How to cite:
Mega Candra Kumalasari, Joko Waluyo, Iis Nur Asyiah. (2022). The
Development of Biology E-Pocket Book to Improve Senior High
School Students’Biology Literacy Ability. Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(3):
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March, 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Mega Candra Kumalasari, Joko Waluyo, Iis Nur Asyiah
University of Jember, Indonesia
March, 15
March, 16
This research aimed at improving biology literacy ability based
on HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) by using E-pocket book
learning media. This research employed a research and
development (R&D) method, which was used as actual proof in
improving a learning media of HOTS-based E-pocket book.
There were 10 schools, including state or private schools, and
10 biology teachers as need analysis involved in this study. A
needs assessment was conducted by using a questionnaire
generated in Google form. The result of the needs assessment
showed that teachers understood the HOTS learning process of
90%, HOTS learning material of 80%, and the teachers’
knowledge on E-pocket book learning media of 50%. Therefore,
all of the teachers (100%) agreed if E-pocket book learning
media is implemented for the students and if the learning
media that can improve the students’ biology literacy should be
Biology, E-Pocket Book, Hots, Learning
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International
Education is one of the essential aspects of improving the quality of a nation.
Good education quality is in line with the progress and quality of the country. Stepping
into the 21st-century era, education becomes more critical to ensure that each student has
Mega Candra Kumalasari, Joko Waluyo, Iis Nur Asyiah
The Development of Biology E-Pocket Book to Improve Senior High School Students’
Biology Literacy Ability 471
skills based on the demands of the 21st century (Andrian & Rusman, 2019). Partnership
for 21st Century Skills-P21 (2009) classified 21st-century skills as follows: 1) learning
and innovation skills, 2) life and career skills, and 3) media and information technology
skills. Therefore, one of the problems Indonesian faces is the quality of education which
is still relatively low. This is supported by the Program for International Student
Assessment (PISA) assessment result, which showed that Indonesia is still below the
average standard of PISA and ranks 72 out of 77 countries that take the PISA test
(OECD, 2019). In order to solve problems in real life, children must be able to apply
knowledge of scientific facts and the relationship between science, technology, and
society. This is what is then called science-literate children (Ibnu & Rahayu, 2020).
Science literacy is one of the sixteen skills needed in 21st-century learning PISA
2018 defined science literacy as the students' ability to involve in the issues related to
science and science ideas as reflective citizens (OECD, 2019). Science literacy provides
aspiration on the development of curriculum, learning material and assessment practice;
therefore, if the science material and learning were facilitated with the competencies, the
students' science literacy would develop (Roberts, 2013). Since science literacy is a broad
concept, teaching any particular subject matter in science education should contribute to
training science-literate people (Celik, 2014). Consequently, this causes an emergence of
theoretical definitions such as biological literacy and chemical literacy as part of science.
Biology as a branch of natural science provides various learning experiences to
understand concepts and natural phenomena related to living things. Moreover, the
biological phenomena are also solved through the ability of students' process skills to find
facts build scientific concepts, theories, and attitudes (Turnip & Hasruddin, 2018). Giving
HOTS questions aims at creating learning that makes students empower thinking skills
and use their reasoning. Senior high school teachers need to understand aspects in
developing HOTS questions, and this is in line with the Government Regulation Number
19 of 2005 Paragraph 19 Verse 1, which stated that the learning process in the education
unit is held in an inspiring, interactive, fun, challenging and motivating way for students
to participate in learning activities actively.
High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) comprises a broader way of thinking to find
new challenges. High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) encourages a person to apply new
information and previous knowledge and processes information to solve a problem
(Heong et al., 2011) (Susilo, Adisaputera, & Lubis, 2019). High Order Thinking Skills
(HOTS) is a thinking process in exploring complex, reflective, and creative experiences
to acquire knowledge that includes analytical, synthetic, and evaluative thinking levels.
