How to cite:
Devi Ratnasari, Eva Daniati, Eti Suliyawati, Zahara Farhan (2021).
The Effect of Wound Care with Palm Sugar on Diabetic Ulcer
Repairing in Type 2 Diabetes Patients. Journal Eduvest. 1(12):
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Devi Ratnasari, Eva Daniati, Eti Suliyawati, Zahara Farhan
STIKes Karsa Husada, Garut, Indonesia
November, 26
December, 17
December, 19
Diabetic ulcers are one of the most common complications
of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetic ulcers are infected
sores that develop in the lower extremities. Proper
diabetic foot wound care methods will improve wound
healing. One of the efforts to treat the complement to
prevent infection is wound care with palm sugar. Palm
sugar contains antibiotic-like substances such as vitamin
C, riboflavin, vitamin A, and ascorbic acid. Dr. Slamet
Garut's study aims to determine the effectiveness of
wound care with palm sugar media against the repair of
diabetic ulcers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
after hospitalization in 2021. The study used a quasi
experimental research design with one group pretest and
posttest design (Pre-action) and one group of subjects
receiving palm sugar therapy on diabetic ulcer wounds
(Post-action). The researcher used consecutive sampling
techniques, samples that met the inclusion criteria could
have 8 people. The wounds were treated with palm sugar
for two weeks. The findings revealed that wound care
with palm sugar had an effect on the repair of diabetic
ulcers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, with a
Devi Ratnasari, Eva Daniati, Eti Suliyawati, Zahara Farhan
The Effect of Wound Care with Palm Sugar on Diabetic Ulcer Repairing in Type 2
Diabetes Patients 1974
Pvalue = 0.000. Then it is possible to conclude that
treating wounds with palm sugar affects the improvement
of diabetic ulcers.
Wound Care, Palm Sugar, Diabetic Ulcer, Diabates Mellitus
Type 2
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Diabetic ulcers, which occur in the lower extremity and are caused by three
factors: peripheral innervation disorders (neuropathy), infections, and impaired blood
flow, are one of the most common complications of neuropathy (Christia et al., 2015).
The presence of this condition causes wounds to heal more slowly, making them more
susceptible to infection, which can lead to tissue death (Gangrene) and amputation
(Maryunani, 2013).
Efforts to prevent the spread of diabetic ulcer infection include wound care
measures with the appropriate treatment method, which improves the wound healing
process. One of the wound treatment methods that can be used, according to Aragón-
Sánchez et al. (2012) and Permana et al. (2012), is to keep moisture at the wound's base
to prevent bacterial colonization. According to the findings of a study conducted by
Permana et al. (2012), wound care media containing honey can improve the healing
process of infection-related wounds. Natural honey is one of the replacement therapy
media used to treat diabetic foot infection wounds caused by diabetes.
Currently, the treatment of diabetic ulcers is expensive. Hence, other alternative
therapies in the form of complementary therapies in the healing of diabetic ulcers are by
using other media that are simple, inexpensive, and accessible to the community, one of
which is palm sugar. According to the findings of several literature studies, there are
similarities in the content of honey, dates, and palm sugar.
One of the components of palm sugar that affects wounds is riboflavin, ascorbic
acid (Vitamin C), and water. Riboflavin compounds found in palm sugar can aid in the
formation of red blood cells and stimulate the formation of immunoglobulins
(Antibodies) produced in bone marrow, thereby improving tissue function. Furthermore,
ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) found in palm sugar acts as an antibiotic, weakening and
killing bacteria that cause infection in diabetic ulcer wounds, while water media serves as
an absorption medium as well as an antiseptic (Heryani, 2016). Researchers used palm
sugar as one of the alternative media that can be used in the process of treating diabetic
ulcer wounds because Indonesia is one of the largest and best palm sugar producing
countries in the Asian region, particularly in Southeast Asia. Furthermore, palm sugar is
almost universally available, and the cost is relatively low in the community.
Diabetic ulcer treatment services necessitate a lengthy hospitalization (2-3
weeks), but government policies and regulations implemented through the Social Security
Protection Agency (BPJS) health reduce the length of the hospital day to 4-7 days,
requiring patients to receive follow-up care at home.
This study used a quasi-research experiment design with one group pre-test and
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
post-test designs. All patients with post-hospitalization diabetes mellitus were included in
the study. Meanwhile, the study sample consisted of 8 patients who develop diabetic
ulcers after hospitalization.The sampling technique employed was criteria-based
consecutive sampling which led to:
1. Patients who were willing to participate as respondents.
2. The patient's first post-hospitalization day.
3. Patients diagnosed by doctors as having type 2 diabetes mellitus with
complications of grade II and III diabetic ulcers.
4. The patient's blood sugar levels were under control and close to the normal
value limit, with the current blood sugar level value (GDS) greater than 50 mg/dl and less
than 200 mg/dl prior to palm sugar wound treatment.
