Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 12, December 2021
The effectiveness of Internal Control and the Implementation of Governance have a
simultaneous effect on the Performance of Regional Heads
The results of the third hypothesis (H3) test showed that the effectiveness of
internal control, the governance of the government simultaneously affects the
performance of regional heads. Thus, the hypothesis of the effectiveness of inter control
and governance simultaneously affects the performance of accepted regional heads. In
this case the effectiveness of internal control and governance together can affect the
performance of regional heads. The results stated that the effectiveness of internal control
is strongly influenced by organizational culture so that the implementation of governance
in the Kupang Provincial Government OPD has implemented internal control and the
implementation of governance reflected in organizational cultural components such as
inovation, risk taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation and
others. The profession and competence and experience of employees by as a society are
seen as one eye maybe even as OPD in kupang regency, so the role of employees is still
considered small, so this is not the main concern. The results of this study also stated that
governance is also a trigger for the performance of regional heads. Goals in an
organization will be achieved when each individual has a high organizational
commitment. Conversely, individuals with low organizational commitment will tend to
have low attention to organizational achievement and tend to strive to meet personal
interests. Individuals who have a high organizational commitment will use the
information they have to carry out governance. The existence of internal control and good
governance and commitment will be able to avoid the gaps that occur in improving the
performance of regional heads (Nouri and Parker) in (Rahmiati, 2013).
Based on the results of this research, it is expected that the Kupang Regency
government in the process of preparing and carrying out activities should implement
internal control and good governance, so that it will be able to improve the performance
of regional heads.
Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that: The effectiveness of
internal control, affecting the performance of the regional head of the Kupang Regency
Regional Government Increases the effectiveness of internal control in OPD in the
Kupang Regency Regional Government is to improve the reliability of information
generated by the information system. Proven opd financial information is good enough,
it's just that it needs to increase human resources and good technology so that financial
and non-financial information can be understood, relevant, reliable and comparable. In
addition, the effectiveness of existing internal control is able to overcome things that
cause fraud (fraud). The application of the government system affects the kienrja regional
head of kupang regency. The higher good governance, the leadership has information that
can be utilized for decision-making related to internal control and the implementation of
governance, namely good integrity is needed for individuals who can clearly be identified
by the public, public credibility requires services and service systems, professionalism is
needed individuals can clearly be identified by the public as professionals in the public.
In the field, the quality of services with high performance standards and public trust must
be able to feel confident that there is an ethical framework of professionalism that
underlies the provision of services. So, it can be said that the existence of good
governance has an impact on the performance of regional heads in the Kupang Regency
Government. The effectiveness of inter control, and governance together affect the
performance of regional heads in the Kupang Regency Government. The effectiveness of
internal control is strongly influenced by organizational culture so that the