How to cite:
Fiky Herdianto, Hartono Hartono, Ali Sunarso (2021). Analysis of
Science Process Skills in Hands on Activity in Application of the
Pode Model In Elementary School. Journal Eduvest. 1(12): 1405-
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Fiky Herdianto, Hartono Hartono, Ali Sunarso
Postgraduate Semarang State University, Semarang, Indonesia
November, 26
December, 17
December, 19
The low learning outcomes of science in grade IV elementary
school. The learning process still uses conventional methods
which can cause students to be less directly involved in direct
practical activities and active discussion during learning. It is
necessary to apply the Hands On Activity approach in the
application of the PODE model to improve students' science
process skills. The purpose of this study was to analyze the
science process skills in Hands On Activity in the application of
the PODE learning model in elementary schools. This type of
research is a Quasi Experimental Design in the form of
Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The sample in this study
amounted to 60 fourth grade students. Data collection
techniques using observation sheets, indicators of science
process skills consist of observing, classifying, experimenting,
communicating and concluding. Data analysis used simple and
multiple linear regression test. The results showed that the
science process skills of the experimental class applying Hands
on Activity and the PODE model were 76.4% and 61.2%, while
the PODE model control class had an effect of 50.7%. The
results of multiple linear tests obtained results of 76.5%, the
results of Sig. Simultaneous effect test is 0.000 < 0.05 and
Fcount 43.897 > Ftable 3.33, and it can be concluded that there
is an effect of Hands on Activity (X1) and PODE model (X2)
simultaneously on science process skills.
Fiky Herdianto, Hartono Hartono, Ali Sunarso
Analysis of Science Process Skills in Hands on Activity in Application of the Pode Model
In Elementary School 1406
Hands on Activity, PODE, Science Process Skills
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Science or science learning is learning that learns about the process of natural
phenomena and natural phenomena in the surrounding environment with problem solving
activities to find new theories and concepts of facts (Adriliyani, Dantes, & Jayanta, 2020).
Competence in learning science or science in SD/MI, namely: knowing various types,
natural or artificial environments and their relation to use in everyday life in developing a
series of activities called science process skills (Yunianto, 2021). The science learning
process in elementary schools is more meaningful if the learning materials are linked in
everyday life, so that students can acquire a series of factual scientific knowledge
processes and study natural science phenomena around them in order to realize
conceptual knowledge and develop students' skills and be able to solve problems with a
series of discovery process (Azam & Rokhimawan, 2020).
The initial observation study in the fourth grade of SDN Gugus Kartini, Mejobo
District, Kudus Regency, especially in science learning, the science learning process in
the teacher class still dominates or is teacher centered. Science learning rarely applies
practical methods so that students are not trained in solving problems, as well as a lack of
practical activities. During the learning process students are still passive, less active in
discussing, asking questions and expressing opinions. So that the mid-semester
assessment learning outcomes in science learning are still low below the KKM, which is
70. The results of the second semester science PTS IV in the Kartini Cluster get an
average score of 65.44.
Based on the average mid-semester assessment (PTS), it still does not meet the
KKM criteria. Judging from the low learning outcomes, students are less trained to do
thinking skills to solve a problem scientifically. The results of interviews with teachers
found that at the time of learning the teacher only focused on conceptual results rather
than the process, so that students' scientific skills were not trained and had never been
applied. Science learning is said to be effective if students study a problem with a series
of process skills activities by conducting practicals/experiments to find concepts. Science
process skills are scientific activities used to find a concept or theory to develop an
existing concept or negate previous findings (Ilmi, Nazwatul et al., 2016; Emda, Amna.,
The condition of the problem of science learning above, it is necessary to apply
an innovative learning activity that can involve students directly through the learning
process of active discussion activities, conducting experiments and inquiries. Science
learning that is currently developing in elementary schools, in the learning process
requires students to be more focused on finding and solving problems (Sudana &
Wesnawa, 2017). In this effort, teachers are more creative and innovative in formulating
learning strategies. Innovative learning planning using a learning strategy can affect
science process skills. One of the efforts to improve students' science process skills is to
apply the Hands On Activity approach in the Predict-Observe-Discuss-Explain (PODE)
learning model. The PODE learning model is a series of activities to predict, observe,
discuss and explain (Avisya, Miriam, & Suyidno, 2019).
