How to cite:
Fransina Welhelmina Ballo, Maria Indriyani Hewe Tiwu (2021).
Analysis Of The Synergy Development Of The Creative Economy
And Tourism Sector Of East Sumba Regency. Journal Eduvest.
1(12): 1521-1532
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Fransina Welhelmina Ballo, Maria Indriyani Hewe Tiwu
Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
November, 26
December, 17
December, 19
This study aims to analyze the strategy for developing a
synergy between the creative economy and the tourism
sector in East Sumba Regency. What is the right strategy
for developing synergy between the creative economy and
the tourism sector in East Sumba Regency. This area has a
variety of tourism objects, both natural, marine, and
cultural tourism. The development of the tourism sector
supports changes in the lives of the surrounding
community, especially those around tourist attractions,
especially with regard to income. The method used in this
study is a mix method. From the results of the analysis it
was found that the tourism sector in East Sumba Regency
is not supported by the creative economy so that the
tourism sector has not become a locomotive for the
regional economy. So the right strategy is that the East
Sumba regency government must build concrete
cooperation between local governments, communities,
traditional leaders, academics and the mass media. In
addition, to build economic independence in each region
or region, especially in East Sumba Regency, it is
necessary to create a synergy between the tourism sector
and the creative economy or creative industry that can
encourage the creation of new economic sources and the
Fransina Welhelmina Ballo, Maria Indriyani Hewe Tiwu
Analysis Of The Synergy Development Of The Creative Economy And Tourism Sector Of
East Sumba Regency 1522
opening of new jobs, so that the national development
goals of a prosperous society can be achieved.
Creative Economy, Tourism Sector, Synergy
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Economic independence in each region has been supported by the government
with various policies other than regional autonomy, namely the mobilization of the
strategic economic sector which was initiated by President Jokowi through the 2014-2019
Nawacita program (Siahaan, 2020). The strategic sectors in question are economic
sources that have a significant impact on the regional economy, where there are three
leading sectors of development namely agriculture, tourism and fisheries, and tourism is
designated as the leading sector of national development (Saleh, Surya, Annisa Ahmad, &
Manda, 2020).
Determination of tourism as a leading sector because the tourism sector can move
or can provide a multiplier effect on the sector (Multiplier Effect) so that it has a
significant impact on the economy (Vargas-Sáncr hez, 2018). Natural potential, local
wisdom, and cultural potential that differ between regions are advantages in the tourism
sector and if able to take advantage of this potential can create new economic resources
for the local community so as to encourage economic independence (Cherry & Pidgeon,
2018). The potential of each region has its own peculiarities, such as the tourism potential
of the East Nusa Tenggara Province which is different from the regional potential of the
Yogyakarta Province and other provinces (Nuhman, 2021).
The tourism potential of East Nusa Tenggara Province, both Natural, ODTW and
Artificial ODTW tours spread across 21 Regencies and 1 City becomes an economic
potential and source of income for local governments if managed optimally and in
synergy with the creative economy.
The development of the tourism sector is currently very fast, as evidenced by the
increasing number of tourists who travel, the addition of flight routes with new routes,
investment in tourism such as the opening of new tourist objects (Mudana, Suamba,
Putra, & Ardini, 2018). Tourism in East Sumba has good prospects and can still be
developed more optimally. This area has a variety of tourism objects, both natural,
marine, and cultural tourism (Nababan, Christian, Afandy, & Damar, 2020). Natural
tourism in this area includes the beauty of the sea and the vast mountains, rivers,
waterfalls, dense tropical forest tourism, with a diversity of wild flora and fauna species,
such as those found in the Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park area (Dwiyahreni et al.,
2021). Cultural tourism in East Sumba includes historical heritage and diversity of
traditions, specific and interesting local/local arts. Currently, the development of the East
Sumba tourism sector has increased but is still not managed optimally and professionally
(Gunawan, 2020). In addition, the tourism sector in East Sumba has not optimally
synergized with the creative economy, while the creative economy is a supporter of the
tourism sector that has the potential to encourage the regional economy through the
creation of new jobs that can be a new source of income for the people of East Sumba
Regency (Jati, Astuti, & Fernandez, 2017).
