Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
158 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Herlina Fridayati
SMA Negeri 4 Kepahiang Bengkulu
Received: March
, 2021
Revised: April 7
Approved: April
, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship
between the level of education and the attitude of concern for the
environment with the behavior of tourists in maintaining
environmental cleanliness in the area of the Kabawetan Tea
Plantation tourism object, Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu
Province. Research that has been carried out using a
quantitative approach, with descriptive methods. Based on data
on average annual visits, the total population visited was 138
people. The sample of this research is random visitors who meet
researchers who are willing to fill out a complete questionnaire.
Behavior that can be observed as many as 53 people. Based on
the results of the study, it shows that the relationship between
knowledge about environmental protection and the behavior of
maintaining environmental hygiene is very close, with a product
torque correlation value of 0.787. This proves that the proposed
hypothesis is accepted. Therefore, the authors draw the
following conclusions: 1) There is a positive relationship
between the level of education in maintaining environmental
hygiene and behavior; 2) There is a positive relationship
between environmental care and environmental protection
behavior. environmental Hygiene; There is a positive correlation
between attentiveness and hygiene behavior.
Keywords: Knowledge; Attitude, Tourist Behavior,
Environmental Preservation
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The success of the development is not only determined by the discipline and
enthusiasm of state administrators, but also by the participation of the Indonesian people.
Each region seeks to explore the potential of natural resources, human resource potential,
including the cultural potential to be used as a source of income for development, one of
which is from the tourism sector (Bahrudin, 2017)
As an area that has a lot of tourism potential, the Kepahiang Regency
Government of Bengkulu Province should pay great attention to developing the tourism
sector as a mainstay sector. (Phillia, 2017) The advancement of the tourism industry,
according to the Director of the Tourism Bureau, will have an impact on expanding
employment, increasing community income, and Introducing the beauty of nature and
culture to add insight and foster love for the country. (Tradena, 2017) Implementing
tourism policy in general, the goals and objectives are to increase foreign exchange
income and economic development that provides more job opportunities, as well as the
unity and integrity of national identity. (Rosita, 2016) The phenomenon of education
turns out to be influential, such as the tourism
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Relationship on education level and environmental attitude with tourist
behavior in Kebun Teh Kabawetan 159
industry established by the Australian Department of Tourism, which defines tourism as
nature-based tourism, including education and interpretation of the natural environment
and culture of the community through ecological sustainability management. (Utama,
The tourism industry with its cultural uniqueness, unique souvenirs, and beautiful
panoramas can give a good impression to every tourist, thus creating a love for nature, a
love for culture, and a love for the Indonesian homeland. (Dhona & Kom, 2018)
Indonesia is a country that has the potential for enormous natural wealth. (Qomar, 2012)
This potential must be maintained to ensure sustainable development. Efforts to maintain
its sustainability are transforming an environment rich in biodiversity and natural
potential into a protected area. One of them is a nature reserve that is managed through a
zoning system for research, science, education, culture, tourism, and recreation support,
and one of them is a natural tea plantation in Kabbah Wieden District, Kepahiang
Regency, Bengkulu Province. A tourist attraction managed by a tourism bureau must
develop this area, and there is a lot of interest from the community.
Tourism activities in Kepahiang Regency need to be developed, especially in the
development of natural tourism, including:
1. Natural tea garden tourism area located in Kabawetan Regency where nature
tourism is one of the tourist areas that support farming activities in this area.
2. The tourist area of Mount Kaba is a tourist area with an altitude of 1937 Lm
3. Geothermal resources (geothermal), beautiful natural scenery, surrounded by
agricultural areas, and high mountain hot springs.
The management of the tourist areas that have been pursued are as follows:
a) Developing a tourism marketing and promotion zone in Kepahiang Regency to
expand the tourism market share.
b) The tourism industry is produced as a tourism industry (to promote investors'
investment efforts in the tourism industry).
c) Expanding the market share of tourism in the form of exhibitions, tourism
activities (performing arts, tourism competitions), exhibition activities, providing
promotional facilities, and tourism activities (performing arts, tourism
competitions) to expand the tourism market share to attract tourists.
d) Develop infrastructure to support tourism development in Kepahiang Regency.
