How to cite:
Maria Elerina Douk Tunti, Anthon S. Y. Kerihi , Karmila D.L.Mutia
(2021). Waste Management Strategy Through Community
Participation In Realizing Good Governance In Kupang City.
Journal Eduvest. 1(12): 1533-1543
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Maria Elerina Douk Tunti, Anthon S. Y. Kerihi
, Karmila D.L.Mutia
Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
November, 26
December, 17
December, 19
This study aims to formulate a strategy for waste
management through community participation in
realizing good governance in Kupang City. This type of
research is quantitative descriptive using a questionnaire
with SWOT analysis. Respondents are residents of Kupang
City. The results found that the increase in the population
of the city of Kupang has an impact on increasing waste
production. Even though waste production continues to
increase, as the central government of NTT, stakeholders
are trying to improve waste management and make
Kupang a healthy, friendly and clean city. The strategies
used are 1) synchronizing waste management programs
and budgets between the City Government and
stakeholders, 2) expanding the collaboration between the
City Government and Universities in designing effective
and efficient waste management technology, 3)
advocating to build public awareness of waste
management, 4) exploring opportunities for collaboration
between The municipal government with third parties
who are concerned with waste management including the
preparation of waste processing volunteers, 5) soft skill
Maria Elerina Douk Tunti, Anthon S. Y. Kerihi
, Karmila D.L.Mutia
Waste Management Strategy Through Community Participation In Realizing Good
Governance In Kupang City 1534
trainings on waste management and joint budget waste
management, 6) build and facilitate coordination with
stakeholders and regular communication to the
community through Kelurahan and RT/ RW, 7) budget
allocation in the APBD to recruit field workers who are
committed to managing waste, and the City Government
budget allocation for spending on the procurement of
public area trash cans that separate organic and non-
organic waste.
Strategy, Waste Management, Community Participation, Good
Governance, SWOT
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Public service is a series of activities, with the aim of fulfilling service needs in
accordance with the laws and regulations for every citizen and resident of goods, services,
and/or administrative services provided by public service providers, namely each
institution (Kusuma, 2019). The implementation of public services is inseparable from the
concept of good governance (Osborne & Strokosch, 2013). The concept of good
governance is a process of good governance, involving stakeholders, for various
economic, social, political and human activities for the benefit of the people which is
carried out by adhering to the principles of: justice, equity, equality, efficiency,
transparency and accountability (Kardos, 2012). There are three components involved in
governance. First, public governance which refers to good governance in government
institutions (Gao & Yu, 2020). Second, corporate governance which refers to good
corporate governance in the business world (Sarbah & Xiao, 2015). Third, civil society or
the wider community. The relationship between the three components (government
institutions, the business world, and the community) must be ideal, balanced, synergistic
and perform mutually supervisory functions or checks and balances. In the context of the
response to environmental concerns, the three components must have the same mindset
towards effective management. The government and its staff must set an example for
handling waste problems in their environment, starting with simple things, such as
disposing of garbage in its place, maintaining office cleanliness, seeking to use paper as
optimally as possible (paperless), advocating for all apparatus to behave neatly and
cleanly, and provide reward to the cleanest and therapist agency/work unit. The role of
the private sector and the general public, as an important component in the framework of
good governance, builds synergy, works together to realize good garbage management,
proportional, effective, and efficient.
Population growth today, especially in cities is running rapidly. Around 36%, in
2020 it is estimated to be 52% or as many as 40 million people. The rapid population
growth in big cities in Indonesia in addition to bringing benefits by growing and
developing cities into centers of economic, industrial, social and cultural activities also
has an impact on increasing social costs, so that in the end urban areas will be to the level
of diseconomies (economic decline). This is a result of the deterioration of the quality of
the urban environment in the form of noise, traffic jams, water, air and soil pollution
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
caused by industrial and household waste.
According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the amount of waste
in 2020 in 384 cities in Indonesia reached 80,235.87 tons per day. A fantastic number that
astonishes and becomes our reflection together. From the large quantity of waste, it is
estimated that 4.2% is transported to the Final Disposal Site (TPA), 37.6% is burned,
4.9% is thrown into the river and 53.3% is not handled. In fact, out of 53.3% of the
untreated waste, it is disposed of in an unsanitary manner or in accordance with the
regulations into gullies and sewers.
Environmental problems in the context of waste, also occur in the city of Kupang.