The development of the tourism sector supports changes in the lives of the
surrounding community, especially those around tourist attractions, especially with regard
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
to income (Soliku, Kyiire, Mahama, & Kubi, 2021). In addition, according to Rakib
(2017), the contribution of the creative economy in the Indonesian economy and culture
with socio-cultural diversity is a source of inspiration in developing a creative economy
in Indonesia (Muchtar, Akmal, Prihatim, & Sumadi, 2020). The diversity of products
from various sources is a supporting factor for the development of the creative economy
(Leonandri & Rosmadi, 2018).
The development of economic independence in each region or region, especially
in East Sumba Regency, needs to be synergized between the tourism sector and the
creative economy or active industry which can encourage the creation of new economic
sources and the opening of new jobs, so that the national development goals of a
prosperous society can be achieved (Yunus, 2018). Based on this background, the
purpose of this study is to analyze the strategy of developing a synergy between the
creative economy and the tourism sector in East Sumba Regency (Budasi & Suryasa,
This research was conducted in East Sumba Regency, with the consideration of
choosing the location because tourism in East Sumba has good prospects and can still be
developed more optimally. This area has a variety of tourism objects, both natural,
marine, and cultural tourism. The types of data used in this research are secondary data
and primary data. Where the primary data used is data on economic activities from the
creative economy and tourism sector in East Sumba Regency obtained directly from
respondents and direct observations in the field and related agencies. While secondary
data is data obtained from various sources regarding the development of the creative
economy and the condition of the tourism sector
Data collection techniques using interview techniques involve the author as a data
digger to communicate directly with informants (MSME actors). In this method,
interviews are used to find out verbal answers from respondents regarding the
information to be obtained by the researcher. Observation or Direct Observation by
coming directly to the location of the Tourism Office, the UMKM and Cooperative
Office as well as several tourism object managers in East Sumba Regency to obtain
information and data related to research variables. Questionnaires were distributed to
several Tourism Object Managers and Documentation
To answer the problem, what is the right strategy for developing synergy between
the creative economy and the tourism sector in East Sumba Regency, quantitative and
qualitative descriptive analysis tools are used. This combination method is Concurrent
Triangulation (a balanced mix of quantitative and qualitative). The analysis technique
used in this research is to use a qualitative approach, this is done to get a description of
the tourism sector and the creative economy. After that, using SWOT analysis
(quantitative descriptive) is the identification of various factors systematically to
formulate company strategy. This analysis is based on logic that can maximize strengths
and opportunities, but simultaneously minimize weaknesses and threats (Rangkuti,
East Sumba Regency Profile
East Sumba is one of the regencies located under the administrative area of East
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Analysis Of The Synergy Development Of The Creative Economy And Tourism Sector Of
East Sumba Regency 1524
Nusa Tenggara Province. East Sumba has a land area of 700,050 ha spread over one main
island (Sumba Island) and three smaller islands, namely Prai Salura Island, Mengkudu
Island and Nuha Island (uninhabited). About 40% of the area of East Sumba is an area
with steep hills, especially in the southern area, where the hillsides are quite fertile land,
while the northern area is a rocky plain and a savanna.
East Sumba Regency Tourism Sector
The tourism sector in East Sumba Regency has a fairly important and strategic
role, this is because tourism is a multidimensional activity, not only for East Sumba
Regency itself but can show the identity of East Sumba Regency to the outside world that
East Sumba is one area that very worthy to be taken into account as a destination or
tourist destination for local tourists and foreign tourists.