The PODE learning model is based on constructivist learning theory in the
process of forming students' knowledge to be more active in carrying out various active
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
activities that can give meaning to what is being studied (Hammond et al., 2020).
Constructivist learning theory was developed by Piaget. Constructivist learning
emphasizes three important things, namely that first, learning is an active process of
constructing knowledge; the second actively forms a link between the knowledge
possessed by students and the knowledge being studied; the third interacts with other
students (Sulistyowati, 2019). Constructivistic theory in the PODE model, students learn
actively to gain an understanding of initial and final knowledge. Student learning
activities interact with groups to work together to discuss the results of ideas and convey
the results of the ideas discussed (Shah, 2019).
Research (Retnosari & Widodo., 2018) entitled LKS PODE (Predict-Observe-
Discuss-Explain) To Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills. The purpose of the study
was to describe the implementation of learning, student responses, and improvement of
critical thinking skills after using the PODE LKS. The results of the implementation of
the learning process using LKS are known to be carried out with good and increasing
average results. The average learning process meeting obtained an average score of
77.32% for the first meeting, 82.68% for the second and 100% for the third meeting.
Thinking skills test results Critical thinking shows the results of the pretest and posttest
calculated with a gain score showing a score of 0.42 in the medium category. The results
of Retnosari & Widodo's research show that there is an increase in critical thinking skills
in the PODE LKS.
Irfan, M & Syahrani. (2018). Reviewing research on the application of the Predict
Observe, Discuss, Explain (PODE) Learning Model to Improve Science Process Skills for
Class V Elementary School Students at the Inpres Superior BTN Makassar City
Government. The purpose of Irfan & Syahrani's research is to describe the science
process skills of fifth grade students by applying the PODE model. The research used was
descriptive quantitative. The results showed that science process skills were categorized
as good, with an average of 2.82, so it can be concluded that using the PODE model can
improve science process skills. The difference between Irfan & Syahrani's research and
that of the researcher is that Irfan & Syahrani's research focuses on the independent
variable, namely the ability of science process skills to fifth grade students, while the
researcher refers to the independent variable understanding concepts and science process
The PODE model is implemented with practical activities or Hands On Activity.
Hands on Activity is an activity that involves students to be active in digging for
information, asking questions, doing activities, finding, collecting data, analyzing and
making their own conclusions (Ismi & Pahriah, 2016). The Hands On Activity activity is
designed to involve students' activities in building thinking skills by means of practical
activities to design experiments using tools, seek information, collect data, analyze and
make conclusions from the results of activities during practical activities (Tu, Liu, & Wu,
2018). Through Hands On Activity practices, experiences and activities, learning can
bring about change in students. Hands On Activity can help students move/work and be
scientific as well as communicate knowledge that is optimized with practical activities
(Jannah, 2017).
Previous research, Application of Hands on Activity-Based Cooperative Learning
Model to Improve Science Process Skills, research from Avisya et al (2019). Aims to
describe the improvement of process skills in the Hands on Activity-based Cooperative
learning model in class VIII E SMPN 25 Banjarmasin. The research method used is
classroom action research (CAR). Analysis in the implementation of the RPP average
value of cycle 1 was 85.75, cycle 2 obtained a value of 95.13 and cycle 3 obtained a value
of 98.38.