Waste production in Kupang City is very high, 200-250 tons per day. Meanwhile, waste
transportation facilities are very limited, totaling 36 trucks supported by only 200
personnel, so they are not adequate in overcoming the Kupang City waste problem (Head
of the Kupang City Environment and Hygiene Service, in, October 20,
2020). The ignorance of the people of Kupang regarding waste and its handling has led to
the emergence of various diseases, such as diarrhea, cholera, to typhoid. Garbage is a
consequence that must be accepted, be it small or large. The facts show that organic waste
which is generally burned by the community will have an even greater impact on the
surrounding environment, and lead to global warming. Smart management such as
composting and recycling are wise ways to manage waste that can be done simply in our
environment. The rapidly growing population of Kupang has implications for an increase
in the amount of waste (Adu, de Rozari, Tokan, & Sukarjita, 2021).
As a city located in a coastal area, Kupang City is often hit by storms. the latest is
Tropical Cyclone Seroja. Hurricane Seroja which hit almost all areas of NTT Province on
April 5, 2021, including the affected city of Kupang, further worsened the waste
condition of Kupang City (Jasmine et al., 2021). After the storm, organic and non-organic
waste was seen scattered everywhere. The increase in the volume of post-hurricane waste
cannot be transported by cars belonging to the Kupang City Sanitation and Parks Service,
due to a shortage of garbage transporting cars, and limited and personnel, who were also
affected by the storm. The community complained about the management and
management of the Kupang City Government which was considered slow in dealing with
the disaster impact of the Tropical Cyclone Seroja, one of the problems was the increase
in the volume of waste, which was not distributed properly to the final waste collection
point (Hickman, Karlsson, & Radoslovich, 2014). This was conveyed by the Coordinator
of Region VII GMKI Central Management, Donald Isacus Paut at the Seroja Tropical
Cyclone Disaster Volunteer Post, GMKI Central Executive Region VII, Kelapa Lima,
Kupang City, NTT. According to him, they have gathered dozens of volunteers to help
the Kupang City Government in solving the waste problem in this city (Geldin, 2019).
Volunteers have arrived and will go to the points where the garbage is piled up. The
Kupang City Sanitation Service, in this case the Head of Cleanliness, when contacted
repeatedly asked for assistance with transportation facilities, did not answer our phone
calls. From this description, it is clear that the Kupang City Government is not serious in
solving problems that occur in Kupang City (Loua et al., 2021).
Handling the problem of waste is not easy, population growth is accompanied by
higher levels of consumption which is not proportional to the availability of TPA to
accommodate it, the number of cleaning personnel, limited supporting facilities for waste
management, the concept of conventional waste management, and the emergence of
various social problems caused by waste management. garbage (scorching smell, waste
water polluting rivers, health problems, and low community activity to comply with
waste disposal regulations).
Maria Elerina Douk Tunti, Anthon S. Y. Kerihi
, Karmila D.L.Mutia
Waste Management Strategy Through Community Participation In Realizing Good
Governance In Kupang City 1536
Waste management in Law no. 18 of 2008 concerning Waste Management is defined as a
systematic, comprehensive, and sustainable activity that includes waste reduction and
handling (No, 18AD).
The Kupang City Government itself already has a set of regional regulations
related to waste management, namely the Kupang City Regulations No. 3 and 4 of 2011
concerning the Implementation of Handling Household Waste and Waste Similar to
Household Waste. In this regulation, it is clear that it guarantees the fulfillment of the
right to a healthy environment for every member of the community while at the same
time providing the widest possible space for the community and business actors to
participate in waste management (Resosudarmo et al., 2019). Meanwhile, the goal is to
raise public awareness about environmentally sound waste management and coordination
between local governments, business actors, and the community so that there is
integration in waste management (Aslam, Huang, & Cui, 2020). Even though the regional
regulation on waste management already exists, in its implementation, at the
implementation level, it has not been implemented properly, namely the implementation
of a new paradigm of waste management and the lack of participation from the
community and business actors in handling waste (recycling waste) so that waste is
scattered everywhere (Esmaeilian et al., 2018). The people of Kupang city still use the old
paradigm of waste management, namely collecting, transporting, and disposing/burning
waste. With this paradigm, waste is only seen as a useless waste material and has no
economic value (Oldfield, White, & Holden, 2018).
Based on the description above, the purpose of this study is to formulate a
strategy that should be carried out in dealing with Kupang city waste in realizing good
Kupang city governance.
This study uses a descriptive approach. The population of this research is the
community and the local government of Kupang city. The sampling method used
accidental sampling technique consisting of residents of Kupang City. Specifically for the
Kupang City Government, the technique for determining the sample uses purposive
sampling where the sample is taken using the criteria of the Kupang City Environment
and Hygiene Service apparatus, the total sample to be used is 200 samples.