The Government of East Sumba Regency also involves the community,
traditional leaders, religious leaders and the press media to become a driving force in
developing the potential for cultural tourism and natural tourism owned by East Sumba
Regency. One of the advantages of the tourism sector in East Sumba Regency is cultural
tourism which has the characteristics of the East Sumba area. Cultural tourism that has
potential is customs, megalithic tombs and various woven patterns and have stories from
the woven patterns of East Sumba Regency. The following is an example of cultural
tourism from East Sumba Regency.
Figure 1. Praiyawang Traditional Village Figure 2. East Sumba Weaving
The condition of tourism in East Sumba Regency has the potential to be
developed with various types of tourism objects. Based on the results of an interview with
the Head of the Pairwisata Office of East Sumba Regency, Mr. Umbu Maramba
Meha.,SH stated that
"The government of East Sumba Regency realizes that the diverse tourism
potential in East Sumba Regency can have an economic impact on the community,
therefore the government has determined 120 tourist objects and their locations through
the Decree of the East Sumba Regent Number: 506/DISPARBUD.430/506/X/2018 .
These attractions are cultural tourism and natural tourism in the East Sumba Regency
area. And there are many other tourist objects such as beaches, tourist parks, motif cliffs,
waterfalls, dams, forts, hills, savanna and culture in the form of customs such as funeral
ceremonies, marriages and art studios that have not been packaged as a tourist attraction
and source of income. for both the community and local government.
The steps that have been made by the East Sumba Regency Tourism Office in
supporting tourism development are organizing various programs and activities that cover
the overall development of tourism in various events. The East Sumba Regency
Government continues to promote existing potential tourist attractions with various
themes, including: heritage tourism, religious tourism, nature tourism, tradition/cultural
tourism. The purpose of tourism development is to increase tourist visits which can
encourage an increase in Regional Original Income.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
One of the supporting factors for the tourism sector is lodging services. Service
and hospitality facilities in East Sumba Regency are still limited and all of them are
located in Waingapu City District which is the capital of East Sumba Regency. Service
facilities to support tourism in East Sumba Regency in 2020 include: 10 hotels, 21
guesthouses/inns. As for restaurants/restaurants there are 33 units, Pub and Karaoke as
many as 2 (Source, East Sumba Regency Tourism Office).
The tourism sector is one source of community income and regional income if the
object is managed professionally. Tourism objects in East Sumba Regency are still
limited to natural and marine tourism objects, in addition there are cultural tourism
objects in the form of traditional villages and Sumba Ikat weaving centers. This sector has
not received a good touch on the infrastructure and supporting facilities, even though on
the other hand East Sumba Regency has a very potential cultural, natural and marine
wealth, this is proven by the number of foreign tourists who have known and even used
these tourist objects without contributing. to the acceptance of this area.
The development of the East Sumba Regency area as a tourist object or
destination at the regional tourism planning level includes the physical development of
tourist objects and attractions that will be provided to tourists. The development of
tourism objects must be supported by facilities and infrastructure such as road access to
tourist objects, transportation, fuel and other facilities. Based on the results of an
interview with the Head of the Pairwisata Office of East Sumba Regency, Mr. Umbu
Maramba Meha.,SH stated that
"For the development of 120 tourist objects that have been determined by the
government, we do have some obstacles, such as lack of funds for the construction of
facilities such as lopo, toilet rooms and others. Moreover, with the COVID-19 pandemic,
East Sumba Regency tourism development funds were reduced because some of the
funds were diverted for handling Covid 19. In addition, there are several tourist objects
that are managed directly by the community and not by the Tourism Office so that the
management of tourist objects is not controlled directly by the community. There are only
two tourist attractions managed by the government, namely Londa Lima Beach and
Swembang which can be a source of PAD for the East Sumba Regional Government "
From the results of the interviews above, it can be concluded that elements of the
community, local government, traditional leaders and religious leaders have not
synergized in managing tourism objects in East Sumba Regency, while the most
important thing in making tourism as the locomotive of the regional economy is the
synergy between these elements. The management of tourism objects between the two
managers makes the management of tourist objects not optimal, because there will be a
conflict of interest between the manager and the government which is triggered by
different goals, visions and missions between private managers and local governments.
