Eduvest � Journal of
Universal Studies Volume 4, Number
12, December, 2024 p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727 |
Ratna Tri Maharani1*, Pujiyanto2, Robby
Hidajat3 Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia1,2,3 Email: [email protected]1*, [email protected]2, [email protected]3 |
Murals are often a medium for conveying people's aspirations. However,
most people think that murals are just graffiti on the wall with no meaning.
In this case, mural artists play a role in voicing aspirations, criticism,
ideas and things that are bothering society. Because murals do not only focus
on the beauty of the mural artwork, but also have meaning and messages. Masjo, as a mural artist, sees phenomena around him that
he uses as topics for murals. As happened some time ago, the Covid-19
pandemic has had a real impact on society. Masjo
sees this phenomenon as sad. This research uses a qualitative descriptive
method, using iconography and iconology semiotics to obtain markers of
meaning contained in mural images. So that this research can explain or
describe Masjo's mural work in detail. The results
of this research are the meaning of artistic expression and messages of
social criticism in Masjo's mural entitled 'Just
stay at home'. The meaning of artistic expression in mural works tells how to
survive in the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The social criticism in the mural
discusses the role of the government which only advises people to stay at home,
while the government does not provide guarantees for people's lives. |
Artistic expression, artistic, social criticism |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International |
Murals are
often a medium for conveying people's aspirations, starting from the anxiety
that exists in the thinking of mural artists. However, not all people think so.
More people think that murals are just graffiti on the wall without meaning.
Mural art whose existence in public space provides an aspect of beauty with the
conception of creation according to needs rather than desires (Gazali, 2017). As the
times progressed, murals developed as a medium in conveying people's
aspirations from the perspective of mural artists. Although it is undeniable
that mural works can only be the self-satisfaction of mural artists (Masnah, 2020).
The role of
artists according to (Ramadani et al., 2018) say Artists
play a role in trying to convey people's aspirations to create interactions in
the form of criticism, input, ideas, sarcasm, responses, or assessments of
something that is considered deviant in people's lives with visual language.
This statement is in line with Nababan who said that murals are not only works
of art that function to fulfill aesthetic desires, but also a medium for
conveying socio-cultural criticism, political patronage, ideology, and can be a
promotional medium (Nababan, 2019). The
message of criticism through murals is conveyed in the form of visuals and
writings that are full of signs, codes, and meanings with themes related to
social, economic, cultural, and political (Dewi & Zaini, 2016).
Mural comes
from the word 'murus' which means wall, the word comes from Latin. Murals are
one of the parts of painting whose medium is on walls or walls. This media is a
special requirement for a work to be included in the mural category (Mikke, 2002). However,
not only walls, but also other large and flat media such as iron boards,
ceilings, and fabrics. Sahrial said that murals are
illustrations that can help depict the atmosphere in conveying messages and
information (Sahrial & Jati, 2022).
Murals have
a difference with ukisan. The difference lies in the
special requirements that must be met by the murals, namely in relation to the
architecture/building, both in terms of design (aesthetics), as well as age as
well as care and comfort in the room. Murals are different from graffiti, the difference is that graffiti uses written
objects or letters and is usually done with spray paint. While murals emphasize
more on the ability to draw objects (Harissman & Suryanti, 2019). There are
five types of mural art, namely, political murals, aesthetic murals,
socio-cultural murals, economic murals, and educational murals (Aryanti et al., 2020).
About murals
according to (Adi, 2021) Murals are
popular among young people, because the works produced are tangible and can be
enjoyed by the community. Lately, mural art has developed, because murals can
add aesthetic and exotic value in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the
city which is increasingly chaotic, dirty, and filled with air pollution.
Therefore, mural works must be able to be made precisely. In making art,
especially mural artworks, with creativity and exploration can create something
interesting. Sometimes the idea of the mural is not clearly visible, but after
observing it in depth and also thinking with courage to eat it, the novelty is
found (Marianto, 2017:14).
There are
driving factors in the creation of mural works, these factors can come from the
internal and external aspects of the artist. The factors for the creation of
mural works are discussed in the book owned by (Ulyermini, 2021), he stated
that this factor comes from internally in the form of abilities possessed by
individual artists, and there are capitals owned by artists in the form of
cultural and social capital. In addition, there is an external encouragement in
the form of issues that arise in the community.