Kabawetan Tea Plantation has the potential in the form of extensive forest
ecosystems, high biodiversity, potential water catchment areas, and ecotourism with
beautiful natural panoramas. The management department is expected to be able to
properly protect, utilize and protect biological resources and their ecosystems, to improve
the welfare of the community. Manage and develop natural potential as a natural tourism
Problems of cleanliness, pollution, and environmental damage in the area of
Natural Tourism Objects if not addressed will cause negative impacts from an ecological,
economic and social perspective around the area (Manik, 2018) With a large amount of
garbage around the area can cause the natural potential of damaged tea plantations. The
beauty of nature tourism is clean and natural so tourists will be lazy to visit again. This
can disrupt the businesses of local communities that rely on tourism which can lead to
social conflicts. This environmental damage must be taken seriously to ensure
environmental protection and development (Ruslan Renggong, 2018)
To overcome this problem, it is necessary to investigate the causes of pollution
and environmental damage in the natural tourism area of tea plantations. Solving
environmental problems cannot rely solely on technical efforts but must be supported by
education and
Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
160 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
persuasiveness. The function of education is to provide education, demography, and
formal and informal environments (Ilma, 2015) Environmental education is carried out
formally in schools, and informally outside schools.
Efforts to understand human behavior towards the environment are important
research as a form of environmental protection. One of them is to study the factors that
influence tourist behavior in maintaining a clean environment. (Prasetyo, 2016) In
connection with the problem of pollution in the area of natural tea plantation attractions,
many tourists enter the area not according to the correct rules or procedures. It is not
uncommon for tourists to ignore conservation principles. This is due to the low
knowledge and attitudes of tourists about how to behave properly and in harmony when
they are in the conservation area.
Other factors that influence behavior include goals, motivation, age, education
level, economic level, and their different and unequal personalities. Another influential
aspect is the management of nature tourism that does not pay attention to the carrying
capacity of the environment. Waste management and incomplete cleaning facilities can
also be a trigger.
Natural tourism areas must maintain environmental sustainability and cleanliness
to attract tourists. This question proves the importance of this research. Therefore, this
study aims to determine the relationship between the level of education and attention to
the environment of the Natural Tourism Area of the Tea Garden, the Natural Tourism
Area of the Tea Plantation in Bangkululu Regency with the views of tourists on the
behavior of maintaining environmental hygiene.
Previously there were previous studies that were relevant to this research. One of
them is a research conducted by (Darmawan & Fadjarajani, 2016) with the title The
Relationship between Knowledge and Attitudes of Environmental Conservation and
Tourist Behavior in Maintaining Environmental Cleanliness. This study aims to
determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of environmental
conservation with tourist behavior in maintaining environmental cleanliness in the tourist
attraction area. Based on the results of this study, it shows that the relationship between
knowledge about environmental conservation and behavior in maintaining environmental
cleanliness is in a very close category with the Spearman rank correlation value of
98.4%. Meanwhile, the relationship between environmental preservation attitudes and
behavior in environmental preservation has a determination value of 9.1%. While
simultaneously the relationship between knowledge and attitudes about environmental
conservation and behavior in maintaining environmental health is with the W Kendall
test value, namely the chi-square of 102.151.
The difference between this study and previous research is the level of education
and the level of knowledge. This study uses the level of education as a variable while
previous studies used the level of knowledge.
The research was conducted using quantitative methods, with a descriptive
correlation analysis method. This research is a correlational study, which is research that
functions to determine the size of the relationship (r) that exists between variables. Based
on data on average annual visits, residents visit 138 people each week. Not all tourist
populations can be the object of research, so the sampling technique must be used. 53
samples were taken from tourists who visited within a week through the random sampling
technique. Based on the recognition of tourists, they enter the area more than once a
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Relationship on education level and environmental attitude with tourist
behavior in Kebun Teh Kabawetan 161
(especially during holidays). This forms the basis for determining the sample size. The
results of the calculation of the number of tourists observed were 53 people. The sample
of this research is tourists who randomly meet researchers who are willing to fill out a
complete questionnaire and can observe their behavior.
A. Education Level
The definition of education according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)
is a tiered arrangement such as a pedestal on a house, a pedestal on a ladder (level).
