Maria Yasinta Deme, Sunardi, Sari Yuniarti
The Effect of Capital Structure and Company Size on Company Value with Profitability
as Moderating Variables 76
In recent years, the Indonesian economy has been developing. This can be seen
from the increasing number of companies that are currently going public listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) or the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX). The
increasing number of companies going public reflects that companies in Indonesia are
currently trying to develop their business or expand. But in reality quite a lot of
companies are experiencing delisting. For example, in 2014 there were 1 company, in
2015 there were 3 companies, in 2017 there were 8 companies, in 2018 there were 4
companies, in 2019 there were 6 companies that experienced delisting (
Companies that experience delisting are companies that experience complications
in generating profits because the company's production costs exceed the selling price.
Companies that experience delisting are also unable to maintain the company's
performance and value properly, so the Financial Services Authority (OJK) provides a
penalty by delisting the company. Therefore, the value of the company is something that
needs to be considered by the company's management and stakeholders in the company.
The establishment of a company must have a clear goal. The company's goals
include getting maximum profits, wanting to prosper the company owners and optimizing
the company's value which can be seen from its share price (Mahendra, 2011)..
Maximizing company value is very important for a company, because maximizing
company value also means maximizing shareholder prosperity which is the company's
main goal (Kurniasih & Ruzikna, 2017). The higher the value of the company, the more
prosperity that will be received by the owner of the company. The value of the company
is considered important because it can reflect the company's performance so that it can
influence the perception of investors towards the company (Rai Prastuti & Merta
Sudiartha, 2016).
The value of the company reflects the investor's view of a company's level of
success which is often associated with shares in creating profits, so that if the shares
create high profits, the company value can be high (Dani, 2015). Meanwhile, according to
(Innafisah, Afifudin, & Mawardi, 2019) the value of the company is defined as a profit
obtained by investors or shareholders per share. By knowing the shares, investors can
assess the potential earnings per share, which can be used by company leaders to
determine the company's development, the increase in total profits indicates that the value
of the company has also increased, so the value of shares reflects the increase in the value
of the company. Company value is measured by Earning Per Share (EPS) or the ratio of
earnings per share which is used to measure the success of management that can be
achieved by the company in achieving profits for shareholders. If this ratio is low, it
means that the company has not succeeded in satisfying shareholders, otherwise if this
ratio is high, then the welfare of shareholders will increase because the rate of return to
shareholders is also high. In this ratio, the profit earned by shareholders is the profit after
tax. The profits available to common stockholders are the amount of profits minus taxes,
dividends, and other rights for priority shareholders (Kasmir, 2017). Various factors that
can affect the value of the company include the capital structure and size of the company.
The capital structure according to (Irawan & Kusuma, 2019) is defined as the
ratio of debt and the ratio of equity to the company's total capital. According to
(Kusumawati & Rosady, 2018) the optimization of company value which is the
company's goal can be achieved through the implementation of the financial management
function, where every financial decision taken will affect other financial decisions and
have an impact on company value. Large companies usually rely more on debt, as the size
of the company itself is a reliable guarantee to guarantee debt service or payment of