How to cite:
Ida Bagus Suryawan. (2022). Candikuning Village Masterplan Based
on Tourism. Journal Eduvest. Vol 2(1): 81-88
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 1, January 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Ida Bagus Suryawan
Faculty of Tourism, Udayana University, Indonesia
December, 26
January, 17
January, 18
The authentic characteristic of a village becomes the main
tourism attraction that can be offered to tourists. Alternative
tourism products are needed that can provide impetus for
sustainable rural development and have management principles.
Candi Kuning Village, which is part of the National Tourism
Strategic Area, is one of the villages that is still able to survive in
carrying out tourism services during the Covid 19 pandemic. This
study aims to formulate a Master Plan as well as infrastructure
development programs and other strategic infrastructures that
are integrated between sectors, between spaces and between
activities in one village area. The method used in this study uses
a planning method consisting of a scoring method presented in
the competitor matrix, a qualitative method for formulating an
activity structure and SWOT. The results of the competitor matrix
analysis show that the main competitors are Lake Buyan, tourist
accommodation in the area, Agro Tourism and Culinary Tourism.
The planning of the activity center is designed to be divided into
4 activity centers. The activity development plan in Candi Kuning
Village consists of activities oriented to lake views, forest view
orientation activities, development of local products (culinary
and agro), utilization of community agricultural areas,
environmental-based attractions and artificial attractions. The
facilities developed are more for the appearance of the village,
especially at the village border and activity center. This master
plan is expected to strengthen the appearance of the village,
increase tourism networks, increase the variety of income and
self-motivation of the community in tourism services by local
Tourism Village, Masterplan, Pemaduserasian
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Ida Bagus Suryawan
Candikuning Village Masterplan Based on Tourism 82
Village areas are more often identified with areas outside urban areas where the
dominant community activity is agrarian (Kelly, 2011). The development and
development of rural areas generally prioritizes the utilization and optimization of village
potentials to improve community welfare (Lange, Piorr, Siebert, & Zasada, 2013). In an
effort to develop the village, various themes were raised to promote the uniqueness of the
village. One of the themes introduced is the theme of the tourist village. Rural areas with
the theme of a tourist village generally take advantage of the distinctive character of the
village, both from the aspect of agriculture, community culture, natural beauty and other
elements in the village such as geological conditions (Murphy, Benckendorff, Moscardo,
& Pearce, 2011). The development of the use of the tourism village theme as one of the
village development options is increasingly being applied to a number of villages
(Ghaderi & Henderson, 2012). Many tourist village themes are applied to all village
areas, many also develop this concept in a number of locations that tend to have the
potential to be developed as tourism. In this context, of course, not all tourism village
criteria are applied in rural areas. In this case, the term tourism village is only used as a
brand / brand of tourism offerings to tourists.
The development of tourist villages should not only utilize most of the village
area as tourism, but prioritize the extent to which tourism activities are inherent in
people's daily lives and are able to make a dominant contribution to the welfare of the
community (Lane, 1994). The many opportunities and economic involvement of the
community in the tourism sector should be able to make an effective contribution to
improving the quality of life of the community (Wearing & McDonald, 2002). Economic
opportunities for tourism attraction businesses, accommodation businesses, tourism
businesses that support activities and other primary and secondary sector activities
supporting tourism, have the opportunity to be carried out by the community by
prioritizing the tourism theme (Stolarick, Denstedt, Donald, & Spencer, 2010). In the
development of tourism activities in the village, the application of ideal and global
concepts is necessary and must be done to emphasize the commitment to good service
and prioritize the welfare of the community (Rosentraub & Joo, 2009). A number of
global concepts that are widely demanded and applied to tourism actors are sustainable
tourism development and the principle of excellent service (Liu, 2003). With this
approach, tourism products made must prioritize the balance of tourism benefits against
economic, environmental and cultural conditions that exist in the tourism environment.
