Joko Pamungkas
The Role of Parents in Learning Local Culture of Little Gamelan in Early Childhood 1467
Children's jokes are full of laughter and play. Early childhood, according to
NAECY in (Dewi, 2017) in (National Association For The Education of Young Children)
revealed that early childhood belongs children who are in the age range 0-8 years, who
are covered in educational programs in day care, day care children in the family (Family
child care home), preschool education, both private and public, kindergarten, and
elementary school (RINDI ALFIKA, 2017). Another thing was conveyed by the
Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 84 of 2014 concerning the
establishment of PAUD Article 1 point 1 which that Early Childhood Education,
hereinafter abbreviated as PAUD is a coaching effort aimed at children from birth to the
age of 6 years carried out through the provision of educational stimuli to help physical
and spiritual growth and development so that children have readiness to enter further
education (Rahajuningsih, Endah Hendarwati, Aristiana, & Sos, 2016).
According to UNESCO in (Handayani, Hendriana, & Yuliani, 2021) with the
approval of its member countries, it divides education levels into 7 levels called the
International Standard Classification of Education (ISDEC). At the level set by
UNESCO, early childhood education is included at level 0 or preschool level, which is
for children aged 2 years and some other countries end at the age of 6 years. From some
of the statements above, it can be concluded that Early Childhood Education is an effort
to foster children aged 0-6 years in the form of educational stimuli both formal and non-
formal to prepare for further education (EVIANI, 2020).
Kindergarten institutions that provide educational services for children aged 4–6
years are Early Childhood Education pathways in the form of formal education pathways.
In Kindergarten, children develop various aspects of development such as habituation
which includes morals, religious values, social, emotional and independence (Sardila,
2015). Children also develop various aspects of basic ability development which include
language, cognitive, physical-motor, and artistic (Rohita & Nurfadilah, 2018).
Early childhood is the golden age, the period in which this period experiences the
fastest development. According to (Suyadi, 2018) revealed that the golden period lasts
from the time the child is in the womb to an early age of 0-6 years. However, from
infancy in the womb until birth, until the age of 4 years, is the most decisive period. It is
said to be the golden age because at this time the child's brain is experiencing very rapid
growth and development. This period starts from the fetus in the womb until the age of 6
years (Herlina & Nurjanah, 2017).
Montesori revealed that this period is sensitive. During the time children easily
accept the stimulus from the environment. In addition, he demands that the golden age is
a time when children begin to be sensitive to receiving stimuli and various educational
efforts from their environment, both intentionally and unintentionally. This period is
when children enter school, namely kindergarten when the child's brain is faster to
comprehend things that have just been taught by the teacher. Therefore, during this time
the teacher plays a major role in providing learning for children. Of course, learning here
is an innovative learning to attract children to learn and can develop various aspects of
early childhood development (Marshall, 2017).
Little gamelan is one of the innovative learning that has now begun to be
promoted in kindergarten institutions. With this little gamelan learning, children can
develop aspects such as cognitive, motoric, social-emotional, language, and art. The word
Gamelan itself comes from the Javanese gamel which means to hit or beat, followed by
the suffix "an" which makes it a noun. Gamelan orchestras are mostly found on the
islands of Java, Madura, Bali, and Lombok in Indonesia in various sizes and ensemble