Supporting facilities and infrastructure in the tourist attraction area are very
important. This is because tourists have certain considerations to spend their money to
travel, if the facilities and infrastructure do not support it will make tourists reluctant to
spend money to enjoy tourist objects which is offered. Based on the results of
observations in several tourist attractions in East Sumba Regency, there are various things
that need to be considered by the government and the Tourism Office, namely,
(1) Road access to several tourist objects is still damaged, even though road
access is one of the public facilities that are important in the development of
tourism objects
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Analysis Of The Synergy Development Of The Creative Economy And Tourism Sector Of
East Sumba Regency 1526
Figure 3 Road Conditions Towards Tanggedu Waterfall Attractions
(2) Parking The parking system in the tourist area of East Sumba Regency is
currently still not optimal in terms of land placement and parking locations.
Most of the visitor's vehicles are parked on the side of the road and in the
yard of the surrounding community. So that the retribution from tourist
visitor vehicles cannot be utilized properly by tourism managers and in the
end they lose their source of income.
(3) Public transportation that is not easy to find or not available to and from
tourist attractions in East Sumba Regency. The transportation used to go to
tourist objects or locations is car rental with a rental price of IDR 750,000
thousand and IDR 900,000 when there is a fuel shortage is also one of the
problems that need to be considered by the Regional Government if you
want tourism to progress.
(4) Clean Water Facilities Clean water facilities are very important in
supporting the development of tourism objects. The PDAM's clean water
network in several tourist attraction areas is currently not evenly available.
(5) There is no information board as a guide to tourist attractions, or general
information about existing tourist objects so that tourists do not know about
the tourist attractions they visit.
(6) Access to Communication The cellular data network communication
system in several tourist areas in East Sumba Regency has been installed and
also easy telecommunication access.
(7) Health facilities in the form of puskesmas or those located in Waingapu
City and far from the object
(8) Tourism managers have not paid attention to the cleanliness of the
managed tourism objects, thereby reducing the beauty of the tourist objects
Figure 4. Cleanliness of Londa Lima Beach
(9) Several tourist attractions managed by local governments have provided
excellent facilities such as lopos, bathrooms and children's playgrounds
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
Figure 5 Lopo and Wc Room at Londa Lima Beach
The elements of a simple tourism system involve an area/country of origin of
tourists, a region/country of destination, and a transit point and a generator that reverses
the process. There are five main elements, namely: traveler-generating region, deprting
traveler, transit route region, tourist destination region, and returning traveler. However, it
involves three main elements, namely the tourist element, three geographical elements (a
combination of traveler generator, transit route, and tourist destination) and elements of
the tourism industry.
According to Mathieson and Wall, there are three elements in tourism, namely: A
dynamic element, namely a trip to a tourist destination. A statistical element, which is a
stop at the destination. A conseguential element is a result of the two things above,
namely travel to a tourist destination and a stop at a tourist area (especially local
communities), which includes the economic, social and physical impacts of contact with
Therefore, every element of the tourism industry must be considered and applied
in the development of the tourism sector in East Sumba Regency, so that the tourism
sector can actually have an economic impact on the community.
East Sumba Regency Creative Economy
The creative economy is one sector that must be considered by the East Sumba
Regency Government as a tourism supporter. According to Ooi (in Nurchayati 2016),
"The creative economy and the tourism sector are two things that influence each other
and can synergize with each other if managed properly" (Ooi. Where the concept of
tourism activities can be defined by three factors, namely there must be something to see,
something to do, and something to buy (Yoeti, in Nurchayati).
