Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
to be done seriously, using the scientific method (Wardhani, Yuliastanti, & Mahardhika,
n.d.). Thus, the author wants to examine more deeply the Hindu education model in the
form of non-formal Pasraman, and how its role is in shaping the character of Hindu
students in the city of Mataram, in taking part in building the character of the younger
generation of Hindus, as part of the nation's generation.
This study uses a qualitative method. The use of qualitative methods is intended to
reveal, analyze, and describe the non-formal pasraman model of education in shaping the
character of students in the city of Mataram, the problems faced, and its role in the
implementation of value education for the development of the character and morals of the
younger generation of Hindus in the city of Mataram. This research was conducted at
non-formal pasraman education in Mataram City (Suardana, Jelantik, Widaswara, &
Harnika, 2021).
Determination of informants is done purposively. Primary data were obtained from
the Head of Pasraman, teachers, administrative staff, parents, and students (DIVAYANA,
2018) Determination of informants like this aims to obtain adequate information about
the role of non-formal pasraman education in building the character of the students (Arta,
2020). The main instrument used was the researcher himself, and was assisted by a
recording device used during interviews, a camera to take pictures, and field notes
Data collection using techniques; interviews, observations, and documentation
techniques (Natow, 2020). The data obtained in this study are in the form of words,
sentences, or paragraphs expressed in narrative form, which are descriptive of situations,
events, interactions, statements and behaviors of the research subjects as written in
interview transcripts or field notes (Mohajan, 2018). Based on the form and properties of
the data, the data analysis technique used in this research is a descriptive technique which
is carried out through three activity lines, namely; data reduction, data presentation, and
conclusion drawing. (Rumkel, Sam, & Umanailo, 2019).
Based on the results of observations during the preliminary study, it was found
that the number of Pasraman as a model of non-formal pasraman education in Mataram
City was 8 Pasraman (Suwardani, n.d.). The names of the Pasraman are; Pasraman Sad
Dharma Dwijendra, Pasraman Dharma Putra, Pasraman Swasta Pranawa, Pasraman
Varitra Saraswati, Pasraman Saraswati, Pasraman Samiaga, Pasraman Eka Dharma, and
Pasraman Widya Dharma Santih.
The various activities carried out by each pasraman in Mataram City, according
to the data obtained at the research site, have the same types of activities, although there
are differences between one pasraman and another, but not so prominent. The activities
carried out after being identified consist of; deepening of Hindu religious education
materials, dance coaching activities, Balinese script learning, Dewanagari letter learning,
Yoga Asanas activities, ritual lessons, Dharma Gita activities, musical activities
(percussion arts), Japanese language learning, English, computer learning, pasraman
jamboree, and sport.