According to
(Nelson, 2016) In the
creation of art, it is important for artists to pay attention to intertwined
things; composition, which is meant to be an art that pays attention to
proportion, balance, rhythm, and unity; Proportion, is the comparison between
each part and each part with the whole in a composition; Balance, in art is the
commonality of opposing elements, to create a unity; Rhythm, in art, means the
effect of motion that arises from the harmony of the elements of fine art in
the composition.
mural techniques according to Barry (Budayana & Wijaya, 2020) Painted
with a variety of techniques that use water and oil-based paints, and some even
use digital computer techniques, a photo can be processed and then printed on
large sticker paper, before finally pasted on the wall. Elements that need to
be considered in the creation of painting according to Nelson (Nelson, 2016) in the form
of lines, planes, shapes, and spaces.
In each
mural work, there is a meaning that the mural artist wants to convey. The same
is true of Masjo, who is one of the mural artists
from the city of Sidoarjo who draws on the walls of
buildings. Raharjoyo or better known as Masjo is one of the young men who is active in developing
mural and graffiti schemes in the city of shrimp, namely Sidoarjo.
He has been involved in the world of fighting since 2011 until now. Not only
that, Masjo also won several mural competitions
organized by several parties.
Masjo's mural works begin with his anxiety seeing the
problems around him. Then he poured the anxiety on the wall, so that his mural
work not only displayed beauty, but also displayed the meaning he wanted to
convey. The message in the mural is conveyed in visual form according to (Oji, 2021) which is
full of symbols, signs, codes and meanings. Verbal images in murals are
language in the form of writing, while visual images are the shapes and colors
presented in the murals.
murals are created by artists based on what the artist thinks, then process
them with the creative process he has so as to create aesthetic mural artworks.
According to (Ramadani et al., 2018) Regarding
the function of murals as a message delivery by looking at the conditions
around them that contain socio-cultural, aesthetic, economic, and political
research aims to deepen the meaning of Masjo's mural
work with the theme 'at home only'. The meaning is reviewed with iconological
and iconographic theories. According to Budiman (in Utami, 2021)Regarding
the power of iconographic and iconological analysis in the work, it is centered
on the identification of attributes and accurate persynthesis
in the work being observed, and sensitivity is needed to various points of view
of reality related to the work of art. By using this theory, you will get a
detailed description of the conclusion and meaning of the work. These meanings
have more value because they can communicate a work.
research was conducted with the aim of finding out the artistic expression and
social criticism in Masjo's mural works. As in the
discussion of the diastas that mural works do not
only contain aesthetic or beauty elements, but also contain social messages and
criticisms as discussed in this study. In addition, with this research, we can
find out what the artist feels and thinks, namely Masjo.
What triggered Masjo in creating his mural works?
In the
process of creating Masjo's mural work, he previously
sketched the initial drawing. With the initial sketch and packaged concept, it
will make it easier for Masjo in the process of
working on the mural on the wall. After the creation of the concept, Masjo checked the condition of the field and the surface of
the wall that will be drawn by the mural, the function is for Masjo to understand the field conditions and what steps he
will take during the work.
Each mural
created by Masjo has its own distinctive way and
style. The coloring that is always dominant with red, black, orange, and yellow
colors is the hallmark of Masjo's murals. Not only
that, Masjo's mural works also always display symbols
such as plants, flowers, the sun, and house tiles. Of course, these symbols
have meanings that they want to convey.
In this
study, there are several previous researches that are of concern.
"Iconography and Iconology Study on Youngsurakarta
Mural Works Bujang Ganong Mask Series" in the study uses iconography and
iconology studies in interpreting mural works, this is the same as what
researchers do in interpreting Masjo's work. The
difference in the research does not interpret the social criticism that exists
in the mural work. "Mural Works as a Medium for Criticizing the
Development of the Times" in the study explores social criticism in mural
works, moral and social values in people's lives. This research discusses the
meaning of Masjo's artistic expression in expressing
his thoughts when creating murals. And what social criticism is contained in Masjo's mural work, which he wants to convey. So that the
results of this study can explain the message and meaning of Masjo's mural work.
This study
uses a qualitative descriptive research method. With the aim of this study, it
is possible to explain or describe Masjo's mural
works in detail. Because qualitative methods are general, flexible, and dynamic
research according to the conditions under which the research takes place.
Qualitative research or descriptive research according to Nassaji
(in Wijaya, 2019) aims to
describe the phenomenon with various characters around it. The object of this
research is a mural work with the theme 'at home only' made by Masjo.
