How to cite:
Hamka Husen, Marwan, Hendrian. (2022). The Influence of
Organizational Behavior Dimensions on Administrative and Financial
Performance of Land Transportation Management Center. Journal
Eduvest. Vol 2(2): 378-384
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Hamka Husen
, Marwan
, Hendrian
Terbuka University
, Khairun University
, Terbuka University
, Indonesia
E-mail:, marwanjamaludd[email protected],
January, 26
February, 17
February, 18
This study aims to determine the effect of communication,
motivation, and leadership on employee performance.
This research was conducted at the Office of the Land
Transportation Management Center Region XXIV, North
Maluku Province, by taking research respondents as many
as 73 people. This research method is a research
hypothesis testing (hypothesis testing) which aims to test
the hypothesis that was built using multiple regression
analysis and the calculation operation using the SPSS
program. The results of the research are as follows: (1).
Communication has a significant positive effect on
employee performance, with a total effect of 3.116. (2).
Motivation has a significant positive effect on employee
performance, with a total effect of 1,993. (3). Leadership
has a significant positive effect on employee performance,
with a total effect of 2,360. (4). Simultaneously there is a
significant influence between communication, motivation,
and leadership together on the performance of
Administrative and Finance employees of the Land
Transportation Management Center Region XXIV North
Maluku Province with a determination contribution (R2) of
79.9%. The conclusion of this study is that it is proven that
there is a significant influence between communication,
motivation, and leadership on the performance of
Hamka Husen, Marwan, Hendrian
The Influence of Organizational Behavior Dimensions on Administrative and Financial
Performance of Land Transportation Management Center 379
administrative and financial employees of the Land
Transportation Management Center Region XXIV North
Maluku Province.
Communication, Motivation, Leadership and Performance
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Land Transportation Management Center (BPTD) Region XXIV of North
Maluku Province is an organizational body formed directly under the auspices of the
Ministry of Transportation, which is located and has a network area in North Maluku
Province. This organizational body has the duties and responsibilities in managing
terminals that have type A categories, weigh bridges, ferry ports, to the supervision of
inter-provincial inter-city buses (AKAP), to rental transportation found in the work area
of the Transportation Management Center unit (Acciaro, Ghiara, & Cusano, 2014). Land
Region XXIV North Maluku Province.
In addition, the establishment of BPTD refers to the Regulation of the Minister of
Transportation No. 154/2016 concerning Organization and Work Procedure of Land
Transportation Centers which was promulgated on January 5, 2017. BPTD focuses on
managing and developing land transportation facilities and infrastructure in their
respective regions, in this case coverage for the North Maluku Province. Thus, the
presence of BPTD can assist in improving services through improvements to each Type A
terminal and weighbridge, both in terms of equipment and operational personnel of the
work unit.
In line with these conditions, the Land Transportation Management Center
(BPTD) Region XXIV of North Maluku Province, which is relatively new, is required to
improve its ability to deal with complex tasks and responsibilities, one of which is to pay
attention to the labor factor. Various strategies must be adopted to be able to adjust and
increase competitiveness against the vision and mission of BPTD (Solovida & Latan,
2017). They are aware that it is strong Human Resources (HR) that can make an
organization have a competitive advantage (Boxall, 1998; Love & Singh, 2011).
Organizational success is strongly influenced by individual employee performance
(Uddin, Luva, & Hossian, 2013). Until now, performance is still a problem faced by
management, so management needs to know what things can affect employee
performance (Yeh & Connell, 2008).
In connection with the above description, the author describes several studies
related to organizational behavior and performance (finance). First, previous research
conducted by (Artiningsih & Rasyid, 2013), showed that Kotabaru Hospital employees
had a high level of organizational behavior dimensions and had a positive impact on their
performance because the organizational behavior dimension is a form of behavior that is
an individual choice and initiative, not related to the formal reward system (Wahyuni,
Taufik, & Ratnawati, 2016). Organizational behavior is very important for hospital
organizations as providers of health services for the community. There is a significant
positive relationship between job satisfaction and dimensions of organizational behavior.
This indicates that the higher the level of employee satisfaction, the higher the
contribution of organizational behavior given by employees to the organization and vice
versa (Dana & Setiawati, 2011).
