How to cite:
Linda Lomi Ga, Yohana Febiani Angi, Siprianus G. Tefa (2021).
Implementation Analysis of Isak 35 In Financial Reporting of The
GMIT Church in Indonesia. Journal Eduvest. 1(12): 1573-1578
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Linda Lomi Ga, Yohana Febiani Angi, Siprianus G. Tefa
Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
November, 26
December, 17
December, 19
The church as a non-profit organization also deals with
financial management because it gets resources to carry
out its operations in the form of donations from the
congregation and donors. Therefore, the church needs to
implement good financial management through financial
reporting according to the Interpretation of Financial
Accounting Standards (ISAK) No. 35. in financial
management so as to provide accurate information on
financial position, performance, and cash flows as
material for evaluation and making appropriate decisions.
Through a joint decision with the GMIT Churches in
Indonesia in the annual synod meeting, it has been
recommended to carry out financial reporting according
to applicable standards, but in the realization the
implementation is still in the stage of revamping and
preparing Human Resources as managers and readiness
of financial data information. This study aims to analyze
the implementation of ISAK 35 in financial reporting at the
GMIT church in Indonesia. The method used is qualitative
descriptive analysis. The result of the research is that
GMIT churches in Indonesia have not implemented
financial reporting according to ISAK Standard No. 35
because the church is still in the process of administrative
reform and updating of church asset data and the church
Linda Lomi Ga, Yohana Febiani Angi, Siprianus G. Tefa
Implementation Analysis of Isak 35 In Financial Reporting of The GMIT Church in
Indonesia 1574
has limited human resources for managing church
finances. By conducting training in the form of
socialization and the practice of preparing financial
reports, it will help the church overcome church problems
and obstacles in carrying out financial reporting according
to financial standards.
Non-Profit Organizations, Financial Statements, Church, GMIT
Synod, ISAK 35
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
A not-for-profit organization is an organization whose principal amount is for a
commercial purpose, without any concern for profit-seeking matters (Leff, 2018). The
characteristics of non-profit organizations are different from business organizations. The
main fundamental difference lies in the way non-profit organizations obtain the resources
needed to carry out their various operating activities that do not expect repayment or
economic benefits that are proportional to the amount of resources provided. As a result
of these characteristics, in non-profit organizations certain transactions arise that rarely or
even never occur in business organizations, such as receiving donations (Wibisono &
Setyohadi, 2017). Religious institutions, public school hospitals and organizations that
include volunteer services are examples of non-profit organizations (Yogev, 2021).
The church is a non-profit organization or an organization that was not
established for the purpose of making profit which also deals with financial management
(Shamsutdinova, Tishkina, Galeeva, & Khasanova, 2020). Religious organizations such
as this church get their resources to carry out their operational activities from
contributions from members (congregations) and from other donations and of course not
expect reward (Sulkowski & Ignatowski, 2020). As business organizations pay attention
to their financial statements, so do not-for-profit organizations (Beer & Micheli, 2017).
The church needs to pay attention to its financial statements as accountability so that
users of these financial statements can understand the extent of the financial condition of
the organization.
In general, the purpose of financial statements is to provide information about the
financial position, performance and cash flows that are useful for the majority of users of
financial statements in order to make economic decisions and demonstrate management's
stewardship of the users of the resources entrusted to them. Therefore, the Church also
needs to implement good financial management to produce accurate information (De
Graaf, 2020). Accurate information can be obtained by applying the accounting process
in the processing of church finances. The functions of oversight, planning and decision
making are accounting roles that have a good influence on church financial management
(Appiadu, 2019).
Like companies in general, accountability in non-profit organizations is also very
necessary. Accountability within the church is contained in the ministry by recording
financial statements, reporting and evaluating performance (Rapani & Malim, 2020).
According to Mardiasmo (2004), accountability is defined as the relationship between the
party who controls and regulates the entity and the party who has formal power over the
controlling party (Suriana, 2021). Financial accountability in religious organizations can
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
be interpreted as the obligation of the holder of the trust to give accountability to the party
giving the trust (ummah/donor) who has the right to ask for accountability for the use of
these funds. Therefore, it is very important to apply accountability in organizations.
