How to cite:
Herly Methelda Oematan, Maria Elerina Douk Tunti, Siprianus G.
Tefa (2022). Implementation Analysis of Isak 35 In Financial
Reporting of The GMIT Church in Indonesia. Journal Eduvest.
2(1): 1-13
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 1, January 2022
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Herly Methelda Oematan, Maria Elerina Douk Tunti, Siprianus G. Tefa
Nusa Cendana University, Indonesia
December, 26
January, 17
January, 18
This study aims to formulate a tourism development
strategy based on local wisdom in improving the welfare
of local communities in the Districts of North Mollo,
Central Mollo, South Mollo, and Fatumnasi, South Central
Timor Regency, NTT Province. This research is a
quantitative descriptive study using questionnaires,
observation and documentation as data collection
methods. The analytical tool is a SWOT analysis in order to
find out internal and external factors that will be
strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and
threats in the development of tourism based on local
wisdom. Research respondents consisted of visitors to
tourism sites, village officials and local residents in the
tourist areas of North Mollo, Central Mollo, South Mollo,
and Fatumnasi. The results show that the sub-districts of
North Mollo, Central Mollo, South Mollo, and Fatumnasi
have internal and external tourism potential, namely local
wisdom in the form of beautiful nature and fresh air as
well as serving local agricultural products and local home
industry products which are processed professionally
through MSMEs. -MSMEs that have local characteristics
Herly Methelda Oematan, Maria Elerina Douk Tunti, Siprianus G. Tefa
Tourism Development Strategy Based On Local Wisdom In Improving The Welfare Of
Local Communities 2
that cannot be obtained by visitors in other areas. This is a
differentiating factor with other tourist sites in NTT.
Tourism, Local Wisdom, Welfare improvement, SWOT
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The tourism sector has an increasingly important role for the Indonesian economy
at the macro level. In 2018 foreign tourists were recorded at 15.81 million people with a
growth rate of 12.58% (BPS, 2019) and foreign exchange contributions of USD 16.1
billion (Kemenpar, 2019). In the same year, domestic tourists recorded 303.4 million trips
with a growth of 12.37% (BPS, 2019) with a total expenditure of IDR 291 trillion and a
growth rate of 17.9% (Kemenpar, 2019). Thus it can be said that tourism somehow has a
role and makes a major contribution in improving the welfare of the people where
tourism objects are developed (Yoeti, 2008). This achievement is in line with the mandate
of Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism which states that the implementation of
tourism is aimed at increasing national income in order to improve the welfare and
prosperity of the people, expand and equalize business opportunities and employment
opportunities, encourage regional development, introduce and utilize objects and tourist
attraction in Indonesia and foster a sense of love for the homeland and strengthen
friendship between nations and most importantly in accordance with the national research
master plan for 2017-2045, namely preserving local wisdom from local communities for
tourism development in the future.
The Provincial Government of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) under the leadership
of Governor Viktor Laiskodat focuses on 5 (five) main programs, namely 1) tourism, 2)
people's welfare, 3) human resources, 4) infrastructure, and 5) bureaucratic reform. The
University of Nusa Cendana Kupang is also in the strategic plan for 2017-2021 as a
partner of the government and also focuses on developing the tourism economy with the
aim of improving people's welfare. In order to realize the welfare of the people in NTT,
one of the missions of the NTT Regional Government as outlined in the 2018-2023
RPJMD is the development of the tourism economy by encouraging economic actors to
be able to take advantage of local potential. This is because tourism has three aspects of
influence, namely economic aspects (sources of foreign exchange and taxes), social
aspects (job creation) and cultural aspects (Hartono in Hanny Aryunda, 2011). The
existence of the tourism sector should receive support from all parties such as local
governments as managers, communities in tourism objects, private sector participation as
developers and universities as government partners who contribute constructive thinking
in tourism development.
NTT is one of the provinces that has abundant natural resource potential.
