Asmah Amir, Sitti Asmah, Andi Hajar
Efforts to Improve Teacher Performance through Academic Supervision of Madrasah
Principals 386
quality of education is in line with improving the quality of teachers (Irmayani, Wardiah,
& Kristiawan, 2018). Teachers are professional educators with the main task of
educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students in
early childhood education through formal education, basic education, and secondary
education. Teachers not only teach students but also educate students towards a better
direction in accordance with the educational goals that have been set.
Teachers play a very important role in of education, especially in determining the
success of students (Aliyyah et al., 2020). Because of this, teachers are required to be
more optimal in their duties as educators. Teachers are the most influential component in
the creation of quality educational processes and outcomes (Fitria, 2018). The demands
for improving the quality of teachers are increasing in order to maximize their
performance in educating (Baharin, Kamarudin, & Manaf, 2018). Improving the quality
of teachers will also be in line with improving teacher performance (Irmayani et al.,
Improving teacher performance is not an easy thing to do. Planning,
implementation, training, evaluation, and supervision are really needed to improve
teacher performance (Utaminingsih & Pratama, 2022). The criteria for teacher
professionalism include the ability to master materials, manage teaching and learning
activities, manage classes, manage media, master the educational foundation, recognize
teaching and learning interactions, assess student achievement, recognize the functions
and programs of guidance and counseling services, and know madrasa administration. All
of that will have an impact on teacher performance if it is not based on the competence of
a teacher, namely pedagogic, personality, professional, and social competencies, all of
which will make students less understand what the teacher has conveyed in class.
Improving teacher performance is very important in an effort to improve the
quality of learning which will have an effect on the quality of graduates and will affect
the achievement of national education goals (Dewi & Primayana, 2019). Therefore, the
government continues to seek various things to boost and improve teacher competence so
that teachers have good performance. Among them are by providing opportunities to
pursue higher education, requiring teachers to take at least a bachelor's degree education,
providing training and seminars, and providing certification allowances (Kurniawati,
Suryadarma, Bima, & Yusrina, 2018).
Many factors contribute to the low quality of Indonesian teachers. The low
salaries of teachers, especially private teachers, make them have to work outside of
teaching hours to meet their daily needs (Sulistiyo, 2016). As a result, his obligations as a
teacher have been neglected. Teachers feel enough with a degree and a certificate that
certifies professional teachers without being accompanied by continuous learning efforts
and performance improvement (Tanang & Abu, 2014). The low intensity of educational
supervisors also affects academic supervision activities. Even if supervisors come to the
madrasa they only come to the headmaster's room without seeing the classrooms. There
are still very few principals who understand their role as supervisors. So it is difficult to
find madrasa principals who want to come from class to class to carry out class visits in
order to carry out their role as academic supervisors. The current government has never
periodically conducted coaching and training for teachers. In fact, coaching and training
should be carried out periodically to improve the ability and competence of teachers
(Singh, Aggarwal, Tahir, Pucher, & Darzi, 2015).
Thus, coaching and training on teacher performance is a must that must be
carried out by the head of the madrasa. In an effort to improve teacher performance in
madrasas, a well-planned coaching program is needed, so that with this coaching it is
expected that teacher performance will also increase.