Fiky Herdianto, Hartono Hartono, Ali Sunarso
Analysis of Science Process Skills in Hands on Activity in Application of the Pode Model
In Elementary School 1408
The three cycles are categorized as very good so that the implementation of the
lesson plan by applying the Hands on Activity cooperative learning model has an impact
on the activity of the learning process. Science process skills in cycle 1, indicators
(observing) criteria are good, indicators (concludes and communicating) criteria are
sufficient, and indicators (predicts) get very good criteria, while cycles 2 and cycle 3 get
good and very good criteria. Increased learning outcomes are shown in cycle 1 (18.75%),
cycle 2 (56.25%) in the incomplete category and cycle 3 (87.50%) in the complete
The cooperative learning model based on hands on activity has advantages,
namely it can improve students' science process skills by utilizing the learning
environment, the learning process is focused on hands on activity, namely in each phase
of hands on activity students play an active role during the learning process (Avisya,
Nanda et al, 2019). The cooperative learning model is believed to make students work
together, help each other, and complement each other, both in studying teaching materials
and in doing hands on activities (Ratumanan, 2015). The application of the PODE model
with Hands on Activity is implemented in learning activities, so that students are more
active, cooperate and play a direct role in practical activities.
Student learning activities in Hands On Activity in the application of the PODE
model, the structure of students' initial knowledge is tested with Predict or predicting
activities. Observe or observe; students observe by doing practical activities directly, after
predicting a phenomenon that students have, collect data on the results of observations
which are then analyzed by predicting results. Discuss or discussion; students actively
discuss in groups and collect the results of the analysis of predictive and observing
activities. Explain or explain; students convey the results of predicting, observing,
discussing. Based on the description above, the purpose of this study was to find out
"Analysis of the Role of Hands On Activity in the application of PODE in terms of the
science process skills of students in elementary schools". The difference in this study is
the application of the role of Hands on Activity in the PODE model, while the existing
research is only the PODE model.
This research was conducted at SD 1 Gulang and SD 1 Payaman, Mejobo
District, Kudus Regency. The design used in this study is a Quasi Experimental Design in
the form of Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Design of Nonequivalent Control
Group The design of the experimental group and the control group were not chosen
randomly (Sugiyono, 2019:120). In the experimental class students were given treatment
using Hands on Activity learning with the application of the PODE model, while the
control class used the PODE model. Nonequivalent Control Group Design according to
Sugiyono (2019: 120) is as follows:
Descriptiom :
Experiment = Experimental group (Hands on Activity with the application of the PODE
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
Control = Control group (PODE Model)
O1 = Pretest experimental group
O2 = Posttest experimental group
O3 = Pretest control group
O4 = Posttest control group
X = Treatment (treatment)
The population in this study were fourth grade students of SD 1 Gulang and SD 1
Payaman with a total of 60 students. The research sample for the experimental class was
students of SD 1 Gulang with a total of 30 students, for the control class, students of SD 1
Payaman, amounting to 30 students. The independent variables in this study were Hands
on Activity (X1) and the PODE model (X2), while the dependent variable was science
process skills (Y1). The instrument in this study was a science process skill observation
sheet. The research instrument was in the form of non-test, to obtain data and analysis
results of science process skills. Indicators of science process skills include observing,
classifying, conducting experiments, communicating, concluding answers.
Data collection techniques in this study include interviews, documentation and
observation of preliminary studies of data collection and observation of data collection by
observing the learning process which aims to analyze science process skills on the basic
competencies of various forces, including muscle, electric, magnetic, gravity and swipe.
The data analysis technique in this study was simple regression analysis to
determine the effect of Hands on Activity (X1), PODE model (X2) on science process
skills (Y1). Multiple regression analysis to determine the effect of Hands On Activity
(X1) and PODE model (X2) together on science process skills (Y1).
A. Initial data analysis
1. Normality Test
The normality test of the experimental and control class data was used to
determine whether the pretest-posttest results were normally distributed or not.
Table 1 Recapitulation of Normality Test Results for Experimental Class and Control
PreTest Experiment
PostTest Experiment
PreTest Control
PostTest Control
Based on Table 1 above, it can be seen that the data is normally distributed if the
significance value (Sig.) in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov column is more than 0.05. The
significance value of the normality test data above is 0.068 in the experimental class
pretest, 0.058 in the experimental class posttest, 0.107 in the control class pretest, and
0.077 in the control class posttest. Because the significance value is above 0.05, it can be
concluded that the data is normally distributed.
1. Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity test is used to determine whether there is a similarity of variance in
the experimental class and the control class. The calculation of the homogeneity test uses
the Levene test. The calculation results show that the significance value is 0.055 at the
significance level = 0.05. Based on Levene's test calculations, it proves that the
Fiky Herdianto, Hartono Hartono, Ali Sunarso
Analysis of Science Process Skills in Hands on Activity in Application of the Pode Model
In Elementary School 1410
experimental and control classes come from the same or homogeneous variance.
2. Linearity Test
The linearity test is used to determine whether there is a linear relationship between
the independent and dependent variables.
Table 2 Results of Hands on Activity Linearity Test and PODE model on science
process skills
F Value
Hands on Activity Science process skills
PODE Model Science process skills
Based on Table 2 shows that the value of sig. The first deviation from linearity is
0.095 > 0.05, it can be concluded that there is a linear relationship between science
process skills and Hands on Activity. While the value of sig. the second deviation from
linearity is 0.260 > 0.05, it can be concluded that there is a linear relationship between
science process skills and the PODE model.
1. Multicollinearity Test
To detect the presence or absence of multicollinearity can be seen from the amount
of Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and Tolerance. The guideline for a regression model
that is free of multicollinearity is to have a tolerance number close to 1. The VIF limit is
10, if the VIF value is below 10, then there is no multicollinearity symptom.
Table 3 Multicollinearity Test Results
Collinearity Statistics
Hans On Activity
Based on Table 3 above, the coefficient of the independent variable shows the VIF
number is less than 10 > 5.656. The tolerance value is more than 0.1 < 0.177, it can be
concluded that the laying regression model is used.
1. Heteroscedasticity Test
To determine heteroscedasticity can use the Glejser test. The basis for decision
making in this test is if the significance value = 0.05, it can be concluded that there is no
heteroscedasticity problem, but on the contrary if the significance value is <0.05, it can be
concluded that there is a heteroscedasticity problem. The results of the heteroscedasticity
test obtained are as follows:
Table 4 Heteroscedasticity Test Results
Std. Error
Hands On
In the calculation results in Table 4 above, it is known that the significance value of
the Hans On Activity variable and the PODE Model variable is more than 0.05
(respectively 0.361 and 0.597). Based on this, it can be concluded that there is no
heteroscedasticity between independent variables in the regression model.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
Data on the results of science process skills were obtained from the beginning of
learning and at the end. Early and late learning scores are shown in Table 5 below.
Table 5 Scores of early and late learning of science process skills
Average %
Early learning
Final learning
Table 5 can be seen that the average science process skills is 58.00 while the
control class is 56.00. The score increases after learning is done, the average score
achieved by the experimental class students is 88.00 while the control class is 69.33
which gets a higher score is the class that uses PODE and Hands on Activity modes.
Furthermore, to find out the difference between the pretest and posttest scores, the gain
test was continued. The gain test of science process skills scores can be seen in Table 6.
Table 6 Gain Score Test Results Science Process Skills
Post Test
Experiment Class
Control Class
Table 6 shows that the N-gain of the KPS in the experimental class shows 0.70 and
the N-gain in the control class shows 0.28. The N-Gain classification is as follows: g <
0.30 = low, 030 < g > 0.70 = moderate, g > 0.70 = high. The results of the experimental
class N-gain are in the medium category, while the control class is in the low category.
The gain test results for the experimental class are higher than the control class, so it can
be concluded that the KPS in the experimental class is better than the control class.
Furthermore, to prove the hypothesis, it is followed by a paired t-test can be seen in Table
Table 7 Paired sample t test results
Paired Samples Test
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Based on the results of the pair 1 experimental group in Table 7 above, the value of
tcount = 13,494 > ttable = 2,045 and the value of Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 < 0.05, it can be
Fiky Herdianto, Hartono Hartono, Ali Sunarso
Analysis of Science Process Skills in Hands on Activity in Application of the Pode Model
In Elementary School 1412
concluded that there is a difference in the average KPS for the experimental class pre-test
with the post-test experimental class using the PODE and Hands On Activity models.
While the results of pair 2 obtained the value of tcount = 6.585 > ttable = 2.045 and the
value of Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 > 0.05, it can be concluded that there is a difference in
the average KPS for the control class pre-test and post-test control class students' concept
understanding for the experimental class pre-test with the experimental class post-test
using PODE model without Hands On Activity.