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
Second, the results of (Muchlisa, 2017)'s research state that budget planning and
budget reporting/accountability have a positive and significant effect on the performance
accountability of government agencies, but budget execution and performance evaluation
have a positive and insignificant effect on performance accountability of government
agencies. Meanwhile, according to research by (Mahmudah & Harjanti, 2016), it is stated
that the implementation of work-based budgeting has a very weak influence on the
accountability of the performance of government agencies.
Based on the description of the background above, it is known that there is a
problem phenomenon regarding performance problems and several previous studies
related to organizational behavior that need to be developed for further research. The
existence of this phenomenon and research gap is the main reason for the author to
examine more deeply the Influence of Organizational Behavior Dimensions on
Administrative and Financial Performance of the Land Transportation Management
Center Region XXIV North Maluku Province.
This research is a hypothesis testing research which aims to test the hypothesis
proposed by the author regarding the effect of organizational behavior dimensions on the
performance of Administration and Finance of the Land Transportation Management
Center Region XXIV, North Maluku Province. Hypothesis testing must be able to explain
the nature of certain relationships, understand differences between groups or the
independence of two or more variables (Sekaran & Bougie, 2017).
This analysis consists of four parts. First, the general description of the research
object. The two results of testing instrument data are related to validity and reliability
tests. Third, the characteristics of the respondents. Fourth, data analysis which includes
descriptive statistics, classical assumption test, and hypothesis testing. The fifth is a
discussion of the research results used to answer the problem formulation by proving
provisional conjectures or research hypotheses (Sugiyono, 2002).
Based on the results of hypothesis testing that have been carried out, this research
produces important and interesting findings to be discussed further. The results showed
that the variables of communication, motivation, and leadership had an effect on the
performance of Administration and Finance of the Land Transportation Management
Center for Region XXIV, North Maluku Province. This is evidenced by the significance
value of the F test which is smaller than 0.05. Communication, motivation, and leadership
together affect performance by 79.9% and the remaining 20.1% performance is
influenced by other factors not examined in this study.
Table 1 t test results
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Performance
Source: Primary Data Processed 2021
Hamka Husen, Marwan, Hendrian
The Influence of Organizational Behavior Dimensions on Administrative and Financial
Performance of Land Transportation Management Center 381
1. Effect of communication on performance
The results of the study succeeded in proving the first hypothesis which states
that communication has a significant positive effect on the performance of the
Administration and Finance of the Land Transportation Management Center for Region
XXIV, North Maluku Province. The results of statistical testing of the t-test on the
communication variable obtained a t-test significance (probability) of 0.003 which is
smaller than 0.05 and a t-count value of 3.116 which is greater than t-table (1.993) then
the hypothesis is accepted. Meanwhile, the regression coefficient (b1) = 0.202, which
means that if communication improves by one unit, there will be an increase in
performance of 0.202 units, assuming other variables remain. Positive direction means
the higher the communication, the higher the performance. This shows that
communication in the office is going well. It can be seen from employees who have a
harmonious relationship both among employees or employees to superiors.
The results of this study are in line with previous research conducted by (Haroon
& Malik, 2018) which showed that organizational communication had a significant
positive effect on organizational performance. Effective communication can be well
established if both parties recognize each other's strengths and weaknesses and
understand the other's weaknesses. In addition, mutual trust between individuals in an
environment will be created properly so that any obstacles or challenges can be overcome
and good cooperation will be established. With effective communication, relationships
between individuals will develop into useful relationships for themselves and others.
Therefore, with effective communication, employees will know the expectations and
understanding of the performance to be achieved. Employees can contribute to the
organization in expressing ideas or ideas so that it creates an agreement between superiors
and employees as well as between fellow employees.
2. The Effect of Motivation on Performance
The second hypothesis in this study which states that motivation has a significant
influence on the administrative and financial performance of the Land Transportation
Management Center Region XXIV North Maluku Province is accepted by the results of
empirical research. The results of the statistical test of the t-test on the communication
variable, the t-count value is 3.381 which is greater than the t-table (1.993) and the
significance value is 0.001 which is smaller than 0.05. then the hypothesis is accepted.