Geographical conditions and characteristics of the unspoiled territory and the culture of
the people who are still oriented to local wisdom make NTT has various potential tourist
attractions which, if successfully developed, will improve the welfare of the community
and become a source of income for the region and the state. South Central Timor
Regency (TTS) which has very beautiful natural tourism potential. As one of the
development sectors that can spur economic growth and community welfare, tourism is
considered a strategic asset to encourage development and economic growth in the TTS
Regency area.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 1, January 2022
Some of the advantages of TTS are: 1) Located at an altitude of 800-1000 meters
above sea level so as to make the air cool, 2) Has a variety of potential and tourist
attractions in the form of mountains, beaches and cultural tourist attractions, 3) Its
strategic location , is in a middle position between the regencies on the mainland of
Timor, which is a transit area that connects the capital city of NTT Province (Kupang
City) with two other district capitals, namely the Regencies of North Central Timor
(TTU) and Belu to the neighboring Democratic State of Timor Leste. which is a gateway
for foreign tourists (TTS Regency Culture and Tourism Office, 2014 in Mellu, et al,
Table 1 Number of International and Domestic Tourists in NTT 2017-2019
Source: NTT in Figures, 2019
Viewed from Table 1, it can be said that the level of tourist visits in NTT has
fluctuated. However, at the beginning of 2020 the world was hit by the COVID-19
pandemic. This had an impact on the world tourism sector, including in NTT. In May
2020, the number of tourists to NTT did not reach 30,000 people (
Despite experiencing a decline in PAD from the tourism sector, the regional
government of TTS remains optimistic in increasing revenue from the tourism sector after
the implementation of the new normal, especially since all types of tourism in TTS are
natural tourism that meets the criteria for the Health protocol. The government will
continue to try to maintain tourism conditions because this sector is considered to be a
sector capable of accelerating economic growth in order to reduce poverty in the TTS
district. According to the Regent of TTS, during the Deliberation on the Development
Plan (Musrembang) of the 2019 Regional Development Work Plan (RKPD), many
tourism objects in TTS have not been managed optimally as tourist destinations. So the
problem faced is the low management of tourist destinations which has an impact on the
low PAD of TTS. According to him, if existing tourism objects are managed optimally to
become income for the region, it will have an impact on the economic growth of the
community because other sectors such as small and medium enterprises in the community
are also active (, March 26, 2019).
In accordance with the strategy and direction of the TTS district development
policy for 2019-2024, it is contained in the 4th mission, namely "Increasing people's
income (Tourism, Agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, industry, trade, cooperatives,
MSMEs, and BUMDES)". In this 4th mission, the tourism sector becomes a leading
sector with strategies made, namely: 1) increasing the number of tourist destinations, 2)
increasing the number of tourists, and 3) increasing the accessibility of tourist
destinations, increasing the economy for local communities around tourism objects
(Regency RPJMD). TTS 2019-2024).
Departing from the strategy and policy direction of the 2019-2024 TTS district
development, the vision of the TTS Tourism Office, namely the TTS tourism object, must
be a leading destination in the NTT Province. This vision will be pursued by carrying out
four missions, namely 1) developing tourism potential, 2) developing promotion and
marketing, 3) developing the tourism industry, and 4) developing human resources
(, 11 April 2018) .
Herly Methelda Oematan, Maria Elerina Douk Tunti, Siprianus G. Tefa
Tourism Development Strategy Based On Local Wisdom In Improving The Welfare Of
Local Communities 4
There are several things that have not been managed and developed properly
based on strategic issues of cultural and tourism development in the TTS district in terms
of the description of SKPD services, the medium-term targets in the NTT Strategic Plan
and the 2014-2019 TTS District Spatial Plan (RTRW): (1) not yet known all the potential
objects and tourist attractions, both cultural, natural and special interests, (2) not all areas
of the TTS district have been traversed with adequate access, (3) tourism institutions have
not been organized, including coordinating institutions related to policy making, tourism
actors, including promotion agencies, (4) tourism promotion and tourism marketing are
still being carried out separately, which should be formed by a cooperative body to
promote cultural tourism attractions, tourism packages, and so on, (5) the limited amount
of investment in tourism can show the role of the private sector and the community is not
optimal, (6) the competitiveness of tourism destinations national tourism, among others,
inadequate facilities and infrastructure and less than optimal management of destinations,
(7) public awareness in the tourism object environment in capturing business
opportunities/creative economy is very lacking, (8) limited budget platform in the tourism
sector (Renstra of TTS Regency Tourism Office 2015-2019 in Mellu, et al, 2018). This is
the reason why so many tourist attractions are not well developed especially new tourist
attractions. The various obstacles above are also faced by various tourist objects scattered
in the sub-districts of North Mollo, Central Mollo, South Mollo and Fatumnasi, TTS
Local wisdom is a strategy used in attracting tourists to visit a destination or
tourist attraction. This research is expected to be able to provide data and information
related to the potential and recommendations for tourism development strategies that have
local wisdom in the Mollo and Fatumnasi regions. The tourism sector requires a strategy
with a planned or structured pattern of tourism development so that its potential can be
developed optimally (Primadany 2013). With this in mind, this study aims to formulate a
tourism development strategy based on local wisdom in improving the welfare of local
communities in the Mollo and Fatumnasi areas, TTS NTT Regency.
