How to cite:
Asmah Amir, Sitti Asmah, Andi Hajar. (2022). Efforts to Improve
Teacher Performance through Academic Supervision of Madrasah
Principals. Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(2): 385-396
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Asmah Amir, Sitti Asmah, Andi Hajar
Muhammadiyah University of Bone, Indonesia
January, 26
February, 17
February, 18
The goal to be achieved from the results of this study is to
describe the development of teacher performance at MI Al-
Kadariah Congko Kab. Bone as well as to describe the
implementation of academic supervision activities at MI Al-
Kadariah Conko Kab. Bone. This research was conducted at
MI Al-Kadariah Conko Kab. Bones. The research time is
planned from January to April 2019. This research focuses
on implementation, so it is not intended to test hypotheses
or experiments. Therefore, the appropriate research
method to examine these problems is a qualitative method.
Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be
concluded that teacher performance development through
the academic supervision of the madrasah principal at MI
Al-Kadariah Congko is teacher performance development at
MI Al-Kadariah Conko carried out through several activities
that are carried out regularly and have been planned.
Routine coaching includes tahsin training and English
language training.
Improve Teacher, Performance, Supervision
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Today the need for education is increasing. This is indicated by the rapid
development of education in Indonesia (Shaturaev, 2021). The challenge of improving the
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quality of education is in line with improving the quality of teachers (Irmayani, Wardiah,
& Kristiawan, 2018). Teachers are professional educators with the main task of
educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students in
early childhood education through formal education, basic education, and secondary
education. Teachers not only teach students but also educate students towards a better
direction in accordance with the educational goals that have been set.
Teachers play a very important role in of education, especially in determining the
success of students (Aliyyah et al., 2020). Because of this, teachers are required to be
more optimal in their duties as educators. Teachers are the most influential component in
the creation of quality educational processes and outcomes (Fitria, 2018). The demands
for improving the quality of teachers are increasing in order to maximize their
performance in educating (Baharin, Kamarudin, & Manaf, 2018). Improving the quality
of teachers will also be in line with improving teacher performance (Irmayani et al.,
Improving teacher performance is not an easy thing to do. Planning,
implementation, training, evaluation, and supervision are really needed to improve
teacher performance (Utaminingsih & Pratama, 2022). The criteria for teacher
professionalism include the ability to master materials, manage teaching and learning
activities, manage classes, manage media, master the educational foundation, recognize
teaching and learning interactions, assess student achievement, recognize the functions
and programs of guidance and counseling services, and know madrasa administration. All
of that will have an impact on teacher performance if it is not based on the competence of
a teacher, namely pedagogic, personality, professional, and social competencies, all of
which will make students less understand what the teacher has conveyed in class.
Improving teacher performance is very important in an effort to improve the
quality of learning which will have an effect on the quality of graduates and will affect
the achievement of national education goals (Dewi & Primayana, 2019). Therefore, the
government continues to seek various things to boost and improve teacher competence so
that teachers have good performance. Among them are by providing opportunities to
pursue higher education, requiring teachers to take at least a bachelor's degree education,
providing training and seminars, and providing certification allowances (Kurniawati,
Suryadarma, Bima, & Yusrina, 2018).
Many factors contribute to the low quality of Indonesian teachers. The low
salaries of teachers, especially private teachers, make them have to work outside of
teaching hours to meet their daily needs (Sulistiyo, 2016). As a result, his obligations as a
teacher have been neglected. Teachers feel enough with a degree and a certificate that
certifies professional teachers without being accompanied by continuous learning efforts
and performance improvement (Tanang & Abu, 2014). The low intensity of educational
supervisors also affects academic supervision activities. Even if supervisors come to the
madrasa they only come to the headmaster's room without seeing the classrooms. There
are still very few principals who understand their role as supervisors. So it is difficult to
find madrasa principals who want to come from class to class to carry out class visits in
order to carry out their role as academic supervisors. The current government has never
periodically conducted coaching and training for teachers. In fact, coaching and training
should be carried out periodically to improve the ability and competence of teachers
(Singh, Aggarwal, Tahir, Pucher, & Darzi, 2015).
