Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Jambi University
E-mail: mulya[email protected]
, 2021
Revised: April
, 2021
, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine the description of
parenting patterns, the benefits felt by students, and the supporting
and inhibiting factors for the implementation of assimilation at
SMAN Titian Teras Jambi Boarding School. This study uses a
qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques
through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis
techniques in this research are data reduction, data display,
conclusion drawing/verification. Checking the validity of the data
in this study is the credibility test. The results showed that spiritual
development consists of the habadah habit. Academic coaching,
namely the existence of a subject clinic service at night, the English
Club. Non-academic / skill development includes extracurricular
activities, development of talents and interests, and defending the
country. The benefits felt by the students were that students were
accustomed to being diligent in worshiping, understanding the
meaning of the Koran, and memorizing the Koran to increase.
Students can live independently and have many friends, the student's
academic score increases, students gain skills.
Keywords: Caregiving, students, dormitories
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Education is a lifelong learning process and is compulsory for anyone, anytime,
and can be done anywhere. (Sudarsana, 2016) Education is a very important need, through
education someone will be elevated in dignity and degree. The education process can be
carried out formally and informally as well as contacts with various communication media,
such as books, newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and informal media, such as
student interactions with the surrounding community. (Darlis, 2017). According (Undang-
Undang, 2003) regarding Article 3 of the National Education System stipulates that the
goal of national education is to develop the potential of students to become human beings
who believe and serve God who is almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, creative,
independent, democratic and responsible. It can be seen from the description that students
are not only expected to have academic abilities but also non-academic abilities (Karmana,
Some of the problems that have occurred in the field of education, such as the
proliferation of illegal drugs, free sex when students come home from school, disputes
between students, and juvenile delinquency. Also, another impact is the rapid development
of science and technology which is used negatively by students (Megahantara, 2017)
The process of handling all negative forms above is the duty and responsibility of
National education which is integrally a part of the life activities of the Indonesian people.
(Ibrahim, 2015) As a form of advancing a nation, Indonesia has formulated its national
education policy as stipulated in (Undang-Undang, 2003) concerning the National
Abdurrahman Sayoety Jambi
Education system which is an elaboration or derivative of the objectives of the national
education policy of the Indonesian nation in Pancasila and the Preamble to the 1945
Constitution. As stated, there are two main principles of Indonesian national education,
namely the intellectual life of the nation and education is the right of all Indonesian people.
(Sutono, 2015)
Every Indonesian citizen has the right to education and there is no gap between
rich and poor. This education system is democratic, giving every Indonesian citizen the
right as stated in the Constitution 31 paragraph 1 that "Every citizen has the right to
education" and is strengthened real and firmly in the National Education System Law
Number 20 of 2003 article 3 regarding the formulation of the functions and objectives of
Indonesian national education, that: National education can develop, shape the character
and civilization of a nation with dignity, as well as to educate the nation's life, aiming at
cultivating the potential of students who believe in and fear God Almighty, have the
potential of character noble, healthy, and knowledgeable, creative, independent, and a
democratic and responsible citizen (Hakim, 2016)
Dormitory students must have faith, morality, good health, knowledge, be creative,
independent, and responsible. (Yaqin, 2015) Students are a very important part of the
national education system because without them there is no meaning that there are no
students without teachers. Therefore, in the process of formal education or institutional
education, the existence of students is essential and requires interaction between educators
and students. Pesantren is considered the right solution to overcome various problems.
Compared to the conventional education system, this pesantren has its advantages.
(Fakhrurrazi, 2017) According to Akbar Taufik (Mubarok, 2018) Education in Boarding
Schools is presented thoroughly for 24 hours, students attend regular education from
morning to afternoon at school then continued with extracurricular activities and religious
activities or special values education at night.
The life of a pesantren is different from that at home so that students must be able
to make adjustments so that they can continue to survive after completing their pesantren
education. Therefore, education that combines schools with Islamic boarding schools is
one of the best solutions for parents to filter out the increasing prevalence of stabbing in
Indonesian culture, if not handled properly it will certainly damage the morale of students.
(Arif & Kalimatusyaro, 2020) In the academic aspect, non-academic and personal, this is
not only a place to filter time but also a place to achieve excellence.