A. Simple and multiple regression analysis
The results of the regression equation for the PODE model variable on the control
class KPS can be seen in Table 8 below.
Table 8 Simple Regression Test Results of the PODE Model on the Control Class
Std. Error
Based on Table 8 above, it is known that the value of Sig. for the effect of the
PODE model on KPS of 0.000 <0.05 and the value of tcount 5.369 > ttable 2.045, so it
can be concluded that there is an effect of the PODE model on PPP. From the table
above, the regression equation Y2 = (13,826)+0.735X2 is also formed. From this
equation, it can be interpreted that the effect of the PODE (X2) model on PPP (Y2) is
positive. This can be seen from the regression coefficient (X2) of 0.735 which is positive,
indicating that the effect of the PODE model on PPP is positive. This condition implies
that the more effective the implementation of the PODE model, the better the PPP. The
magnitude of the influence of the PODE model on KPS the value of the coefficient of
determination (R2) of the PODE model variable on KPS is 0.507. This shows that the
magnitude of the PODE model on the concept understanding of the control class students
is 50.7%. The results of the regression equation for the PODE model variable on the
experimental class KPS can be seen in Table 9 below.
Table 9 Simple Regression Test Results of the PODE Model on the Experimental
Class KPS
Std. Error
Based on Table 9 above, it is known that the value of Sig. for the effect of the
PODE model on the experimental class KPS of 0.000 <0.05 and the tcount 9.529 > ttable
2.045, so it can be concluded that there is an effect of the PODE model on the KPS. From
Table 4.18 above, the regression equation Y2 = (-13,116)+1,155X2 is also formed. From
this equation, it can be interpreted that the effect of the PODE (X2) model on PPP (Y2) is
positive. This can be seen from the regression coefficient (X2) of 1.155 which is positive.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
This condition implies that the more effective the implementation of the PODE model,
the better the PPP. The magnitude of the effect of the PODE model on science process
skills, the coefficient of determination (R2) of the PODE model variable on KPS
understanding is 0.764. This shows the effect of the magnitude of the PODE model on the
experimental class KPS of 76.4%. When compared between the experimental class and
the control class, the effect of the PODE model on KPS in the experimental class is
higher with a ratio of 76.4% compared to 50.7%.
The results of the regression equation for the Hands on Activity variable on the
experimental class KPS can be seen in Table 10 below.
Table 10 Simple Regression Test Results Hands on Activity Against KPS
Experiment Class
Std. Error
Hands on (E)
Based on Table 10, it is known that the value of Sig. for the effect of Hands on
Activity on the experimental class KPS of 0.000 <0.05 and the tcount 6.642 > ttable
2.045, so it can be concluded that there is an effect of Hands on Activity on the KPS.
From Table 4.22 above, the regression equation Y2 = (-13,116)+1,155X1 is also formed.
From this equation, it can be interpreted that the effect of Hands on Activity (X2) on KPS
(Y2) is positive. This can be seen from the regression coefficient (X1) of 0.988 which is
positive, indicating that the effect of Hands on Activity on the experimental class KPS is
positive. This condition implies that the more effective the implementation of Hands on
Activity, the better the PPP. The magnitude of the influence of Hands on Activity on the
KPS of the experimental class, the value of the coefficient of determination (R2) of the
Hands on Activity variable on the understanding of KPS is 0.612. This shows the effect
of the magnitude of Hands on Activity on the experimental class KPS of 61.2%.
The next statistical analysis is aimed at knowing the magnitude of the influence of
the independent variable Hands on Activity (X1) and the PODE model (X2) on the
dependent variable understanding of the concept (Y1) together in the experimental class.
