How to cite:
Joko Pamungkas (2021). The Role of Parents in Learning Local
Culture of Little Gamelan in Early Childhood. Journal Eduvest.
1(12): 1466-1472
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Joko Pamungkas
Yogyakarta State University, Indonesia
November, 26
December, 17
December, 19
This study aims to reveal the relationship between the role
of parents in learning local culture of little gamelan in
early childhood. This study uses quantitative methods with
collecting data by asking questions or interviewing
parents, observing with documentation on group B
children in TK ABA Ngabean 2, Yogyakarta. The results of
this study show that the level of closeness of the
relationship between the role of parents and learning of
local gamelan little gamelan culture is very high seen from
the results of the correlation count, which is 0.9994 or
close to 1. and a positive correlation sign indicates a
perfect linear relationship and the line has a positive
slope. The data shows that as X or the role of parents
increase, the results of the y value will increase or learning
the local culture of the little gamelan. The family
environment as a place for the first education for children.
Children at the age of 0-6 years is a period when children
are sensitive to everything. Therefore, in this case,
learning the local culture of little gamelan is good to do at
this time.
The Role of Parents, Early Childhood, Little Gamelan
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Joko Pamungkas
The Role of Parents in Learning Local Culture of Little Gamelan in Early Childhood 1467
Children's jokes are full of laughter and play. Early childhood, according to
NAECY in (Dewi, 2017) in (National Association For The Education of Young Children)
revealed that early childhood belongs children who are in the age range 0-8 years, who
are covered in educational programs in day care, day care children in the family (Family
child care home), preschool education, both private and public, kindergarten, and
elementary school (RINDI ALFIKA, 2017). Another thing was conveyed by the
Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 84 of 2014 concerning the
establishment of PAUD Article 1 point 1 which that Early Childhood Education,
hereinafter abbreviated as PAUD is a coaching effort aimed at children from birth to the
age of 6 years carried out through the provision of educational stimuli to help physical
and spiritual growth and development so that children have readiness to enter further
education (Rahajuningsih, Endah Hendarwati, Aristiana, & Sos, 2016).
According to UNESCO in (Handayani, Hendriana, & Yuliani, 2021) with the
approval of its member countries, it divides education levels into 7 levels called the
International Standard Classification of Education (ISDEC). At the level set by
UNESCO, early childhood education is included at level 0 or preschool level, which is
for children aged 2 years and some other countries end at the age of 6 years. From some
of the statements above, it can be concluded that Early Childhood Education is an effort
to foster children aged 0-6 years in the form of educational stimuli both formal and non-
formal to prepare for further education (EVIANI, 2020).
Kindergarten institutions that provide educational services for children aged 46
years are Early Childhood Education pathways in the form of formal education pathways.
In Kindergarten, children develop various aspects of development such as habituation
which includes morals, religious values, social, emotional and independence (Sardila,
2015). Children also develop various aspects of basic ability development which include
language, cognitive, physical-motor, and artistic (Rohita & Nurfadilah, 2018).
Early childhood is the golden age, the period in which this period experiences the
fastest development. According to (Suyadi, 2018) revealed that the golden period lasts
from the time the child is in the womb to an early age of 0-6 years. However, from
infancy in the womb until birth, until the age of 4 years, is the most decisive period. It is
said to be the golden age because at this time the child's brain is experiencing very rapid
growth and development. This period starts from the fetus in the womb until the age of 6
years (Herlina & Nurjanah, 2017).
Montesori revealed that this period is sensitive. During the time children easily
accept the stimulus from the environment. In addition, he demands that the golden age is
a time when children begin to be sensitive to receiving stimuli and various educational
efforts from their environment, both intentionally and unintentionally. This period is
when children enter school, namely kindergarten when the child's brain is faster to
comprehend things that have just been taught by the teacher. Therefore, during this time
the teacher plays a major role in providing learning for children. Of course, learning here
is an innovative learning to attract children to learn and can develop various aspects of
early childhood development (Marshall, 2017).
Little gamelan is one of the innovative learning that has now begun to be
promoted in kindergarten institutions. With this little gamelan learning, children can
develop aspects such as cognitive, motoric, social-emotional, language, and art. The word
Gamelan itself comes from the Javanese gamel which means to hit or beat, followed by
the suffix "an" which makes it a noun. Gamelan orchestras are mostly found on the
islands of Java, Madura, Bali, and Lombok in Indonesia in various sizes and ensemble
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
shapes. Gamelan is a collection of traditional musical instruments consisting of
colotomik, balungan, forwarding, and toneless instruments.
