How to cite:
Haderiah, Muhammad Ikbal Arif, La Taha, Sulasmi, Hidayat. (2022).
Evaluation of The PHBS Program for 2018, 2019, and 2020 in
Masalle Village, Enrekang Regency. Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(2): 286-
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
, Muhammad Ikbal Arif
, La Taha
, Sulasmi
, Hidayat
Department of Environmental Health Poltekkes Ministry of Health Makassar,
Email: haderiah.n[email protected]om
, risikolingkung[email protected]om
January, 26
February, 17
February, 18
PHBS is all healthy behaviors that are carried out on the
basis of awareness to help themselves and family members
in the health sector and can play an active role in carrying
out public health activities. Clean culture is a reflection of
people's attitudes and behavior in maintaining and
maintaining personal and environmental hygiene in
everyday life. The PHBS indicators that are the center of this
research are healthy latrines, clean water supply, hand
washing with soap, and smoking habits.This study aims to
evaluate the PHBS program in the village of Masalle,
Enrekang Regency. This type of research is a descriptive
research which describes, discloses and presents what is in
accordance with the data and facts regarding the PHBS
program that has been launched. The number of samples
was 4 PHBS indicators, namely healthy latrines, clean water
supply, washing hands with soap, and smoking habits.The
results obtained from the results of the PHBS study in
Masalle Village, namely in 2018, the indicators for healthy
latrines were 94.0%, PAB was 100%, CTPS was 99.1%,
smoking habits were 53.3%. In 2019 the indicators for
healthy latrines were 94.8%, PAB was 100%, CTPS was
100%, smoking habits were 53.3%. In 2020 the indicators
for healthy latrines are 95.3%, PAB is, CTPS is 100%,
smoking habits are 53.3%.
PHBS, Evaluation, Successful, Unsuccessful
Haderiah, Muhammad Ikbal Arif, La Taha, Sulasmi , Hidayat
Evaluation of The PHBS Program for 2018, 2019, and 2020 in Masalle Village, Enrekang
Regency 287
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
PHBS are all healthy behaviors that are carried out on the basis of awareness to
help themselves and family members in the health sector and can play an active role in
carrying out public health activities (Depkes RI, 2010). Clean and Healthy Living
Behavior also referred to as PHBS is a set of behaviors that are practiced on the basis of
awareness as a result of learning from a person, family, group or community who is able
to help themselves in the health sector and play an active role in realizing public health
(Ministry of Health RI, 2011). To improve PHBS for everyone is not an easy thing but
requires a process to influence each other, interact and socialize between individuals,
groups and monitor, assess and measure the level of development of all arrangements.
Therefore, fostering and empowering PHBS is carried out through an orderly approach,
namely the arrangement of households, public places, workplaces and schools (Central
Java Provincial Health Office, 2009 in Ahmad Z, 2016).
Based on data obtained in the village of Masalle, in the community there are
still villages that have not ODF (open defecation free) or stop defecation where this
focuses on public awareness to no longer open defecation (Pertiwi, Arif, & Haderiah,
2021). In addition, in terms of washing hands using soap in Masalle village, there are still
people who are not accustomed to washing hands with soap before and after carrying out
activities, then in terms of providing clean water, in terms of quantity the amount of clean
water supply is sufficient, but during the dry season the community has difficulty getting
clean water because in Masalle village there is no access to water, the PDAM, the
community only uses water from springs or mountain water. Then in the PHBS program,
the scope of the smoking habit of the people in Masalle village, there are still many
people who have the habit of smoking in the house (Kalumbi, Thaulo, MacPherson, &
Morse, 2020).
The habit of people who still defecate openly can lead to environmental
contamination, especially in water sources that are close to where people defecate openly
(Purnama & Susanna, 2020). With the PHBS program in Masalle village conducted by
the Puskesmas in the working area of Masalle village, it can support this research to
evaluate the success of the PHBS program that has been carried out, namely Stop open
defecation, provide clean water, wash hands with soap, and smoke. In the evaluation of
the PHBS program, it was carried out to see whether in the village of Masalle, Kab.