Apart from regular schools, there are also boarding schools at SMAN Titian Teras
H. Abdurrahman Safety. This school is located in Pijoan Village, Jambi Luar Kota District,
Muaro Jambi Regency. The Boarding School Program was started in 1994, consisting of
male dormitories and female dormitories, which are characterized by a similar system in
SMA Taruna Nusantara. In the first year, the number of students who take part in the School
Berasr program There are 47 students at first all-male, then in the following years based on
the new need to accept female students, the number of students has almost doubled
compared to the first year, in this second year, the number of students was 81 students and
great again. in 2020 the number of students enrolled in the Boarding School program was
1360 students, but those who were accepted based on the results of rigorous selection were
accepted by 130 students and 125 students. The Boarding School of SMAN Titian Teras
has experienced quite rapid development and it can be said that this school has successfully
completed 26 generations. The purpose of this study is to describe the parenting styles of
students, in the same way, to describe the benefits felt by students, to describe the
supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of Islamic parenting in the
boarding schools of SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman Sayoety Jambi.
Parenting pattern of associated school students in SMAN Titian Teras H.
Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Previously, there was a research that was relevant to this research, namely research
conducted by (Febriansa, 2019) with the title Guidance for Boarding School Students at
Athirah II Islamic Junior High School Makassar. The results showed that spiritual guidance
consists of habituation of worship. Academic coaching, namely the existence of a subject
clinic at night, English and Arabic Club. Non-academic/skill development includes
extracurricular activities, development of talents and interests, graphic design, and sewing.
The benefits felt by the students were that students were accustomed to being diligent in
worshiping, understanding the meaning of the Koran, and memorizing the Koran to
increase. Students can live independently and have many friends, the student's academic
score increases, students gain skills in the fields of design and sewing. Supporting factors
are a beautiful environment, complete facilities, and infrastructure, the existence of a
subject clinic at night, and supported by good methods. The inhibiting factors for the
implementation of student coaching are the admission of students who are not selective,
human resources are still lacking, the interference of the parent committee if there is a
problem in the dormitory, the different character of students, and the lack of discipline
This research is a descriptive qualitative research that uses qualitative descriptive
methods and the data is carried out through interviews, observation and recording. The
focus of development research is to conduct an in-depth study of how the student's care
model organization includes: 1) parenting, 2) the benefits felt by students, and 3) supporting
and inhibiting factors for students of SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman Sayoety. The
data analysis techniques in this study were data reduction, data presentation, and
graphics/levers. By expanding observation coverage and increasing durability, checking
the validity of this research data is a credibility test.
Based on the results of data processing, the results of the research on Nurturing
Students in Togetherness at the Boarding School of SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman
Sayoety Jambi can be explained as follows:
A. Patterns of Religious Parenting
The pattern of religious parenting is a form of care carried out by the dormitory
officials whose purpose is to increase religious knowledge for students and accustom
students to be accustomed to worshiping without coercion. As for the parenting programs
at SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman Sayoety Jambi, they are Tahajud Prayer, Tahfizh
Al-Quran, Kultum, Sirah Nabawi, Fasting Monday Thursday and Fiqhi Studies. This
religious activity generally starts at 04.00 WIB, students are awakened to prepare for the
dawn prayer, then continue with religious activities and several other religious activities.
The results of the above research are in line with the results of research conducted by
(Febriansa, 2019) which states that, morning activities begin at 04.00 where all students
are required to wake up to get ready for the dawn prayer in congregation and other religious
activities such as tausiyah and reading Al The Qur'an. After that students take turns
showering, having breakfast, and getting ready to take part in lessons at school.
Parenting pattern of associated school students in SMAN Titian Teras H.
Abdurrahman Sayoety Jambi
B. Academic Parenting Patterns
Apart from religious care in the dormitory of SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman
Sayoety Jambi, he also provides academic care. Academic nurture is a process of nurturing
how to increase the value of student academic achievement at school. Therefore, this
academic program needs to be maximized. The way for boarding schools to maximize this
academic program is by collaborating with outside tutoring institutions. The hope is that
students' academic grades can improve and as a form of differentiation between boarding
and non-boarding schools. This is confirmed by (Febriansa, 2019) that the pesantren seeks
to maximize the unique academic curriculum of each (non-student) pesantren.