The churches that will be investigated in this research are the GMIT Churches
which are members of the GMIT SYNOD. GMIT is managed according to the Synodal
Presbyteral system with congregations, Klasis, and synods as its image. The fellowship of
these churches is spread to various regions in Indonesia. is part of the GMIT Synodial
which of course expects good financial management performance. However, there are
some problems that often occur in the management of the church's own finances and
these problems are often not noticed by the responsible parties (Alexander, 2018). In its
financial management, the church has not yet implemented an accounting system for its
financial reporting. This is in line with the treasury rules regulated in the GMIT Basic
Rules in Chapter XII article 5, namely the management and utilization of the GMIT
treasury is carried out in an integrated, open, economical, and accountable manner in
accordance with the GMIT basic regulations and is monitored regularly and regularly by
the GMIT synod. Based on previous research conducted by Selan and Ga (2018), the
financial statements of the GMIT Synod are not accountable and transparent and are
made in accordance with the preparation regulations which are regulated separately by
the synod. However, the recommendations of the XXXIII Synod Session in Lobalain-
Rote Ndao Regency in 2015 recommended that the Synod Assembly establish an
accounting system that refers to PSAK 45, in 2016 starting with the making of SOPs,
socialization and training. Its use took effect in 2018. Meanwhile, PSAK 45 has been
updated to ISAK 35 and its use will be implemented in 2020. The purpose of this study is
to identify and explain the Implementation of ISAK 35 in Financial Reporting at the
GMIT Church in Indonesia.
This research approach uses a quantitative descriptive method with a case study
on a church in the GMIT synod. Sources of data in this study are primary data and
secondary data. Primary data in the form of interviews with research informant
questionnaires on the application of financial reports with ISAK 35 standards, secondary
data in the form of church financial reports provided by the Synod. The data collection
techniques used are: (1) in-depth interviews (In dept Interview); (2) Documentation and
(3) Literature Study. Research informants in this study were all treasurers of GMIT
churches in Indonesia. This study uses an interactive model in the analysis of interview
data. The interactive model uses 4 components, namely (1) data collection, (2) data
reduction, (3) data presentation, and (4) conclusion or verification (Miles and Huberman,
1984; Sugiyono, 2007). Data was collected through interviews and documentation.
Interviews were conducted with personal interviews, namely face-to-face interviews with
respondents (Jogiyanto, 2004). The results of the interviews were recorded with a tape
recorder and copied in the form of a transcript. Data reduction was carried out by
codification and axial coding of the interview results. The data obtained from the
interviews were copied in the form of transcripts, analyzed and given a certain code for
each phrase, sentence, or paragraph based on the topic. The coded data is grouped into
certain categories, then the relationship between categories is searched (axial coding).
The data reduction process was carried out continuously during the research. The
presentation of the data is done with a narration to organize the data. The reduced data is
presented in the form of narratives and drafts of the preparation of church financial
reports according to ISAK 35 standards. Through the presentation of data with narratives
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Implementation Analysis of Isak 35 In Financial Reporting of The GMIT Church in
Indonesia 1576
and drafts of financial statements according to data standards, the data will be organized,
arranged in the form of draft financial statements, so that they are easy to understand.
Conclusion drawing and verification is carried out based on the process of data reduction
and presentation. The collection is supported by valid and consistent evidence throughout
the research process. Conclusions will answer the problem formulation that was set from
the start.
One form of accountability for non-profit organizations to stakeholders is related
to financial reports that follow certain standards. This is of course reasonable because
through the financial reports the stakeholders can use it as an instrument to assess the
accountability of the board/management for the tasks, obligations and performance
assigned to them. The Synod of the Evangelical Christian Church in Timor (GMIT
Synod) is the only organization that accommodates Protestant churches within GMIT,
spread over 52 classes as of April 2020 covering the former residency of Timor
(Sumbawa, Flores, Alor, Timor, Rote, methamphetamine - except Sumba). Like other
non-profit organizations, the GMIT Synod in carrying out its organizational wheels is
also inseparable from financial management so that GMIT requires directed and more
measurable guidelines in the preparation and accountability of financial statements to
provide a more directed preparation guideline for non-profit entities in preparing financial
statements as well as distinguishing between the preparation of financial statements with
profit-oriented organizations/entities, the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) since
1997 has been regulated by the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) 45.
However, starting in 2019, PSAK 45 has been replaced with the Interpretation of
Financial Accounting Standards (ISAK). 35. DSAK IAI observes the opinion and fact
that the development of non-profit-oriented entities in Indonesia requires a review of the
financial statement arrangements for non-profit-oriented entities. Moreover, PSAK 45 has
not been reviewed for a long time, while the presentation of financial statements after
convergence to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) has had significant
changes, for example with the presence of other components of comprehensive income in
the Comprehensive Income Statement. With the issuance of this new regulation, non-
profit organizations prepare their financial statements in accordance with ISAK 35.