The principle of excellent service is put forward in the tourism sector because the basic
principle of tourism is service so that good service is more identified as a good tourism
product (Boyd, 2002). With the application of these ideal concepts, the preparation,
packaging and sales of tourism products in tourist villages are expected to be able to
provide optimal impetus for the development of tourist villages (Middleton & Clarke,
Candi Kuning village, located in the Bedugul area, has a lot of tourism potential
that has existed and developed for a long time. The existence of Lake Beratan in this area
makes many tourism businesses appear while introducing the beauty of the lake and the
temples in it. Besides the existence of a lake, in this village there are also unique
agricultural activities of the residents who develop agriculture of vegetables and fruits. As
a complement to tourism activities in the Bedugul area, many agro-tourism developments
have sprung up and developed along with the development of tourism in this village.
Candi Kuning Village is part of the Scope of the Region. During the COVID-19
pandemic in 2020 and 2021, tourism development and the number of tourist visits in
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 1, January 2022
Candi Kuning Village did not experience a sharp decline. Tourist visits are still high on
holidays and holidays and more domestic tourists visit. Bedugul National Tourism
Strategic and Surrounding Areas. There are 8 villages that are part of this area. Based on
statistical data of tourist visits, three DTWs: Bedugul Botanical Gardens, Ulun Danu
Beratan Temple, and Bedugul Tourism Objects always occupy the top 10 tourist visits in
Bali. All of these DTWs are located in Candi Kuning Village. In tourism development,
planning is needed to formulate strategic steps that must be taken to achieve the goals of
tourism development carried out. This research was conducted so that the Master Plan as
well as infrastructure development programs and other strategic infrastructures are
integrated between sectors, regions and between levels of government, based on needs.
This study uses a number of analytical tools in the context of formulating
activities in program indications. A number of methods are used, namely the SCORING
method to determine priority tourist attractions, the SWOT method to formulate strategies
and the superimpose method to determine the tendency of tourism activity centers in
existing conditions. The procedure for research activities is as follows:
a. Conducting data collection and preliminary studies of existing or available
potential data to determine tourist objects that can be developed at the activity
b. Conduct field surveys to collect data that will be used as material in mapping
c. Conduct an assessment through tabulation and analysis of the data collected
using the established method.
d. Creating a Master Plan Document for Tourism-Based Rural Area
Development includes :
1. Vision, Mission, Goals and Targets of Tourism-Based Rural Area
a) Candidate Location Area
b) Vision and Mission of Tourism-Based Rural Area Development
c) Objectives and Targets of Tourism-Based Rural Area Developmen
2. Tourism Village-Based Development Plan
a) Analysis of Tourism Elements for Tourism Village Development
b) Population, Employment and Socio-Cultural Analysis
c) Analysis of Rural Area Development Facilities and Infrastructure
d) Economic Analysis and Economic Development of Rural Areas
e) Analysis of Human Resource Needs for Rural Area Development
3. Strategy and Activity Plan for Development of Rural Areas Based on
Tourism Villages.
1. Conditions of Candi Kuning Village
Bedugul is located in Tabanan Regency, 48 kilometers (30 miles) north of
Denpasar city or 20 kilometers (12 miles) south of Singaraja. In this area there are three
crater lakes, namely Lake Bratan, Lake Buyan, and Lake Tamblingan. Bedugul is taken
from the           
-kul which is a traditional communication tool for
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Candikuning Village Masterplan Based on Tourism 84
Balinese people whose functions are almost the same. as a stick. The merging of
these two words then made the name of this area called Bedugul. Another historical story
is the origin of the name Bedugul, namely in ancient times there was a king who was
bathing in Lake Beratan and was accidentally seen by the local people, while they said
the king's bedogol was seen. Those are some versions of naming Bedugul tourist
attractions. Lake Beratan there is a temple called Pura Ulun Danu. In the front yard of the
temple, just to the left of Ulun Danu Beratan, there are sarcophagi and stone boards,
which were examined from the megalithic era, around 500 years BC. In the expulsion of
the Chronicle of Mengwi, he explains that I Gusti Agung Putu, who was the founder of
the Mengwi kingdom, built a temple on the shores of Lake Beratan, before he founded
Pura Taman Ayun. In Lontar Babad Mengwi it is not stated exactly when he founded the
Ulun Danu Beratan Temple, but what is found in the expulsion of the Babad Mengwi is
the establishment of Taman Ayun Temple, whose ceremony was held at Anggara Kliwon
Medangsia in Saka Sad Bhuta Yaksa Dewa namely Saka in 1556 or 1634 AD.