Enrekang which is the center of this research has been carried out well or how the level of
success is due to the condition of the village that has not been ODF and how the level or
success of the PHBS indicators are being implemented. Based on the data obtained that
there are still people who do not have family latrines and are still open defecation, this
research was carried out to see whether the PHBS program was running according to the
expectations and plans of the Masalle Health Center, Enrekang Regency.
The type of research used in this study is to use descriptive research methods,
which to evaluate the PHBS program from 2018, 2019, and 2020 using data sourced from
the Masalle Health Center, Enrekang Regency (Pertiwi et al., 2021). Descriptive research
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
is to describe, reveal and present what is in accordance with the data, facts and reality
regarding the PHBS program that has been planned (Khalid, De la ROsa, & Fikre, 2020).
The research location is located in the village of Masalle kab. Enrekang, Research
time is divided into two stages, namely the research preparation stage and the research
activity stage. The preparation stage where the preparation of the research proposal is
then carried out in the research stage.The population in this study is data from the Masalle
Health Center from 2018, 2019, and 2020. The samples in this study were PHBS
indicators that were carried out in Masalle village, namely healthy latrines, clean water
supply, CTPS, and smoking habits.
The data in this study are secondary data, obtained through direct data collection at
the Masalle Health Center and literature from the library or other readings that are closely
related to the writing of this research. Data analysis was carried out using tables, graphs,
and percentage analysis to see the success rate of the PHBS program from 2018-2020
then analyzed descriptively.
Table 1 Recapitulation of PHBS Study Results in Masalle Village in 2018
latrine (%)
Provision of
Clean Water
habit (%)
Source: Secondary Data, 2018 (Masalle Health Center)
Based on table 1 recapitulation of the results of the PHBS study in Masalle village
in 2018, the highest percentage of data is on the clean water supply (PAB) indicator
which reaches an average of 100% while the lowest is on the smoking habit indicator,
where people still have a smoking habit, especially smoking. inside the house. This can
be seen from the percentage of indicators of smoking habits which have an average of
53.3%. People who no longer smoke in the house and no longer have a smoking habit
are 53.3% of the results of data collection conducted by the Masalle Health Cent
Haderiah, Muhammad Ikbal Arif, La Taha, Sulasmi , Hidayat
Evaluation of The PHBS Program for 2018, 2019, and 2020 in Masalle Village, Enrekang
Regency 289
Table 2 Recapitulation of PHBS Study Results in Masalle village in 2019
healthy latrine
Provision of
Clean Water
wash hands
with soap (%)
Smoking habit (%)
Triwulan 1
Triwulan 2
Triwulan 3
Triwulan 4
Source: Secondary Data, 2019 (Masalle Health Center)
Based on table 2 recapitulation of the results of the PHBS study in Masalle village
in 2019, the highest percentage of data is on the indicators of clean water supply (PAB)
and CTPS which have an average percentage of 100%. While the indicator of smoking
habits is still the lowest percentage, namely 53.7%. People who no longer smoke in the
house and no longer have a smoking habit increased by 53.7% from the results of data
collection conducted by the Masalle Health Center.
Table 3 Recapitulation of PHBS Study Results in Masalle Village in 2020
Hamlet Name
Total number of KK
Number of
Number of
households with
latrine access
Katonan Padang
Source: Secondary Data, 2020 (Masalle Health Center)
Based on table 3 recapitulation of the results of the PHBS study in Masalle village
in 2020, the highest percentage is still on the PAB and CTPS indicators, which reach an
average of 100%. While the indicator of smoking habits is still at the lowest percentage,
but in 2020 it has increased by a percentage of 54.4%. People who no longer smoke in
the house and no longer have a smoking habit increased by 54.4% from the results of
data collection conducted by the Masalle Health Center.
