How to cite:
Heriziana, Santi Rosalina.(2022). Perception Analysis of Health
Workers' Stress During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal Eduvest. Vol
2(2): 317-323
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Heriziana , Santi Rosalina
Bina Husada High School of Health Sciences, Indonesia
January, 26
February, 17
February, 18
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on all
aspects of society, including mental health and physical
health. WHO and public health authorities around the
world are acting to control the COVID-19 outbreak.
However, this time of crisis creates stress throughout the
population. Fear and anxiety about this new disease, plus
other factors can influence job stress. The type of research
used is correlation research. This research was conducted at
X Hospital in South Sumatra 2021. The population of this
study was all health workers at Hospital X in South Sumatra
2021, totaling 382 people based on staffing data for
Hospital X in South Sumatra as of March 2021. The sample
of this study that will be examined using the slovin formula,
which amounts to 80 health workers at the hospital. Pain X
in South Sumatra. Based on the results and discussion, it
can be concluded that: The company's regulation (X1) has a
significance value of 0.743 > 0.05, which means that the
company's regulation (X1) has no effect on stress symptoms
(Y). Anxiety (X2) has a significance value of 0.461 > 0.05,
which means that worry (X2) has no effect on symptoms of
stress (Y). Workload (X3) a significance value of 0.007
<0.05, it means that there is an effect of workload (X3) on
stress symptoms. Working conditions (X4), a significance
value of 0.023 <0.05, it means that there is an effect of
working conditions (X4) on symptoms of stress.
Health Workers, Stress, Mental Health, Pandemic Covid-
Heriziana, Santi Rosalina
Perception Analysis of Health Workers' Stress During the Covid-19 Pandemic 318
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Currently, all parts of the world are facing the Covid-19 pandemic. Until the
beginning of June, 6.28 million people from 188 countries in the world were infected
with the Covid-19 virus, while in Indonesia alone, 26,940 people were infected with the
Covid-19 virus (Covid et al., 2021). Covid-19 is a tremendous challenge to the health of
workers. Workers in many occupations face a high risk of infection especially in jobs that
involve direct contact with the public and physical proximity to others. The level of
concern of workers increases with the number of infected people, as a result, companies
not only play a role in preventing the transmission of the virus but also have to deal with
the psychosocial and psychological consequences of the current Covid-19 outbreak
(Burdorf, Porru, & Rugulies, 2020)
Increased fear and anxiety of workers due to the uncertainty of this disease
coupled with measures to prevent the spread of disturbing viruses such as lockdowns,
quarantines, use of personal protective equipment, and so on can cause significant
psychological and psychological disorders such as stress disorders (Kumar, n.d.). The
COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has resulted in a very heavy burden on the health care
system in the country, including health workers. The most visible risk is the safety aspect
of health workers, especially those on the front lines, who are very vulnerable to being
exposed to COVID-19 and are at risk of life threatening.
It has been recorded that more than 100 doctors and hundreds of other medical
personnel have died from being infected with COVID-19 while carrying out health
service duties. Apart from the aspect of safety and protection from infection, another risk
that has the potential to affect the quality of life and productivity of our medical services
is the mental health aspect, including the risk of burnout syndrome or mental fatigue.
Health workers are potentially exposed to very high levels of stress, but there are no rules
or policies that can protect them from a mental health perspective (Meidina et al., 2020)
Research conducted by a research team from the Master of Occupational
Medicine Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (MKK FKUI)
shows the fact that as many as 83% of health workers in Indonesia have experienced
moderate and severe burnout syndrome, which is psychologically at risk of disrupting
quality of life and work productivity in services. health.
According to the Head of the Research Team, Dr. dr. Dewi Soemarko, MS,
SpOK, this study also found the fact that General Practitioners in Indonesia who carry out
medical service duties at the forefront during the COVID-19 Pandemic have a 2 times
greater risk of experiencing burnout syndrome.
