Ervan Yudi Widyarto, Chairul Anwar
Build Social Networks-Based Audio Engineering (Design and Build an Audio-Based
Social Network) 49
integrated with jQuery. jQuery has the ability to shorten Ajax, which is able to retrieve
information from the server without refreshing the web page so that it allows users to get
the data needed easily and in detail (Nugroho, 2017). This social network is built using
the PHP programming language and MySQL database. Users of this social networking
site can easily message each other, share photos, create forums, share files, share audio
files and even comment to other users (Daniel, 2012). This website is built with PHP and
MySQL programming language which is a dynamic website, meaning that users can
make changes to the data they need without the need to change the script (Agung
Nugroho, 2017).
Audio-visual media is media that can display image and sound elements, the
combination of these two elements makes audio-visual media have better capabilities.
According to (Dini, Andayani, & Rosida, 2016) 1 or commonly called listening viewing
media which makes the presentation of the content of the theme Furthermore, according
to (Wati 2016: 44-45) defines audio-visual media as a tool used in learning to assist
written and spoken words in conveying knowledge, attitudes.
According to (Basyuni & Wati, 2017) social media is a medium on the internet
that allows users to represent themselves and interact, work together, share, communicate
with other users to form virtual social bonds (Piyush, Choudhury, & Kumar, 2016)
(LaValle, Lesser, Shockley, Hopkins, & Kruschwitz, 2011).
Social networking websites have taken collaboration to the next level, it is now
have become a new era in communication platform. Looking at the way internet
technology has grown, we have try to figure out and observed how to make this potential
opportunity becoming a tremendous business model (Kleine, 2011). Our aim is to
champion the new internet communication erawith the new brilliant idea in audio
application platform (Madhuri, 2013) (Mulyana, Briandana, & Rekarti, 2020).
The future of audio application such as voice messaging, voice chat, only comes
into its own when matched with "presence" applications. It's an important distinction, for
voice application will be used differently in order to make a new technology
breakthrough. In response to the widespread use of internet technology and the global
network communication growth, we are building a new social networking website a new
business type in information and technology entertainment. We name it voice over web,
unlike most of the social site, this is have the exclusive audio application which facilitate
users to record audio in live stream services.
This study uses library research methods that refer to sources available both
online and offline such as: scientific journals, books and news sourced from trusted
sources. These sources are collected based on the discussion and are linked from one
information to another. All activities in the context of data collection and analysis are
carried out online considering the limitations of open movement in public spaces. This
data is obtained through triangulation techniques, the data is analyzed and then
conclusions are drawn.
A. Social networking problem (the web site)
In today‟s changing social scenario where no one has the time to keep in touch
with his friends and family, social networking can truly be called a savior of the social
needs we have. Providing us with the capability to stay in touch with people we care