High and low dignity (location, civilization progress, level, degree, etc.) Level 1 is the
level, location, or setting level. The level of a position is very important, indicating that
there is a difference in the level of that position. In other words, the level is a separator
between high and low levels.
B. Definition of Education
The definition of education is the process by which a country prepares life for
the younger generation and effectively achieves life goals. Education is not just
teaching, because education is a process by which a country or country builds or
develops self-awareness in individuals through this process, a nation or state can pass on
cultural wealth or thoughts to the next generation so that it becomes an inspiration for
them in every aspect of life.
Various definitions of education are put forward by experts, among others
according to Zahara Idris in (Ibrahim, 2015) who said that education is a series of
communication activities aimed at face-to-face communication between adults and
students or through the use of media to help the development of children as a whole.
The position of an attitude can be determined by evaluating attitude objects that
are expressed in the process of cognition, emotion, and behavior. Broadly speaking,
attitudes include cognitive, behavioral, and emotional components. Like or dislike an
object. In this case, a person is willing to reject or accept an object based on an
evaluation of that object, regardless of whether the object is meaningful to him or not.
This is why attitude is related to knowing and feeling about things.
Someone is very closely related to the attitude and character of each person. In
general, attitude is usually interpreted as someone's action in response to something.
Attitudes determine a person's behavior concerning human stimuli or certain
events. Attitude is a condition that allows an action or behavior to occur. A person's
attitude towards an object is a manifestation of the attitude component which includes
three components, namely cognition, emotions, and habits. These three components
influence each other to understand, feel and treat the object of attitude.
In social interaction, individuals will react to form certain patterns of attitudes
towards the various psychological objects they face. Several factors influence the
formation of attitudes, namely: personal experiences, culture, other people who are
considered important, mass media, educational institutions or institutions of belief, and
personal emotional factors.
C. Concern for the Environment
The environment can be interpreted as an object. The environment includes two
things, namely the physiological system (social system of salinity (social component)
and ecological system (biological and non-biological components) that occupy and
Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
162 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
the existence of biological space including human life and other organisms. non-
biological (non-biological) The living environment (biology) is all living things around
plants, animals, and humans Non-living environment is all inanimate objects and
physical conditions that exist around individuals, such as rocks, minerals, water, air;
climate, weather, temperature, humidity, wind, gravity, and other elements. As a system,
the environment must be maintained so that the system can operate normally and bring
benefits to all members of the ecosystem. caliph and play an important role in creating
and maintaining the environment and the order of this environmental system. Therefore,
humans are required to develop good behavior towards the environment. Various
environmental damages that are currently occurring are caused by human behavior that
is wrong in responding to and managing the environment and its resources.
Humans as development subjects do not have the correct environmental ethics,
so they transcend nature. Because the natural resources of the environment are exploited
on a large scale for the benefit of mankind, this has resulted in a decrease in the carrying
capacity of the environment. Apart from these impacts, various types of pollution such
as garbage and waste are also produced which further damage the environment.
Indonesia's environmental protection work is only possible with the support of
all its citizens. Ignorance of the environment will result in environmental
unconsciousness, which means that environmental knowledge will affect environmental
awareness. This is related to environmental facts that occur today which are caused by
people's ignorance of the environment. Ignorance of the environment will lead to
ignorance Environmental awareness, which can also be explained as environmental
ignorance, is one of the factors affecting environmental awareness.
By changing the mental attitude of humans as environmental destroyers into
people who are environmentally aware, environmental problems in Indonesia can be
resolved. An environmentally conscious person is a person who understands and
implements attitudes and behaviors that care for the environment and applies ecological
principles and environmental ethics. At first, humans treated and worshiped nature
excessively, then humans began to use and rely on nature. Humans feel they own nature
so that nature will run out and devour nature and its environment; humans feel
abandoned by nature and therefore need it; humans realize that they must protect and
approach nature, which is the environment that determines its survival as living things.
Based on the development of these attitudes, environmental protection attitudes
are a form of evaluation of potential feelings and tendencies, to maintain, protect,
manage, and use natural resources to protect them from changes or negative effects
caused by activities. pressure. To continue to sustain the lives of humans and other
creatures, to fill humans from generation to generation. The natural resources in
question are living, non-living and man-made resources. This attitude will enable us to
act wisely towards the environment.