In these three components, the creative economy can enter through something to
buy by creating innovative products typical of the region and can be traded at tourist
attraction locations. Creative economy conditions in East Sumba Regency are still limited
to creative weaving and accessories business which there are only a few tourist attraction
locations while for some locations there are no creative economy businesses
Figure 6. Weaving Business and Accessories for Kampung Ada Tourism Objectst
Meanwhile, there are several places such as beaches, creative economy
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Analysis Of The Synergy Development Of The Creative Economy And Tourism Sector Of
East Sumba Regency 1528
businesses, only in the form of small stalls selling various snacks and soft drinks and
there are no culinary businesses around tourist attractions. If the creative economy is
developed in a directed manner (not just places to eat), then the creative economy can
become a catalyst for income for East Sumba Regency, expand employment
opportunities, and have the opportunity to increase export value. In addition to
contributing economically, the creative economy also has an impact on social conditions
by encouraging the development of creative people, business networks and marketing.
Finally, the creative economy can be a medium for developing local cultural values and
national icons such as weaving from Sumba Regency which has reached the international
scene because of the diverse patterns and beauty of the weaving.
Strategy for Synergy of the Creative Economy and Tourism Sector of East
Sumba Regency
Internal factors are factors in the form of strengths and weaknesses of tourist
objects in East Sumba Regency. External factors in the form of opportunities and threats
that can affect the development process of this tourism. The two factors above can have a
positive impact (strengths and opportunities) and can also have a negative impact
(weaknesses and threats). These factors were obtained based on observations of tourism
objects and also obtained from interviews with related parties such as the Tourism Office,
the UMKM and Cooperatives Office, and tourism object managers. The grouping of data
obtained based on observations and interviews in the form of internal and external
Table. 1 Internal and External Factors Tourism and Creative Economy of East Sumba
1) Smooth transportation both air and sea
from areas outside the island of Sumba
2) Very adequate lodging
3) Various types of tourist objects, from
nature tourism, cultural tourism to
various cultural attractions.
4) Has very diverse customs and
weaving patterns.
Have pristine and beautiful scenery
1) Opening job opportunities for people who are
around the location of the tourist attraction
2) Encouraging people to try to be creative in
opening businesses according to the wishes of
3) Tourism and the creative economy are sources of
local revenue
1) The facilities and infrastructure in
some tourist objects are still inadequate
and the facilities that have been built are
not managed optimally by the tourism
object managers.
2) Lack of expertise or human resource
capabilities in managing tourism objects
3) Road access to tourist objects is still
not good
4) Management of the parking lot of
some tourist objects is not optimal.
5) The creative economy is not yet
optimal in some tourist spots
1. There are competitors for other tourist attractions
in other districts on the island of Sumba
2. Scarcity of fuel which makes transportation costs
3. Lack of active participation of the community
around tourist sites in maintaining cleanliness
Source: Research Results, 2021.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
From the results of the calculations on these factors, it can be described in the SWOT
diagram, which can be seen in Figure 4.1. The formula for finding the coordinates is
as follows: (x,y) To find the coordinates, it can be searched in the following way:
Total score strength (strengths) = 3.6
Total score of weaknesses (weaknesses) = 1.1
Total score of opportunities (opportunities) = 2.15
Total score of threats (threats) = 0.8
S - W ; O - T
2 2
3,6 - 1,1 ; 2,15 - 0,8
2 2
1.25 ; 1.35
Analysis of the quantitative model uses the basis of the sum of the scores on each
factor that exists in each of the S-O, W-O, S-T and W-T strategies. The tool used to
formulate alternative organizational strategies is the SWOT matrix. The total value of
internal and external factors can be described in the SWOT analysis diagram and the
SWOT matrix combination formula. The formulation of alternative strategies is an
alternative that is used for companies that run business in the future. The following is a
table of quantitative models of strategy formulation.
Table. 2 Quantitative Strategy Combination Planning Matrix
Fransina Welhelmina Ballo, Maria Indriyani Hewe Tiwu
Analysis Of The Synergy Development Of The Creative Economy And Tourism Sector Of
East Sumba Regency 1530
Source: Primary data, processed in 2021
From table 2 above, it can be seen that the best combination strategy and can be a
priority for the East Sumba Regency Government in developing the synergy of the
tourism sector and the creative economy in improving the welfare of the people of East
Sumba is the S-O strategy and the S-T strategy with a value of 5.75 and 4.4.