Table 4 Distribution of Data on Ownership of Healthy Latrine in Masalle Village in
Source: Secondary Data, 2018 (Masalle Health Center)
Table 5 Distribution of Health Latrine Ownership Data in Masalle Village in 2019
Hamlet Name
Total number of
Number of
Number of
households with
latrine access
Katonan Padang
Source: Secondary Data, 2018 (Masalle Health Center)
Jamban sehat
Provision of Clean Water
wash hands with soap (%)
Merokok (%)
Triwulan 1
Triwulan 2
Triwulan 3
Triwulan 4
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
Table 6 Distribution of Health Latrine Ownership Data in Masalle Village in 2020
Hamlet Name
Total number of
Number of
Number of households
with latrine access
Katonan Padang
Source: Secondary Data, 2018 (Masalle Health Center)
Figure 1 Maslle Village PHBS Data Chart 2018, 2019, and 2020
Source: Secondary Data, 2018,2019,2020 (Masalle Health Center)
According to (Kitivo & Kavulya, 2021) program evaluation is an effort to gather
information about the work of government programs as an appropriate alternative in
making a decision. The purpose of program evaluation is as a tool to improve planning
and implementation of future programs (Glasgow et al., 2019). Program evaluation is also
to determine the level of implementation of a policy carefully by knowing the
effectiveness of each component (Hudson, Hunter, & Peckham, 2019). Evaluation of the
process is focused on implementing the program, whether it is in accordance with the
predetermined plan or not (Van Melle et al., 2019). The assessment also aims to
determine whether the chosen method is effective or ineffective (Naqvi, Arshad, Farooq,
& Nadeem, 2020).
Masalle Village is one of the villages located in Masalle District, Enrekang
Regency (Pertiwi et al., 2021). This research center is located at the Masalle Health
Center, Buntu Sarong Village, Masalle District, Enrekang Regency(Rustan & Hasriani,
2020). The Masalle Health Center is a community health center which has 6 villages as
the working area of the Masalle Health Center which includes the Masalle village.
There are 10 indicators of PHBS in the household setting, namely childbirth
assisted by health workers, exclusive breastfeeding, weighing infants and toddlers
regularly, using clean water, washing hands with soap, using healthy latrines, eradicating
mosquito larvae, eating fruits and vegetables every day, physical activity, and not
smoking in the house. However, the focus of this research is the 4 PHBS indicator
variables, namely healthy latrines, washing hands with soap, providing and using clean
water, and not smoking in the house.
After observing and collecting data at the Masalle Health Center, annual PHBS
data from the last 3 years, 2018, 2019, and 2020. The success and failure of the PHBS
program can be seen from the percentage of each indicator each year. Members or in the
field of Health Promotion at the Masalle Community Health Center carry out community
2018 2019 2020
jamban sehat
Haderiah, Muhammad Ikbal Arif, La Taha, Sulasmi , Hidayat
Evaluation of The PHBS Program for 2018, 2019, and 2020 in Masalle Village, Enrekang
Regency 291
empowerment and data collection every 3 months in Masalle District including Masalle
Healthy latrine
Based on 2018 data, the healthy latrine indicator reached 94.0%, in 2019 the
percentage of PHBS data on the healthy latrine indicator increased from 94.0% - 94.8%
until in 2020 it increased to 95.3%. This is influenced because many people have healthy
latrines, although there are still people who ride in latrines owned by neighbors or their
families. However, this is categorized as people using healthy latrines and not defecating
indiscriminately (Januariana, 2022).
One of the factors that influence the success of the PHBS program on healthy
latrine indicators is the existence of counseling and community empowerment, especially
in the village of Masalle. People who have received counseling or information from the
Health Promotion of the Masalle Health Center will better understand and know the
importance of defecating in place and maintaining environmental cleanliness as well as
personal hygiene so that people avoid all kinds of diseases. This will support the level of
public health to increase (Metzler, Sanders, Rusby, & Crowley, 2012).