Thus, coaching and training on teacher performance is a must that must be
carried out by the head of the madrasa. In an effort to improve teacher performance in
madrasas, a well-planned coaching program is needed, so that with this coaching it is
expected that teacher performance will also increase.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
Such a reality occurs in many madrasas, one of which is at MI Al-Kadariah
Conko Kab. Bone. The institution that was founded in 1962 has 11 teachers, both
permanent and contract teachers. However, after 4 years ago the teacher quota was still
fulfilled, the madrasah personnel only opened the recruitment of educators/teachers for
contract teacher status, which was held at least once. once a year according to the needs
of the madrasa. The problem found at MI Al-Kadariah Conko for teacher development is
the handling of each teacher, especially the different characters. This requires the
executor of coaching to apply a different style for each of these teachers. However, for
instructional coaching, the executor applies 1 style to all teachers. This problem affects
teacher performance because the abilities possessed by teachers must always be
developed and must be competent in their fields so that later it will lead to an optimal
teacher in the teaching process. Supervision is important for the head of the madrasa
because the head of the madrasa has the responsibility for the performance of the teacher.
Based on the formulation of the problem, the goal to be achieved from the results
of this study is to describe the development of teacher performance at MI Al-Kadariah
Congko Kab. Bone as well as to describe the implementation of academic supervision
activities at MI Al-Kadariah Conko Kab. Bone.
This research was conducted at MI Al-Kadariah Conko Kab. Bone. The research
time is planned from January to April 2019. This research focuses on implementation, so
it is not intended to test hypotheses or experiments. Therefore, the appropriate research
method to examine these problems is a qualitative method. There are two data analysis
techniques used in qualitative research, such as the Mules and Huberman model and the
Spradley model. Analysis of data collection was carried out during and after the research
took place. Miles and Huberman data analysis model in Sugiyono states that there are
three steps that can be used in this model: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing
a. Research Data Description and Analysis
Based on the information that has been obtained through interviews,
observations, and documentation, it is obtained that the development of teacher
performance through academic and educational supervision activities and training is
related to the things needed by teachers in developing their profession.
1. Academic Supervision Activities for Madrasah Principals
One of the principal's duties is to plan academic supervision. In order for the head
of the madrasa to carry out his duties properly, the head of the madrasa must have the
competence to make plans for academic supervision programs.
Supervision planning is a guideline for the Head of Madrasah to provide direction
for the implementation of supervision which contains the goals and objectives of
supervision, namely the teacher. The purpose of holding supervision is so that teachers
are able to carry out their duties and become professional teachers. Research conducted at
MI Al-Kadariah Conko discusses the implementation, supervision techniques, and
follow-up academic supervision. Based on the research findings, it is known that the
purpose of academic supervision at MI Al-Kadariah Conko is to provide assistance to
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teachers who need guidance, follow-up or to improve the implementation of the learning
process in the classroom.
Based on the results of an interview with the Head of Madrasah (Indah, S.Pd.I,
March 11, 2019) said that the implementation of academic supervision was carried out at
least twice a year, namely in odd semesters and even semesters, usually in the middle of
each semester.
The results show that the implementation of supervision at MI Al-Kadariah
Conko has been going well, based on the existing theoretical study a supervisor must
meet the principles of academic supervision, namely supervision activities are carried out
systematically, planned and continuously.
In addition to the implementation of academic supervision, a Madrasah principal
must understand and understand the techniques in academic supervision, both individual
techniques, namely techniques carried out by a teacher individually and group techniques,
namely techniques carried out to serve more than one person.
a. Class Visit
Supervision is a coaching activity carried out by the principal of the madrasa to
the teacher to help improve the learning situation so that students can learn more
effectively with increased learning achievement. Supervision of class visits is one of the
supervision techniques carried out by the head of the madrasa by visiting the class to
observe directly how the teacher's performance in learning and helping to improve the
learning process so that student learning outcomes are getting better. The learning process
(instruction) is an activity carried out by the teacher to help students learn. In the learning
process in class students are considered to have learned if the formulated lesson
objectives (TPK) have been mastered by students. Teachers are very big in the learning
process because they are in charge and as managers of the learning process in the
classroom. Teacher performance is the result of work carried out in accordance with the
demands of the teacher's profession, which is indicated by high work productivity which
is getting better and better and quality.