This study uses a descriptive approach. The population of this research is users of
tourist objects (tourists) who use tourism objects in the sub-districts of North Mollo,
Central Mollo, South Mollo and Fatumnasi, TTS as well as communities located around
tourist objects, as well as the local government of TTS. The sampling method used
accidental sampling technique consisting of tourists and residents around the tourist
attraction. Specifically for the TTS Regional Government, the sampling technique uses
purposive sampling where the samples are taken using the criteria of tourism policy
makers in this case the head of the TTS Regency Tourism Office, the head of the section
(kabag) and the head of the subsection (kasubag) at the TTS Tourism Office. The total
sample to be used is 250 samples.
Research Flow Stages
This research includes the stages of inventory, analysis and evaluation, and the
concept of tourism development.
1. Inventory Stage
Inventory is the collection of primary and secondary data from a location at this
time. Primary and secondary data consist of physical, biophysical, and social aspects.
Data is obtained in the following ways: a. Field observations were carried out to
determine site conditions, including physical conditions, biophysical conditions,
landscape characters, and activities of the user community and its surroundings; 2)
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 1, January 2022
Interviews conducted with visitors, communities, and managers;
2. Data Analysis
To map and process research results using the Variables, Dimensions, and
Indicators of each Variable to determine tourism development strategies for the Mollo
and Fatumnasi regions, TTS uses SWOT analysis techniques to maximize strengths and
opportunities, and minimize weaknesses. (weakness) and threats (treat). Then determine
the internal environment (IFAS) to find out various possible strengths and weaknesses
and analyze the external environment (EFAS) to find out various possible opportunities
and threats.
3. Tourism Object Development Strategy
The action is determined by the IFE and EFE Matrix. Quadrants I, II, and IV are
perceived as grow and build actions. An intensive and integrative strategy can be used as
an appropriate approach. Alternative preparation is done by combining internal factors
with external factors. The combinations include SO (strengths and opportunities), ST
(strengths and threats), WO (weaknesses and opportunities) and WT (weaknesses and
threats). Determining the priority of alternative strategies is done by adding up all the
scores of the constituent factors. The strategy that has the highest score is the top priority.
Research sites
This research was conducted in the Districts of North Mollo, Central Mollo,
South Mollo and Fatumnasi, TTS District, NTT.
Data Types and Sources
a) Primary data was obtained through distributing questionnaires, direct
observation to tourist sites in the Mollo and Fatumnasi areas, TTS. Primary data was
conducted through a questionnaire to determine public perceptions about the condition of
tourist objects in the Mollo and Fatumnasi areas, TTS. Direct observations and interviews
with parties related to the location of tourist objects were carried out to identify the
characteristics of tourism objects, obstacles and tourism potential in the Mollo and
Fatumnasi regions, TTS.
b) Secondary data obtained through various documents containing information
supporting the research.
Analysis Tools
The analytical tool used is a SWOT analysis.
SWOT Analysis Results
1) Internal Factor Analysis
Internal factors are entered into a matrix called the internal strategy factor
matrix or IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary).
Table 2 IFAS . Weights, Ratings and Scores
Score =
Weight x
Pleasant natural scenery and clean air quality
Strategic tourist location
Easy access to tourist sites
Availability of public facilities and
infrastructure, namely public toilets, trash
cans, security guards and health protocol
facilities (during the Covid 19 pandemic)
Herly Methelda Oematan, Maria Elerina Douk Tunti, Siprianus G. Tefa
Tourism Development Strategy Based On Local Wisdom In Improving The Welfare Of
Local Communities 6
Receive budget support from the TTS
Regency Government and the Village
Government as well as moral support from
local village community leaders
Government protected area
Local people who are friendly to visitors
Total Strenght
Score = Weight
x Rating
Tourism promotion media that is still
There is no sponsorship from a third
party for the existing tourist sites
Tourists visit only at certain times
The lack of an entrepreneurial spirit
from the community around tourist sites
There are no arts and cultural attractions
that are synchronized with the tourist
Total Weakness
Source of data: Primary, processed by researchers, 2021
From Table 3 above, it can be explained that the highest strength value is in the
items of pleasant tourist natural scenery and clean air quality with a score of 1.19 and a
weight of 7.18 while the biggest weakness is in tourism promotion media items which are
still lacking with a score of 1.19. -1.39 and a weight of -6.53. This shows that the
beautiful nature and fresh air in the Mollo and Fatumnasi sub-districts are their own
strengths or differentiating factors from other tourist sites in attracting tourists, although
for now these locations have not been promoted regularly by the government or other
External Factor Analysis
External factors are entered into a matrix called the EFAS external strategy factor
matrix (External Factor Analysis Summary).