The availability of healthy latrine facilities and infrastructure (family latrine
ownership) also supports the success of a PHBS program in the community. Based on the
availability of latrine infrastructure that meets the requirements in the community is one
of the things that support the success of a program that continues to increase. According
to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2004), healthy latrines that meet the requirements
a. Do not pollute drinking water sources, the location of the reservoir is 10-
15 meters from drinking water sources.
b. Odorless and feces can not be touched by insects or mice.
c. It is wide enough and sloping/sloping towards the squat hole so as not to
pollute the surrounding soil.
d. Easy to clean and safe to use.
e. Equipped with protective walls and roofs, waterproof walls and colors.
f. Enough light
g. waterproof floor
h. Ventilation is quite good
i. Water and cleaning tools available
The ownership of latrines and the use of latrines are factors that influence the
success of a PHBS program on healthy latrine indicators where the percentage increases
every year. This is in line with Viska's (2016) research which increased after the program
was implemented. Based on Viska's research (2016), the results of his research stated that
the distribution of environmental-based disease frequency 2 weeks before the one million
latrine program was 6.1% and 2 weeks after the one million latrine program was 0%. The
distribution of the frequency of stool disposal patterns before the one million latrine
program was in the bad category (100%), while after the program it was in the bad
category (22.4%). Utilization of latrines program one million latrines that have been used
77.6% and 22.4% which have not been utilized.
The success of a program in the community, especially the PHBS program in
Masalle village, if the community has understood and implemented each PHBS indicator
properly and correctly. If the community already has the knowledge, attitudes and actions
to carry out clean and healthy living behavior in daily life, then one of the benchmarks for
the success of the PHBS program can be said to be successful. The success rate of a
PHBS program is successful if each indicator continues to increase every year.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
People who already know about the dangers of open defecation will take
advantage of the healthy latrines they have or use healthy latrines owned by their family
and neighbors so that the potential for open defecation will not occur.
People who already know and then run a clean and healthy lifestyle in their daily
lives, especially defecating in healthy latrines will be more protected from all kinds of
diseases that are transmitted through feces. The community already has the knowledge
and attitudes that underlie them not to open open defecation, although there are still
people who are negligent and indifferent to the use of healthy latrines. This is indicated
by people who ride or use latrines belonging to their families or neighbors sometimes still
defecate carelessly because they do not have their own healthy latrines.
There are many factors that cause people to not have family latrines, one of which
is economic factors. People who have a poor economy are still not able to make healthy
family latrines so that people take advantage of or ride on people who already have their
own healthy latrines.
1. Provision of Clean Water
Water is one of the most important needs in human life. In all the activities that
humans do, they need the availability of water, especially clean water. For this reason, it
is very important to provide clean water, so it is only natural that the clean water sector
gets the main handling priority because it involves the lives of many people (Chrisiansen
et al, 2015).
Masalle Village is one of the villages located in Maselle District where this
village is located in the mountainous area of Enrekang Regency. Masalle village has not
yet received clean water services from the PDAM of Enrekang Regency, so far the village
community has relied on the pipeline network by utilizing natural resources, namely from
mountain springs. 80% of the area in Enrekang Regency is located in mountainous areas,
one of which is Masalle village. In terms of the physical quality of water in the village of
Masalle, water sourced from mountain springs has the characteristics of being odorless,
tasteless, and colorless. However, the clean water from these mountains contains little
lime content, this can happen because naturally the water will contain mineral substances
that come from the soil and rocks.
In the indicator of clean water supply in Masalle village, the percentage continues
to reach 100%. The main source of clean water for the Masalle village community,
Masalle District, is from mountain springs. In terms of quantity, the community is no
longer worried about the supply of clean water because during the rainy season there is a
lot of water sourced from the mountains, and so is the case during the dry season, the
quantity of water for the people of Masalle village is included in the category of meeting
the needs of the community every day.
In the village of Masalle, the quality of clean water used daily meets physical
qualities, namely tasteless, odorless, and colorless. Meanwhile, in terms of the quantity of
water sources owned, they are sourced from mountain springs, where we know that the
nature of mountain water flows continuously so that the water needs of the community in
Masalle Village are well met.