This research includes the stages of inventory, analysis and evaluation, and the
concept of tourism development.
1. Inventory Stage
Inventory is the collection of primary and secondary data from a location at this
time. Data obtained by: a. Field observations and b. Interviews with the community and
local government officials
2. Data Analysis
To map and process research results using the Variables, Dimensions, and
Indicators of each Variable to determine waste management strategies through
community participation in realizing good governance in the city of Kupang using SWOT
analysis techniques.
3. Waste Management Strategy
The action is determined by the IFE and EFE Matrix. Quadrants I, II, and IV are
perceived as grow and build actions. An intensive and integrative strategy can be used as
an appropriate approach. Determining the priority of alternative strategies is done by
adding up all the scores of the constituent factors. The strategy that has the highest score
is the top priority.
This research was conducted in the city of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Primary
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
data was obtained through the distribution of questionnaires, direct observation in the
field. Primary data was conducted through a questionnaire to determine the public's
perception of the condition and waste management of the city of Kupang. In addition,
interviews with the community were also conducted to obtain in-depth information.
Direct observations and interviews with related parties were conducted to identify
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges in managing waste by implementing
community participation in Kupang City. Secondary data was obtained through various
documents containing information supporting the research. The analytical tool used is a
SWOT analysis.
SWOT Analysis Results
Internal Factor Analysis
Internal factors are entered into a matrix called the internal strategy factor matrix
or IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary).
Table 1 IFAS . Weights, Ratings and Scores
Source of data: Primary, Researcher Process, 2021
From Table 1 above, it can be explained that the highest strength value is in the item of
the population of Kupang City which is increasing with a score of 1.86 and a weight
of 7.74 while the biggest weakness is in the item that there are still people who have
low awareness of waste management with a score of - 2.26 and a weight of -7.53.
This means that the increase in the population of the city from year to year has an
impact on increasing the production of waste in the city of Kupang. This condition
Maria Elerina Douk Tunti, Anthon S. Y. Kerihi
, Karmila D.L.Mutia
Waste Management Strategy Through Community Participation In Realizing Good
Governance In Kupang City 1538
will be further exacerbated by the low level of awareness about waste management
by the community.
External Factor Analysis
External factors are entered into a matrix called the EFAS external strategy factor
matrix (External Factor Analysis Summary).
Table 2 EFAS Weights, Ratings and Scores
Source of data: Primary, Researcher Process, 2021
From Table 4.2 above, it can be explained that the highest opportunity value is in
the item Kupang City as the administrative center of NTT Province with a score of 1.62
and a weight of 5.40. Meanwhile, the biggest threat is the waste production item which
continues to increase with a score of -1.02 and a weight of -3.39. This means that
although the threat of waste production in Kupang City continues to increase, on the other
hand, Kupang City is the center of the NTT Province government so that many
stakeholders will strive to improve waste management properly and make Kupang City a
healthy, friendly and clean city.
Judging from the results of the IFAS table analysis above, it shows that the
strength factor gets a score of 7.15 and the weakness is -6.84 with a difference in score of
(+) 0.31. This means that the strength factor is greater than the weakness factor. While the
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
EFAS table shows that the opportunity factor gets a score of 6.27 and the threat is -.2.81
with a difference in score of (+) 3.46. This means that the opportunities that exist in waste
management in Kupang City can be maximized to reduce threats. which exists.