Table 3 SWOT Matrix Strategy Combinations
(Strenght) - (Opportunity)
(Strenght) - (Threat)
1) Making promotions about tourism
through social media and collaborating with
e-commerce transportation such as
traveloka to be able to provide attractive
promos for traveling to East Sumba
2) Provide training on creative economic
efforts for the community around the tourist
attraction location
3) Build facilities and infrastructure to
support tourist activities at tourist sites, for
example making photo spots for tourists to
capture their journey
4) Provide capital assistance as a form of
stimulus for communities around tourism
locations so that they can be creative to
open creative economy-based businesses
1) Creating dance studios so that they can
be empowered to welcome tourists who
come to tourist objects so that they can
provide advantages over other tourist
attractions on the island of Sumba
2) Ensure the availability of fuel so as
not to encourage an increase in
transportation prices
3) Provide training and socialization for
the community to maintain the
cleanliness and beauty of tourist objects.
Based on observations made by researchers in the field regarding the
development of the tourism sector and the creative economy, it has several roles in
society, namely:
a. For Society.
The role of the tourism sector and the creative economy for the people of East
Sumba Regency can encourage increased income, job creation, funding while promoting
social awareness, cultural diversity, and human development. Another approach to the
role of creativity is that creativity is seen as a measuring tool for social processes. Data
creativity increases economic values such as income, employment opportunities, and
welfare, which in turn can reduce social problems such as poverty, unemployment, low
education, health and other social instability problems. Creative economy can create
prosperity because it can create job opportunities or reduce unemployment, increase
income, create equity, reduce poverty, reduce inequality and encourage renewal and
W-O strategy: minimize weaknesses
by taking advantage of opportunities
W-T strategy: minimize weaknesses
and avoid threats = 1.9
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
utilize local raw materials. The increase in people's income can be seen from the increase
in the community's economy after the development of several tourist attraction locations
such as Pariwayang Traditional Village, Londalima Beach, because in its management the
Tanjung Bira tourism party involves the community as creative economic actors and
parking managers.
b. For Government
Potential tourism objects in East Sumba Regency are developed and utilized
optimally. For this reason, concrete and operational policy steps are needed, in order to
achieve stable management of 102 tourism objects. The development of tourism objects
requires synergistic cooperation, between tourism actors such as tourism object managers,
both government and private, as well as the tourism office and the UMKM and
Cooperative offices in order to encourage the creation and creativity of the community for
the development of the creative economy around the location of the tourist attraction so
that elements of the community, local government , traditional leaders, religious leaders
and academics are actively involved in development in their area through development
planning and implementation of regulations to the evaluation and monitoring stage of
tourist object management activities and creative efforts. So that the 102 tourism objects
in East Sumba Regency can provide original income for the region so that the maximum
PAD can be used optimally for the welfare of the community.
The best combination strategy that can become a priority for the East Sumba
Regency Government in developing the synergy of the tourism sector and the creative
economy in improving the welfare of the East Sumba people is the S-O strategy and the
S-T strategy with a score of 5.75 and 4.4. The role of the tourism sector and the creative
economy for the people of East Sumba Regency can encourage increased income, job
creation, funding while promoting social awareness, cultural diversity, and human
Data creativity increases economic values such as income, employment
opportunities, and welfare, which in turn can reduce social problems such as poverty,
unemployment, low education, health and other problems of social instability. The
tourism sector is seen as an economic driver because it provides a multiplier effect, one of
which is the development of creative businesses (creative economy) around the location
of tourist objects. Creative economy can create prosperity because it can create job
opportunities or reduce unemployment, increase income, create equity, reduce poverty,
reduce inequality and encourage renewal and utilize local raw materials. Therefore, the
tourism sector and the creative economy need to work together to increase the income of
the surrounding community and the PAD of the East Sumba Regency government.
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