Clean water must have special requirements so that the water does not cause
disease for humans, because water is a drinking need (including for cooking) for humans
themselves. Conditions for healthy water include (Catur dkk,2019) :
a. Physical requirements: colorless, tasteless, and odorless
b. Bacteriological requirements: water for healthy drinking must be free from all
bacteria, especially pathogenic bacteria.
Haderiah, Muhammad Ikbal Arif, La Taha, Sulasmi , Hidayat
Evaluation of The PHBS Program for 2018, 2019, and 2020 in Masalle Village, Enrekang
Regency 293
c. Healthy drinking water must contain certain substances in certain amounts. Lack or
excess of chemicals in water will cause physiological disturbances in humans such as
arsenic, copper, iron, organic substances and pH.
In providing clean water, especially for drinking water, it is necessary to pay
attention to three important aspects, namely the quality of raw water, the amount of raw
water, and the continuity of raw water.(Ronny, 2017).
2. Wash your hands with soap
The PHBS indicator, namely CTPS, is also included in the program launched by
the Masalle Health Center. Washing hands with soap is an important thing that must be
done especially before eating, processing food, and after activities outside and inside the
room. In the observations at the Masalle Health Center that have been carried out, the
CTPS percentage data in 2018 is 99.1%, in 2019 and 2020 the CTPS percentage data has
reached 100%.
One of the factors that influence the continued increase in the indicator for hand
washing with soap is the COVID-19 pandemic, which makes people wash their hands
more often using soap and clean water.(Amuakwa-Mensah, Klege, Adom, & Köhlin,
2021) In addition to washing hands using soap and running water, implementing a clean
and healthy lifestyle is also an action to prevent the spread of the COVID-19
virus.(Sahira, Hasanah, & Nasution, 2021) The people of Masalle village have understood
and carried out this individual cleaning activity. The community already knows that
washing hands with soap and using clean water is done before preparing and processing
food, after gardening and raising livestock.
Not washing hands with soap and running water can cause all kinds of diseases
for a person, including worms. Many factors cause helminthiasis, such as not washing
hands before eating, not washing hands with soap and running water after defecating, not
washing hands before and after serving food, and not washing hands with soap and
running water after gardening or raising livestock.
The increasing percentage data from 2018, 2019, and 2020 which reached 100%,
indicates that the people in the village of Masalle have understood and practiced a clean
and healthy lifestyle by washing their hands with soap before and after activities outside
and inside the room. This is in line with Jusi's research (2013), where the evaluation of
the Community-Based Total Sanitation Program in Gowah Hamlet, Kedung Sumber
Village, Balong Panggang District, Gresik Regency on pillar 2, namely hand washing
with soap (CTPS) increased from 18.3% to 98.3%. .
3. Smoking Habits
In the PHBS indicator, namely smoking habits, in the village of Masalle the data
shows that smoking behavior in the community is still very high. Smoking is one of the
things that is very difficult to remove from society. In society, the family plays an
important role in improving the quality of community health because in it there is an
interaction between fellow family members (Heni dkk,2017).
In the PHBS program in Masalle village which is still the lowest indicator and is
still a health problem in general, smoking is the habit, where the percentage of data
obtained in 2018 is 53.3%, 2019 is 53.7%, and in 2020 there is a slight increase that is
54.4%. The highest result is 54.4%, indicating that some people no longer have the habit
of smoking, especially not smoking in the house.(Exposto et al., 2022) However, there
are still around 45.6% of people who find it difficult and even unable to get rid of this
smoking habit.
Many factors make it difficult for people to eliminate smoking behavior or habits,
including the knowledge factor.(Exposto et al., 2022) If people have knowledge about the
dangers and bad consequences of smoking, especially smoking inside the house, near
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
pregnant women and in public places, then people will always protect themselves from
this smoking habit. If there are still people who make the habit of smoking in the house
then this is not in accordance with one of the indicators of PHBS, where everyone should
not smoke, especially when close to pregnant women, babies and in public places (Heni
Smoking habits, especially smoking indoors will be very dangerous for people
who smoke and also people who are exposed to cigarette smoke in the vicinity. Many
diseases that can arise caused by cigarette smoke, one of which is ARI. Based on research
by Nur Aini Cora (2020), the average smoking place for family members who smoke is
inside the house. Having one or more smokers in the house will increase the risk of
family members suffering from illness, such as respiratory problems, worsening asthma
and can increase the risk of getting an ARI attack, especially in toddlers (Nur Aini Cora et
al, 2020).