Table 4 EFAS . Weights, Ratings and Scores
Score = Weight
x Rating
Improving the economy of the
community where the tourist location is
Creation of new job opportunities for the
local community
Increasing Village Original Income
Momentum for local arts and cultural
Momentum for promotion of local
people's agricultural products
Many media including social media are
available for tourism promotion
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 1, January 2022
Many institutions/third parties have
concerns and can be used as partners in
tourism development
Availability of budget from the TTS
District Government to facilitate training
related to tourism and life skills to the
Total Opportunities
Score =
Weight x
Tourist sites that are prone to natural
disasters such as fires and landslides
Visitors' indiscipline in preserving the
nature of tourism, such as littering
Land ownership disputes between
residents of tourist sites
The act of intentionally destroying tourist
sites by local residents
Total Threat
Source of data: Primary, processed by researchers, 2021
From Table 4 above, it can be explained that the highest opportunity value is in
the momentum for the promotion of local community agricultural products with a score
of 0.39 and a weight of 2.79. Meanwhile, the biggest threat is the visitor's indiscipline
item in preserving the nature of tourism, such as littering with a score of -0.80 and a
weight of -2.48. This means that when tourist visitors visit tourist locations in the Mollo
and Fatumnasi sub-districts, the opportunity is used by the community around tourist sites
to promote agricultural products, home industry products and even these products are also
sold to visitors. tour. On the other hand, the presence of tourist visitors also creates its
own problems for tourist sites where many visitors are not disciplined in disposing of
waste in existing tourist sites.
Judging from the results of the IFAS table analysis above, it shows that the
strength factor obtained a total score of 6.20 and the weakness factor obtained a total
score of -6.15 with a difference in score of (+) 0.05. This means that the strength factor is
greater than the weakness factor. While the EFAS table shows that the opportunity factor
gets a score of 2.51 and the threat factor gets a total score of -.2.13 with a difference in
score of (+) 0.38. This means that tourism-related opportunities in the Mollo and
Fatumnasi sub-districts can be maximized to reduce existing threats. Graphically, the
results of the identification of internal and external factors can be explained in the image
and SWOT diagram below:
Herly Methelda Oematan, Maria Elerina Douk Tunti, Siprianus G. Tefa
Tourism Development Strategy Based On Local Wisdom In Improving The Welfare Of
Local Communities 8
Figure 2 SWOT Chart
Source: Primer, processed by researchers, 2021
In order to find out the tourism management strategy in the Mollo and Fatumnasi
sub-districts, a SWOT matrix is needed that can show the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats that exist in the Mollo and Fatumnasi sub-districts. Based on the
SWOT matrix, it can clearly describe the results of the SWOT analysis related to tourism
management strategies in the Mollo and Fatumnasi sub-districts as follows:
Tabel 5 Matriks SWOT Pengelolaan Pariwisata di wilayah Kecamatan Mollo dan
Strenght (S)
1. Pleasant natural scenery
and clean air quality
2. Strategic tourist location
3. Easy access to tourist
4. Availability of public
facilities and infrastructure,
namely public toilets, trash
cans, security guards and
health protocol facilities
(during the Covid 19
5. Received budget support
from the TTS Regency
Government and the
Village Government as
well as moral support from
local village community
6. Government protected
Local people who are
friendly to visitors
Weakness (W)
1. Tourism promotion
media is still lacking
2. There is no
sponsorship from a
third party for the
existing tourist sites
3. Tourist visitors visit
only at certain times
4. The lack of
entrepreneurial spirit
from the community
around the location
5. There are no arts and
cultural attractions that
are synchronized with
the tourist agenda
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 1, January 2022
Oppurtunities (O)
1. Improving the economy of
the community where the
tourist location is located
2. The creation of new job
opportunities for the local
3. Increasing Village PAD
4. Momentum for local arts
and cultural attractions
5. Momentum for promotion
of local community
agricultural products
6. Many media including
social media are available
for tourism promotion
7. Many institutions/third
parties have concerns and
can be used as partners in
tourism development
Availability of budget from
the TTS Regency
Government to facilitate
training related to tourism
and life skills to the
SO Strategy
1. Pleasant tourist natural
scenery and clean air
quality, strategic tourist
locations, easy access to
tourist sites are the
determining factors for
high tourist visits. This
momentum must be used
by residents around
tourist sites to not only
promote their
agricultural products but
can sell them to visitors
which can improve the
local community's
economy. On the other
hand, there are currently
many media, including
social media, that can be
used not only to promote
existing tourist sites but
also to promote
agricultural products
from communities
around tourist sites. The
strategy that can be
formulated in this regard
is the preparation of an
expert and skilled
workforce in mastering
technology and
information that focuses
on promoting tourism
potential and the
economic potential of
the community around
tourist sites by using
various platforms such
as websites and social
media such as YouTube,
Facebook, Instagram
and so.