Gamelan is a musical ensemble that usually features metallophones, xylophone,
drums, and gongs (Widhyatama, 2012). Learning this little gamelan is a manifestation of
the DIY Regional Regulation Number 5 of 2011, education should play a role in the
intellectual life of the nation and improve the quality of Indonesian people by upholding
noble cultural values. With this learning, children can participate in preserving Indonesian
culture. The culture in Indonesia is very large because Indonesia has thousands of islands
and many people. To uphold cultural values, it can be done by doing cultural learning of
local wisdom such as learning through little gamelan.
To preserve local culture through little gamelan is not only needed from the
school or teacher. the need for support close to the child, namely the family environment.
Maria Montesorri (1870-1985) said that the importance of a free and loving environment
For children to grow up. The main environment for early childhood education is the
family, partcularly parents. All forms of teaching carried out by parents will optimize
children's development in terms of physical, cognitive, language, emotional, and artistic
aspects. In addition, the role of parents is no less important, in which they provide
learning motivation for children as well as providing support so that children are warmer
and happier so that children carry out the learning process of local culture with pleasure.
The family environment is the first and main medium that directly or indirectly
influences behavior in the development of students. The purpose of education in general
can be said that the human child becomes independent. Able to direct himself based on
his own decisions to develop all his physical, mental, social and emotional abilities. So
that in this way children can develop a healthy and productive life, by having concern for
Interaction and communication in the family environment essentially determines
the direction of children's development, namely learning opportunities at every sensitive
period. For infants at the age of 0-2, the main sensitivity lies in the exercise of the senses,
motor skills, and the expansion of language development. Every experience that takes
place is lived as a deep experience (Peak experience), and is very influential on the
impression and attitude of children's life later, especially at the age of 3-5 years, namely
an adjustment that is active and selective.
Home must create conducive conditions in the association of students, an open
democratic atmosphere, in which they love and trust each other (Lilawati, 2020). Only in
this way will a harmonious individual develop who is more sensitive to the needs and
demands of the environment, and more aware of his life goals and more motivated and
more confident about how he can achieve these goals (Khaironi, 2017). Good two-way
communication in which parents and children experience each other's two sides will make
meaningful events in the lives of family members, which is the basis for the formation of
a harmonious personality (Erzad, 2018).
Parents are a family component consisting of father and mother who are the result
of marriage ties. Parents play a role in carrying out education in the family environment
who are responsible for early childhood education (Diadha, 2015).
This study aims to obtain empirical data regarding the influence of the role of
parents on learning local gamelean culture in early childhood. This research is expected
to be theoretically useful in contributing to the minimal theory of strengthening the
factors that influence learning of little gamelan in early childhood. Basically, parents can
do local cultural learning that can be done from an early age, such as using the local
language manners that are applied in everyday life. This can be used as an early stage
when in kindergarten the child becomes familiar with learning the local culture of little
Joko Pamungkas
The Role of Parents in Learning Local Culture of Little Gamelan in Early Childhood 1469
gamelan so that it can create a young generation who has a sense of love for the homeland
and upholds local cultural values, especially this little gamelan.
The location of this research group B TK ABA Ngabean 2 which is located at
Karang, Banyurejo, Kec. Tempel, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The
time of the study was carried out in October-November in 2020. The population of this
study was children from group B of Kindergarten ABA Ngabean 2 with a total of 10
children with an age range of 5-6 years.
The data collection techniques used were (1) Interviews through communication
between the parties being asked. In this case, using a structured interview using a written
list of participants and the answers have been provided in the form of a scale. The
question given is to the child's parents. (2) Observation by making direct observations of
the object of research to see closely the activities carried out. In this study, to support the
results of the interviews, the researchers conducted independent observations, recorded
what happened, analyzed the data and then made a conclusion.
This research is a quantitative research using a descriptive approach that aims to
see the ongoing influence and the data collected is quantitative. The data processing
technique used was a correlative technique to see the relationship between two variables.
The formula used in this research is as follows:
r =
The results of the study showed that the parental role variable obtained a
correlation value of 0.999. The following table can be presented.