5. Diabetic ulcer patients with a degree 2-3 classification at stages A-D (based on
the University of Texas ulcer classification).
6. Post-acute care patients at Dr. Slamet Garut in 2021
The research instrument deployed diabetic ulcer treatment standard operating
procedures (SOPs) and a Leg Ulcer Measurement Tool (LUMT) observation sheet. The
mean score of diabetic ulcus characteristics before and after action was used in univariate
analysis. The analysis was based on the data normality test results. Bivariate analysis
employed a dependent t-test based on the results of the one KS and Shapiro-Wilk tests for
data normality.
According to the characteristics of the respondents, the majority of the
respondents (55.6 percent) were male. Almost all of the respondents (88.9 percent) had a
history of smoking and almost all of the respondents (88.9 percent) were elderly (56->65
years). Most of the respondents (66.7 percent) had type 2 diabetes mellitus less than 2
years and 55.6 percent had diabetic ulcer less than 6 months, and the majority of the
respondents (66.7 percent) had grade II diabetic ulcers.
Wounds were treated with palm sugar media once a day for two weeks, followed
by a post test on the fourteenth day, which involved assessing wounds again using LUMT
observation sheets.
Table 1 provides an overview of wound care with sugar aren pre-action and post-
Diabetic Ulcer
Std. Deviation
Pre- Care
38. 56
5. 855
Post- Care
19. 89
4. 833
The following table 2 shows the results of the analysis on the effectiveness of
wound care with palm sugar media against the process of repairing pre-care diabetic
ulcers and post-care in Type 2 DM patients:
Table 2 The Effect of Palm Sugar Wound Care on Diabetic Ulcer Repair Before
and After Surgery in Type 2 Diabetes Patients
Different Values on Pre-care and Post-care Pairs
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Devi Ratnasari, Eva Daniati, Eti Suliyawati, Zahara Farhan
The Effect of Wound Care with Palm Sugar on Diabetic Ulcer Repairing in Type 2
Diabetes Patients 1976
According to table 2, the average diabetic ulcer post-wound treatment action with
palm sugar is 18,667 with a standard deviation of 5,074. Based on a confidence interval
of 95 percent greater than one, it can be concluded that wound treatment with palm sugar
media is effective in the process of repairing diabetic ulcers. The results of statistical tests
using the t-test dependent test yielded a value of P = 0.000, implying that wound
treatment with palm sugar media was effective against the process of repairing diabetic
ulcers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
In diabetic ulcer patients, wound care is a critical step in preventing infection and
complications. The basic principle of diabetic ulcer treatment is to create a moist wound
healing environment or to keep the wound moist at all times (ADA, 2013). In addition to
preserving moisture, dressings should take into account the size, depth, and location of
ulcers (Clayton, Warren, Jr. & Elasy, T.A., 2009). In this case, the researchers used palm
sugar to treat wounds. Palm sugar contains several macro and micronutrient elements,
with palm sugar having a higher content of both than white sugar. Thiamine (Vitamin
B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Nicotinic Acid (Vitamin B3), Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6),
Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12), Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), protein, and mineral salts
are among the micronutrients found in palm sugar. Palm sugar contains vitamin C, an
antioxidant that promotes skin health and protects against skin damage. Riboflavin, which
aids in the formation of red blood cells, produces antibodies, as do enzymes, which
produce the energy required by the human body, vitamin A, which improves the tissue
working system, and the substance Ascorbic Acid, which has antibiotic properties
(Heryani, 2016).
The researchers determined the intervention time for two weeks, based on the
wound healing phase theory, in which the fourth to the twenty-first day is the
proliferation phase (Bryant, R & Nix, D., 2007). During this phase of proliferation,
vascular integrity improves, the incision basin is filled with connective tissue, and the
wound surface is coated with a new epithelium. This phase is marked by epitheliization,
neoangigenesis, and matrix deposition/collagen synthesis. The study used a LUMT
observation sheet before administering the first and 14th day (post-test) observation
sheets to determine the characteristics of diabetic ulcers before and after wound treatment
with palm sugar media 1x per day for 2 weeks. The results showed that the average
number of post-treatment diabetic ulcers with palm sugar in type 2 DM patients was
19.89 (LUMT assessment 0-68), while the average number of post-action diabetic ulcers
was relatively low.
Based on the study's findings, it is concluded that wound treatment with palm sugar
media is effective in the process of repairing diabetic ulcers. The wound treatment with
palm sugar media can be developed and used to treat diabetic ulcer wounds as one of the
wound treatment media with topical complementary therapies.
American Diabetes Association. (2013). Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2013.
Diabetes Journal. 36(1):S11-S50
Aragón-Sánchez, J., Lázaro-Martínez, J. L., Pulido-Duque, J., & Maynar, M.
(2012). From the diabetic foot ulcer and beyond: How do foot infections spread in
patients with diabetes? Diabetic Foot and Ankle, 3, 17.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
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