Class visits activities held by the Head of MI Al-Kadariah Conko are carried out
routinely every month, this is done to monitor the performance of each teacher and
communicate to the teacher concerned if in the learning process there are obstacles or
obstacles. So far the class visit activities are considered quite effective, this was conveyed
by one of the teachers, namely Mrs. Syaheriani as a 5th grade teacher. He said that this
class visit was quite helpful, because if he found obstacles in the learning process the
head of the madrasa would provide solutions to the problems he faced.
Based on the results of an interview with the Head of Madrasah MI Al-Kadariah
Conko, he said that the usual supervision technique started with making an annual
program, syllabus, lesson plans, then checked and assessed one of these items. Then there
is the class visit technique, where the teacher is monitored directly while teaching, and
there are many points that are assessed and after that the teacher is given input so that
during the next supervision the teacher can carry out according to the previous directions.
The results showed that the Head of Madrasah MI Al-Kadariah Conko had done
an individual technique, namely by conducting class visits as a supervisor, namely by
observing or observing the way the teacher taught in the classroom with the aim of
obtaining data about the actual situation while the teacher was teaching. This class visit is
also very helpful for teachers to improve the quality of teaching and student learning.
When the supervisor finds deficiencies in the teacher, there will be input given by a
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Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
supervisor so that in the future learning and teaching activities will be even better. In
addition to class visits, the Head of Madrasah MI Al-Kadariah Conko also conducts a
private discussion method, this is in accordance with the existing theoretical study,
namely a supervisor and teacher hold a meeting to discuss the problems faced by the
teacher with the aim of providing the possibility of teacher growth through solving
difficulties encountered, accumulate and impose better ways of teaching.
b. Teacher Meeting Activities
As for the individual technique, the headmaster of MI Al-Kadariah Congko also
performs one of the group techniques, namely teacher meetings, where the
implementation and development of curriculum, coaching or management of madrasas
are used as meeting material in the context of supervision activities with the aim of
providing assistance to all teachers in general.
In addition to the class visit technique, the direct conversation technique is also
used where the head of the madrasa communicates with the teacher what obstacles are
often experienced by the teacher when carrying out their duties, then the head of the
madrasa provides solutions to the problems faced. The last technique is the principal of
the madrasa involving or involving the teacher in teacher meeting activities.
However, to produce better supervision results, a madrasah principal does not
only carry out group teacher meeting techniques, but by holding group discussions,
holding good trainings for teachers in certain fields of study, teaching methodologies, as
well as training on education administration, all of which can support the success of
teachers and principals. madrasas in creating superior and competitive madrasas.
The teacher meeting activities at MI Al-Kadariah Conko are carried out regularly
every month which is led directly by the head of the madrasa. In addition, it provides
opportunities for teachers to interact with each other, as well as exchange ideas in
overcoming and managing difficulties in the classroom. As well as this meeting activity is
used as an announcement of the results of the evaluation of teacher performance in the
last month as well as motivating and announcing the expected performance in the coming
month. Teacher meetings are also held regularly every semester and every year before the
new school year of the madrasa. Based on the results of the interviews I did, almost all
the teachers at MI Al-Kadariah Conko participated in this meeting. One of the teachers,
Mrs. Nurhayati as a Class Teacher, said that she regularly attended meetings held at MI
Al-Kadariah Conko. With these regular meeting activities, it is hoped that they can
increase their professionalism as teachers and as evaluation material to improve their
performance or performance. Meanwhile, based on the results of closed interviews with
MI Al-Kadariah Conko teachers related to the Academic Supervision of the madrasah
principal by taking a sample of 5 teachers who were interviewed with the following
Table 6 Data from Closed Interviews for MI teacher Al-Kadariah Conko
Academic Supervision of the Head of Madrasah
The head of the madrasa together with the teacher
sets a time/schedule for supervision activities
The Head of Madrasah is willing to reschedule
academic supervision activities when the teacher
cannot carry out according to what is set
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Academic Supervision of the Head of Madrasah
I feel comfortable when the madrasa principal
makes class visits
The head of Madrasah brings instruments when
conducting academic supervision
The Head of Madrasa fills out the instrument when
conducting academic supervision
The Head of Madrasah makes a written record of
important events that occur during academic
The Head of Madrasah conducts an analysis of the
results of academic supervision
The head of the madrasa asked the teacher's
impression of the learning that had been carried out
during supervision
I feel that I have benefited from the results of the