Table 1. Correlation table of the role of parents in local culture-based learning in
early childhood
r = 0,9994
The correlation number, which shows 0.9994, indicates that the relationship
between the parental role variable on learning the local culture of the little gamelan is
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
very strong and a positive correlation sign indicates a perfect linear relationship and the
line has a positive slope. The data shows that as X or the role of parents increase, the
results of the y value will increase or learning the local culture of the little gamelan.
These two variables support each other, this is because in the process of learning
the local culture of the little gamelan the parents play a role in providing support in the
exercise. Parents who are in TK ABA Ngabean 2 are very close to holding on to Javanese
culture or preserving Javanese culture. The language of manners is also taught by parents
in the home and family environment. According to the results of interviews from the
child's parents, teaching Javanese manners is carried out from the age in the womb.
Parents chat with children using correct cramp language from an early age. As stated by
Moentosori (2008:25) revealed that his belief in the mastery of a child's language is not a
conscious act, but actually a child's mind is created to absorb the language of his
environment unconsciously. Therefore, because children have been taught and have been
provided with provisions by their parents on the language of manners, it is easier for
children to follow lessons at school because at TK ABA Ngabean 2, the learning has
started to be based on local wisdom.
TK ABA Ngabean 2 is a school based on local culture. The language used in this
learning, the teacher incorporates Javanese language and Javanese manners into the
school curriculum. According to the teacher, children aged 4-6 years are a good time to
develop various developments, one of which is loving their own culture, namely the little
gamelan. Montesorri (2008:12) assumes that at the age of 0-6 years is the first growth
period, he started that the child are in a period of sensitivity to speech sounds, listening
carefully and keeping it in mind more than anything else. Therefore, learning the local
culture of the little gamelan is important from an early age.
The role of parents is very big influence on the success of students in learning.
According to Lestari (2012) the role of parents is the methods used by parents regarding
the tasks that must be carried out in raising children. Based on this understanding, it can
the role of parents is the way parents are used in relation to their roles, which must be
carried out in accordance with their duties because parents are the guide for the child. In
this case, the behavior of parents who support children in learning activities based on
local culture of little gamelan affects children in increasing motivation to learn little
Figure 1. Parents provide assistance to children when playing little gamelan
In a family the role of parents is very important for children, especially when
Joko Pamungkas
The Role of Parents in Learning Local Culture of Little Gamelan in Early Childhood 1471
children enter school age. The family has a very important role in developing the
children's personality. The family can be an institution to meet human needs in the
development of human personality.
Johnson in (Slameto, 2003:7) says that the role is a set of interpersonal behavior,
traits, activities related to personal in certain positions and situations. Family members
have their own personal roles. Personal roles in the family are based on the expectations
and behavior patterns of families, groups, and communities.
According to Law no. 2 of 1989 CHAPTER IV Article 10 Paragraph 4: family
education is part of the out-of-school education pathway which is held within the family
and provides religious beliefs, cultural values, moral values and skills. Therefore, based
on the law, family concerns the cultivation, guidance, or habituation of religious, cultural
values and certain skills that are beneficial to children.
The success of children in the learning process cannot be separated from the role
of parents who always support and motivate children in carrying out their learning
activities. Both of these motivations have a major influence on the success of students in
carrying out their learning activities. In this case, parents provide motivation to children
so that children want to play little gamelan and learn local culture.
Parents are reflections for children, what parents do will surely be imitated by
children. The family environment is an environment that is close to the children's first
environment where children get education from their parents. Kindergarten period is
when children are very sensitive to anything. The role of parents in terms of learning this
little gamelan is to motivate children so that the child wants to love their own culture.
Besides, cultural education that is carried out at home also affects the children's ability to
be enthusiastic about playing this little gamelan.
The results of the research on the role of parents in learning the local culture of this
little gamelan can be concluded that the role of parents is very influential on learning the
local culture of this little gamelan. Family environment as a place for children's first
education. Children at the age of 0-6 years is a period when children are sensitive to
everything, so in this case learning the local culture of little gamelan is good to do at this
The correlation of the value of the role of parents in learning little gamelan culture
is 0.9994 this indicates that the relationship between parental role variables on learning
little gamelan culture is very strong and have a positive correlation sign indicates a
perfect linear relationship and the line has a positive slope. The data shows that along
with the increase in X or the role of parents, the result of the value of Y will increase or
learning the local culture of the little gamelan.
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