Statistical analysis to determine the effect of the independent variable Hands on Activity
(X1) and the PODE model (X2) on the dependent variable KPS (Y2) together in the
experimental class. The analysis used is through multiple regression equations. Based on
calculations using the SPSS program, the regression contained in Table 11 is obtained as
Table 11 Results of Hands on Activity Multiple Linear Regression and PODE
Model on KPS
Std. Error
Hands On Activity (X1)
Fiky Herdianto, Hartono Hartono, Ali Sunarso
Analysis of Science Process Skills in Hands on Activity in Application of the Pode Model
In Elementary School 1414
Based on the results of the analysis in Table 11, it can be seen that the regression
equation formed is Y2= -13,563+1,101X1+0,58X2. In addition, it was also found that the
most influential independent variable was the PODE model variable with a coefficient of
1.101. While the variable that has a lower effect is the Hands on Activity variable with a
coefficient value of 0.058.
From this equation, it can be seen that all the independent variables Hands on
Activity (X1) and the PODE model (X2) have a positive effect on KPS (Y2). This means
that better use of Hands on Activity and the PODE model results in an increase in KPS.
The coefficient of determination (R2) essentially measures how far the model's
ability to explain the dependent variable is. The value of the coefficient of independent
determination shows the more dominant influence on the dependent variable. The value
of the coefficient of determination is 0 and 1. The greater R2 of an independent variable,
the more dominant the influence on the dependent variable is. The results of the
calculation of the coefficient of determination of the independent variable Hands on
Activity (X1) and the PODE model (X2) on KPS (Y2), the effect of the independent
variable on the dependent variable is indicated by the coefficient of determination (R2) of
0.765 or 76.5%. This means that the Hands on Activity learning variable and the PODE
model are able to explain the variation of KPS by 76.5% while the remaining 23.5% is
explained by variables outside of this study. The results of the research together with the
Hands on Activity variable and the PODE model on PPP can be seen in table 12 below.
Table 12 Test Results of Simultaneous Effects of Hands on Activity Variables and
the PODE Model on KPS
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
Based on the output of Table 12, it is known that the significance value (Sig.) for
the effect of Simultaneous Hands on Activity learning and the PODE model on KPS is
0.000 < 0.05 and the value of Fcount 43.897 > Ftable 3.33, so it can be concluded that
there is an effect of Hands on Activity (X1) and PODE model (X2) simultaneously on
KPS (Y2).
In the control class of the PODE model on science process skills, the results of the
analysis show the influence of the PODE model on science process skills. The results of
the regression equation Y2 = (13,826) + 0.735X2, which means that the effect of the
PODE (X2) model on KPS (Y2) is positive. This can be seen from the regression
coefficient of 0.735 which is positive. The result of the calculation of the coefficient of
determination (R2) of the PODE model on science process skills is 50.7%. Based on the
results of the analysis of the findings of this study, the application of the PODE model to
science process skills in the control class
Based on research (Zulaeha, et al. 2014) on the effect of the POE model on science
process skills, it explains that there is an effect of science process skills on classes that
use the POE learning model with classes that use conventional learning. In line with
research (Gultom. 2018) explaining that science process skills using the POE model get
significant results, this is because the POE model activities make students develop their
cognitive structures.
The results of the analysis of the experimental class science process skills
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
indicators on the indicators of observing, classifying, conducting experiments,
communicating and concluding answers obtained very good criteria with a total
percentage of 86.67%, 81.67%, 90.83%, 90.83%, respectively. , 90.00%. Based on the
results of the percentage of science process skills in the control class and the experimental
class, there was an increase in each indicator. Based on simple regression analysis, there
is an effect of the PODE model on science process skills, the results of the Sig value. of
0.000 <0.05 and the value of tcount 9.529 > ttable 2.045. The results of the regression
equation Y2 = (-13.116) +1.155X2, the results of the equation mean that the effect of the
PODE (X2) model on KPS (Y2) is positive. The magnitude of the coefficient of
determination of the influence of the PODE model on the science process skills of the
experimental class is (R2) of 0.764 or 76.4%. The conclusion between the experimental
class and the control class is that the effect of the PODE model on science process skills
is higher with a ratio of 76.4% vs. 50.7%.
The results of research (Irfan & Syahrani, 2018) on the PODE model to improve
science process skills explain that the indicators of observation, prediction, conducting
experiments are in the good category, while drawing conclusions and reporting are in the
sufficient category. Research (Wlandari, et al. 2014) has a positive influence on the
application of the PODE strategy to science process skills.