WO Strategy
Tourist visitors only
visit at certain times,
there is a lack of
entrepreneurial spirit
from the community
around the location and
there are no artistic and
cultural attractions that
are synchronized with
the tourist agenda. In
fact, if there is an effort
to increase tourist
visitors, it will have an
economic impact on
residents as well as an
increase in PADDes
for villages in tourist
locations. For this
reason, the strategy
that can be formulated
is that the Village
Government initiates
and explores
cooperation with third
parties who can
provide tourism
management training,
training/soft skills
entrepreneurship and
involve event
organizers in managing
and increasing the
potential of artistic and
cultural attractions in
the villages. tourist
location village.
Herly Methelda Oematan, Maria Elerina Douk Tunti, Siprianus G. Tefa
Tourism Development Strategy Based On Local Wisdom In Improving The Welfare Of
Local Communities 10
2. Budget support from the
TTS Regency
Government and the
local Village
Government will
facilitate and expedite
the economic activities
of the community
around the tourist sites
so that the strategy that
can be formulated is the
preparation of a budget
using a budget
participation model both
at the APBD II and
APBDes levels so that
the budget needs of the
community around the
location Tourism can be
accommodated by the
TTS Regency
Government and the
Village Government.
Treath (T)
1. Tourist locations
that are prone to
natural disasters
such as fires and
2. Visitors' indiscipline
in preserving the
nature of tourism,
such as throwing
garbage carelessly
3. Land ownership
disputes between
residents of tourist
4. The act of
destroying tourist
sites by local
ST Strategy
Visitors are undisciplined
in preserving the existing
tourism nature even though
the existing tourist areas
are areas protected by the
government, both by the
local village government
and the TTS district
government so that the
strategy that can be
formulated is making
regulations by the village
government through the
tourism village regulation
and the TTS district
government through local
regulations and
socialization and
supervision of the
implementation of these
regulations to all tourism
stakeholders including
tourist visitors.
WT Strategy
There is no
sponsorship from a
third party for existing
tourist sites and there
are no artistic and
cultural attractions that
are synchronized with
the tourism agenda so
that the strategy that
can be formulated is
that the Village
Government and TTS
Regency Government
work together to
explore opportunities
for collaboration with
parties/institutions that
are mutually beneficial
to each other. . In
addition, both the
Village Government
and the TTS Regency
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 2 Number 1, January 2022
Government through
the Tourism Office can
government agendas
with the agendas of
artistic and cultural
attractions at the tourist
sites of each village.
Source: Primer, processed by researchers, 2021.
Based on the results of the SWOT analysis in this study, it can be concluded several
things as follows:
1) From table 6.1 it can be explained that the highest strength value is in the items of
pleasant tourist natural scenery and clean air quality with a score of 1.19 and a
weight of 7.18 while the biggest weakness is in tourism promotion media items
which are still lacking with score -1.39 and weight -6.53. This shows that the
beautiful nature and fresh air in the Mollo and Fatumnasi sub-districts are their
own strengths or differentiating factors from other tourist sites in attracting
tourists, although for now these locations have not been promoted regularly by
the government or other stakeholders.
2) From Table 6.2 above, it can be explained that the highest opportunity value is in
the momentum for the promotion of local community agricultural products with a
score of 0.39 and a weight of 2.79. Meanwhile, the biggest threat is the visitor's
indiscipline item in preserving the nature of tourism, such as littering with a score
of -0.80 and a weight of -2.48. This means that when tourist visitors visit tourist
locations in the Mollo and Fatumnasi sub-districts, the opportunity is used by the
community around tourist sites to promote agricultural products, home industry
products and even these products are also sold to visitors. tour. On the other hand,
the presence of tourist visitors also creates its own problems for tourist sites
where many visitors are not disciplined in disposing of waste in existing tourist
3) Judging from the results of the IFAS table analysis above, it shows that the
strength factor obtained a total score of 6.20 and the weakness factor obtained a
total score of -6.15 with a difference in score of (+) 0.05. This means that the
strength factor is greater than the weakness factor. While the EFAS table shows
that the opportunity factor gets a score of 2.51 and the threat factor gets a total
score of -.2.13 with a difference in score of (+) 0.38. This means that tourism-
related opportunities in the Mollo and Fatumnasi sub-districts can be maximized
to reduce existing threats.
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