 variable (supervision) on
employee performance with a value of 0.002, this can be seen from the significant value
lower than the alpha error degree of 0.05. Based on the analysis of variance, a significant
level of 0.000 was obtained, this means that the Planning (X1) and Supervision (X2)
variables simultaneously significantly affect employee performance. The Pearson
correlation coefficient (R) from the table above is 0.931, meaning that the relationship
between Planning and Supervision with Employee Performance is very close and strong.
While the R Square value is 0.867 or it can be said that the magnitude of the coefficient
of determination (KD) is 86.70% meaning that 86.70% employee performance is
influenced by Planning and Supervision variables and the remaining 13.30% is influenced
by other factors not examined in the study.
planning made must facilitate the achievement of
predetermined goals
about planning made by people who really understand
the purpose of the organization
Very good
about planning made by people who understand
planning techniques
Very good
regarding planning must be accompanied by details
Very good
planning can not be separated from the thought of
Very good
about planning should be simple
Very good
about Planning must be flexible
Very good
about planning there is risk taking
about planning there is risk taking
Very good
AVERAGE = 39,08/9 = 4,34 (very good)
Budi Safari, Indri Astuti, Eka Permana
The Effect of Planning and Supervision on Performance of Employees at the Health
Department of Bogor City 510
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