"The high risk of suffering from burnout syndrome due to exposure to unusually
severe stress in health facilities during this pandemic can have long-term effects on the
quality of medical services because these health workers can feel depressed, extreme
fatigue and even feel less competent in carrying out their duties, and this is certainly have
an unfavorable impact on our efforts to combat COVID-19," (Tresnaherdiarti, 2021)
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on all aspects of society,
including mental health and physical health. WHO and public health authorities around
the world are acting to control the COVID-19 outbreak. However, this time of crisis
creates stress throughout the population. Fear and anxiety about this new disease, plus
other factors can influence job stress (Organization, 2021)”.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
The type of research used is correlation research. This research was conducted at X
Hospital in South Sumatra 2021. The population of this study was all health workers at
Hospital X in South Sumatra 2021, totaling 382 people based on staffing data for
Hospital X in South Sumatra as of March 2021. The sample of this study that will be
examined using the slovin formula, which amounts to 80 health workers at the hospital.
Pain X in South Sumatra. The steps of data processing in this study are as follows:
1. The weighting of each variable
Calculation of the weight value of each variable is carried out using the following
Weight value = (Amount of Strongly Agree x 5) + (Number of Agree x 4) +
(Number of Disagree x 3) + (Number of Disagree x 2) + (Number of Disagree x 1)
2. Multiple linear regression test
Multiple linear regression test was used to find out how much influence the
variables of Company Regulation (X1), Concerns (X2), Workload (X3), Working
Conditions (X4) had with the dependent variable stress symptoms (Y).
A. Univariate Results
Univariate analysis was carried out to obtain an overview of the frequency
distribution of respondents based on the stress symptom variables collected in tables and
texts as below:
Table 1 Distribution of Respondents Frequency Based on Symptoms of Stress
at X Hospital in South Sumatra 2021
Stress Symptoms
There are Symptoms of Stress
No Stress Symptoms
Based on Table 1, the number of respondents who experienced stress symptoms
was 43 respondents (53.8%) from 80 respondents, more than respondents who did not
experience stress symptoms, namely 37 respondents (46.3%).
B. Multiple Linear Regression Test on Health Workers at Hospital X in South
The results of the multiple linear regression test data processing for health
workers can be seen as follows.
1. Partial Test (t Test) on Each Variable
.Table 2. Partial Test Results (t Test) on Each Variable
Heriziana, Santi Rosalina
Perception Analysis of Health Workers' Stress During the Covid-19 Pandemic 320
Dependent Variable: Gejala Stres
Based on table 2, the results of the partial test (t test) on each variable. The basis
for making decisions based on the significance value is as follows:
1. Company regulation (X1) significance value 0.743 > 0.05 which means company
regulation (X1) has no effect on stress symptoms (Y)
2. Concern (X2) significance value 0.461 > 0.05, which means worry (X2) has no
effect on stress symptoms (Y)
3. Workload (X3) a significance value of 0.007 <0.05, which means that there is an
effect of workload (X3) on stress symptoms.
4. Working conditions (X4), a significance value of 0.023 <0.05, it means that there is
an effect of working conditions (X4) on stress symptoms.
2. Simultaneous Test (Test f) on Each Variable
Table 3. Simultaneous F Test Results (Multiple Linear Regression)
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Y(Gejala Stres)
b. Predictors: (Constant), X4 (Working Conditions), X2 (Worries), X3 (Workload), X1
(Company Regulations)
Based on table 4.1 Simultaneous multiple linear regression f test results. The
basis for decision making based on the significance value is company regulation (X1),
worries (X2), workload (X3), and working conditions (X4) simultaneously affect stress
symptoms (Y) seen of the significance value is 0.001 <0.05.
Table 3 Results of the Coefficient of Determination (R2)
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
a. Predictors: (Constant), TotalKK, TotalK, TotalBK, TOTALRP
Std. Error
X1 (Company Regulation)
X2 (Worries)
X3 (Workload)
X4 (Working Condition)
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
b. Dependent Variable: TOTALGS
Based on table 4.4 the results of the coefficient of determination, namely the
magnitude of the effect given by variable X partially and simultaneously on variable Y, is
1 Stress Analysis of Health Workers at Hospital X in South Sumatra
Based on the processing results, it was found that the variables of workload and
working conditions had an influence on stress symptoms in health workers.(Ogińska-
Bulik, Gurowiec, Michalska, & Kędra, 2021) This can be caused by differences in duties
and responsibilities as health workers and for different working conditions. Where with
the current pandemic conditions there must be anxiety felt by health workers at work so
that it adds to the burden and pressure at work.(Søvold et al., 2021) In addition, working
conditions require health workers to continue to work even in pandemic conditions
because they are the frontline who must be ready to serve patients with any condition.