These activities differ from those of an academic nature, such as enrichment,
remediation, preparation and preparation for the Olympics. Dormitory students do need
this academic guidance program. The form of academic counseling for the Islamic boarding
school at SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman Sayoety Jambi is a clinical service with the
theme of the English Club in collaboration with third parties.
C. Non-Academic / Skill Parenting Patterns
As for the Non-Academic / Ski training at SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman
Sayoety Jambi, namely Photoshop training, Corel Draw and several other extracurricular
activities. State defense activities are also carried out every Saturday at 07.00 WIB.
Meanwhile, Photoshop and Corel Draw training activities are held at night and
extracurricular activities are held in the afternoon. All of these activities are aimed at
developing the talents and interests of the students of SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman
Sayoety Jambi. The purpose of all these coaching programs is to support the program,
besides that, to train students' habits with worship activities and to make students
intellectually and religiously intelligent. In addition, when the study time is solid, students
tend to get bored with the routine, so active activities are needed to get rid of this boredom.
Extracurricular activities are very useful media to instill students' talents and interests.
According to Permendiknas RI Number 39 of 2008: The objectives of student development
are as follows:
1) Developing the potential of students properly and thoroughly, including talents,
interests and creativity.
2) Improve student personality to achieve school flexibility as an educational
environment, so as to avoid hard work and negative effects and conflicts with
educational goals
3) In accordance with the talents and interests of students to explore the potential of
students for achievement.
4) Allow students to become citizens of an aristocratic democratic society and respect
human rights on the basis of realizing civil society.
Based on the results of the discussion, school activities for student tutoring have
been adjusted to the contents of the applicable regulations. In the plan of SMAN Titian
Teras H. Abdurrahman Sayoety Jambi, "Regulation of the Minister of Education
(Permendiknas) Number 39 of 2008 concerning Student Guidance and Student
Development Activities in the plan to implement the following student guidance materials
can be seen.
Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Table 1
The pattern of caring for boarding schools at SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman
Permendiknas Student
Guidance Number 39 of
Parenting Patterns for
Students of SMAN Titian
Teras H. Abdurrahman
Sayoety Jambi
Faith and devotion to God
Tahajud prayer, axiom
prayer, dzikir, tahfizh, the
habit of fasting from
Monday to Thursday.
Non-Academic /
Skill Care
Superior personality with
national insight Non
Academic Achievements,
arts, and sports according
to talents and interests.
Human rights democracy,
environmental political
education, social
sensitivity in the context of
a plural society. Physical
quality, health, and
nutrition based on
diversified sources of
nutrition Literature and
culture Information and
communication technology
(ICT) Creativity, skills,
Noble character or noble
Communication in
languages English
English Club
The benefits felt by students of SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman Sayoety in
the dormitory based on the results of interviews with students of SMAN Titian Teras H.
Abdurrahman Sayoety Jambi, it was found that the students were getting used to living
independently and diligently carrying out worship, be it Tahajjud prayer, prayer 5 times ,
Kultum, Fiqh studies, increased memorization of the Koran and subject clinics and all
programs have been running well.
The real purpose of all the programs that have been compiled is how to instill the
habit of worshiping students and as provisions for their future. This coaching activity also
aims to make students intellectually and spiritually intelligent. The results of the above
research are in line with the opinion expressed by (Daulay, 2018) which explains that the
benefits of boarding school education are the emergence of a spirit of independence and
self-confidence. Students are educated not only depending on diplomas and not on the
mentality of job seekers.
Parenting pattern of associated school students in SMAN Titian Teras H.
Abdurrahman Sayoety Jambi
a) Benefits from a Spiritual Aspect
Education is not only intellectual from a mere intellectual perspective, education
is an important thing which is a process of guidance or teaching carried out by humans so
that not only intellectual abilities, but spiritual abilities and noble morals are needed not
only for now but also in the future. so that he becomes a better person. Boarding Shool
makes a place as a forum for spiritual development, the benefits felt in the boarding school
of SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman Sayoety Jambi, namely students are accustomed
to living independently, diligently worshiping, understanding the meaning of the Al-Quran
and memorizing Al-Quran is also increased with this all are able to develop the spiritual
power of his religion.