Candikuning Village is one of 12 villages in the Baturiti District, located
approximately 30 km to the north from the center of Tabanan City. Candikuning Village
has an area of 268 hectares with 43.74 hectares of rice fields and 35.09 hectares of rainfed
areas. Dry land consists of farmland with an area of 125.60 Ha and Settlement 50.56 Ha
which has the following boundaries:
Judging from the geographical conditions, the Candikuning Village area is land
(High) with a height of approximately 20 meters above sea level. The air temperature
ranges from 28 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius with an average rainfall of 1,100
mm / year. To optimize services to the community, the Candikuning Village area is
divided into 6 Banjar Dinas, namely:
1. Banjar Dinas Kembang Merta
2. Banjar Dinas Candikuning I
3. Banjar Dinas Candikuning II
4. Banjar Dinas Bukit Catu
5. Banjar Dinas Pemuteran
6. Banjar Dinas Batusesa
Based on the results of the 2021 survey, it was found that there were 19 Tourist
Attraction Providers, 25 tourist accommodations and 63 restaurants and food stalls. Based
on Regional Regulation Number 12 of 2011 concerning the RTRW of Tabanan Regency,
Candi Kuning Village is part of the Candi Kuning Area Development Center. The spatial
pattern determined according to the RTRW Regional Regulation is Lake and its borders,
Protected Forest, Nature Reserve, Buyan Tablingan TWA, KDTWK, Settlement,
Plantation. A number of stipulations on the functions of the area that are included in the
Candi Kuning Village area, namely: Bedugul Tourism Effective Area, World Cultural
Heritage Area (Catur Angga Batukau), Batukau Protected Forest, Batukau Nature
Reserve, Buan Tamlingan Nature Park, Lake Beratan Area and its surroundings
2. Tourism Vision and Mission
Formulation of the vision and mission of tourism development using SWOT
analysis (Anggraeni & Rasto, 2016). In the elaboration of internal and external factors, it
is found that aspects of strength include: Diverse communities, Art Organizations, Choice
of tourism products, Iconic DTW. Aspects of weakness include: No concept of tourism,
Congestion, Area Utilities, Security. Aspects of Opportunities include: Special attraction
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 1, January 2022
opportunities, Accessibility, Community involvement, Annual events. Threat Aspects
include: Transfer of land use, Conflict of interest, Competition of business actors,
Competition of DTW. Based on the results of the calculation of weights and scores on
internal and external aspects in Candi Kuning Village as tourism, the results show that the
position of Candi Kuning Village is in an aggressive position. With this position, it is
determined that in the future, Candi Kuning Village must take advantage of existing
strengths by prioritizing existing opportunities.
Referring to the consideration of the SWOT analysis, the vision of tourism
development in Candi Kuning Village is set, namely: An Advanced and Independent
Village based on People's Economy. The vision sentence is determined by considering a
number of aspects of the internal and external conditions of Candi Kuning Village and the
position in the SWOT matrix. With this vision, a number of tourism development visions
have been set, namely:
-based tourist attractions
3. Development Analysis
The development analysis is used to formulate a number of priority activities that
will be implemented in Candi Kuning Village. In the analysis of tourism development, a
number of analytical tools are used, namely: competitor matrix, activity structure analysis,
and thematic determination of priority areas (Presenza & Cipollina, 2010) 
   . Based on the analysis of the competitor matrix, the highest
competitors in quadrant 1 are the views of the Bedugul area in order 3, the Bedugul
botanical garden, Mertasari traditional market and the lake in order 1. In quadrant 1,
existing competitors will face this tourism product which has high internal and external
conditions. Meanwhile, in the 2nd quadrant, the tourist attraction of Lake Buyan and
Tamblingan is in the 2nd order, culinary tourism is in the 4th order. In the 3rd quadrant
the existing tourism products are agro tourism and agro products which are in the 2nd
order and tourist accommodation in the 3rd order. In the 4th quadrant, there is artificial
tourism which is the 3rd order.