The research
process is related to the sociology of art. On the sociology of art according
to Hauser (in Mappalahere, 2018) Sociology
of art is the science of the framework of human analysis related to artistic
activities. Sociology of art examines people who are involved in art activities
in cultural phenomena that then affect art activities. In order to conduct
research using the sociology of art in order to analyze art practices and
activities. With his analysis, we can understand the relationship between the
process of artistic creativity, including art products and the supporting
society. So that the results of this study can find out what factors affect the
mindset of artists to create mural works.
The research
uses an overview of iconology and iconography. According to Budiman, the power
of iconographic and iconographic analysis in works lies in the accurate
identification of attributes and personifications in the works being observed,
as well as sensitivity to various points of view of reality related to the
works of art. From this theory, you will get the results of the conclusion and
deep meaning of the work.
The data was
obtained in 3 ways, namely an online interview with Masjo,
through an Instagram video call. Photos of mural works 'at home only'
were obtained through Masjo's personal Instagram
social media. Scientific data is obtained from various sources of books and
scientific literature. Then data from interview results, documentation photos,
and other scientific data as supporting data are processed in detailed analysis.
Masjo's mural work with the theme of 'at home only' is rich
in the meaning of expression, social message, and criticism that he wants to
convey to the wider community. Therefore, in this discussion, we will reveal in
detail what are the meanings of expressions, social messages, and criticisms
that Masjo wants to convey in his work. Murals allow
a person to express their thoughts to all circles of society or government, in
visual form in the social environment (Iswandi, 2021).
Masjo is one of the mural artists from the city of Sidoarjo.
Masjo's background is an artist who graduated from
Visual Communication Design, State University of Malang so that he understands
more about drawing and coloring techniques. The work made by Masjo was not originally made, before executing on the
wall, Masjo went through the process of
conceptualizing the work and sketching the initial sketch of the work. With the
aim of not only displaying beauty in his mural works, but also being able to
convey messages in an easily understood manner by the audience.
The Meaning of Masjo's
Artistic Expression
Terror of
artistic expression according to Khatchadourian (in Soedarwanto et al., 2018) Declaring
art is an expression/expression of the artist/maker's experience. These
expressions can be consciously (intellectually, emotionally or imaginatively)
or unconsciously, they can be influenced by internal (natural, coming from
self-awareness) or external (other people, environment) factors.
The process
of interpretation using theory iconography and iconology. Panofsky (in Budiman, 2017) said
iconography is descriptive and classificatory, while iconography is
identification. The process goes through three stages, namely pre-iconography
in the form of visual explanations that appear in the mural works. Then the
iconography process, the arrangement of the story contained in the mural work
in a secondary manner. Then the last stage of the iconological process which is
the stage of interpreting intrisically, the general
tendency and essence of the human mind expressed by special themes and concepts.
Figure 1. Masjo's mural work
'at home only' (source: Masjo's personal
documentation, 2021)
Table 1. Iconographic analysis and iconology of works
(source: researcher)
Pre-iconography |
Iconography |
Iconology |
The visual of the
house tiles is red. 2.
The visual of people
sitting hugging a circle like a seed. 3.
Visual vegetation around
people's objects. 4.
A field of white circles above people's heads. 5.
The sun visual with curved stripes is red and
black. |
House tiles
are a roof as a protector
of the house. With tiles,
the house is protected from the heat
of the sun and rain. A seed
or seedling is something or a beginning that will grow. |
This mural tells the story of
a giant figure who embraces the seeds as a form of protecting
the seeds, so that the
seeds continue to grow as expected.
Tiles as a shelter or home for
giant figures and the seeds
they guard. |
Masjo's mural 'at home only' is located on the back wall of
the house in the Pagerwojo Sidoarjo
area, made on August 1, 2021. With the size of the image on the wall, it is 2.5
meters high and 1.5 meters wide. The mural certainly has the meaning that Masjo wants to convey.
the objects of the mural have several images that the researcher will explain.
The roof tiles of the house or house are interpreted as sheltered tiles or also
as umbrellas. A house is not only a place to live, for living beings a house is
also a place of refuge. With a house, living things can take refuge from bad
things. Even during a pandemic like now, home is the safest place to avoid the
spread of the covid-19 virus.
The figure
of a giant creature that embraces seeds or seeds, in the mural work there are 2
seeds with different characteristics. Some of the seeds have wings and flowers,
Masjo described as a beetle and a plant. These seeds
must be maintained so that they can continue to grow and live as they should.
It must be saved from the harshness of the world, until it is able to survive
on its own.