Based on the theory (Gawron, 2008) Workload is defined as the effort expended
by the operator to achieve a certain level of performance or can also be defined as a
response (emotional, cognitive, and physical) to the demands of work. A high workload
can be a challenge for workers and motivate them to try harder to meet the demands of
the job. On the other hand, a high workload can also lead to negative emotional reactions
and physical exhaustion associated with overwork. Thus, workers' cognitive and
emotional resources can be depleted by stressors, resulting in impaired performance
(Elfering et al., 2018).
According to the theory (Iridiastadi 2014) excessive workload can also have a
negative impact on work quality and performance.(Mélan & Cascino, 2022) That the
workload is physiologically excessive will have an impact on health and work
productivity. In the context of ergonomics, the goal to be achieved is to ensure that the
work system is designed in such a way that the best productivity and quality of work can
be obtained, which can be achieved if the load is within the limits of physical capabilities.
Workload evaluation is an important point in research and development of the
relationship between humans and machines, seeking a better level of comfort,
satisfaction, efficiency and safety in the workplace, as well as the targets for achieving
ergonomics implementation.
Based on the theory (AGASTIA, 2014) Working conditions are conditions that
are around work that have an impact on workers in carrying out their duties. Workers will
feel satisfaction at work if it is supported by good working conditions or environment, so
that the company's performance and output can increase.(Badrianto & Ekhsan, 2020) On
the other hand, unsupportive working conditions can cause discomfort at work and
contribute to work stress.(Cramer & Hunter, 2019)
This study is in line with the study (Luceño-Moreno et al., n.d.) that analyzed
cross-sectional data on 1422 health workers. A total of 56.6% of health workers showed
symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, 58.6% of anxiety disorders, 46% of
depressive disorders, and 41.1% felt emotionally drained.(d’Ettorre et al., 2021) The
profile of the health worker with greater symptoms of post-traumatic stress is one who
works in the Autonomous Community of Madrid, in a hospital, is a woman, is worried
that the person living with her may be infected, and thinks that she/he is very likely to be
Heriziana, Santi Rosalina
Perception Analysis of Health Workers' Stress During the Covid-19 Pandemic 322
infected. The risk variables for anxiety and depression were people who were female,
worked 12 or 24 hour shifts, and were worried that family members could be infected.
High scores on emotional exhaustion and depersonalization are mental health risk factors,
with resilience and personal fulfillment being protective variables. Data is provided to
improve preventive measures for occupational health workers.(Luceño-Moreno,
Talavera-Velasco, García-Albuerne, & Martín-García, 2020)
This research is in line with Ayu Lestari's research (2020), entitled Analysis of
Worker Stress Perceptions in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period, that there is an influence of
the Independent Variable X3 (Workload).(Nawir, Maulana, & Singkeruang, 2021) The
tcount value is 0.7180 where the ttable value is 2.0211, the ttable value > tcount and the
p-value in the sig column is 0.477 > 0.05, meaning that the workload has no significant
effect on the symptoms of service industry workers' stress. Independent Variable X4
(Working Conditions) The tcount value is 2.8450 where the ttable value is 2.0211, the t-
table value < tcount and the p-value in the sig column is 0.007 <0.05, meaning that
working conditions have a significant effect on the stress symptoms of service industry
Based on the results of research, theory, and related research, the researchers
assume that the workload and working conditions affect the symptoms of stress in health
workers because excessive workloads cause stress and that can cause stress, coupled with
pandemic conditions that can increase anxiety and stress. On the one hand, as health
workers, they must continue to provide services to patients, on the other hand, the fear of
being infected and being able to transmit it to their families is also a burden. In addition,
comfortable and safe working conditions are also a factor that can cause stress, because
when working conditions are safe and comfortable will make health workers can work
well and not cause stress.
Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that: The company's
regulation (X1) has a significance value of 0.743 > 0.05, which means that the company's
regulation (X1) has no effect on stress symptoms (Y). Anxiety (X2) has a significance
value of 0.461 > 0.05, which means that worry (X2) has no effect on symptoms of stress
(Y). Workload (X3) a significance value of 0.007 <0.05, it means that there is an effect of
workload (X3) on stress symptoms. Working conditions (X4), a significance value of
0.023 <0.05, it means that there is an effect of working conditions (X4) on symptoms of
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