Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
2. Agriculture
As explained above that the data would device into some sectors. The firs sector
is agriculture. In this sector, the researcher took ten percent of corporations within as
samples, including AALI, DSFI, LSIP, SMAR, and UNSP. All the sample passed Classic
Assumption Tests such as Linearity, Normality, Heteroscedasticity, Outlier, and
Autocorrelation Test. For the regression, both correlations, economic growth to ROA and
economic growth to ROE are significant, with the value of Sig. Table less than 0.05. The
table above informs that of all analysis, only UNSP for economic growth to ROA that
peculiar compared to the others analysis results. On answering how this anomalous
happened, the researcher tried to analyze the fundamental of the eminent. UNSP,
according to its financial report, UNSP has been having minus net income since 2013.
Moreover, relay on Indonesia Stock Exchange‟s website, this eminent is listed as
problematic. Hence, it is clear that why the eminent is peculiar.
3. Basic Industry and Chemicals
For basic industry and chemical sector, the researcher took the sample ten percent
corporations of the industry such as ADMG, ALKA, BRPT, CPIN, INKP, JAPFA,
SMGR, and TKIM. For this sector, the researcher finds that for ADMG AND CPIN there
are insignificant correlation for economic growth to ROA and economic growth to ROE.
For ALKA there are there are insignificant correlation between economic growth to its
ROE, so does JPFA. According to the table above, the researcher finds some insignificant
correlations. Of those insignificances, most of them due to the corporations have been
having negativity of net income since five previous years like ADMG. For ALKA,
insignificant happened since the company‟s stock has been stagnant for ten years. For
CPIN and JPFA, the reason is probably due to the fluctuation of chicken price.
4. Consumer Goods Industry
For Consumer goods industry, as the others sectors before, the researcher took
ten percent sample of the industry. The sample there are ADES, GGRM, HMSP, INDF,
KLBF, MRAT, MYOR, and ULTJ. In this sector, the researcher finds some insignificant
such as GGRM for economic growth to ROA. HMSP for and economic growth to ROE.
However, the rests are positively significantly correlated. The table above informs that for
GGRM, there is insignificant correlation between economic growth and its ROA.
Moreover, the researcher unable to continue for regression analysis for economic growth
to ROE since it unfulfilled the linearity test. For HMSP, there are also insignificance in
economic growth to ROE. Both of GGRM and HMSP are selling cigarettes, the
prevalence commodity in Indonesia. Moreover, cigarettes are addictive things, so that
people tend to consume whether in economic crisis or not. Hence, the business of both
companies or much threatened by economic crisis. This reason reflects the financial
report of the corporations those always growth, although in crisis. Hence, the companies‟
growth are better than economic growth, so the regression result is insignificant.
5. Finance
Ten percent companies sample of finance industry there are BBCA, BBNI,
BBRI, BDMN, BNGA, BNII, MAYA, MEGA, NISP, and SMMA. For all of this sample,
the correlation is significantly correlative. For all of those analysis above, all the
correlation shows the significant result. It probably because the banking business deepens
on the central bank monetary policies, and its policies rely on economic conditions. For