However, the emergence of this new regulation makes it difficult for non-profit
organizations including GMIT to apply because many non-profit organizations do not
have an accounting background, making it difficult to implement. The presentation of
financial statements at GMIT is often faced with a dilemma between being more
professional and accountable according to standards or staying afloat by relying on
mutual trust between fellow administrators or managers. Through this research,
interviews were conducted with several informants who were represented from several
GMIT churches (Fraiser et al., 2017). The average education of the informants is a
bachelor's degree and some even master's and doctoral degrees. The interviewed
informants work as church financial managers with the professions of Chairperson of the
Congregational Council (pastor), and deputy secretary, as well as the general treasurer of
the church (Irawan, Mustikasiwi, Djap, Hermawati, & Santosa, 2021). In the GMIT
church financial system, the treasury is carried out only by the general treasurer, the
categorical field of service is only as a money registrar. The financial system is centered
on the general treasury of the church. So that every receipt and expenditure at the rayon
or categorical level is carried out centrally and in one door. Congregations and church
financial managers are aware of the importance of church financial management because
of the form of church accountability as a public organization, and based on church
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
treasury regulations regarding church financial management accountability (Akotia,
2019). Transparent and accountable financial reporting will result in the congregation's
confidence in the church's financial management.
The congregation knows and is aware of the importance of church financial
reporting standards in accordance with the standards-based financial reporting
recommendations that apply at the 2015 GMIT XXXIII and XXXIV Synod Assembly in
Kupang (at the Paul Kupang congregation). However, in its implementation, the synodial
party is constrained by human resources and the budget in realizing this in the church
treasury system. This is important because the financial system at the GMIT church refers
to the GMIT church treasury system guidelines. If it has been entered into the church
treasury system, it will be carried out or adopted by all GMIT churches in Indonesia. The
GMIT Synod's rules for financial reporting standards for GMIT churches are referring to
several regulatory guidelines from the synod, namely the 2012 Treasury Fundamental
Regulations, the GMIT Treasury Manual, and periodic internal audits through BP3J.
Some of these guidelines are the reference guidelines for financial management and
financial accountability of each GMIT church. There are several types of church financial
accountability reports, namely reports on expenses and cash income for routine and
development funds on a regular basis (Widiastuti, 2018). For weekly accountability
reports, it is carried out in a simple way through the congregation's news which is carried
out during the main service on Sundays. Meanwhile, financial reports are carried out
periodically in the semi-annual period and annual. In fact, some churches in rural areas do
not even make regular financial reports, this is due to busy services and limited human
resources (Human Resources) in rural areas. Many of the congregations and managers of
GMIT churches are not even aware of the existence of the new ISAK 35 reporting
standard to replace the old PSAK 45 reporting standard so that with the limited
information and human resources conditions, the management really expects information
support from academics. This academic support is expected to be able to synergize with
the GMIT synod so that this application is top-down and recommended by the GMIT
sonode to be applied to every eye of the congregation is comprehensive and generally
applicable. So the analysis obtained from the answers to interviews conducted with
several GMIT church informants concluded that GMIT churches have not implemented
ISAK 35 in church financial reporting because they have not received information related
to financial reporting standards according to ISAK 35 standards from the GMIT synod
because they have not been included. into the church treasury system, so cooperation and
synergy are needed from the academic side and the GMIT Synod. In addition, the limited
human resources for managing church finances are an obstacle in realizing this, because
the church is a religious organization so that the salaries and income of employees and
administrators are not a priority because they are considered as a form of religious service
from individual church managers so that the church has limited human resource
competencies from volunteers who work. there is. This can be minimized by conducting
training on the needs of church financial managers so that they can contribute to the
The results of this study conclude several things, as follows: GMIT churches have
not implemented ISAK 35 in the presentation of financial statements, even though it has
been planned in previous years. Barriers to the implementation of ISAK 35 in financial
reporting are due to the condition of inadequate Human Resources and not yet supported
by training and education as well as the busyness of church managers in carrying out
spiritual services. The synod and the church want synergy between universities and the
Linda Lomi Ga, Yohana Febiani Angi, Siprianus G. Tefa
Implementation Analysis of Isak 35 In Financial Reporting of The GMIT Church in
Indonesia 1578
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