Meanwhile, the regression coefficient (b2) = 0.236, meaning that the regression
coefficient which has a positive direction means that the higher the motivation, the higher
the performance.
Based on the hypothesis testing above, it can be concluded that motivation has a
significant positive effect on employee performance at the Administration and Finance
Center for Land Transportation Management Region XXIV, North Maluku Province.
This means that if motivation increases, employee performance will also increase, this
means that employees feel that giving motivation at the BTPD Regional XXIV Office of
North Maluku Province can provide encouragement / encouragement for their employees.
So, this is in accordance with the existing reality, motivation is a push for someone so
that person can focus on personal goals and organizational goals.
Work motivation will greatly affect employee performance. If an employee who
works in a company every day and has good work motivation will certainly have a
positive impact on employee loyalty and productivity and of course the employee will
have good performance too because work motivation itself has a positive impact on
performance. This is also in line with research conducted by (Yatipai, Montolalu, &
Kaparang, 2015) the results of the study show that the product moment is 0.685, which
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 2, February 2022
means that there is a significant correlation or relationship between motivation and
employee performance. So that motivation has an influence of 46.5% on employee
3. Influence of Leadership on Performance
The results showed that leadership had a significant influence on the
administrative and financial performance of the Land Transportation Management Center
for Region XXIV, North Maluku Province. Leadership is an important thing in an
organization and company in achieving the desired goals of an organization or company.
Leadership also affects employee performance in the company or organization. Good
leadership is able to produce good results for the company and bring a sense of comfort to
employees while working.
The results of the statistical test of the t-test on the communication variable, the t-
count value is 2.360, which is greater than the t-table (1.993) and the significance value is
0.021, which is smaller than 0.05. Then the hypothesis is accepted. Meanwhile, the
regression coefficient (b3) = 0.185, it means that if the leadership increases by one unit,
there will be an increase in performance of 0.185 units, assuming other variables are
constant. Positive direction means the higher the leadership, the higher the performance.
Based on the hypothesis testing above, it can be concluded that motivation has a
significant positive effect on employee performance at the Administration and Finance
Center for Land Transportation Management Region XXIV, North Maluku Province.
This means that leadership at the BTPD office is very important in determining the
performance of its employees so that they are optimal in carrying out their duties. The
leadership process in the office environment can influence employees to work willingly
to achieve common goals.
4. The Influence of Communication, Motivation and Leadership on Performance
The results of the F test in this study are presented as follows:
Table 12 F . Test Results
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Y
b. Predictors: (Constant), Leadership, Communication, Motivation
Source: Primary Data Processed 2021
Based on the results of the F statistical test, the F test significance (probability) is
0.000 (p <0.05) and the calculated F value is 96.242 > F table (2.74), meaning that
communication, motivation, and leadership together affect performance. Administration
and Finance of Land Transportation Management Center Region XXIV North Maluku
Based on the results of the research that has been described above, it can be
concluded that communication has a significant influence on employee performance. This
is evidenced by the value of t arithmetic > t table and a significance value of < 0.05. The
communication variable has an important role in improving the performance of
Hamka Husen, Marwan, Hendrian
The Influence of Organizational Behavior Dimensions on Administrative and Financial
Performance of Land Transportation Management Center 383
Administrative and Financial Officers of the Land Transportation Management Center
Region XXIV, North Maluku Province. Motivation has a significant influence on
employee performance. This is evidenced by the value of t arithmetic > t table and a
significance value of < 0.05. Motivation has an important role in improving the
performance of Administrative and Financial Officers of the Land Transportation
Management Center Region XXIV, North Maluku Province. Leadership has a significant
influence on employee performance. This is evidenced by the value of t arithmetic > t
table and a significance value of < 0.05. Leadership has an important role in improving
the performance of Administrative and Financial Officers of the Land Transportation
Management Center Region XXIV, North Maluku Province. There is a significant
influence between communication, motivation, and leadership together on the
performance of Administration and Finance of the Land Transportation Management
Center Region XXIV North Maluku Province with a contribution of 79.9%. This is
evidenced by the calculated F value > F table and the significance value < 0.05.
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