Minarni Anaci Dethan, Yohanes Demu, Sarinah Joyce Margaret Rafael
Risk Management Analysis Based on ISO 13000 at NC University 208
are not so significant or large losses that affect the survival of an organization (Lokobal,
Sumajouw, & Sompie, 2014). Thus, risk management (risk management) becomes
important for an organization, including educational institutions because educational
activities cannot be separated from risks that can interfere with the achievement of
educational goals.
There are 2 methods that are most often used in risk management, namely the
COSO and ISO methods (Ariff et al., 2014). Both methods have been widely used by
companies and agencies in various countries because they provide guidelines for
implementing risk management that aim to support the level of effectiveness of risk
management for its users. However, both have differences, namely where COSO views
risk as an event that may occur and has a negative influence on the achievement of
organizational goals (Arfiansyah, 2021). On the other hand, ISO defines risk as the effect
of uncertainty on organizational goals (Lalonde & Boiral, 2012). Then to ensure that risk
management runs effectively, ISO mentions eight principles that must be met (Hopkin,
2018). The eight principles include integrated, structured and comprehensive, according
to organizational needs, inclusive, dynamic, based on the best available information,
considering human and cultural factors, continuous improvement. Meanwhile COSO did
not mention the principle (Paape & Speklé, 2012).
KMK number 577/KMK.01/2019 concerning Risk Management within the
Ministry of Finance also uses ISO 31000:2018 as a reference in perfecting the Ministry of
Finance's risk management standards. There are 3 elements of ISO 31000:2018 Risk
management-guidelines used in the KMK which include principles, frameworks and risk
management processes into a more open and interrelated system. In addition, ISO defines
risk not only for events that have a negative effect (downside risk) but also the risk of
having a positive impact (upside risk) for the achievement of organizational goals.
Risk Management is the process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks
followed by the coordination and application of economic resources to minimize, monitor
and monitor the possibility of occurrence of unfavorable events. The risk management
process includes the systematic application of policies, procedures, and various
approaches to carry out communication and consultation, build context and assess risk,
treat, monitor, review, record and report (to interested parties) (Bashynska, Kovalova,
Malovichko, & Shirobokova, 2020).
NC University is one of the PTN designated as PTN BLU based on the Decree of
the Minister of Finance (Kepmenkeu) in 2017 (Astawa, Prayudi, & Diputra, 2020). This
change in status has made NC University serious in risk management. Based on the
Regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) No. 200/PMK.05/2017 of 2017 which
regulates the internal control system of the BLU. The PMK states that BLU leaders need
to conduct a risk assessment to identify risks that exist within the organization and
analyze these risks.
The application of risk management will help NC University as a PTN BLU in
achieving organizational goals. Risk management is useful for NC University as PTN
BLU in identifying what risk areas are faced and how risk management will help PTN
BLU in achieving goals and improving the main performance of NC University.
Implementation of risk management is able to minimize the possibility or consequences
of unfavorable events. In addition, good risk management will increase the awareness of
PTN BLU managers in making strategic and appropriate decisions based on the risk
analysis that has been carried out. Based on the description of the background above, this
research was conducted with the aim of conducting an analysis of risk management at the
University of NC.