Smoking is not allowed in the room or in the house intended so as not to make
other family members as passive smokers which are harmful to health. Because in one
cigarette that is smoked will release about 4,000 harmful chemicals such as nicotine, tar
and carbon monoxide (CO) (Nenes, 2017).
In addition to knowledge of the dangers of smoking, environmental factors are
also one of the factors that make it difficult for people to eliminate smoking behavior.
The people of Masalle village are the majority of vegetable farmers, so the reason people
find it difficult to eliminate smoking behavior is because according to their response they
can work more strongly and do their main activities for farmers. In addition, the village of
Masalle is located in the mountains which is in fact very cold. The cold mountain
environment makes the villagers of Masalle use smoking as their body warmer.
Cigarettes contain ingredients that make it difficult for a person to quit smoking
or become addicted to smoking. People's attitudes that are difficult to change in carrying
out clean and healthy living behaviors are a challenge for health workers themselves. In
Selvin's research (2017), internal and external factors are also factors that influence
people's clean and healthy living behavior. Internal factors are traits inherited from
parents and traits that arise because of an impulse based on needs. External factors are
factors from the individual plus other external factors such as the surrounding
Many things are a challenge for the health promotion (health promotion) at the
Masalle Health Center so that one of the indicators of PHBS is not successful, namely
cigarettes. Environmental conditions that make it difficult for some people to get rid of
this smoking habit. This is due to cold weather conditions. In addition, if the health
promotion party conducts outreach or data collection in the community, they think that
they will receive assistance from the government related to the absence of family latrines
in their homes. The knowledge and economic factors of the community are also a
challenge so that the PHBS program is not successful in the household setting.
Based on the research of Dewi, et al (2016), based on the recapitulation of PHBS
data in 2012 - 2014 there has been a drastic decline in the achievement of the PHBS
Program in Karangturi Village, East Semarang District, Semarang City. The results
showed that the responsiveness of the PHBS Program had been able to run according to
the target, namely Karangturi village PHBS % in 2012 was 97.36%, in 2013 was 99.23%,
and in 2014 was 99.70%. Based on the existing data, it can be seen that the achievement
of PHBS households continues to increase from 2012 to 2014. So it can be said that the
public health status is increasing from the previous year.
Haderiah, Muhammad Ikbal Arif, La Taha, Sulasmi , Hidayat
Evaluation of The PHBS Program for 2018, 2019, and 2020 in Masalle Village, Enrekang
Regency 295
Based on the results of research with 4 PHBS variables studied regarding the
PHBS Program Evaluation in 2018, 2019, and 2020 in the village of Masalle, Enrekang
Regency, it can be concluded that: Before the PHBS program was launched, there were
still many people who did not know how to live a clean and healthy life, after the PHBS
program was launched, people have made more and more habits of living clean and
healthy in their daily life. Evaluation of the PHBS program in the village of Masalle in
2018, 2019, and 2020 the scope of healthy latrines is said to be successful because the
percentage continues to increase in 2018 to 2020. Evaluation of the PHBS program in the
village of Masalle in 2018, 2019, and 2020 the scope of clean water supply is said to be
successful because the percentage in 2018, 2019, and 2020 continues to increase to 100%.
Evaluation of the PHBS program in the village of Masalle in 2018, 2019, and 2020 the
scope of hand washing with soap is said to be successful because it continues to increase
until it reaches 100%. Evaluation of the PHBS program in Masalle village in 2018, 2019,
and 2020 the scope of smoking habits is said to be successful because the percentage in
2018, 2019, and 2020 has increased and some have eliminated smoking habits.
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