Madrasah Principal's academic supervision
The head of the Madrasah conveys the results of his
supervision to the teacher about what has been
The Head of Madrasah provides suggestions for
improvement/improvement of learning as a follow-
up to supervision
Based on the results of closed interviews, the data obtained as attached in the
table above, namely the Head of Madrasah together with the teacher set the time/schedule
of supervision activities with the highest score of 4 (Always) this means that the head of
the madrasa always involves teachers in planning academic supervision. This is
reinforced by Permendiknas no.39 in 2009 which states that the scope of academic
supervision includes: a) fostering teachers in planning, implementing and assessing the
learning process, b) monitoring the implementation of content standards, c) monitoring
the implementation of process standards, d) monitoring the implementation of graduation
competency standards, e) monitoring the implementation of standards teaching staff and
f) monitoring the implementation of assessment standards. Meanwhile, the head of the
madrasa is willing to reschedule academic supervision activities when the teacher cannot
carry out according to what is set to get 4 (always) and 1 (often) results in the sense that
the madrasah principal always provides an opportunity for every teacher who is unable to
carry out academic supervision by the principal. Madrasahs are used to correct teacher
shortages found during academic supervision, at the next point the teacher feels
comfortable when the Madrasa Head visits class, namely with the highest results of 4
(always), 1 (often), 1 (sometimes) in the sense that many of the teachers feel comfortable
for the arrival of the Head of the Madrasah on a visit to the class, while there are also
teachers who feel uncomfortable when the Head of the Madrasah comes to visit their
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
This is based on a theoretical study of individual technical assessments, namely
supervisors come to class to see or observe how teachers teach in class. This can
strengthen that the Head of Madrasah conducts Academic Supervision through individual
techniques. In addition to feeling comfortable, the principal also brings instruments when
conducting academic supervision. Madrasas fill out instruments when conducting
academic supervision. Madrasa heads make written recordings of important events that
occur when conducting academic supervision, and madrasah principals analyze the results
of academic supervision from these 4 points to get the highest score of 4 (always), 2
(often) it states that The Head of Madrasah MI Al-Kadariah Conko has carried out
academic supervision in accordance with the objectives and principles of academic
supervision, namely academic supervision is carried out to monitor or monitor the
teaching and learning process in this madrasa. This can be achieved by conducting class
visits during study hours, communicating personally with the teacher or colleagues, or
communicating with several students. In addition, the Head of MI Al-Kadariah Conko
has carried out academic assessments in accordance with what is in the existing theory,
namely by bringing an assessment instrument as a measuring tool as a reference for
assessing teacher performance.
2. Teacher Performance Coaching
By analyzing the answers that have been given by several sources, starting from
the head of madrasa and teachers, it turns out that teacher performance coaching has
positive benefits and impacts. some teachers, the existence of teacher performance
coaching is very useful for teacher professional development. This is felt by one of the
teachers at MI Al-Kadariah Conko, namely Mrs. Ilmy Pasya, who is an English teacher.
As we know, teacher development means a series of assistance efforts to teachers,
especially assistance in the form of professional services carried out by madrasah
principals, madrasa owners and supervisors and other coaches, to improve student
learning processes and outcomes. So with the guidance of teacher performance, there is
an increase in the quality of teachers in the process of teaching and learning activities.
In addition, with this kind of coaching, teachers can apply what they have learned
during the training in each learning process in order to achieve the expected learning
objectives. This training provides benefits for their professional development as teachers.
The training organized by the Head of MI Al-Kadariah Conko in order to improve teacher
performance included English language training, Tahsin training, and being included in
teacher meeting activities.
Based on the results of my interview with the Head of MI Al-Kadariah Conko,
there are several coaching activities carried out in order to improve teacher performance:
There are several coaching programs that have been running or that will be
carried out regularly that have been planned, for example, such as supervision that has
been carried out for all teachers, teacher training such as English language training, tahsin
training, then there is the HOTS (High Other Thinking Skill) program which where this
training is intended for teachers to make questions, while There are also other routine
activities such as teacher meetings which are held once a month, as well as seminars in
madrasas and outside madrasas which are tailored to the needs of the teachers who will be
trained. Performance coaching is also viewed from the teacher's discipline in the form of
class attendance and preparation, because here the teacher not only has the task of
teaching, but also how the teacher can make students interested and imitate what the
teacher has taught.