The giant
with an arrow stuck in his body means that the arrow is a difficult, bad, and
difficult thing to face the harshness of the world. As a form of pain that
exists in him to protect those at home. Although the giant felt difficult, Masjo did not describe the face of the giant sad. Because
the sadness and distress do not need to go down to the house, it does not need
to be known by those who take care of it.
speaking, this mural tells a giant figure that can be interpreted as a father,
mother, and also another figure as a protector in the family who protects the
seeds at home. The seed is interpreted as its children, and the house as a
place to take refuge. The figure guards and strives to save and support the
seeds in any way. These methods can be done in a way that is not halal. Because
the urgency makes them think that no matter how they do, they must continue to
support the people at home. The harshness of life outside the home leaves scars
on breadwinners. He didn't want to feel the wound deeply and also didn't want
to show it to the one at home. He prefers to show a smile on the seeds. The
giant figure as a breadwinner and the seeds as hope and successor.
What Masjo thought in creating this work was the phenomenon that
occurred around him some time ago. The emergence of the covid-19 virus around
the world has changed all aspects, even in Indonesia it has been affected.
Various efforts have been made to break the cycle of virus transmission. But
this cannot change the number of infections to be drastically reduced. The
impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has brought deep sadness to several
This was
felt by Masjo, he saw that many people around him
were infected with the covid-19 virus and also many died from this virus. The
government's efforts to always urge the public to always stay at home, use
masks, take care of themselves, and always clean their hands with soap and hand
sanitizer have also been carried out by the community. In reality, life is
still going on, humans cannot continue at home. The breadwinners of the family
must still leave the house to live in their families. With the worst risk of
contracting the covid-19 virus, it must be swallowed for the sake of household
income. This is what underlies Masjo in creating
murals 'at home only' with the phenomenon of loss around him.
Social Criticism by Masjo
Murals are
part of public art that requires two-way communication. Mural artists
communicate visually to something that the artist wants to convey. The public
as art connoisseurs is able to interact directly with mural artists and their
works. So murals cannot stand alone without meaning
and message. Like other mural artists, Masjo's mural
works also have the right amount of social criticism that he wants to convey.
He packaged the message in a very beautiful visual form, in the form of a mural
'at home only'. The message of social criticism is based on his anxiety about
what is happening around him.
As explained
in the meaning above, this pandemic condition is a difficult thing for various
communities. According to Masjo, conditions like this
are very severe, many people are sick, die, and lose their loved ones. No one
ever expected this pandemic condition. The government, which always encourages
the use of masks, washing hands using soap and hand sanitizer, and maintaining
distance, cannot reduce the transmission rate quickly. The appeal to stay at home,
and not travel in public places has also been carried out starting from level 4
to decreasing to level 1. In fact, the number of covid transmissions still
exists, and people cannot continue to be forced to stay at home all the time.
Because he still has to find rupiah coffers to support his family.
Masjo's mural work 'at home only' has a message of social
criticism to the government. The government always gives an appeal to stay at
home to all parts of society. However, it cannot really be done, because there
are still many earners who have to work outside the home. The government only
gives an appeal without providing life guarantees to the community. This
restriction of activities outside the home seems to make it difficult for
people to find a job. These breadwinners are willing to accept unwanted risks
for the sake of the sustainability of family life at home. If the government
wants all people to comply with its policies, then the government should be
able to guarantee the lives of all people. In this condition, the community
does not receive assistance, but struggles on its own to support their
The message
of the mural certainly touches people's thoughts. The message makes them
realize that as a breadwinner, no matter what the condition, they must continue
to look for rupiah coffers, do not need to rely on or rely on government
assistance. The weight is certain, but if you don't try it yourself, where else
do you hope from? This makes Masjo's mural work full
of messages and meanings. Mural art must have a function and social, masjo mural works as a medium that makes people aware.
In this
study, it was found that murals are a medium for conveying the aspirations of
the community represented by artists. What Masjo thought in creating this work
was the phenomenon that occurred around him some time ago. The emergence of the
covid-19 virus around the world has changed all aspects, even in Indonesia it
has been affected. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has brought deep sadness
to several communities.
mural works have the meaning of artistic expression that can be discussed. This
mural work tells the story of a giant figure which can be interpreted as a
protective figure in the family who protects the seeds at home. The seed is
interpreted as its children, and the house as a place to take refuge. The
figure guards and strives to save and support the seeds in any way. The message
of social criticism on Masjo's mural work 'at home only' is directed at the
government. The government always gives an appeal to stay at home to all parts
of society. However, it cannot really be done, because there are still many
earners who have to work outside the home. The government only gives an appeal
without providing life guarantees to the community. So
the mural work became a medium to welcome the kitrik
based on the surrounding phenomenon.
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