Graphically, the results of the identification of internal and external factors can be
explained in the image and SWOT diagram below:
Figure 1 SWOT Chart
Source of data: Primary, Researcher Process, 2021
SWOT Analysis Interpretation for Development Strategy
In order to know the waste management strategy in realizing good governance in
Kupang City, a SWOT matrix is needed that can show the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats that exist in Kupang City. Based on the SWOT matrix, it can
clearly describe the results of the SWOT analysis related to the waste management
strategy in Kupang City as follows:
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Maria Elerina Douk Tunti, Anthon S. Y. Kerihi
, Karmila D.L.Mutia
Waste Management Strategy Through Community Participation In Realizing Good
Governance In Kupang City 1540
Table 3 SWOT Matrix for Kupang City Waste Management
Strenght (S)
1. The increasing
population of Kupang
2. Availability of garbage
cars in various places in
Kupang City
3. The commitment of the
Kupang City
Government to make
Kupang City a clean,
healthy and orderly city
4. The city of Kupang as
the center of education
in NTT
5. The people of Kupang
City are enthusiastic
about using the trash
cans provided by the
Weakness (W)
1. There are still
people who have
low awareness of
waste management
2. Communities
around trash bins are
less involved by the
government in
managing waste
3. There is still a
shortage of workers
in waste
4. There is no business
unit that does waste
recycling business
Oppurtunities (O)
1. There is a regional
regulation on waste
2. Kupang City as the
administrative center of
NTT Province
3. A very promising
waste recycling
4. There is an
institution/third party
that is concerned with
waste management
5. Availability of waste
processing technology
SO Strategy
1. The commitment of the
Kupang City Government to
make Kupang City a clean,
healthy and orderly city through
the Kupang City Regulation on
waste. This is based on the idea
that Kupang City is the center
of the NTT Province
government so that the strategy
that can be formulated is to
synchronize programs and
budgets between the Kupang
City government and related
stakeholders and the NTT
Provincial Government in
waste management in Kupang
2. The City of Kupang as an
education center in NTT and
the people of Kupang City who
are enthusiastic about using the
trash cans prepared by the
government so that the strategy
that can be formulated is to
expand the collaboration
WO Strategy
1. There are still people
who have low
awareness of waste
management and even
people around landfills
are less involved by the
Government in
managing waste. .
2. Manpower related to
waste management is
still lacking and there is
no business unit that
conducts waste
recycling business. On
the other hand, there are
institutions/third parties
who are concerned with
waste management and
the availability of waste
management technology
so that the strategy that
can be formulated is to
explore opportunities
for collaboration
between the Kupang
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
between the Kupang City
government and universities for
the design of effective and
efficient waste management
City Government and
third parties who are
concerned with waste
management including
the preparation of waste
processing volunteers,
training- training on
waste management soft
skills and joint budget
waste management.
Treath (T)
1. Waste production
continues to increase
2. Community
participation is still low
3. Community conflicts
around the garbage
4. There is no
separation of organic
and non-organic waste
in landfills
ST Strategy
1. The increasing population of
Kupang City can have an
impact on increasing waste
production in Kupang City but
on the other hand the Kupang
City Government is committed
to making Kupang City a clean,
healthy and orderly city so that
the strategy that can be
formulated is to build and
facilitate coordination with all
stakeholders. holders and
regular communication to the
people of Kupang City through
the Kelurahan and the head of
RT/RW throughout Kupang
City in waste management in
Kupang City.
WT Strategy
a. Communities around
the trash bins are less
involved by the
Government in
managing waste even
though there is still a
shortage of workers in
waste management so
that a strategy that can
be formulated is the
budget allocation in the
Kupang City Regional
Budget to recruit field
workers who are
committed to managing
waste or community-
based waste
management programs.
There is no business
unit that conducts waste
recycling business
because there is no
separation of non-
organic and organic
waste so that the
strategy that can be
formulated is the budget
allocation by the
Kupang City
Government for
spending on the
procurement of waste
bins/boxes that separate
organic and non-organic
waste placed in public
Source of data: Primary, Researcher Process, 2021
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
Waste Management Strategy Through Community Participation In Realizing Good
Governance In Kupang City 1542
Based on the results of the SWOT analysis in this study, it can be concluded
several things as follows:
1) From Table 4.1 above, it can be explained that the highest strength value is in the
item of the population of Kupang City which is increasing with a score of 1.86
and a weight of 7.74 while the biggest weakness is in the item that there are still
people who have low awareness of waste management by score -2.26 and weight
-7.53. This means that the increase in the population of the city from year to year
has an impact on increasing the production of waste in the city of Kupang. This
condition will be further exacerbated by the low level of awareness about waste
management by the community.
2) From Table 4.2 above, it can be explained that the highest opportunity value is in
the item Kupang City as the administrative center of East Nusa Tenggara
Province with a score of 1.62 and a weight of 5.40. Meanwhile, the biggest threat
is the waste production item which continues to increase with a score of -1.02 and
a weight of -3.39. This means that although the threat of waste production in
Kupang City continues to increase, on the other hand, the factor of Kupang City
as the administrative center of East Nusa Tenggara Province so that many
stakeholders will strive to improve waste management properly and make
Kupang City a healthy, friendly and clean city.
3) Judging from the results of the IFAS table analysis above, it shows that the
strength factor gets a score of 7.15 and the weakness is -6.84 with a difference in
score of (+) 0.31. This means that the strength factor is greater than the weakness
factor. While the EFAS table shows that the opportunity factor gets a score of
6.27 and the threat is -.2.81 with a difference in score of (+) 3.46. This means that
the opportunities that exist in waste management in Kupang City can be
maximized to reduce threats which exists.
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