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From the results of the presentation, we can see that the training held is carried
out regularly and in a planned manner. This is intended solely to develop the
professionalism of teachers in the process of teaching and learning activities. One of the
teachers who felt the training activity was Mrs. Asnidar as a grade 2 teacher, where she
felt the benefits of the training activities organized by the madrasa. Mrs. Asnidar
explained that she participated in every training activity, including English language
training, tahsin training, as well as other training and seminars held. However, there are
teachers who are less enthusiastic about the existing training, this can be seen from the
lack of enthusiasm felt. From this explanation, it can be seen that the head of the madrasa
here uses strategies and methods that are tailored to the needs of the teacher himself. The
selection of these strategies and methods is necessary for the guidance that is carried out
on target and in accordance with the expected goals. If there are things that are not in
accordance with the teacher concerned, communication between the head of the madrasa
and the teacher himself is needed, in order to know what obstacles are felt during the
Coaching here does not focus on the teacher himself, but on how the head of the
madrasa can carry out coaching on target and run according to what is expected (Hendra,
Sridana, & Muntari, 2022). The head of the madrasa here carries out clinical supervision,
namely the head of the madrasa as the supervisor conducts direct observations of the way
teachers teach and carries out feedback discussions between the teacher and the head of
the madrasa. This is done to obtain feedback related to what the teacher feels during the
process, so that if problems are found, solutions can be found to fix them, and if there are
positive things that are felt, they can be shared with other teachers who find difficulties.
Based on the results of interviews, several teachers felt the impact of clinical
supervision activities carried out by the Madrasah Head on the sidelines of these coaching
activities (Chikutuma, 2013). One of the teachers who felt the benefits was Mrs.
Darmanarty as a subject teacher at MI Al-Kadariah Congko, she said that she and the
head of the madrasa always communicated when they encountered obstacles in the
process of learning activities. In addition, the head of the madrasa also asked about the
progress/progress that had been achieved in carrying out professional duties as a teacher
(Muhayat, 2019). This is done so that the head of the madrasa can get feedback regarding
the coaching process that is being held, and can be used as material for further evaluation
so that it is much better (Zaini & Syafaruddin, 2020).
In conducting teacher performance coaching, there are certainly obstacles or
obstacles during its implementation. This was stated by the Head of MI Al-Kadariah
So far, there are almost no significant obstacles, teachers can follow and
understand the coaching programs that have been set from the start. The problem that is
usually found is only a matter of time or the presence of the teacher when there is a
coaching schedule, the teacher in question cannot attend. Then the solution that we can
provide is rescheduling to be retrained.
From his presentation, it can be seen that the perceived obstacles are related to
the scheduling of the coaching activities themselves, be it training or seminars held
outside or inside the madrasa. What can be done by the head of the madrasa as a
supervisor is to reschedule with each of these teachers. The rescheduling here is seen
from the coaching activities carried out. If it is organized by the madrasa (intra) it can be
scheduled at any time, but if it is done by an outside party, it will be confirmed first to the
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Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
party concerned regarding the teacher who cannot attend. Here the head of the madrasa is
certainly looking for the best way so that all teachers can benefit from the coaching
activities that are held.
To maximize teacher performance coaching activities, the Head of MI Al-
Kadariah Conko facilitates teachers by holding training in order to improve their
performance or performance in the process of learning activities. The following are some
of the training activities held.
a. Tahsin Training
As one of the Islamic educational institutions, it is appropriate for human
resources, especially educators, to be provided with Islamic knowledge or insight. One
form of coaching activity provided by MI Al-Kadariah Conko is tahsin training. Tahsin
itself is a method of perfecting the pronunciation of the letters of the Qur'an. The purpose
of this tahsin training is so that teachers can perfect the reading of the Qur'an in
accordance with the rules of reciting tajwid and to avoid errors in reading the Qur'an. In
addition, if the teacher is considered good in implementing this tahsin method, it is hoped
that they can teach other participants who do not understand, so that there is a transfer of
knowledge between one teacher and another, and the knowledge gained is much more
This tahsin training is held every 2 times a month and the teacher is from MI Al-
Kadariah Conko itself, and the implementation time alternates with English language
training. The teaching methods applied are lectures and question and answer. During the
learning process, the teacher is accompanied by a trainer during the practice of reading
one by one. Usually after the training is held, on the same day an evaluation of the
activity is also carried out. The evaluation held was the teacher trying to read the verses in
the Qur'an one by one. The determination of the verse is usually adjusted to the material
being discussed, so that there is a correlation between the material and the reading that is
read. Teachers are also given a separate material module, this is intended so that they can
learn it continuously and make it easier when the training is in progress.