The results of the simple regression analysis of Hands on Activity on the science
process skills of the experimental class, it is known that the value of Sig. of 0.000 <0.05
and the value of tcount 6.642 > ttable 2.045. The conclusion from the results of the value
of Sig. is that there is an effect of Hands on Activity on science process skills. The results
of the regression equation Y2 = (0.561) + 0.988X1, based on the results of the equation, it
can be interpreted that the effect of Hands on Activity on science process skills is
positive. The regression coefficient of X1 is 0.988 which is positive. The value of the
coefficient of determination (R2) for the Hands on Activity variable on science process
skills is 0.162 or 61.2%. Research (Avisya, et al. 2019) the application of the Hands on
Activity-based cooperative model to science process skills has increased, student learning
outcomes from cycle I (18.75%), cycle II (56.25%) with incomplete categories to (87
,50&) with a complete category in cycle III. In line with research with research
(Asmawati, et al. 2017) with the title of the research the effect of a Hands on Activity-
based contextual approach on science process skills, the results of the study showed that
the posttest average for the experimental class was 47.59 and the control class was 55.8.
The results of the experimental class science process skills score got an average result of
77.33 in the high category.
The results of multiple linear analysis of the effect of the Hands on Activity (X1)
variable in the PODE model (X2) on science process skills (Y2), it is known that the
resulting equation is Y2 = -13,563+1,101X1+0,58X2. The independent variable that has
an effect is the PODE model with a coefficient of 1.101 while the variable that has a
lower effect is Hands on Activity with a coefficient value of 0.058. The equation can be
concluded that Hands on Activity and the PODE model have a positive effect on science
process skills. Based on the calculation of the coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.765
or 76.5%, which means that the Hands on Activity learning in the PODE model is able to
explain variations in science process skills by 76.5% for the remaining 23.5% explained
by variables outside this study. Value of Sig. Simultaneous effect test is 0.000 < 0.05 and
Fcount 43.897 > Ftable 3.33, and it can be concluded that there is an effect of Hands on
Activity (X1) and PODE model (X2) simultaneously on science process skills.
The findings in the field show that the expert class student experiments using
Hands on Activity science learning in the application of PODE, students are more active
and independent in direct activity experimental activities, students are very enthusiastic
Fiky Herdianto, Hartono Hartono, Ali Sunarso
Analysis of Science Process Skills in Hands on Activity in Application of the Pode Model
In Elementary School 1416
when observing experiments, in discussing students work together to express opinions in
solving problems, the role of Hands on Activity in the learning process Activities
Practicum on Hands on Activity in the application of the PODE model is more focused by
designing experiments, seeking information, collecting data and analyzing the data
obtained. While learning science in the control class using the PODE model, in the
learning process students must still be directed by the teacher. In the experimental
activities only a few students were active, in terms of observing, discussing and
Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that, 1) There
are differences in the results of science process skills between learning Hands on Activity
with the application of the PODE model and students using the PODE model only. 2)
There are differences in science process skills in the experimental class in the application
of Hands on Activity and the PODE model has a positive effect of 76.4% and 61.2%,
while the control class using the PODE model has an effect of 50.7%. 3) The results of
the multiple linear test of science process skills obtained results of 76.5%, the results of
the Sig. Simultaneous effect test is 0.000 < 0.05 and Fcount 43.897 > Ftable 3.33, and it
can be concluded that there is an effect of Hands on Activity (X1) and PODE model (X2)
simultaneously on science process skills.
The results of research on the analysis of the role of Hands On Activity in the
application of the PODE model in terms of science process skills in elementary schools
can be concluded that the role of Hands On Activity with the PODE model can improve
science process skills of elementary school students. The results of the research can
theoretically be used as study material and references in similar research using the role of
Hands On Activity and/or the PODE learning model. Practically, the results of this study
can be used as consideration for teachers or other researchers in developing a variety of
learning activities in the classroom in an effort to improve students' science process skills.
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