Analysis of the structure of activities is carried out by considering aspects of
tourism business agglomeration, the level of interest (attraction) of tourist visits and
accessibility. Based on the results of the super imposse analysis, 4 activity centers were
established in Candi Kuning Village, namely:
1. Activity center 1 is located around DTW Bloom and its surroundings. At this
activity center a number of things were developed, namely: tourist attractions,
development of agro-tourism and tourist accommodation, facilities supporting
tourism activities
2. Activity center 2 is on the border with Buleleng Regency. At this activity center,
strawberry agro-tourism, tourism accommodation with views of agriculture and
lakes, tourism support facilities and public facilities will be developed.
3. Activity center 3 is around Mertasari market. At this activity center, facilities and
botanical gardens are developed as tourist attractions, trade and culinary trade
facilities to support activities and public facilities to support tourism activities.
4. Activity center 4 is located around the edge of the lake. At this activity center,
facilities and tourist attractions to support Lake Beratan are developed, activities
are developed along the lake on the side of the provincial road, and the provision
of public facilities to strengthen tourism activities.Considering the structure of
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tourism activities in Candi Kuning Village, in the future it is necessary to
consider the development of tourism activities that refer to the potential and
developments that exist in a number of areas. The thematic development of
tourism activities that will be developed are:
          
activity is in Banjar Kembangmerta which is undergoing the development of
tourist accommodation with the theme of Glamping and villas
und the Lake Beratan DTW area.
Along the road corridor, it is necessary to develop and offer culinary tourism
of Denpasar City and its lower area, it is interesting to develop tourism
activities based on natural scenery
-cultural life developed in the Batusesa and
Pemuteran areas. In this banjar area, the development of a typical Balinese
area can be developed more intensely.
4. Strategy and Action Plan
Formulating strategies and action plans refers to the concept of Michael Porter
(1985) which describes an internally consistent view of the future. Scenarios are part of
strategic planning that deals with tools and technologies to manage future uncertainty.
Scenario planning refers to the development of tourism activities at the site. There are at
least 6 cycles of developing tourism activities in Candi Kuning Village, namely:
1. Lake view orientation
2. Forest and highland views
3. Local products (agricultural and culinary)
4. Utilization of residents' agricultural areas, development of environment-based
5. Development of creativity-based artificial tourist attractions.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 1, January 2022
To market tourism products to be better in the future, a canvas business model is
planned. In this business model planning, a series of directions are described, namely: the
key stakeholders consist of; business actor tourist. The key activities developed are;
tourism activities, artistic activities, agricultural activities, trading activities. The key
resources used are: agriculture, tourism, social culture. There are several ways to connect
with customers, namely: tour packages, loyalty and events. The marketing channels made
consist of: direct sales, tour travel, and online marketing.
The magnitude of the potential of tourism resources in Candi Kuning Village is a
challenge in future utilization and management. The durability of the tourism market in
Candi Kuning Village has been tested during the pandemic. During the period of 2020
and 2021, the decline in tourist arrivals is still in a good condition where domestic tourist
visits remain high in this area. The development of the village development vision and the
thematic determination of tourism activities are expected to be able to spread tourism
activities to a number of areas in Candi Kuning Village. With the determination of a
number of areas with certain themes, it provides new challenges for the village to
synergize tourism activities with the community's economy.
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