With this tahsin training, many teachers have benefited from this training. One of
the teachers who felt the benefits was Mr. Supardi as an Islamic Religious Education
Teacher (PAI) at MI Al-Kadariah Conko. He felt the benefits of this training, even though
he was indeed a teaching teacher for Islamic Religious Education but with this training,
his insight was growing and he was able to improve and hone his ability in reciting the
The tahsin training at MI Al-Kadariah Conko was considered successful for the
teachers due to their great enthusiasm and positive response. It is hoped that this tahsin
training can continue to be held on an ongoing basis and not only held twice a month.
Because this tahsin training is one of the most sought after trainings by teachers at MI Al-
Kadariah Conko. In addition, it is good that this tahsin training invites teachers from
outside parties, because the ongoing training is still being taught by teachers who teach at
MI Al-Kadariah Conko. It would be nice for teachers to feel a new learning atmosphere,
from time to time they could invite teachers from outside the madrasa.
b. English Training
As a new civilization grows in the development of knowledge and technology, it
should be emphasized that communication is the most basic of all things.
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Of course, in providing understanding and understanding, we are required to be
able to keep up with the changing times without relying on habits. We are required to
clean up and change intelligently in the sense that we can interpret ourselves by
continuing to learn, especially English. In accordance with the mission of MI Al-
Kadariah Conko which is to provide reliable human resources with high quality that leads
to world class performance, quality in their fields, strong character, and able to
communicate in international languages, the madrasah also provides coaching for
teachers in the form of English language training. English is a language that has been
agreed as an international language that is almost used throughout the world. Learning
English in the current era of globalization is important in order to be able to pass the
tough challenges in the current era of education.
The time for the English language training held at MI Al-Kadariah Conko is the
same as the tahsin training, which is 2 times per month and the duration of each meeting
is 2 hours. Teachers who train teachers in English language training are teachers from MI
Al-Kadariah Conko themselves who already have the ability in their fields. The methods
used in the training itself are lectures, questions and answers, and group discussions. This
method is used so that teachers understand and understand the use of English much more,
especially so that teachers can communicate properly and correctly. At the end of each
lesson, the trainer evaluates what has been learned by reviewing the material that has
been given. Similar to tahsin training, teachers are also provided with learning modules so
that they can learn more easily.
However, unlike tahsin training, this English language training, although it was
felt that the benefits were really great, but there were some teachers who did not feel the
same way. Mrs. Satya as an Al-Qur'an teacher at MI Al-Kadariah Conko explained that
she did not feel the benefits of English language training. This could be due to the lack of
implementation time and the delivery of material that is difficult to digest. Therefore, it is
necessary to carry the material as attractive as possible from the trainer himself, so that it
is easier for teachers to win English learning materials.
Overall, English language training is considered less effective. There needs to be
an evaluation of English training, maybe in terms of the methods taught should be more
varied so that teachers do not experience boredom during the learning process. In
addition, the madrasa may be able to invite parties from outside the madrasa or at any
time may invite native speakers so that teachers can directly practice communicating
directly with foreigners and teachers are more enthusiastic about learning English. as well
as efforts to improve teacher competence and professionalism.
Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that teacher
performance development through the academic supervision of the madrasah principal at
MI Al-Kadariah Congko is teacher performance development at MI Al-Kadariah Conko
carried out through several activities that are carried out regularly and have been planned.
Routine coaching includes tahsin training and English language training. Madrasah
principals' academic supervision activities carried out in the context of fostering teacher
performance include class visits and teacher meetings. In carrying out academic
supervision activities, the madrasa principal determines the supervision schedule, makes
visits to teachers who want to be supervised, conducts analysis, fills out instruments, and
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
receives input from teachers on the supervision activities carried out. From the
conclusions above, a theory can be formulated that the development of teacher
performance through the academic supervision of the madrasah principal at MI Al-
Kadariah Conko was successfully carried out with several activities and training carried
out routinely by the madrasah. In addition, building cooperation as well as
Communication between the teacher and the head of the madrasa is the thing that
supports teacher performance development activities to run effectively.
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