Hamka Husen, Marwan, Hendrian
The Influence of Organizational Behavior Dimensions on Administrative and Financial
Performance of Land Transportation Management Center 381
1. Effect of communication on performance
The results of the study succeeded in proving the first hypothesis which states
that communication has a significant positive effect on the performance of the
Administration and Finance of the Land Transportation Management Center for Region
XXIV, North Maluku Province. The results of statistical testing of the t-test on the
communication variable obtained a t-test significance (probability) of 0.003 which is
smaller than 0.05 and a t-count value of 3.116 which is greater than t-table (1.993) then
the hypothesis is accepted. Meanwhile, the regression coefficient (b1) = 0.202, which
means that if communication improves by one unit, there will be an increase in
performance of 0.202 units, assuming other variables remain. Positive direction means
the higher the communication, the higher the performance. This shows that
communication in the office is going well. It can be seen from employees who have a
harmonious relationship both among employees or employees to superiors.
The results of this study are in line with previous research conducted by (Haroon
& Malik, 2018) which showed that organizational communication had a significant
positive effect on organizational performance. Effective communication can be well
established if both parties recognize each other's strengths and weaknesses and
understand the other's weaknesses. In addition, mutual trust between individuals in an
environment will be created properly so that any obstacles or challenges can be overcome
and good cooperation will be established. With effective communication, relationships
between individuals will develop into useful relationships for themselves and others.
Therefore, with effective communication, employees will know the expectations and
understanding of the performance to be achieved. Employees can contribute to the
organization in expressing ideas or ideas so that it creates an agreement between superiors
and employees as well as between fellow employees.
2. The Effect of Motivation on Performance
The second hypothesis in this study which states that motivation has a significant
influence on the administrative and financial performance of the Land Transportation
Management Center Region XXIV North Maluku Province is accepted by the results of
empirical research. The results of the statistical test of the t-test on the communication
variable, the t-count value is 3.381 which is greater than the t-table (1.993) and the
significance value is 0.001 which is smaller than 0.05. then the hypothesis is accepted.
Meanwhile, the regression coefficient (b2) = 0.236, meaning that the regression
coefficient which has a positive direction means that the higher the motivation, the higher
the performance.
Based on the hypothesis testing above, it can be concluded that motivation has a
significant positive effect on employee performance at the Administration and Finance
Center for Land Transportation Management Region XXIV, North Maluku Province.
This means that if motivation increases, employee performance will also increase, this
means that employees feel that giving motivation at the BTPD Regional XXIV Office of
North Maluku Province can provide encouragement / encouragement for their employees.
So, this is in accordance with the existing reality, motivation is a push for someone so
that person can focus on personal goals and organizational goals.
Work motivation will greatly affect employee performance. If an employee who
works in a company every day and has good work motivation will certainly have a
positive impact on employee loyalty and productivity and of course the employee will
have good performance too because work motivation itself has a positive impact on
performance. This is also in line with research conducted by (Yatipai, Montolalu, &
Kaparang, 2015) the results of the study show that the product moment is 0.685, which