D. Tourist Behavior in Maintaining Environmental Cleanliness
Human behavior is the result of various experiences and interactions between
humans and their environment, these interactions are manifested in the form of
knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. In other words, behavior is an individual's response
to external or internal stimuli.
Human behavior does not occur automatically, because behavior occurs due to
stimuli received by humans from outside of the body. Generally, behavior occurs due to
a combination of stimuli from within and outside the body. Receptors are used to detect
stimuli and require nerves to coordinate responses, whereas effectors need to perform
Herlina Fridayati
Relationship on education level and environmental attitude with tourist
behavior in Kebun Teh Kabawetan 163
functions. The behavior that appears is a process of interaction between personality and
the environment that contains stimuli. The stimulus then responds in the form of a
response. This response is called behavior. This behavior is visible (response operation)
and invisible (don't operate). Visible behavior is behavior that can be observed by
others. At the same time, other people cannot directly observe intangible behavior, such
as thinking and feeling. According to Azwar (Siregar, 2018) among the many behavioral
characteristics, for example, the only interesting behavior is the nature of its
differentiation. This means that one stimulus can cause more than one different response
and several different stimuli can cause the same response.
Environmental cleanliness is a state free from dirt, dust, and odors. Maintenance
refers to the act of maintaining, protecting, maintaining, preserving, and avoiding harm.
Likewise, the term "cleanliness" comes from the term "clean condition" which means it
is not dirty, unclean, and unclean
Clean living behavior is a series of various forms of behavior carried out by the
community towards the environment, including irresponsible behavior, such as
environmental pollution behavior, to responsible behavior (such as caring for and
cleaning the environment). Environmental cleanliness refers to the cleanliness of
residential environments, workplaces, and various public facilities, one of which is
natural tourist attractions. Nature tourism or better known as ecotourism is a form of
tourism that is managed through conservation.
Ecotourism is a form of tourism that is responsible for protecting natural areas,
providing economic benefits, and maintaining the integrity of the local community's
culture. Therefore, maintaining the cleanliness of the environment in natural tourism
areas (ecotourism) is something that must be done by every visitor.
Tourism is a temporary shift of residence carried out by people outside their
residence for a reason, rather than carrying out activities that do not generate wages.
(Simanjuntak, Tanjung, & Nasution, 2017) The behavior of tourists that damage natural
tourism areas are cleanliness, destruction, and pollution. Environmental Destruction is a
destructive human activity. Environmental destruction is very common and is the
activity of scribbling the walls to show that they have arrived at this place. Other forms
of destruction include cutting down trees, picking flowers, picking flowers, and picking
plants. Move and dispose of sanitation facilities and other activities that affect
environmental sustainability. Pollution is the main enemy of tourism. The pollution of
the most obvious is waste in the form of organic and inorganic waste. Generally, the
trash found in tourist attractions is food wrapping paper, food scraps, cigarette packs,
paper, plastic, leaves, and skins.
Pollution of tourist attractions is mainly caused by the behavior of tourists who
do not keep the environment clean. They sit and eat, take a walk and admire the view, or
throw trash everywhere in the car. Tourism and landfill regulations are ignored. As a
result, garbage is scattered on the streets and tourist gathering places. Usually, on
Sundays or holidays, pollution will be very visible in places that are frequented by
people. Apart from garbage, other pollution which is dangerous for the development of
sustainable nature tourism spots is liquid waste from the bathroom or directly into the
water. Especially if the objects and natural tourist attractions are in the form of rivers,
waterfalls, cold springs, or hot springs. Water pollution is easy, and many tourists do
activities in water bodies. The result of this pollution is very dangerous for the health of
tourists, residents, and the environment, animals, and plants. Other pollution comes in
the form of smoke and vehicle noises or screaming tourists. This will also have an
impact on the behavior of the tourists themselves and the wildlife around the tourist
area. The arrival of
Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
164 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
tourists in natural tourism areas has caused many negative impacts on these tourist areas
and damage to various facilities. The relationship between knowledge about
environmental protection and the act of maintaining a clean environment.
