Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 1, January 2022
calling. As a result, they were able to deal with the difficulties of studying thanks to the
support of their relatives and friends who communicated with them.
Change of Environment. When you are bored, you need a change of scenery.
However, given the circumstances, it is unlikely to happen. They rearranged items in their
study space to alter the environment. To destress, they shuffle the furniture in their room.
This makes individuals feel happier and more relaxed.
Coping attempts to control emotions and change behavior so that we can perform
better in a given situation. Dealing with an issue necessitates a shift in people's behavior or
perceptions to handle the better situation. Effective coping behavior maintains a balance
between the stress-inducing internal and external surroundings. Consequently, the
effectiveness of coping behavior changes depending on the situation, decreasing stress'
negative impacts. To deal with the negative impact, the information technology students
suggested coping strategies are helpful to others in similar situations.
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