This is in accordance with the law. No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National
Education System explains that: "Education is a conscious and planned effort that aims to
create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that students can actively
develop their potential so that they can play to the maximum of religious spiritual strength,
self-control, individuality, intelligence, and the nobility that he and the people of the world
need. Character and skills. Country and state.
b) Attitude benefits
Boarding School education system students are required to live in a dormitory.
Therefore, it is easier for teachers or educators to monitor and control the development of
the attitudes of their students. The attitude of students who appeared at the school with the
concept of SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman Sayoety Jambi was that students could
learn to live independently, socialize with many friends and students could be disciplined.
This is in line with the opinion (Daulay, 2018) explaining that the benefits of boarding
school education are the emergence of a spirit of independence and self-confidence.
Students are not only dependent on diplomas, not job seekers mentally ".
c) Benefits in terms of knowledge
Parents hope to send their children to boarding schools so that their children have
good religious provisions, besides that, the provision of knowledge must also be good. The
benefit felt by students at the boarding school at SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman
Sayoety Jambi is that students get a lot of knowledge because of the clinical assistance
provided by other institutions. In addition, by participating in extracurricular activities,
students will get additional grades according to the extracurricular subjects.
This is in line with the opinion put forward by (Maksudin, 2013) which states that
with students attending the Boarding School it acts as a vehicle to educate students'
intelligence and skills in addition to educating them to have a tolerant attitude, mutual
respect, not accentuate racial diligence and to arouse nationalism by declaring freedom.
The supporting factors for the development of student coaching at the boarding
school of SMAN Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman Sayoety Jambi are a beautiful environment,
complete facilities and infrastructure in this school, such as a ceremonial field, sports
equipment, tutoring assistance from several outside agencies, a solid team of mentors,
method and good system. As for the inhibiting factors for the implementation of coaching,
namely not being selective in admitting new students, lack of human resources,
involvement of parents in boarding problems, different character of students, inadequate
enforcement of discipline.
Based on the results of the research, the researcher can draw the conclusion that
the description of student management in fostering equality, namely: (a) Spiritual guidance
Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
consists of habituation of midnight prayer, congregational prayer, dzikir, tahfizh, fasting
Monday-Thursday, murojaah memorization, tarbiyah, and character studies. (b) Academic
Guidance, namely the existence of subject clinic services at night and English Club
services. (c) Non-Academic / Skill Development includes extracurricular activities, talent
and interest development, graphic design. The benefits felt by students of SMAN Titian
Teras H. Abdurrahman Sayoety Jambi in the dormitory in terms of: (a) The benefits from
a spiritual point of view are that students are accustomed to being diligent in worshiping
both the sunnah and the mandatory, understanding the meaning of the Koran and
memorizing the Koran also increases. (b) The benefit in terms of attitude is that students
can live independently, socialize with many friends and students can be disciplined. (c) The
benefit in terms of knowledge is that students will get a lot of knowledge because of the
existence of subject clinical services, increasing student academic scores. In addition, by
participating in extracurricular activities, students will get additional grades according to
extracurricular subjects. (d) The benefit in terms of skills is that students acquire skills
Supporting factors and obstacles to the implementation of harmony building,
namely: supporting factors; beautiful environment, complete facilities and infrastructure
such as ceremonial fields and sports equipment. In addition, for academics there is a subject
clinic at night, supported by good methods. The inhibiting factors for the implementation
are: student admission that is not selective, human resources are still lacking, the
interference of the parent committee if there is a problem in the dormitory, the different
character of students and the lack of discipline enforcement.
This study recommends the need for coaches to be consistent with the rules that
have been made. Likewise, students obey the rules that have been made by the boarder of
the dormitory so that all forms of benefits in the dormitory will also be felt by all students
in the dormitory. It is necessary to be more selective in admitting new students who will
live in the dorms. In addition, it is suggested that there should be more teachers and that it
is necessary to equalize the limits of authority between parents and schools.
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