Table 1. Level of formal education
Education level
23 %
30 %
47 %
100 %
(source: processed data, 2020)
Tabel 2. Perilaku dalam Menjaga Lingkungan
Very Caring 47%
Caring 30%
Don't care 15%
Don't Care 0.7%
Very Caring 47%
100 %
(source: processed data, 2020)
The results of the first hypothesis test indicate that there is a relationship
between the level of education and the behavior of maintaining environmental hygiene.
Changes or changes related to environmental problems with various levels of education.
Paying attention to the impact between the education level variables paying attention to
the environment with the behavior of maintaining environmental cleanliness
The concept of environmental health is a science and art that aims to achieve a
balance between the environment and humans, to achieve clean, healthy, comfortable,
and safe conditions, and avoid various diseases.
According to Law Number 32 the Year 2009, what is meant by the environment
is the spatial unity of all objects, state power, living things including humans, and
actions that affect the natural environment itself, survival, and welfare to be human and
If you look at the results of the research conducted, it is clear that a high
understanding of environmental protection will tend to influence the behavior of
maintaining environmental hygiene. Therefore, it is natural that there is a positive and
important relationship between knowledge of environmental protection and the behavior
of maintaining environmental hygiene. Therefore, it can be said that the higher the
knowledge about environmental protection, the higher the behavior of maintaining
environmental cleanliness.
E. The Relationship Between Attitudes of Concern for the Environment and
Behavior in Environmental Conservation
Based on the results of the second hypothesis test, there is a positive and
significant relationship between the environmental care attitude variable and the
behavior of maintaining environmental cleanliness. It can be said that the dependent
variable has changed or changed, and the behavior of maintaining a clean environment
is indeed influenced by changes in environmental care attitudes, and environmental
protection behavior is also influenced by other factors besides attitudes.
Herlina Fridayati
Relationship on education level and environmental attitude with tourist
behavior in Kebun Teh Kabawetan 165
By looking at the results of the research that has been completed, it is clear that
the higher the attitude of protecting the environment, the higher the behavior of
maintaining environmental cleanliness.
F. The relationship between the level of education and concern for the environment
with behavior in environmental preservation
Based on the third hypothesis test, there is a positive and significant relationship
between the two independent variables at the level of education and the attitude variable
of environmental concern for behavior in maintaining environmental cleanliness. This
healthy behavior is influenced by two independent variables. The degree of influence
between environmental protection knowledge variables and environmental protection
attitudes as well as the influence of environmental protection behavior variables is
shown at 0.787. This figure means that the strength of the relationship between the
variable level of education and attention to the environment can be said to be very
strong. This behavior has a behavioral variable, namely maintaining environmental
cleanliness. Therefore, it can be explained that the higher the level of education of
tourists about environmental problems and the attitudes of tourists in environmental
protection, the higher the behavior of tourists in maintaining cleanliness.
Variable Level of Education (X) and Attitude of Concern for the Environment
(Y) Participation in environmental preservation is the participation of the community as
well as being active in the form of thoughts, willingness, and actions in environmental
care or preservation programs.
Table 3. Instruments of Environmental Preservation Attitude Variable
Table 4. Instruments of Environmental Preservation Attitude Variable
Parked the vehicle according to the rules
Parking anywhere
Based on the data obtained from variables X and Y, it can be calculated:
rxy :
rxy :
rxy :
rxy :
rxy :  
Vol 1, No 4, April -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
166 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Based on the results of the above calculation, the value of r-count is 0.787, so
there is a relationship between variable X: Knowledge of environmental preservation
and environmental preservation attitudes (Y) with high interpretation.
Table 5. Interpretation of the value of r
The value of r
Very Low
Not strong
Less Strong
Strong enough
Very High
Very strong
Based on the results of the study, several conclusions can be drawn about the
relationship between the level of education of tourists in Kapahiang Regency, Bangaru
Province with attitudes towards the environment, namely: there is a positive relationship
between the level of education and their behavior in maintaining environmental
cleanliness. This means that the higher the level of education, the higher the behavior of
maintaining a clean environment. There is a positive relationship between the attitude of
paying attention to the environment and the behavior of maintaining a clean
environment. The higher the attitude of protecting the environment, the higher the
behavior of maintaining a clean environment. There is a positive relationship between
the level of education and their behavior in maintaining a clean environment. Therefore,
the higher the level of education and attitudes towards environmental protection, the
higher the behavior of maintaining environmental cleanliness.
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