(Yuniar, Rakhmat, & Saepulrohman, 2015). There are four groups of High Order
Thinking Skills (HOTS), namely problem solving, decision making, critical thinking, and
creative thinking. A teacher's success in delivering material is influenced by the learning
media used and the student's role in the learning process. The teacher's role is needed to
improve students' thinking skills. Teachers should design and implement learning media
to attract the students' interest, and thus they can master and receive the learning
Learning media have advanced and developed along with the birth of the
communication revolution that is utilized for learning purposes other than pre-existing
media such as teachers, textbooks, and whiteboards, however learning technology
referred to can be in the form of media that can help to facilitate humans in doing work
mainly on the field of education foremost during the pandemic that we are currently
experiencing (Yaumi, 2018). In this Covid-19 situation, the curriculum is something that
must be adapted. During the lockdown teachers were instructed to teach through online
learning media. The Covid-19 outbreak caused a digital revolution in the higher education
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 3, March 2022
system through online lectures, teleconferences, digital open books, online exams, and
interactions in virtual environments (Muyaroah & Fajartia, 2017). The E-Pocket Book
learning media can be used at any time, it can be used during a pandemic, make it the
same like during a face-to-face meeting. An electronic pocket book is simple, can be
carried anywhere, and contains information in the form of text or images that can be
displayed on a digital screen. In developing learning media, it is necessary to pay
attention to the main reasons as stated by (Jannah, Fadiawati, & Tania, 2017), namely (1)
it can be used anytime and anywhere, (2) wide coverage, and (3) integrated with other
The use of Android as a learning media can be an alternative as well as a solution
to make students more active in the learning process. The more active students will affect
the learning outcomes. Thus, a Digital Book or E-Pocket Book is a renewal of a
traditional book into a digital book with a combination of several media and with an
attractive design without compromising its usefulness. Therefore, development research
will be carried out on the Development of a HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) -Based
Biology Pocket Book to Improve Biology Literacy Skills for High School Students.
This type of learning media research was in the form of an E-Pocket Book using
research and development method. Research and Development (R&D) is a series of
processes or steps in order to develop a new product or improve existing products so that
they are accountable (Sugiyono, 2019). The research carried out was the Development of
E-Pocket Book Learning Media. Need Assessment data retrieval was carried out in the
odd semester of 2020/2021 by using a questionnaire filling technique through Google
Forms given to high school Biology teachers. Need Assessment data were used to find
out the problems and needs that exist in school. The results of the Need Assessment data
were used as the development of the E-Pocket Book learning media.
1. Need Assessment
The results of the distribution of observation sheets given to 10 high school
biology teachers showed the following results:
Table 1. Obtained Need Assessment
Power-point Media
Teacher's knowledge of the HOTS
Teacher's knowledge of HOTS material
Teacher's knowledge of E-Pocket Book
Agree to Media Deployment
Based on the criteria and percentage, teachers who used power point and video
media were 80%, for teacher's knowledge of the HOTS process in learning were 90%, for
teacher's knowledge of HOTS material in learning were 80%, and teachers’ knowledge of
Mega Candra Kumalasari, Joko Waluyo, Iis Nur Asyiah
The Development of Biology E-Pocket Book to Improve Senior High School Students’
Biology Literacy Ability 473
E-Pocket Book media got 50%. Therefore, 100% of teachers agreed to implement the E-
Pocket Book learning media for students, and 100% of teachers agreed to develop
learning media that can improve students' Biological literacy skills.
2. Learning Media Development Results
Teachers’ knowledge of E-Pocket Book media gained 50% data and therefore
100% of teachers agreed to implement the E-Pocket Book learning media for students,
and 100% of teachers agreed to develop learning media that can improve students'
Biological literacy skills. The results of the need assessment showed that the teachers did
not fully know how the process and materials in HOTS are. Teachers still did not use E-
Pocket Book media because for daily learning, they still use power point and video media
only. According to Alwan (2014) E-Pocket Books or often called E-Books (Electronic
Books) in the world of education are publications in the form of text and images in digital
form that are produced, published, and can be read through computers or other digital
According (Jannah et al., 2017) Digital books are evidence of the development of
advanced technology which is expected to develop from time to time to renew traditional
paper books for a prospective future. The development of this digital book includes: a) It
is easy to carry because it is in the form of a soft copy that can be used by readers in
portable electronics, b) It is not heavy, the digital book only needs to be put in a folder
inside the portable electronics, so that only portable digital devices are brought, c.) Easy
to duplicate, easy to copy digital books for free, so it will save costs and will support
learning needs, d) Save paper, in the era of global warming means that we have supported
go green which is still being carried out today (Yusnimar, 2014).
The learning media used in several schools shows less, therefore the development
of the E-Pocket Book media can provide additional media during learning. In the E-
Pocket Book media there are questions and pictures based on Higher Order Thinking
Skills (HOTS) that can improve the biological literacy skills of high school students.
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